PRC China's ZKTeco "USA" Deceives

Published Aug 30, 2022 12:22 PM

ZKTeco USA is escalating its marketing of being a USA company while systematically omitting mention of China.

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However, ZKTeco USA is a subsidiary of ZKTeco China, a PRC company subject to PRC laws. Indeed, ZKTeco went public in China recently.

ZKTeco became well known during the pandemic for recklessly marketing fever detection products, e.g. ZKTeco SpeedFace+ Are Medical Devices, Per FDA Definition, Contrary Claims Are False.

In this post, IPVM examines ZKTeco USA's marketing and ZKTeco's actual ownership.

ZKTeco *** "*****" ****: ** ******* ** *****

****** ***'* ***** ************ **** "****** *** ** * globally ******** **********" **** ** **, in ****, * ***** ********** ** China's ******. *** ***** **** ***** no ******* ** ***** *** ********** an ******* **, ** *********** *****:

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**** *** **** ********* ******** ** ADI ******* "****** ***" **** *** same ********:

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*** ****** *** ******* ***** ** mention ** ***** ** *** ****** for* **** **** ***** *******:

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*** ***** ******* ********** ****** **** "ZKTeco *** ** * ******-***** ********** of ****** **. ***. ***** ** Dongguan, *****":

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ZKTeco ***, *** ** * ********** ** ****** *****

******'**** *********** **** ****** *** ** * subsidiary ** ****** *****, ******** *** technically "****** *****" ** ****** ***'* own ***** ******* ******. ****** *** is **% ***** ** ****** **********, Inc. **** *** **** ** *** firm **% ***** ******** *****(********* ** ****** ***) *** **% owned ********** "*****" ****(*** ** ****** ***):

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****** **********, ***. ** ***% ***** by ****** **** ****, * ********** wholly-owned ** ****** *****. ****** **********, Inc. ** ****** *****'* **** ********* entity ** *** ****** ******, **** the **********. *** ******** (**** ***), the *** ** ****** *****, ** listed ** *** *** ** ****** Investment, ***.

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****** **** ****** ** ************ **** ****** ******* **** $*** million ***:

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ZKTeco ** ***** "** ******** ***** ********" *** ** "*****"

******'* ****** ******** ********** **** *********** ** ********** that ****** *** ** ****** ** the "** ******** ***** ********":

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*******, ****** ****** **** *** ******* that ****** *** ** * *** China ******* *** **** ******** ***** incidentally ** *** ** *** ********* of *** *&* *******. **** *********** leads ******'* "****** **** ***" ******* to **** ** **** **** ****** is ********:

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Subject ** *** ****

** * *** ***** ******* ****** is******* ** *** ****, ********* *** ******* ** *** National ************ *** **** ***** *** company "***** *******, ******, *** ********* with ******** ************" [******* *]:

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Risk ** ******* *** / *** / **** *******

** ********* *** *** ********* *** misleadingly *********** ***** * *** *******, this **** ******* *** ********* ** risk ** ******* *** ******* **** not **** *** ******** ** ******* restrictions **** *** *** *** *** are ******* ** ********* **** *** other *******.

***** ****** *** *** **** ******* to *** ******** ************ ** **** (such ** *** **** ** *** action), ******'* *********, ********* *** *** in *** ***, ***** ******** ******** and ********* ** *** *** ****** which *** ************ **** ********** ******* even ****** *** ******** ******** ********.

ZKTeco ** ********

******/ ****** *** *** *** ******* to **** ***** **** ********* ******** and ********* *** ********* / ******* within *** ***.

Comments (10)
John Honovich
Aug 30, 2022

* *** ***** ***, * *** a ****** ******* ************ **** ****** "USA" *** ***** ****. *** **** did ** **** **** ****** *** was * *****-***** *******, *** ** also ***** ** ******** ** **** ZKTeco "***" *** * *******.

*** **** ** *** ******** *** that ****** "***" *** ********** ** the *** ** **** **** ** a *** *******. * ***** ** explain **** **** *** * ****** of *********, *** ******, *** *******. For *******, ****** *** **** ****** Japan ** ****** ** *** **** does *** **** ****** **** ***** a *** *******.

****** ****** ****** *** ********** ****** who ** ** *** *** ******** it.

******* ******* ******* ****'* ********* **************:

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Undisclosed #1
Aug 30, 2022

Actual ************ ******* ****** ** ***** ************ *** ***** ****:

** *****, **** ***** ***** *****. Now, **** ******* ***'** **********, ** the ****** ** *** *****, ********** by **** ****** *********.


**** *** *** ***. * ***** that's ***** **** *** ****** ****.

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John Honovich
Aug 30, 2022

*** *******, ***** * *** ********* where **** **** ****, *** ***** clip *****:

Brian Karas
Aug 30, 2022
Pelican Zero

***** ** ** *** * ***% correlation, *** **** * *** * company **** ** *** ****** ** [NAME] [*******], ** ******* ******** ** that [****] *** **** *** ********* actual **** ** [*******] *** *** real ********** ** ***** *** ***** of *** ************ *** ******* ** some ***** *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 30, 2022

**** ** *** **** **** **** this *****? ** ***** **** **** fair ** **** **** ********** **** the ****** ******** ******** ** *** Tier * *** * ************* .. I've ***** ******** ** ********* **** Speco, ****-****, *** **** ****** *** similar ** **** *** *** ****** about *********? ***** ***** ***** ** many ******* *** ********** **** *** in *** ******** ******* ** *** sell ***** ***, ** ** ** a ******** ***** *** *** **** should *** ** ******* ** *** target.

******** ******* *******, ************* *** ***** monitoring *********, ******** ******* *******, **** processing ********* *** ******* ******* .. on *** ** .....

* ******* ********* (**** **** *'** observed) ** ****** ** ******** ********** from ***** ********** **** ***** *** all *** ******* ******* *** *** all ** **** *** *********** *********. I **** ***** **** **** **** working ** ****** **** ********** *** assembly ** **** ******** ** ****** the *******, ** ******** ***/** ** India *** *******. **** *** ********* NDAA-compliant ******* ***.

* ***** **** ***** *** ****-**** security ********** **** ******** **** ** controlled **** * ************* ********** ** the ***, ******, ***., *** **** topic ** *** **** ******* **** just ****** *** ******** ******* ******.

** * ********* *****, ** ***** some ********* ******* ******** ****** *** US ********** **** ******** ****-***** ******* of ********** ******** ******** **** *** U.S. **** ***** *******'* ***? *'** often ******** **** ***** *** **** I *** ******* * ***** **** with * ************ (** * ******) and * ****** ** ******* **** by **** ****** **** *** ***** if **** ***** *** * *** of *** ***** ***** ********* ** the *****. ** ********* ***** ***** and ******* ***********, ** ******* **** they *** ** ********* ** ***** these ******** *** * ****** **** but **** **** ********** ** ******* them *****. * ***** ***** **** type ** ******** ***** **** ***** for ******** ***** ******** **** *** U.S. **** *** ********/**********/******** ****** ******* applications ...

John Honovich
Aug 30, 2022

** ***** **** **** **** ** take **** ********** **** *** ****** security ******** ** *** **** * and * ************* .. *'** ***** wondered ** ********* **** *****, ****-****, and **** ****** *** ******* ** what *** *** ****** ***** *********?

******, *** **'** **** ******* ****** on ***** ***** ** ********* ** well.

*** / ***** ***** *** **** To **** *****-**** *******

***** ******* ********* *** **********

********** ***** **** *****

***** *** **** * *** *** the *** ** ** ****.

**** *********, **'** ********** ******* ****** relabelling:********** *** ******** ***** *********** *** The ******

Rick Caruthers
Aug 31, 2022
Galaxy Control Systems

********* *** ********** *******, * **** that ** *** ******** ** ******* a *** *** *** ****** ** several ** *** *** *** ***** customers **** *** *** **** *********. Things ******* ***** **** ********* *** capacitors **** *** ***** *** ******** if *** *** ******** **** **** China *** *********** ***** **** **********, embedded ***, ***** *** ****** **** get *** ** ******* ** **** are ****** **** *****. ** ** impossible ** ******* ***** ******* ********** these **** **** *** ******* *********.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Aug 30, 2022

**** ** *** ** *** **** blatant *** ******* ********** ****************** **** a *** *******. ** ****** *** be * ******** **** * ******* that ********* * ******** ** ******* extremely ********* ******** **** *** *** perform ** ********.

**** *** ************* *** **** ********* as ** ********* ** ******, *** it ** **********. ** **** *** guaranty ***** ******** *** ****, **** that *** ************ ** ********** **** in *** ******* *** *** ** the **** ****** ****.

**** *** ** ********* **********. ** simply ********** ** ********** ** ******** and ******** ******** ******* ** *** or ******* *** ************, ** ****** a ********* ‘*** *******’ **** *** exact **** ******** *** ********* **** resulted ** *** *******, ** ** marketed ** * *********.

** ** ********** ****** *** *****************. In **** **** *******, ** **** presents * ********* ********* ******** ** Vendors, ** ** *** ***** **** to *************** ***** ***** ********* ***** at ****.

** *** **** ** ******, ***** claiming ** ** * ** ******* may *********** ****** **** ** ***** recourse ** ** ****** ** ***** vendors *** *** *****.

***** ***** ** ****************** **** ****** us ** ***** * ******* ******* which ******** *** *********** ****** **** products ** ********** *********** ** ***** or **** *** ******* ***** ** controlled ************. **** ** ********** ** the ******* ** ***** ************* ** located. (*** *** **** ***** ************* to ***** ********* ** * ********** for ****)

** * ********* ******* ** **** been ********** ** ******* ******* ********** from ******** ************* **** *** ******** and ********** **** ** ***** ******** originate ** ***** ******* ** **** a ********* ****** ******. *** ******* focus ** ** ******* ******* **********, and *** ******* ********* ********** ** QR **** ****** ********* ** ** option, ****** ********** **** *** ******* may ** ********.

** ***** *** ****** ******* ** our ******* ******* ***** ******* * HikVision *** ******* **** ******* ********* of *** ** ********** ******* ** the *** ******* ********.

*** ******* ** ********** *** **** although *** ******* *** ****** ******** in *** *** ************* ********, ** were ***** **** ** ******** *** serial ****** ** ***’* ******* *** view *** ****** ***** * ********* APP.

* *** ******** ** * ********* reported ** **** **** **** **** one ** ***’* *** *****. **** challenged ** *** ******* ** ******* security, ** ******* ******** ********* **** HIK ***** **** ** ****** ********. He **** ******* ********* **** *** security ** ** *** ****’* ******** is *** ****** *** ************** ** the *** ****. ***** ******* ‘***** beware’.

** *** ***** *** **** ** find ******* **** *** ******* ***** the ******** ** ***** ******** *** transparent ***** ******** ** **********. ** also **** ** **** *** ********* understand *** ******** ** ****, *** why ** ** *********.

****’* ********* *** **** * ********** tool ** ******* ** **** ** course.

John Honovich
Sep 07, 2022

* *** ******* ** ****** "***" deception, ******** **** ******* ***** ********:

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*** ******** **** ***** ** ******* of *****, ******* *********** ****** "***".

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Sep 08, 2022

**** ******* ********** *** ********** ** distancing ********** **** *** ******* ***** country ** ******.

***** ****** *********.

** ********** ** ***** *****************, **** might ********** ** ***** ******* *********** providing ***** ********* * ******* ** service ** ***** **** *** *************** or ******* *******.

****, ***** **. ******** ********, * realize **** ************* ****** *** * USA ************ *******, * ****'* **** those ** ********* ******* ** ********* for *** **** ************ ** * PRC *******. ***** ********** *** **** fact. **** ** ** *** * problem.

** ***** * *********?

** *** **** ** ****** * new ***** ** ****** *** **** component *** ********* ******* ******* ** origin.