The Logistical Problems of Using "Weapon Detectors" For Subways
The Brooklyn mass subway shooting has increased interest in "weapon detectors" from NYC's mayor but these have logistical problems (often hidden, e.g. Evolv).
In this note, we examine those problems in applying such detectors in subways and other high-volume mass transit applications.
For background, see Evolv Is Not A "Weapons Detector", It Is a Smarter Metal Detector and Evolv Detects Certain Chromebooks As Weapons.
Executive *******
***** ********* **** *****, ***** *** is ***********, *********** ****** ** *** public *********** **** ********** **** ****, ***** ******* ***** **** *** too **** ******** ****** ** *** too **** ****** ***** (**** ** laptops, ******** *****, *********, *** *********) that ***** ****** *********** ********** ******** being ******** ********* *** *** ****** ********.
NYC ******* *******
*** *** *************:
*’* ***** ********** **** * **** about ********** ***** **** ** ******** those *** *** ******** ******* ****. This ** *** * ** ******* my ****** ***** ** ****** ****** to **** *** ****** ******* *** globe ** **** **** **** ** could ******** ****. ** **** ***** technology **** ****** *** * ** going ** ** ******* ** ** so.
*** *****'* ************** ******** ******** ************* *** **** ** *******"********** **********":
False *********
*****, *** **** ****-****** *******, *** the *** ******* *** *** ** considering, ******* **** ******* ***** ****** including *********, *********, ******** *****, *** laptops, ** *** ******* ******* *******'* **** ******** ********** *****:
Stadium *****
******* ***** ***** ******, ********, ***** Evolv **** ** *** ******* ****** market, **** *** ********* ** ****** this ************. ****** **** ****** ***** infrequently *** **** ****** *** ** the **** **** ****** *** ***** time. ** ****, *** ***** ***** of ********* ****** ** ********** ***. Plus ********* *** ** ******** **** a ******* ****** ** ***** ******.
Subway *****
****** ***** ** ************* ********* *** far ****** ** ***** ***** ******. For *******,*** *** *** ****** ******************** *+ ******* ***** ******* ******. ****'* ******* ** ***** ***** per *** ****** ******** ** ***** points. ****, ****** *** ******* ** get ** ****.
** *** *** ** ****, ********* or **** ** ********* ** ****** riders (**** ******** **** **** *% of **********) ********** ***** ****** ***** for ****** ****** * ******, ******** case, ********, ** ******** ** ***** to **** **** ****** ******* *** reduce ***** ** *** ******.
** **********, *** ******'* *********** ***** be ******* (*.*., **** **** **** sensitive) ***** ***** ****** *** ***** alerts *** ***** ******** *** **** that ***** ******* **** ****** *******, like ****. *** **** (*** **, since **** ** *** **** *+ million ******), ******* ** **** ****** the ****** *** *** ****** ** these *******, *** ****** ** *** city *** *** ******** **** ** severe.
Hiding ***********
*** ***** ***** **** *** **** is ***** *****, *** * ****** argument, ** *** **********, ** ******* being *********. ** ** **** *** government ********* ** **** *** ******* state ** ********** ** ***** ********** that **** ****** ** ** ******* fiction (***** ***** ************ **** ***'* watch) ** * *******.
*************, ** ** *** *** **** weapons ********* ********** ** ****** ****** yet ** ***** *********** ********** ******** for *******.
* ***** **** *** ***** ** are ******** "******" ** "**** *** knives". ***** **** *** ****** *** the **** ******** **** ******* ** attacks (** ***** ** *** **), there *** ** **** ***** ***** of ********** ******* ********* (**: ******** weapons, ***** **********, ****/**********) **** ***** be ********** **** ******* ** ****** reliably.
***, * *****. *******, ****'* *** motivation ** *** ***** ** *** "weapon *********" ** ******. *** ** tried ** ********* **** ********* **** we ***** **** *****'* **********. *** Evolv ******* *** ******* **** ****** detectors ******, **** ********* ********:
*** ***** ****** **** ***** ** not * "******* ********" - ***:***** ** *** * "******* ********", It ** * ******* ***** ********
******* ** * "******* ********" ** branding.
* ** *** ****** *** ******* detectors *** ********** *******, *** * feel **** **** ** *** ******** being ********* ****** ***** ***** (** both *** ****** **** *** *** supply ****) ** * ****** ** people *** ** *** ************* *** actual ******** **** **** ** ** solved, ** ********* ***** *** ******* them.
******** ***** *******.
*** ***** ****** ******* ** * good ***. * ***** ***********/******** ***** detectors *** ******** * ****** ** notches ***** ***** ******* ** ***** of ***** ******* ** ** ***** sometimes ******* *** ************ **** *****, but *** ***** ***** ** ******** generated ** ******** ********** ** **** cases.
* ***** ***********/******** ***** ********* *** probably * ****** ** ******* ***** fever *******
*** - ***** *** ************* *** *********** *********.
***, **** *** **** ***** ******* yet? * **** ***** ****'* *** you **** ** *** * ****** to *** ** *** ******** *** it ******* ** *** *****.
****, ****'* **** *****? *****'* *** documentation ****** ***** ******** (****** *************).
***, **** *** **** ***** ******* yet?
*******? ** *** **** **** * seen ** ***** ****** ********* *** field? *** - *** * **** no **** ** ** *** ******* or ***.
***** ****** ********* ******* *** **** ******** **** and *********. **** ** *** *****. Although, ***, ******** ****** **** * gun ** ******** *** **** ****** scenario ** *******.
******* ** *****, **** *** ****** are *** **** *** **** *** to ***** *** ***** ***** ** attacks.
**** *** ********* ***** ******* **** are **** ** *** * **** of, *** *** **** ****, *** most ** ***** ****** ** *** have *** **** ** ********* ** place. ******** ********* **** *** *** won't ******** *** ******, ***'** **** increase *** ******* ** ******* ****.
*** ** *** ****** **** ********** gets ********** **** ********** ******* ********* systems ** *** ******* **** ** staffing *** *********. **** ** ***** sounds, ******* ***** ** ********* ** the ****** ** ****, *** ** so, ** ********* ***** **.
****** ** ******* ****** ******** ******* with * ****** *** ** *********, so *** *** ** ** ***** officer ** *** ******** ** **** screening ******* ** ********* ***********. *** costs ** **** *** ******** $**** per **** *** ********* ******* ** many ***** ** *** ****** ******.
*** ***** ******* ***** ******** ******* at **** ** *** ****'* *** stations? ** ***, **** ***** ****** a ****** ***** **** *** ******/***** of *** ********* ********** ****.
*** ***** ******* ***** ******** ******* at **** ** *** ****'* *** stations?
*** *********, *** **** ** * good ***** ** *******.
**** ** ***** ******, ******* ***** to ********* ** *** ****** ** real, *** ** **, ** ********* about **.
**** **** ******'* **** **** *********** to ***** **** * **** ** rung, ********** ***** ****** **** ********* humans ** ****** *** ***** ** be *****.
********** ***** ****** **** ***** *** 'readiness' ****** **** ** ******** *** even * ******* ***** ** ** able ** '** ********* ***** **' - **** *** ****** ***** *** to ** ****.
****** ** ******* ****** ******** ******* with * ****** *** ** *********, so *** *** ** ** ***** officer ** *** ******** ** **** screening ******* ** ********* ***********.
* ***** **** ******* - ** my ************** ** ** ****** *** constitutional ***** **** *** *** ******** who*********** ***** (*** ** ****, ****** spray, ******). ******* ** * *** actor **** **'*/***'* ** ******* ***/*** own **** ** *** **** ***** they'd ***** ***** ***** ******* **** to ******.
*** ************** ***** ****** ***: ****** (residents ****), *******, ******, *****, ***********, Missouri, *** *********, ******* (**** *** issue *******), **** ******** (********* ****), and *******.
******** ************** ***** (*** ** ****, ****** spray, ******)
** *** ****** **** ***** *** Yorker ** ** *****???
* **** ***'********** ** *****, *** * **** "*********", * *** *** *********** ******. *** ** *** **** of *** *** *******, *'* **** expand ************** ***** ** *** ****** and ***********.
********* ***** *** *** **** ************** and ************ *** ** ******** **** appropriate.
**** ** ** **** ***** **** constitutional ***** **** ** **** ***'* require *** ****** ******** ** *************. Sure *** ******* ***** *** *** open ***** **. *** ***** *** can **** * ********** ***** *** open ***** ** ****** *** * would ******* *** ***** * ****** who *******'* **.
* ** *** *** **** *** annual **-******** ****** ** * ****. Police ******** ***** ********** ** ******** and *** **** ****** ***** ** can ***** ****** *** *** **** a **** ***** ***** *** ** handle * *******.
* ***'* **** ***** *** ******, but ** ** ***** * ****, the ******* ** ********* ****** *** renew ******** ** *** ******, ******* you're * ******* ******* ** ****** law ***********. *** ***** **** *** want ** ******** * *** ***, you **** * '****** ** ********' and *** **** ** **-******* ** carry *** *** ****** - **** carry ****** ** **** ** *** gun *** *****.
** *** ** ** *** ** about **** ****** ********* *** **'* my ******* **** ** ****** ** technology ** ***** ** **** ******* hell-bent ** ******* ******** ****** ** harm ** ******** ****** **** ****** to *** ** ****. ***** ** need * ******** ******-**** **** *****, and ******* *** ******* **** **** data.
****** ******** ***** ********** ** ********
*************, **** ** *** **** *** case. **** ****** ******* **** ** annual ************* *** **** *********** **** do *** **** * **** ** ********. **** ******** ** ********** ******** on ***** *** *** **** ***'*.
**** ***** ** ** ********* ** a **** *****, ** ******* '******' carrying * ******* ***** ** ******** without * '******* *********' ****** *** be ******* *****. *'* *** ****** sure **** *** *** ********* *****, other **** ********* ********** *******.
** *** ** **** *****, ******, like **** ************** ******, **** *** require *** ********* ** '**** *****'. We **** ******** *** * '********* Handgun ******' [***] ** ******* * firearm ** *** ******* ** ** our ****, *** ** ******* ******** is ********.
(*.*., ** ******, *** ********* **** allow * *** ****** ** ***** a **** *** ** ** * public ******, *******, ** ******* ********** there ***** **** ** ***** ****** of ********.)
** *** ******** ** **** * 'Concealed *******' ****** **** * *** approved ******. *** ****** * *** to **** *** ** ******* ******* about ********* ********* **** *** ****** or ****** *** ******* ***** ******.
*********, ***** *** ** '**********' ***** for ********** ******** *** ****'* ******* I ***** * ********** ****, ** the *******, ****** ** ********. ** require ********* ** ******* ********** ** drive * ******* ***** ***.
****** **** *** *** ***** ********* in ****** ******* *** **** ** training ** *********. ** **** ***** you **** ********* ***. **** * agree * *** ** ****** ** Kansas ****** *** ** ******* ** carry * **** *** ** *** let ***** *********.
****** ******** ***** ********** ** ********
**** **, **** ** ***. **** will ***** **** * **** ** "qualify".
*'* *** *** ********* ******** ******** and ************** **** *** "************** *****" because ******** * *** ********** ** NOT ** ******** **** ***** ** do *** **** ******. *** * stress ********* *** ** **** **** worse. *** **** ** *********** *** every ****** *** ***** ** ****, so ***** ******* *** ********* ***** you *** ** **** ** ****** else ** ********** ********* ** ************* that *** ****** ***********.
**** ************ * ****** *** * fraction ** *** **** ** *** Evolv. * **** **** **** *** they ******* **** **** *** ****. But **** ******** ******* ******** ** 1/10 *** **** ***** ** ** the **** *****. **** ** **** extremely ******** ** ***** *** ***** compared ** * **** ***** ***** unit.
****** ** ******* **** ********** **** if *** **** *** **** ** -**** ***** ***** *** ******** ****** District
* ***’* ********** *** ******** ********** regarding ***** ********* ** ***** ** umbrellas, *********, ***- *** ** ***** objects ******** **** * ****** ** a *** ***** **** ****. *’* rather **** * ***** ******** **** a ***** ******** ********** ** *** purpose ** ** ****** ********* ******* even ** **** *** ************. ***** seeing *** ****** ** ******, *** bounding ***** ** ********* ** ***** barrel ********** ******* *** ******** ******** to *** **** ** *** ****** or * *** **** *** ** carrying. ** ***** ***** “******” *** be ********, *** ********* ** **** looking *** ******** ***** ********* ******* coming *******.
* ***’* ********** *** ******** ********** regarding ***** ********* ** *****
#*, ** *** ***** ** ******** about *** **** ***** ** * problem ** ****** ********? **** ****** specifically ** ******** ** ****. *** contention ** **** ***** **** ****** 400+ ****** ******** ** * *** harder *** ******** **** * ****** or *** ********* ** * ******** or *******.
* ** ***** **** ** ***** be * ********* *** ****** ******** especially **** *** ****** ** ********. But **** ** *** ***** *** any ** *** ********* *** ***** today, ***'* ***** ** ****** ** singled *** ** *****.
***'* ***** ** ****** ** ******* out ** *****.
* ***** ***** ** ***** * problem ********* *** *** ***** ** Evolv ** ******* **** *** *** Evolv *** ******* ***** ***** ***** in ***. *** *******,*** **** *** *********** *** ********* ***** *** ******* yesterday ***** *****'* *** ********:
***** ******, *** ***** ********* ** Massachusetts-based ***** **********, **** *** *******’* screening ******* ***** **** ******** **. James’s ******* ****** ** **** *** been ********* ** *** ****** ******.
“** **** *********** ****** ******* *** system, ** ***** **** ********** ** had * *** ** ***,” **. George ****. “** **** **** ** solve **** ***** *******.”
“** **** *********** ****** ******* *** system, ** ***** **** ********** ** had * *** ** ***,” **. George ****. “** **** **** **solve **** ***** *******.”
*** ***** **** ** **** ********* might ** **** - *** *** last **** ** ******** ********.********* *******? ******?
* ***** **. ****** **** ***** that **** **** ** ******** ********, but ** ********** **** ******** ** as *********** ** ******* ***** **** as * '********' *** ********* *** gun-related ********.
**** **** ***+ ****** ******** ***** meanat ***** ***+ ******** ****** needing protection (with tech + personnel) to screen ~3M people every day.
***** *** **** ** *****that ***** *******?
* ***’* ********** *** ******** ********** regarding ***** ********* ** ***** ** umbrellas, *********, ***- *** ** ***** objects ******** **** * ****** ** a *** ***** **** ****.
*** ***** ** *** ********* ** false ****** **. **** ******** ********* of ******* **. *********** ** *** users ** ******** *** ********* **** people ***** ******** - ***:***** ******* ******* *********** ** *******.
***** ***** ***** ********* *** ********** from *** ******, ***:***** ******* ** **** ********* ** Its ****** ********* ****************** ***** ******** ******* ** **** Results
*******, *** ****** **** **** *********** Evolv ********, ***** ******* *** ******'* capabilities ** * **** ********* ***.
* ***** **** **** **** *** buyers ** **** ******- *** ********* noted ***** *** ******** ******* ** how **** **** *** ******* *** / *** *** **** * ******.
**** **** ******** **** *** *****?
* ***** *** *** ***** *** the **** **** *****.
** **** ********* **** *** ***** so **** ***'* **** ** ******* has ***** ** ****?
******* **********'* ****** *********, *** ***** ********* ******* *** old-school ***** *****.
** **** ********* **** *** ***** so **** ***'* **** ** ******* has ***** ** ****?
*** **** *** ** *****, *** several **** *** ********* ****** ****** if ***** ***** *** ********.
********/******** ***** *** ******* **** ***** is *** **** ******* ** ** opinion. ***** **** * *** ** any **** ** ***** ******** ******.
******* ****** ** ******** ** **** many ****** ********* ** * ****** are ********* ** ***** ******* ***** (as ******* ** ***** ** * football ****). *** *******, **** ****** legitimately ******* **** ***** ***** *** work.
****, *'* *********** ***** ********* ********* that ***** ***** ********. *** *******, when * ***** ** *** * went ** ****** ** *** * brand *** ***** *** *** ** kitchen *** ******* ** ** *** subway - * ********* ****** ***** to ** ** *** *** **** shopping *** ********* **** - *** not * ****** ***** ** ***** into * ****** *****.
****** ************ *** *** ***** ** metal ***** - *******, ****, ***, and ******* ** *** ****** **** - *** *'* **** ******** ***** the *******,
*** **** *** **** ***** ** this ** ** *** ****** ******** on ****** ****, *** **** **** would ** *** *****? ****** * station **** * **** ** *** stairs ***** **** *** ******* **** station ***** ** **** * *** more ****** *** ** **** ******* station. ** ** ***** ** *** or **** ***, ****, **** ***** end ** ****** ******* *** *** street *** ** ***** ** *** from ********* ** ******** *******.
******** **** *******:
* ***** * ***** *** ******** wrong *** *** ***** *** ********* like "*** **** ***** ******* ********* work ** *** *******?" **** ** curious *** **** ****** **** *** limitations ** ****** ********* ** **** a ********.
******: **** ***** ***** *** ******* on*** *********** ** ********* '******* **********' systems ** *** ******* *** ****** environment *** ******** *** ********* ********:
*** ********* ** ********* ******* ********* systems ** *** *** *******, ** suggest *** ******* *** *****'* ******.**'** ********* ***** *****, ***. ****** and *** **** *** *********** **** consider *** ********* ********* ********** *** technologies ** **** *** **** ****.
**** ****** ** ********** ******, ********** when ****** ********** *** *** ******* dictate **** ** *** ******* ******* and ******** (***** ******* ******** ********* it).
****, * ***** **** *** ***** we *** ******** "******" ** "**** and ******". ***** **** *** ****** are *** **** ******** **** ******* in ******* (** ***** ** *** US), ***** *** ** **** ***** kinds ** ********** ******* ********* (**: chemical *******, ***** **********, ****/**********) **** would ** ********** **** ******* ** detect ********.
** ***** *****, *** **** * person ***, *** ******** ******, *** decided ** ******* **** ** * large ****** ** ****** ******. **** have * **** ******* ** ******* and ******* *** ***** ****, ** no *** ******* ** **** **** and ******. ******* ** *** ********* is *** ***** ** ****** ***** desire ** ******* ****, ** ** only ***** ** ***** **** ** change ***** ******** (***).
* ** *** ****** *** ******* detectors *** ********** *******, *** * feel **** **** ** *** ******** being ********* ****** ***** ***** (** both *** ****** **** *** *** supply ****) ** * ****** ** people *** ** *** ************* *** actual ******** **** **** ** ** solved, ** ********* ***** *** ******* them.