ZeroEyes Raises $23 Million, CEO Interview

Published Sep 01, 2023 13:16 PM

Citing the "surging U.S. Gun-Related Violence Epidemic", Zeroeyes is touting significant growth and now raising $23 million. Why did the company raise this round, and what is the outlook for ZeroEyes?

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IPVM interviewed ZeroEyes' CEO, Mike Lahiff, and examined the company's fundraising, growth, and plans for the future.

$23 ******* ******

** ****** **, ****, ********** ********* ** ****** $** ********* *** ****** *********** *****. **** round ** *** ******* *** *** company (*** ******** ***** *** $** million) *** ****** *** ***** ****** raised ** ******** **** $** *******, as *** *** ****** ********* ** IPVM.

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Managing *** ******

*** *******, ****** ***% ****** **** over ****, **** **** **** *** expansion ***** *** *****:

*****'* **** * *** ** *********** in ***** ** **, *** **'** been ******* **** ****. ***you **** ** ****** **** ****** ** *** ****** ***'* **** *** *** ***. Everyone wants to grow, grow, grow, but you don't want to do it at the detriment of the company and reputation and culture

** ** **** ****,we *** **** ***** ************* ** ****** ** *** ******* full knowing that it was going to like decrease some runway, but it was time to lean into it [emphasis added]

****** **** **** *****, *** ******* realized **** ***** *** ** * "turbulent ****" *** ***********, ***** ** why ******** ****** ** ***** ******** and *** **** "*******-***" ***** **** Octave ******** - * ** **** that **** **** ** ********' ******** round. *********** ****** $** *******. ****** *** **** ********* ** before ** * ******** ****, ** these ***** *** *********** ******** **** on **** **********, *****, *********, ********* a ****** ****** ** *******.

$15-20 ******* *** **********

******** **** **** **** ********** *** number ** ******* ** *** **** year ** ***** "***/***-*** **** ** thousands" ** ******** *******. **** ********* the *******'* ******* *** **** ** be ** *** ***** ** $**-** million (~$**-**/******/***** ** ~**,*** *******). ******, the *** ****** **** **** *** "close" ** $** ******* *** *** not ******* *** ***** *******.

*******, *** ******* **** **** **** have ******** ** ********* ** ** states *** ********* ** ********* ****** its ******** ****.

Hundreds ** ******** ********* **********

** ******** *** *******'* ********* ** $100+ *******, ***** *** **** ****** rate *** ********* ***. *** **** headwind ******* ********* ** *** ********* depressed **** ****** **********.

"At * ******* ********" ** ****

***** ******* ***% ** **** *** having *** ****** ** *** ******** year (****** **** * **** ****), the ******* ******* ** ** ***** double ** ****, ** ********' *** said:

We're ********* * ******* ****** [******** ** ***] **** ****, given what we already have in a pipeline and how things have shaped up over the last two years. We're getting a lot more predictability in the business, which is nice. It's * **** ***** ** ** ** ** ** *** *** ********* ** * ******* ******** **** ****. [emphasis added]

Doubling *** ****** *********, ******* *** ***** ****

******* *** *******'* ***** *** ********* team *** ********* ********' ****** ********* are *** *********** **** *** ******* made ** **** ****, ***** ********** led ** **** *****:

**** [*********** **** ****] **a ***** *** ********* ******** ***** for our company. There are just more opportunities for us to lean into it, particularly in the education space. And then also we had to make investments internally. Growth ** *****, *** *** **** **** ******, *** *** **** **** *****. So, we are in the process of doubling *** ********* ** *** ****** ** *** ************ *** *** ********** ****** to help support the cameras that we're getting on our platform [emphasis added]

******** **** **** **** ***** ********* is ** ~*** *********, ~** ** which *** ** *****. *** *******, in **** ****, **** ** **** spoke **** *** *******, **** *** "80+"

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*** *******'* ** ********* ** ***** are ~**% ** *** *********, ***** is ** *** ***** *** *** tech ********* - *** *******, ********* has **%, ***** *** *** **%, and **** *** **%.

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75-80% ** ***** *** *******

***** *** *******'* ***** ** ******* employee ******* *** ** *** ***** end, "**-**%" ** *******'* ***** *** inbound, ** *** *** ****** **** us.

*** ******* **** ***** **** **** they **** * ******** ** * given ********, *** ******** ** **** area ** "*****" ** ****** ***** their *********** **** *********** **********, *******, etc:

** **** * ****** ** **** one ****, *** **** ********* ****** nine ******, ** ***** ****viral ****** **** *** ****. It's pretty wild. Once people see our platform, they share it with other people, their peers, and they go through testing ... All that helps, and then *** *** **** **** ** ****** ***** ****** *** ** **. [emphasis added]

******* ** "******* *********," ***** ***** adoption ***** ** ***** ********* *** often *** ** *** ******** ********* (e.g., ****** ******** * *** * shooting, *** **** ********* "******* *********" or * *****-***** ********, *** *** neighboring ******** * ** ***** *** same, ***.).

R&D **********

***** **** *** ********** ** ******, the ******* **** *********** * *********** part ** *** ***** **** *&* for ********** ************ ** ***** *******:

We ****** **** ******* **** *** *&*... We're constantly reworking it and pushing out new versions with a feedback loop from our customers and what else we're seeing in the market. And so yeah, you always have to stay on top of that, and ****'* * *** **** ** ***** **** ******* ****. [emphasis added]

************, *** *** ****** **** **** that ***** *** *********** ** ***** R&D *** ******** ********* **** ******** products *** *** ***** *** * new ********, *** *** *** ********* on **** ***** ********* ***.

Building *******

*** ******** ** ******** *** ******* patterns *** ********** *** ****** ** channel *****, ***** ********* **** "**** minimal ************" ** ********' *****. *** CEO ****** **** **** *** ******* is *** ****** *** ****** ******** difficulties **** *******, *********, ***., ***** they *** ** *** **** *** are *** ***** ** **** ** the *******:

** ** ******* ** ** [******* sales] ****** ** *** **** * little *** **** ****** *** **** in * ****.But *** ******* ** **** *** *****, **** ** *****'* ***** *** **** ***. So we had to figure out our own stuff internally - ease of installation, how soon we can get people up everything from pricing to contracts, all that stuff that comes with being a new company. We **** **'** *** **** ****** *** *** *** ***** ** **** **** [*******] **. [emphasis added]

***** ********' ****** **** *** ************ of *** ***** ** ******* ************* to **** ******** (** ** ********* in ****** ** ********* ******), *** ******* ********** **** *********** "are *** ***** ****" *** ***** existing ************* **** ********* *** ********* for ********** *****, ** *** *** Lahiff ****:

* ***** ** **** *** **** of **** [************* ******* ******], ***security *********** ****'* ***** ****. They're always going to be there. Sobuilding *** ***** ************* *** ******* **** **** ** **** *** **** ***** ********* *** ******* ***** ** ********* ** **

** ******* ** ******* *** *** working **** * ******** ********** ** a ******** ***-***-*** ****.But **** [******** ***********] **** ************* **** *** ***** ****** *******. ****'** *** **** *** *****. And that's what really helps. That's important because, in the security space, relationships *** ********** ***. [emphasis added]

******, *** ******** ************* ******* *** integrators *** ***-***** *** * ****** positive ****** *** **** *********** ********** and ******** ** *** ******* ** to ***** ****** ************. ************, *********** are ******** **** ***-** ***** *********, which ** ******* ******** *** ********* and *** ******** ** *** ********** within *** *******.

80/20 ******-**-******* **** ** ****

******** ** ****** ** **** ** 80/20 ***** ** ******-**-******* ***** ** 2024 *** ***** ** ****** ** 50/50 ***** ****, ** *** ******* told ****:

** ***** ***, [** ****] **** minimal [******* *****].Ideally, *** ** **/** ******-**-******* ** *** **** ****, *** **** ******** *** ** ** ** **/**. And I don't have a crystal ball, but maybe see it improved from that afterward [emphasis added]

Fundraising ***** ** ****

******** **** **** **** **** "**** likely" **** **** ******* ***** ** 2024 *** *** *** ******* *** details ****** ****.

Gun ********* ******** **** ****** *** **** ** *-* *****, **** ********' ***

********' *** ****** *** *********** **** gun ********* ********* **** ****** *** norm ** *-* *****:

**********, ** *** ********* ** ******** camerasis ***** ** ** *** **** ** ******** ******. It might take five years, it might take eight years, but just like fire alarms, it's going to happen.

**** ** ************** * ***** ********** view *** *******'* *** ******** *** a *********** *** *** *** ****** of ** *******. *******, ** "*******" gun ******** ********* ** **** ****, AI *** ********* *** *** ****** the ****, *** ** ***** ** a **** ***** ******.

Comments (6)
Kieran Carroll
Sep 01, 2023

****** *** *** ********! ** *****'* interest ** ******** **** **** **********/******* folks, ****** ***** ***.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Sep 05, 2023

*** ******* **** **** **** ** that ** *****’* **** ******** *** it ***’* *********. ** **** ***** detections. ********** ** **** ******. **** had ** ***** ** * **** center ** *** ** ****** *** verify ******. **** ******* ******* **** (as **** ***), **** ****** *****’* seem ***** ** *********.

*** **** **** **** ******** *** stopped ** ****** ******* ** *** last * *****?

John Honovich
Sep 05, 2023

#*, ***'* *** ***** ** *** human ** *** **** ***** **** they *** **** ****** ****** ** that **** **** ** **** **** the ****** ** ***** ******, ***** their ******* **** ****** **** ***** alarm ****** ******* *** ******/*****/******?

** **** *** **** **** ***** record ** ** ********* ****** ********.

Lee Jones
Sep 07, 2023
Support Services Group

****** *******…*** *** ************ ** **** ***** *** *** ******* ********.********… **** ****** *** **** “******-***********-**********-*******”.**** **,***,*** ******** *********** *** ********** customers **** **** ** ** “**********”.**** *****-**** *** ****-*** ********* *** ReActive ********** ***** *** *** ********* at **********, ******* *** ******!

John Honovich
May 10, 2024

******. *** **** ******* **** ********* and ** ******* **** **.
