Velcro vs Zip Ties for Network Cable Tested

Published Jan 13, 2022 14:42 PM

Zip ties have long been used for cable management. However, over the last decade, the use of Velcro, as an alternative, has expanded but Velcro is significantly more expensive than zip ties (~5x as much). How does this choice impact the potential performance of cables used?

IPVM Image

IPVM tested cables strapped with zip ties and Velcro, using a Fluke DSX-8000 certifier, to determine what, if any, differences in performance existed, including:

  • Scenario test results
  • Twist Rate impact
  • Effects on video surveillance
  • Certification results
  • Cable manufacturer responses
  • BICSI information

Executive *******

********** ** *** ****** ** ******** to *******, ******* *********** *** *** impacted ** *** *******. *******, *** ties ******** *********** **** **** **** overtightened ** ******* *** **** ***** when **** **** ************* **** ******** to ***** ******** (********, ******** *****, etc.).

***** *** ****, ** **** ** they *** ******** *******, ****** *** have ** ****** ** ***** ***********. Plus, **** ******** ******* ** ******** costs.

*******, ***** ****** ********** *** **** of ************* **************, *** ** ** reusable.

******* ****** **** ******* *****, ***** obviously *********, ******** *********** **** **** zip **** *** ******, *** *** tie *********** *** *** *****. ********* with ****** ****** **** ********** ********, while *** **** ****** *************.

Flattened ******* **** **** *** **** ***** ***** *************

***** ** ** *** ********* ********** cable, **** ** ********* **** ******* in *** *****.

** ***** *** ***' **** ** cable, ****** ** **** ** ** into * ******* ****, **** ********* it. ** *** ***** ** ******* Velcro ****** *** ** *** ***** we ******* *** ****. ** **** cases, *** ***** ****** ***** ****** white ** *** ****** ******, *******, the *** **** **** **** ** tighten ****** *** ***** **** **** than *** ******. *** *** ****** are ***** *****, *** **** ****** strapping ** *** *** *** ***** below **** *** ****.

IPVM Image

*** *** **** **** **** ** crush ******* **** ********** ****** *** jacket ****** ** ***** *** ***** to **** ************* *******.

IPVM Image

****** ** * ********* ***** ********* which ** **** *** ************* *** installing ****** *** * *****. *******, that **** ***** ** **** ****** the *** **** ** ***** **** on *** ***** *** ****** *** twists.

IPVM Image

*** ****** *** ***** ***** ****** is *** ** *** *********** ** the ***** **** *** *** ***** being ** ******* **** **** **** (and ** ****) **** ***** *** line ***** *** *** * *********. The ******** *****, **** * *********** twist ****, ** **** ******* ** staving *** ********* ******* *****. *** headroom ** -*.*** ***** *** ****/**** line. ** *** ******* ***** ** the *****, *** *** **** ********** the ******* ********** ***** *** ****-*** crosstalk. *** ***** ***** ********* *** measured ****-*** ********* ****** ** **** pair ** *** *****.

IPVM Image

*** **** ***** ** *** ***** shows *** ****-*** ********* ******* ** the **** ***** ****** ******** * flat ******* **** **** ***** *** ties. *** ******** ** **** ***** the **** ***** *** *** ************* cable, +*.* **. **** **** *** performed *********** ***** *** ***** *** terminated *** ****** *** ***** ****** were ********. *** ***** ******* *** line (*** ********* ********* *****) *** the ******* ***** ***** (***** ***********) represents *** ********.

Flattened ******* **** **** ****** ******* ********

** *** **** ******** ******** *****, folding *** ******* **** ****, ** also ****** **** ****** ****** ******** the *****. *** ******** ** ************* reduced (*.* ** ** *.* **), but *** ***** ****** *************, ** shown *****.

IPVM Image

Velcro & ***** ******* *** ****: ** ******

** ********* *** ****** **** ** this **** ****** ****** *** ***** strapping ** ******* ********* ** *** a ******** ***** ** ********, ****, and ***** *******.

**** ** ****** ****** **** ******* to *** ***** ****** **** * cables *** **** ******* **** ** cables. **** ****** *** ******* *** 50 *****-******* *** **** **** ***** to *** *****. *** ****** **** certified *** ****** ** **** **** interval *** ***** **** ** *********** in *********** ** ************* **** ******* across *** ** ***** *********.

Tight *** **** *****: ******* **********

** *** *******, ******** *** **** tightly ** ******** ********* ****** *** not **** * *********** ****** ** test *******. **** *** ** **** for ***** ******* ** *****, ***** bundles ** *****, *** ******* *****.

Cable *** **** ** ***** *******: ******* ***********

** ****** *** ****** ******** *** then ***-**** ** *** **** ** unistrut ** ********* ******** *****, ******** conduit, *****, ** ***** ********* **** an ********* *** ****** **. ***** was * ******* ********** ** *********** when ***** ******, *******, ***** *** moderate ***** ** *********** **** ***** zip ****.

*** ***** *** ********** ****** ******* cable ****** *** ******** *.* ** headroom. ***** ***** ***-**** ** *** edge ** ******** *** ***** *********** was ******* ** *.* **.

IPVM Image

Twist **** *********

***** **** ** *** ** ********* design, *** ****** ** ********** ******* to ****** *** ********* *********** ** a *****. *** ****** *** ******** to ******** ******** **** ******* ****** strength **** ********* ******* *****.

*** ***** ***** ***** * *** 6 ***** **** *** ****** ******* to **** *** ********** ** ***** rate ******* *****. *** ****** **** has ***** ***** *** ***** **** compared ** *** **** ****.

IPVM Image

Effects ** ***** ************

** ********* *** ******* ***** ***** failed ************* ** * ***** ************ camera *** *** ****** ** ** effect ** ***********.

****: **** *****'* ******* ***** ****** that **** *************. ******* ****** *** operate ********* **** **** ***** ******* certification *******, *** ****** ******* *** problem. *** ***-***** ****** ** * complete ******* ********** **** ******* **** won't **** ************* *** **** ** later ** **** ************** ****** ** difficult *** *********** ** ************. ***** issues *** ** **** *********** **** longer **** *** ** **** *********** environments.

Cable ************* *******

*** ***** ********** ** **** *******, we **** *** **** ************* ******* available *** *** ********:

IPVM Image

Cable ************ *********

** ********* ************* ** ***** ***** position **** ****** ** ************ ********** and ******** *******:


*** **** *** ********* *** **** be **** ** ****** ****** ** to *** ****** *** *****. ** are **** ** ********* ********** *************** to **** ****** **** ***** *** zip **** ***** **** *****. ****** is ********* ** ***** ** ** issues ***** ****.

***** **** ****:

*** **** **** *** ****** *** tight *** ********** ****** ***** *** there ** ** *** ***** **** Wire ***** *** ******** ** *** warranty ********* ****. **** ********** ** the ********, *** ******** ***** ** it ********** ***** **** ** ********** training.

***** **** **** **** ************* **+ *** *** **** ** their *******.

** ********* ******* ***** ************* *** will ****** **** ** **** *******.


*** ********* ************ ***** ****** ** on *** **** ** ******, *******:

*** **** *** **** ****** ** secure *** ******. *** **** *** loop ****** ****** ** ****** ****** throughout *** ******* ******. **** *** loop ****** ****** ** **** ** prevent * ****** ** *** ******** geometry ** *** ***** **** ********* results **** *** ** ***** *** wraps.

Cable ***** *****

*** **** *** ***** *** **** pressure ** *** ******* ***** *** can ****** *** ***** ** ******** the ***** ****. ******* ** ****** rings ** ****** ***** **** *******, a ***** ***** ***** *** ******** the ******** ****** * ****** ****, reducing *** **** ** ******.

*** ***** ***** ***** *** ********* zip *** ****** *** **** ****** to *** ***** *** *** ****** zip *** ********* *** ***** *** least.

IPVM Image


**** ********** ***** ****** ********* (**** and ****) *** **** *** ********* zip **** *** *******, ** *** ties **** * ******* ****** ** affecting *** ********** *********** ** ******* compared ** ******. ************, ******* ****** that **** ************* ****** *** ** used *** ***** ************ ******** **** when **** **** ** ******* ****.

**** **** **** *** ********* *** improper ********** *********** ** **** ******, such ** ******* *****, ***** *** used ** ******** ****.

Comments (42)
Dwayne Cooney
Jan 13, 2022

***** *** *** ******** *** ******. IPVM ****** **** **** ******. *********** need ** *** ****...

Eb Scroggins
Jan 13, 2022
IPVMU Certified

****** **********, *** ****, ** ** see *** **** **** *** **** zip ****, ** ****** ** *** replace **** ******, *** *** ** those ********* ******** ** ** *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 13, 2022

"** ********* *** ******* ***** ***** failed ************* ** * ***** ************ camera *** ***little ** ** ****** ** ***********."

"*** *** ** ***** ********* ******** in ** *******."

IPVM Image

Jacob Hengel
Jan 14, 2022

*** ** * *** ** *** if ***** ****** ** *****? *** cost ** ****** ****** ** * serious *********.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 15, 2022

*** ********** ******* ** ** **** "pride" *** ********** ** ** **** "practicality".

Undisclosed #2
Jan 15, 2022

*** ********** ******* ** ** **** "pride" *** ********** ** ** **** "practicality".

** *** ********** ** ** **** quality, *** *************.

Brad Peterson
Jan 16, 2022

**** **** **** ******? ******** ******** indicated *** ****** *** *** ** noticed *** **** ****...**** **** * interpreted ** ****** ** * *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 16, 2022

* *** * ***** **** *** a ****** ****** ******** **** **** years ***. **** * **** ***** as ** *** **** ***** * cable *** ******** *** **** *** the ******* *** ** **********.

Corbin Hambrick
Jan 17, 2022

...**** *** *** ** **** ****** did?

*'* ***** ** ***** ** *** 10s *** ***** ***.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 19, 2022

******* ****** *** *** ******* ******* techs * ****** **** ** *** different ******, *** *** **** ***** in ****, ** *******.***** **** ******* *****'* ***** **** paper **********, **** *** * ***.

Corbin Hambrick
Jan 20, 2022

** **** ****** **'* *** * good ******** ******* ***** ** ************ damage: ** **** ** ** *****'* hurt *** ***'* ***** **** **.

*** **** *** ** ** ***** that ***...*** * *** ********** **** it's * ********** **** ***** *** many.

Anthony Beland-Lavoie
Jan 21, 2022
IPVMU Certified

* ********** *** *** **** **** cabling ******* ** ** **** ** company ***** ** *** * ******* it's * ******** ** ***** ******** trained ** *** ******* *** *** ties *** **** **** ******* ******. In ** ***** ***** *'* **** to *** ****** *** *** **** but * ***** ** ******* ***'* justify *** ***** *** *** ****** of **** ***** ** *** ******** to */** ** */** ****** *** alarm *******. ** * *** ****** already **** ** * ***** ***, you *** ** **** * **** make *** ** ** ******.

* **** ** ***** ***'* ********* as ************* ** *************.

* **** *** **** * **** day!

Matthew Hoenig
Jan 13, 2022

** *** *** ******* *** * relatively *** **** ****** *** *****, Harbor ******* ***** ** ** *** roll, ****'* **** ** ***, **** cut ** ** ******, *** ***** when **** ***** ** *** * wide ******* ** ************. $* *** 35ft ****. **'** **** **** ******* with **.

********* **** *** *** ***-**** ****** as ****, *.** *** *** (***** used ****)

Kyle Folger
Jan 14, 2022
IPVMU Certified

**** ** ****** * ****** **********. My ******** **** *** **** ** Rip-Tie *-**-*** *****. **’* *********** *** works ****. ***** ** **** * Q ******* **** ** ***** ******* but * ****** *** ********, ******* version.

* ***** *** ** ****** **** zip ****. ********* * *** * zip *** **** ** **** **** they *** ***** *****…**** *******. *’** never *** ** ***** **** *** ties *** * ***’* ****** ** them. *’** **** ***** ****** ***** as ***** ** *** *******. * leave ** ** ***** *** ****** the **** ** * *-**** ** something *******. * **** ***** ****** but * ***’* ***** *’** **** Cat ***** ****** **** **** ** the *****. ***** **** ** ***** years ***. **’* ****** ****** ******* or **** ****** ** ******** **********.

** * ****, * **** ****** use **** *** ****. **’* **** to *** ****** *****. ** * need ** **** ********* ***** ** a **** * **** ********* **** the ****** **** **** *** **** and *** * *** *** **** that.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 15, 2022

****** ***** ****** **** ** ** added/removed, ****** *** ******.

*** ******** ***** **** *** ****** "Ty-Raps" (******** ** ****** & *****). They're **** ********* *** **** *** the **** **'** *****.

Kyle Folger
Jan 15, 2022
IPVMU Certified

****** "**-****"

***, ***** **** **** **** *** it ***** **** **** * ***** grip ** ****. * **** *** the **** **** **** ** *** something **** **********. **** *** ***** sold ** *******. **** ** *** worst **** *** *** ***** **** Home ***** ******** **, ********** ********. Every ***** *** ****** **** *********.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 16, 2022

*******, **-**** **** *** ***** ****** retaining *** ***. *** ***** **** break ****** **** ****** **** **** go.

***** ***** **** **** ***** ***** in ***-******* ************. **'** ***** *** W-Box ***** **** *** ********* ******.

Jack Pestaner
Jan 15, 2023

***% *****, ********** ** ******* *****. I ****** **** **** ** *** cheap ****** **** ****** ******* ***** a *** *****. * **** ****** on ***** ********* **** *** **'* wih **-**** *** **** *** ***** strong *** *******. *** ***** ******* brands **** ** ** *** *******

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 15, 2022

**** **** "*************" **** ** *** real ***** ******? *'* ****** ** see * **** ***** *** ******* cable *** ** ********* ***** *** subjected ** ***** *** ******* ****** tests.

Kyle Folger
Jan 15, 2022
IPVMU Certified

* ******* ************* ****** ***** **** the ***** ***** *** ************** ***** those *** ***** ** *** ****************** Industry ***********. ******* ** *** **** have * ****-***** ****** ***'* ****** the *****. ********* **** **** ***********. There *** *** **** ******** * see **** ***'* ****** *** *********. Do **** *** ****? ***, **** of **** **. ***** * **** those **** ** **** **** ** work ** ** *****? **** **.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 16, 2022

******* ** *** **** **** * real-world ****** ***'* ****** *** *****.

** **** ********* **. ** * "standard" *** ** ****-***** ******, ** is *********** *** **** ** *******. That's *** *** *** ** **** installations **** ***** **** *** ******* that *** ******* ***** *** *******.

** *** ** ***** ** ********** in ***** **** *** ***** **** both ****/*** *** **, *** **** have * **** ***** **** * cable *** *** *** ***** ** an **********. ****. **** ****** ***** of * ***** *********** **** ******* accidentally *** ******* **********, *** *** connectors.

Undisclosed #3
Jan 17, 2022

"** *** ** ***** ** ********** in ***** **** *** ***** **** both ****/*** *** **, *** **** have * **** ***** **** * cable *** *** *** ***** ** an **********. ****."

**** *** **** **. *** ****** of **** **** *** ***** **** clearly *** ******** ********** ** * UTP ***** ********** ******** ***********. *** connected ***** ** ***** ** *** TIA-568 ********. ** ** ******* ************ doesn't ****** **** ***-*** *** ***'* be ********* ** *** ******** **** performance, ** ** *** * ******* installation. * *** **** *** *****?

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 17, 2022

***, ******, *****. **** ** ********* of ******** *** ****'** *** ******* because ** ***** ****. **** ** a *****.

John Scanlan
Jan 18, 2022
IPVM • IPVMU Certified

********* ****** *** *** ** ******* for *** *** *********** *** ****-**** sustainability. ************* ******** ****** *********** ** meet ***** *****, ** **** **** TIA ******** * ***** *************.

***** *** ******* ***** ** **** test *** ****** ** **** *** certification, *** ***** **** * **** stream **** ** ** ****** ***** can ** ***** ********/*********** ** ***********.

*'* ****** ** *** * **** where *** ******* ***** *** ** undamaged ***** *** ********* ** ***** and ******* ****** *****.

* **** * ********* ** **** the ********* **********. *** ********* ***** was **** ** ******* ** ** Gbps, *******, *** *** *** ******* cable ****** *** ** **** **** and ***** **** ******* * * Gbps ****. *** ********* ******* *** below:

IPVM Image

* **** *** * **** **** with * ****** ********* ** *** end ** *** ***' *****. *** results **** *** **** ** **** cables. ******* ******* ******* *** *** response ***** **** *** ****:

  • ** ***** = * ** ******** time
  • **,*** ***** = *** ******** ****
  • **,*** ***** = **** ******** ****
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 19, 2022

****** ****, **** ** ********** **** useful **** ** ************ *** ****/**** and *******.

* ***** **'* ****** ******* *** telling **** **** * ******* ***** could "****" **** ************ ****** **** ******* ******* *** the **** *******. *** **** ***** matter ** **'* ******* ** * backbone *** **** ******** *** **** amount ** ******* ** * ******* basis, *** **** **** **** ***** us ** ** ***'** ********** ** to * ********-* ****** ** ****** (which ********* ******* *** *** ******** of ************* *********) ***** **** **NO impact on performance whatsoever.

** ***** **'* **** ** *** that ******** ************ ** ** ******** cable ** ****** *** ****** ** a ********** ***, *** **** ************ demonstrated **** ** ** ******** ** this ***** ** * ******* ******. Much ** *** ******* ** ** desk ******* *** **** ***** *** a **** ** ***** ****, ** doubt.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Jan 19, 2022

* **** **** ** ************* *** people ********** **** ******* ****'** *** "zero... **********" ************ ** * *** tie. **, ****, *** *** **** can ***** ** ********** **** ** measurable *** ************ ****. **** * will ****** ** * ********* **** they **** *** **************** **** ****** ******* ** *** ties. *** *** **** ** ********** that ** **** *** ****** ** be ********** ** ** ********** ********. *** ******* **.*% ** ********* are *** ***** ** **** *** their ****** *** **** ** ******** specification ** ***********. ***'* **** ** as * ******** ******, ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 19, 2022

** ***** ** **** ****** ** not **** ****** ********** ** *** didn't *** ******** ** **** ** frequently **** **** ******, ****** **** character ******** **** ***** ***** ****. Everyone ******* **** ** ********* ******** post **** **** ***** **** *** work ** ****** **.

*** ***, * *** ***** **** your *********.

Kyle Folger
Jan 20, 2022
IPVMU Certified

*'* *** **** **** ****** ** personally ********* ******* **** *** *** of *** ****. *'* ***. * still *** ****. *******, **** ***** people **** **** ** ******* ***** on **** **** **** **** ** the **** **** *** **** *** ties ** *** ********* ****** ***** they *** ********* *****. **** * see ********* **** **** ***** *** cable ** ******** ** *** ********* pipe ** *** ***** ****, * don't **** ** *****'* ****. * do ***** ** ********* ***** ***.

****** * **** *** **** ** I *** * ****** ** ****** installed *********** *** * **** ** run *** ** *** ****, *'* not ****** ******** ** **** *** cables **** *** ****** **** *** working ****** ******* *** ******** ** not ***** ** *** *** ****** just ******* *** ****** **** *****.

** * ** *** *** **** and *'* ********* *** ****** ** an ******** ******, * **** ****** the ****** ** ******** *** **** because **** ********* ***** ***.

I **** ********** ***** *** * *** *** ** *** ***** ** ********* *** *******. I personally believe a lot of the installation has to do with the overall professional look of the installation. I think a greater issue than if you use zip ties or hook and loop wrap is if you label both ends of the cable. That is the biggest complaint that I have and see it often.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 20, 2022

********** * **** ***** **** *** staples **** ************* **** *******, *** in **** ***** **** **** * disaster ****** * *** *****. ***** velcro ** * ****** ***** ** a ******* ********* ** * ****** or ******* ** *** ********* **********. It **** ***** ** *****, ** will ***, *** *** **** ** the ***** **** **** ******* ****** it **** **** ****. ******* **** it ***** *** ***, **** ****** it ** ** ****** *** **'** already **** **** ******* ****'* ***** to ****** *** ******* ** ** its ***.

** *'* ******** * ****** **** with ** ****** **** ********* *'* not ***** ***** **** ** *******, I ***'* ***** ****** **. *** sorts ** ***** **** ***** ** doing *** **** ***** **** ****** is *********** *** ********** *** ***** work ***** ******* *** ***** **** are ***********, *** **** *****. ******* there *** * *** ** **.

Kyle Folger
Jan 20, 2022
IPVMU Certified

********** * **** ***** **** *** staples **** ************* **** *******

** *** ******** *** *********, ***** you **** * ******* ********* **** yes, ******/*** *** *** ** *****. I **** ******* **** *** **** with ******* *** *** **** ** make **** ***** ***. ***** * have * **** ** *** **** with * ******* **** ***** ***** a **** ******* ** ** * j-hook ** ***** ****. **'* **** rare **** *'* ******* **** * plywood ********* *******. *** ********* ** this ** ** ** **** * small **** ***** ***** ***** **** a ***** ****-******* ******.

** * ***** ****, * **** use *** *** ****** **** *** hook *** **** ********** *** ***** where ***** ****'* *****-** ********** ******.

Corbin Hambrick
Jan 17, 2022

****** ***%. ** ***'* **** ***** zip-ties...well ** **** ******** ** ******** a **** ** **** ** **** he ***** **** *** ********* ***** than ***** *******.

** **** *** * ***** **** needed **** **-****. ***** ******* *** the **** *** **** *** ***** of *** ***** **** **** *** hardly ******* ** *** ** *******, and ** ***** *** **** *** from *******.

Norm Lanum
Jan 17, 2022
IPVMU Certified

* **** **** ** **** *** over ** *****. *'** **** *** damage **** **** ********* ***-****. * always ******* "******" ***** **** & loop ********* *** ******** *** *** of ***-****. * **** **** * contractor ****** *** ****** *** ****** if * *** **** ** * punch ****.

Corbin Hambrick
Jan 17, 2022

****, **** ***** ** *** ***** spot ** ***.

*** *** *** **** ********* **** finding *** ** ***** ** * documented **** *** ************* ** ** the ****** ** ***** ** **** pair ** ***** ******? * **** that ****** ************ ****** ************* *** orange *** ***** **** **** ** have *** ******** ****** **** ****** being ******** ****, *** **** *** green *** **** **** **** * lot **** ***** **** ***** ****** slightly ****.

***** ******* **** **** ****** ***** 568A ** ****, *'** ******* **** and ***** **** ** **** **** insight.

Justin Franck
Jan 17, 2022

* **** **** *** *** ******** to **** *** *** **** ************ seeming ** ** *** ***** **** fall ***** **** **** *** *** brand *****'* **** ** ****** ** it's ** *** ***.

*** ********** **** ****** *** **** the **** ***** *** ******* *** the ***** ******** ***** * ****** of **** **** ** *** ******** by *** *** *** ** **** moisture ******** *** ***** ***** *** be ******** **** ****** **** ***'* have ********.

** ** ** ***** * ***** prefer ** ** **** ******* ***** black *** **** *** *** ********* on ******** ******* ** ****** *** but ***** **** ***** ** ** removed ** **** *** ****** *** sometimes ****** ** ** * ******* board *** *** ** ** * loop ** ******* **** ***** *** if *** **** ********* ***** *** have ** **** ** * *** of ***** **** * ******* **** cut ** *** ***** * *** end ** ******* ** ***** **** they *** ** *** *******. **** my *** *****.

Carl Kristoffersen
Jan 17, 2022

********* ** *** ******* ******* *****. Did *** ********* **** ******* *** ties? *** *** ********* *** **** closer ** *** ****? *** *** purposely ***** *** *** ***** **** than *** ****** *****?

Carl Kristoffersen
Jan 17, 2022

** *** ***** **** ** ***, most **********, * ***** ********* *** velcro ******* **'* "******" *** "*****" for ***** **** **** *** **** service **** ******. :-)*'** ******** ** use **** ******* ****'* **** * like *** * **** ***** *** wire *********** *********** ******.

Tom Allen
Jan 17, 2022
IPVMU Certified

**** ** **** ******?

IPVM Image

Corbin Hambrick
Jan 17, 2022

**!!! ***???

*** *** **** **** ******* *** work **** ** *******. *** ***** have *** **** **** **** ** be *** **** ***** *** ******* and ***** **** ** **** *** the ******.

* ***'* *** **.

Luis Carmona
Jan 17, 2022
Geutebruck USA • IPVMU Certified

***** **** ******* * **** **** suspenders.

Tom Allen
Jan 17, 2022
IPVMU Certified

***, ***** ** ** *** ********, thought ** *** *****.

********* *******, ** * *** ** doing *** **** **** **** *** over ******* * *** ***. ** you *** ******* *** *****'* **** what **** *** *****.. *** ******. It's "*****" *** ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Jan 24, 2022

******/****-***-**** ****. ***** ** * ******* place ** **** *** ***** ***** zip ****, ********** ** **** ***'* manage ** **** ** ***** *** leave * ***** ****.

James Mifsud
May 10, 2024
Atlas Technologies Australia

************, ******* ****** **** **** ************* should *** ** **** *** ***** surveillance ******** **** **** **** **** to ******* ****.

***’* ****** **** ******, ************ ****** and ****** **** *** ** ********** to *** ******,