Verkada False And Manipulative Facial Recognition Strategy

Published Aug 16, 2021 12:54 PM

******* ** ******* *** ************** ******** its ****** *********** ** "*** ****** recognition" *** ** "**** ********* **** facial ***********" ** ***** **** *** ethical ******** **** ******* ****** ***********.

IPVM Image

**** ****** * ****** ***** ** Verkada ********* (*** ******) ** ********** Oakland's ****** *********** ***. ******* ********* stood ** ***** ***** ****'* ******* in * ********* ** ****.

****** **** ******, ** ******* **** happened ** *******, *** **** ** part ** *******'* ******* ************ ********, why **** ******* ****** ** ******* facial ***********, **** ******** **** *** ACLU, ***** *** *** ******, ******* Privacy, *** ******* *** ********** ********* to **** ** *******.

Oakland ******* ************

*** ******* ********* ******* **** *******'* offering ** "*** ****** ***********" ** an******* ******* ******** ********** (***)******* ** ****** *, ****. *******, the *** *********** **** "*** ******** [for ******* *******] ***** *** **** forward" ******* *** **** ********* "********* facial *********** **********" *** ********** ******* was ******** ****** ***********. **** *** first ******** ** ******* ************ ********* ******* ********* ***** *** ******* ** *******.

IPVM Image****** ******, ** ********** ******* ********* ** Verkada, ******* **** ******* "**** *** offer" ****** *********** *** *******, ****** "what's **** ** **** * **** match *******." *** ********* **** ******* facial *********** ******* * **** ** an "******** ********," ********** *********** ***** that ******, *** ******* **** *** do ****:

****** ***********, *** **********, ** *** as **** **** ** *** **, what **'* ******* ** **, ** course, ******** * ***** **** *** like * ******* ***** **, *** know, * ********* **** **** **** of ******** ********, *****, **** ***** a ****** ** ***** *** ******** and ********** **** ****** ** * specific ********** ***** **** ****, **** their **** **, ***** ***** ********** identifiable ***********.Verkada **** *** ***** ****. ** ** *** ** ****** ***********. We offer what's more of like a face match feature. [emphasis added]

IPVM Image* ****** ******* ********,***** ******, ** ********** ********* ********, ********* claimed *******'* ******* ** "*** ****** recognition" ******* ** **** *** *** anyone ** * ***** ***** ********:

** *** ****** **very ********* **** ****** ***********. *********** ****** *********** ** ***** * **** ** * ***** ***** ********. So this could say, Hey, this is Casey Keller, he lives at 123 Elm Street, we know who this is. With our camera system, all we're essentially saying is this person has looked like this person. And Verkada can also guarantee that we can completely disable that feature on the city of Oakland organization to prevent it from ever being enabled. So we can enforce that. But I just want to be clear thatthis ******* ** *** ****** ***********, ******* **'** *** ***** ******* ** **** ***** ***** ********. [emphasis added]

Verkada ********* ****** ** ******

******* ********* ***** ** ***** ***** team, ******* ****:

***** ******’* ********* ****** *** ****** [video *** ***** *****] *** ****** be ***** ** ****.

False - ******* **** *********** ****** ***********

**** ** ******* ***** ** ****** a *********** *******' ****** ***********' *** 'traditional ****** ***********', *******'* ******** ** clearly '*********** ****** ***********':

  • ** ***** ***, ***, * ******** graduate ****, ******* ****** *******, **** like *******, ******* '****** ***********' ******* an '********' ** '***** *****' ******** yet ******* ****** *** ***** ******** that **** **** **** ***** ***, in ****, '****** ***********'. ****'* ******* John ******** *** ******** ** ******* Management ** *** ***** ** ******** IPVM *** *** ********* ********** **** such *********** *** ******.
  • ******** *** ***** ***** ************ ************* offer ****** *********** *** **** ** facial ***********, **** ****** **** ** not ***** *** '********' ** '***** party ********'. ***** *** *** ********* that******* ******* **** ********** '********* *********'.
  • ******** ****** ****** *********** *** ***** it '****** ***********' **** ******* ***** or ****** *** **** ********.

IPVM Image

Verkada ********* ******* ** *** ****** *********** ** ***

******* ******* ********* ****'* ******** ****** question, "**** ******* ***** ****** ***********?" so ** ******** ** ** ****** "Can [****] ****** *** *********: "******* confirmed ** **** **** ******* **** offer ****** ***********" *** ******* ****** that, **********:

*** **** * ********* *** ** it ***** ** ********** ** *** IPVM ********* ****.

******* ******* ******* ** ******* ** it *** ** *** *** ***** facial ***********, ********* ** ***** *** response ** *** ****** ** ****** "***** ** ***** ** ********** ** say **** "******* ****** ****** ***********" is ** ******** ** *** **** "Verkada **** *** ***** ****** ***********"?"

*******'* ********* ******** ***** **** *******'* employees' ****** ********** *** ** ********.

Marketing ********* ******

**** ** ********** **** *******'* ********* that ****** ****** ***** *** **** "facial ***********," ******* **** ***** **** as "**** ******" ** "******-**-********" ** describe ***** ********.

*** *******, ***********'* ****** ********* ************, *** ******* **** *** **** "Face ******":

IPVM Image

***** *** **** * "****** ** interest" ** ********* ** ***** ** that ******, ******* ****:

**********, ***** *** ****** ***** *** image ** *** *** *****’* ****** to **** * ****** ** ******** in **** ******’* *******.

***** ********* ****** ********* ***** **** ******* face ****** ** ****:

IPVM Image

******* ******* **** ********** ********* *** *********** ******** "****** of ********," **** ** ******* ** *** term "****** ***********":

********** *******’* ******** ****-***** **********, ****** of ******** ************* ******* ****-**** ****** when * ******** ********** ** ******** onsite. *** ******* ***** ** ******** the **** ******** ** ***** **** an ******** ***** **** *** ************ or ** ******** *****.

Customer **** *** ****** ***********

***********, **** ******* ****** ** ******* facial ***********, ** *** ******* *****, the **** ** ******* ***** *** even, **********, * ******* ******** *** presented ** * ******* ******* *******:

** **'*always ********** ****** *********** information. And it's just looking for bodies. So it can find every single person who's gone by that camera. Just pretty amazing. And this right here is I'm going to try and show y'all this real quick. I have an image of myself. So right here, I'm going to take this picture. And I'm going to click and drag it in here. And I'm going to let that camera search for all the times that it has found me. Hopefully this camera has found me before. I haven't been on that one. So I'm going to click search all cameras. We'll see how it does. Okay, so there I am. This is across all different buildings, it's going to find me at all different times every time I was on camera. So it's ***** ****** *********** based on a picture that I just uploaded. So if you were looking for a student, you could take a school picture, and upload that picture and quickly find them on all of the cameras. amazing feature. [emphasis added]

Privacy ********* *** ******* ****** ***********

*** ****, *** ******* ******,***** *** *** **************** *******, *** ** ******** **** ********** ** ********** ************* *******'* ******* ** ******* ****** recognition, ********** ** **** ******* ******* to **** **.

******* ****** ******, ******** ******** ******* *** *** ******, **** **** **** **** ******** and ****** *********** *** *** **** things:

IPVM Image* *** ** ********* *** ****** to **** **** *** **** “****** recognition” ******* ** *** ****** ** toxic, *** ** ****** **** ******* even *******.But *** ******* ** **** “****** ********” ** *** **** ***** - whether it’s matching to a third party database or a set of photos that the user uploads, it’s still using biometric data to match and track people. Verkada is trying to have it both ways - claim that it’s not facial recognition to try and sell its product to the City of Oakland, but then include facial recognition as an out-of-the-box feature in its security cameras because they think there’s a market for it. [emphasis added]

***** *********, ******** ******** ********* *******, ******:

They *** **** *** ****** ** *** **** *******. Face matching is essentially the first step in a facial recognition process. The first step in facial recognition is to identify a usable face print from a video or a set of still images. [emphasis added]

**** ******** ** * ****** ** face ***********, *** ******* ** ****** to "****** *** **********" ****** **** the *********** *****,*** *******, ****** ****** ******* ** *** ACLU, ***** ** ****:

IPVM Image*'** ***** ***** **** ********** ******* to ***** ***** **** *********** ******. I'd *** **** ** *** ******** of "**** ***, *** **."

**** ***** ******** ****** ** *** world **** *** **** "**** ***********" they **** ***-**-**** *** *:* ******** and ********** ** *******. *** ** certainly *****'* ****** ******* *** ******** matched ******* ** ***** ** ***** party.

*:* **** *********** ********* ****** "**** ********" ** *** want, *** ** * ********** ** how *** ***** *** ******** **** in *** ********, **** ** * subset ** "**** ***********."

** *** ** ********** ** ******* policy ******** ** *********** ******* ***-**-**** searches *** *:* ************, *** ****'* not **** ****'** ***** ****.

****'* ******* ***** **** *******'* **** attempts ** ************ ******* **** ******* is ******** **** ********** ****:

****'** ****** ** ****** *** ********** of "**** ***********" ****** *** ********** interpretation ** **** *** *********** *** wrote *** *** *****.

**** ****** *******'* ******** ****** **********, ****** ******* ** ********** ** ********** ************* ********* ** ******* *** ************ issues, *** ********* *** ******* ** facial ***********:

IPVM Image** ******* **** * ***** **'** seeing ** ********* ****'** ****** ** take ***** ******* ***** ************ *****, we *** ****** ******** *** ***** time ** *** ******* ** *****, and **** ** **** ***** **** there's * *** ****** ******* ******** ones ** *** ** **'* *** same ****** ** * *** ******.Yeah, * ***** ****'* ****** ***********.... just on a technical level, that does what I would call facial recognition even just on a small reference photo database.

********** **** ***** ** ** ***** basis *** *** *********** *** *** not ***** ** ****** ************** ****** recognition ** ******* * ********** ** a *** ***** ********:

*'** ***** ***** *** *********** ** saying * *****-***** ******** ** **** makes ** ****** *********** **** ******. Not **** ******** ******* *******, *** from ******* *** **** *** ****, not **** *********. **** *** **** odd. **'* ********* *** *** **** of ***** ****'* **** ** * legal ***********.

Good *** *****

**** ** **** *** ******* *****. By *** ******* ** ** **** it **, ******* *** ** ***** attempt, ** **** *** ** *******, to ***** ********* *** ***. ***** competitors **** ****** *** ********* ***** what ** **, ******* ***** * competitive *********.

Ethical *** ***** ********

***********, *******'* ******** **** ******** ******* and ***** ******** *** *** *******, consistent **** **********'* ****** ********** *************** **** / ******. *** ******* ********* ** **** that ***-**** ******* ****** ** *** most ********* ****** ***, ****** *** legality *****, **** **** **** ******* sales, ** ***** ** *** ***** term.

Comments (60)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 16, 2021

*** * ***** **** ******* ** up ** ***** ***** ** ******, I ****** **** **** **** ********* next. ******* ***** *********** ** **** License ***** ********? **** ***** ** a *** ****** *** *** *******?

***** *** ** ** **** *********** in **** **** **** ***** ****** are *** ****, *** ***** ***** is *** ******* '********' ***** **** well **** ** ***** ********* ** get **** *****. ********** ***** ******* wants ** ****** ** ***** *** law ** ******. *** ********* ***** easily ***** **** **** ****'* *** facial ***********. ** **** ******** ********** come **** ** **** ****, *** that **** **** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 16, 2021

**, *** ** *** *** **** want *** ***** ***** ** *** have ******** **********. **'* * *** easier ** ***/***** *****. *** ***** team ************ ******** **** ** ***'* facial ***********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 16, 2021

****'* * **** ***** - ***'** a *** **** ********** ** *** believe *** *** ********.

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

****** ********:

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

*** ***** **** ************ ******** **** it ***'* ****** ***********.

*** **'* *** **** ** *** this **** ** *** ***** **** (alone). *******'* ********** ******** *** ******* for ******* ** ** **** *** genuinely * **** ** *********** *** knowing **** **** **** ******* *****, Verkada ***** *** ****** **** ****** just **** ****.

***, ****** *** **** ** ******* nearly * ***** ***, *** *** own ******** ("**** ***** ****, ******* ******** #**."), that ***** *** *** ** *******'* most *********** ***********.

Undisclosed End User #3
Aug 16, 2021

* *** *** ********* **** * trolled ***** *** *** **** ** a ******* ********** ********* ******** *** has **** ********/**** ********** ** *** portfolio.

** * ******** *** ** ***** analytics * ***** *** **** **** people ***** ** ** ****** *********** in *** ****. **** ** **** clear, *** *** ****** *********** *** Facial ************. *** **********, ****** *********** uses * *********** ******* *** ** static, ********** *********** **** ********, *********, same **********, ****** ******** ** *** proper *** ******, **** ***** ******* so *** ** *** ****** ** the ******** *** ** ***** ** same ********** ****** *** *** ****** facial ************** ** ** **** ****** to ****** *** ****** *** *** excellent *******. ****** ************ ******* ***** in *** ****, *** ***** (******) is ***** ******* ****** **** ********** to **********, ************ ************* **********, ***** density ********** ********, ***/****** *****/***** *** same ****** ***** *******. *** ******* is * ***** ****** ** ********** on ****** *******.

*** *** ***** *** *** ***** the ****, ** ******* ****** ************ is ******* **** **** ** ******** Search **** **** ** ** *** investigation *******.

Undisclosed #14
Sep 09, 2021

**** *********** ****** ** **** ********. it **** *** ************* *********** **. uncooperative *** ********** *********** **. ***-********** environment. ******* ** ** *:* ******** (matching * **** ***** ** ** ID **** ***** ** ****) ** 1: **** (******* *** **** ***** of * **** ***** ** *** one ** *** ****** ** **** to ****) ** ** **** ***********.

** ** *** ** ******** ***** in ***** ************ ***** **** *** doing **** ***********. ******* ** *** the ******* ** *********** ** ***-*********** (in *** ****). ******, *** **** control ***** ** **** *** **** capture *********** *** ****** *** ******* to ******* **** ***** ****** *** increase ********, *** ***-*********** ************ *** typically **** ********* ** *******.

***** *** ** ******/***** *************** ***** on *** **** *********** ** ************/**** such ** *********** **. ************* ***/** 1:1 **. *:****, *** ** *** technology ** ***** **** ******** ******* a ********* **** ***** ** ***** of ********* **** ****** **** *** face *********** **********. ** ********, ** is ********* *** ** ***** ***** by ****** *** ******** ** *** to ****** *** ** *********. *** templates *** ************ ****** ** *** face ****** **** *** ***** *** matching.

****** **** ****, ** ** **** to *** **** *********** ** ********* than **** ******* (********** * **** from * ***** ** ** *****) and/or **** ************** (*** *** ***** of *** **** ** *** '*********' level ** * ****). ***** *** all ********* ******** **** **** *********** on *****, ** ** ** ********* to **** *** ********** *** ** sure ** *** *** ********* ****** to *******. *******, ** *** *** matching ***** *** *** ******** ** identification/verification, *** *** ***** **** ***********.

Undisclosed Distributor #4
Aug 16, 2021

**** ** ******** ** ********, **** has ****** * *** **** * magnifying ***** ******* ** ***! *’* not **** **** **** *** **** actually ******** * ******* *** *** feature *** ** ******* ** **** ongoing ***** ***** ******* ******* ********. This ****** ***** “ ********* “ cloaked ***** *** ****** * ****!

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

*’* *** **** **** **** *** guys ******** ******** * ******* *** its ******* ***

** **** ******** * **** * minute *** -***** *** **** ****-********* ***** ***** Series ******, *** * **** **** -***** ******* / ****** ********* ******** Tested********** ** ****** ** ************* *** ***** *****.

****'* ******** ** *******'* ********* *******. Even *** *******, *** ** **** criticized **** **********, * ** ********* shocked **** **** *** ****** **** an ********* *** ******* ******* ********.

Michael Smith
Aug 16, 2021


** ****,

***** *** **** ******** **** *********?

** *** ******* ** ******* **** the ********** ********, ********, ** ****** that ******** ** ******* *** **** to ***** *** *** ** *** exist ** *** ******** **** ***** they *** *********?

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

*******, ** **** ** **** ***** -*** ***** ** *** **** ***** Surveillance *** / **********

* ***'* *** *** **** ******* to ******* ****** * ** ***** to ****** **** *** * ***** recommend ******** * *** ************ ** ** (****** ******* *** NDAA **** ****** ** ******* ** facial *********** ***, ** **, ****** elaborate).

Undisclosed Manufacturer #7
Aug 16, 2021

***** *** ****** ** *********** **** that ******* **** **** ********* ***** the ******* **** *** **** **** certain ****** *************, ** ******* **** components, **** ** *** *** **** banned *************.

** ***** ** **********, **** *** also **** ********* ** **** ***** is *** ********* ***********. ** *** (besides ****) ** ********** ********** ******** on ***** *** ******* **** ******** and *********** ** **** *** ***** NDAA *********.

Kyle Folger
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

****'* **** ******** *** ******** **** yours **** ** ******* ** ***** a ******* ** *** *******. *** don't *** ******* *** **'* *** facial *********** *** **** ******* *****-***** sources ** **** ** **** *****. This ******* ***** ** ******* ** a **** ******* ****** ** **** cameras. **** **** **** ** ******** face *********. *** ********* ****:

(*) ****’* ******** **** ********* ******* is *** ********* ** **** ******* used ** ********. ******* ***** *********** may ****** ******** *********’ *** ** the *******, ** **’** ******** ** as * **********. ** *** **** where ***’** ***** **** ****** ** in ********, *** *******’* ** **** to **** ** ******** **** ********* in *** **** ***.

*** ******** **** ********* ** ********** with *** ***. ********* ** ***** you ****, *** ***** **** ** get ******* ** **** **** ****** help ******** ****** ******** **** ****.

******* ****** ****** ***** ** ******* what **** **** ******* *********** *** above ******'* ***** ** ** ****'* some **** ** ****** ***********, ****** surveillance, **** ********, ** ******** **** one ***** **** ** *** ** describe **** **** **** ****** ***********. If *** **** ** *** ******* for **** *******, ****** *** ** them **** ** ****** ***********.

***** *** ******** ****:

**** *** ******** *** ******* *** to *******:

  • ***** *********** *** *******
  • ************* **** **** **** *** *******
  • ***** *** ***** ******* *** ****
  • Facial *********** **** to enable Familiar Face Alerts feature
John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

****, ******. * ***** ******* **** their ******** ** *** **** ************* in ********, ********** * ******** ** tomorrow ** *** **. * **** update **** ***********.

John Honovich
Aug 17, 2021

******* **** **** ***'* **** ******** for ** *** *** ******** *****. I ********* ****** **** *** **** time **** **** *** *********** **** this ** ********* **** **** ****** have ** ****** *** ***** **** have **** *********** ** ********.

John Honovich
Aug 19, 2021

******* *** *** *********:

******* ** ********* ** *** *********** use ** *** ********** *** ****** customers *** ***** *** ******* **** need ** ****** **** * ******* changing ********** ***********. *** ******* ******** ship ******* *** ******** ******** *** these ********, ** ****, ******* ** recognize ******’ ********* ********** ** **** technology. ** **** ******* **-*** ************ to ********* ********* ***** ********** ** follow *** ********** **** ** **** choose ** ****** *** “********” / “person ** ********” ********.

** **** *** ******** ******* **** specifically ******* *** *********** ** ******** and ********** * ***** ***** *** shipping **** ******** ********. * **** followed ** **** ******* ** ****.

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2021

*** ********* *** *******'* ********* ****** below:

****: *** ******* ******* **** ************ is ***** ** ** ********* ** Illinois? ** ** *******, ** ******* our ******** ** *******'* ** ** Chicago ******** (*** **********) *** ******** and **-******* **** ******** *** ******* of ******** *** ** *** *** see *** ******* ** *******. ** this ********? **** ****** ******** ***** expect **** ****** ** *** ***** features?

*******: ** ** **** ** *** statement, ** ********* ******’ ********* ********** to **** ********** *** ******* * notification ** **** ********* ****** **** all ********** **** *** ***********. **** are **** *********** **** **** ******* this *** **** ***** *********.

*******: **** *** *** *********** ** what * **** **** ** **** select *** ********** ****** ********* ************, which ********* *** ******** [[*** ********* tool]], *** ******* *** ** *** notification

IPVM Image

IPVM Image

*******: **** * ******** ******* ** select *** ********* ****, ** ** downloaded *** ********* *** **** *** able ** *** ** ****** ********* has **** ********** ********** / ********* and ** **** ** ***** ************:

IPVM Image

*******: ******** "********* ***** *** **********" displays *** *********:

IPVM Image

****: **: "*** ******* ******** **** without *** ******** ******** *** ***** features". **** ******* *** **** ******** to *** ******** ** * ******** enables ****?

*******: ** * ******** ****** ** use **** ********** *******, **** *** select *** ********* ****, ***** ********* and ******** *** ******** – ******** them ** **** ** *** *******.

Kyle Folger
Aug 22, 2021
IPVMU Certified

** ******* ** *** **** ********* in **** ****. ****** ****** **** they ***'* **** ***** ** ** be ****** ** ** ********. * get **** *** ***** **** ****** this ***** ** ******** *** ******** of *** ******, *** **** ***** require **** ****** **** ******** *** T&C *** ******** ** ****** ****** or ********** **** ********.

**** ************* ********** ** * ******** ********* ******:

** *** **** ***** *** *** your ****** ** ** ********, *** can’t **** ** ******** **** ********* in *** **** ***.

*'* *** ******* ****** ********* ********** and * **** ** *** ** fairly ******. * ** ******* ******* policies ** *** ***** **** ** be *********** *** **** ** ***** it ******. *******, ** * ******* area *****'* ***** **, ** ****** be ******** ** *** ******* ** prevent **** *** ******* ********** ** the ****** **** *** ****** ** sell **. * ******'* **** ** possibility ** ** ***** ******* ** the **** **** ** ********. ******** around *** ****** ** ****** ** make ** *********** **** ****** ****** off ** *** ***.

** ******* **** ******* (** *** company *** **** ******) **** ****** to ***** ** * ****** ***** in *** ****** ******, * ***** have *** **** *** ** *** middle *** ********* **** *** *** bullshit. ** **** ****'* ****, ***-***.

**'* ******* *** ****** **** **** don't **** ** **** ** ***** you ***** ***** *** ****** ** having * ********* ******** ** *** product. *** ****** *'* ********* ** was ******** ********** ** *** ******* until **** ******* ***** *** ******* hack. ******* ** ***** ********* ****.

Undisclosed #8
Aug 22, 2021

*'* *** ******* ****** ********* ********** and * **** ** *** ** fairly ******. * ** ******* ******* policies ** *** ***** **** ** be *********** *** **** ** *****it ******.

* ** **** *** ******* *** technology, *** ******* ******** ** **'* usage **** ** ** *********** *** many ** *****those *** *** **.

** *** ***** ** *** ****** part * ***********?

***, **'* *** *** **** ****** that ** *** *******, ** ** the **** ** *** **** ** oversite ********** ** ***** *** ****** to ** ***** **.

Kyle Folger
Aug 22, 2021
IPVMU Certified

* ********** ***** **** *** ************. I **** *** **** ******* ****** along **** ******. ****** **** **** me **** * ****** ** ******** and **** **** ********* *** ** know ** **'* * ****** ****** or ***. *******, ** * ****** system **** * ****-**** ****** ******, the ******** **** *** ** **** larger **** * ****** **** *** a **** ****** ****** *****. **** if **'* **** ******** ** **** system, * ***'* **** ** *** the **** * ****** ***** *** be ***** **** ******. ****, *** Nest ***'* ****** ******* ** *'* sure ******* ***'* ****** ******* ******. That *** **** ** ****** ** you *** ***** ** ** ***** someone.

Undisclosed #8
Aug 23, 2021

***, *** *********** ******* ***** *** delusion **** *** *** ** ********** that *** ****** ** *** ***** of ** * **** **** *** them ** *** - ********* ******* the ****** (*** ********** *** *** elements ** **** ******) *****'* **** about **.

**** ** ********** *****-******* ******* ***** is ** *** ** *** *** technology *** *** ****** ** **** without **** **** ****** ******* *** about *** ***.

*** **** **** **** *** **** it ** ***** **** - **** no ********* - *** ******* ******** is ***** ** ** (*** *** been) *** *** *** ***** **** technology ******* ******* ******.... ********** ***** that ****** **** ********* ** *** spending ** ***** ************?

***** ** ******** *** ***** ** the ******.

*** **** ** ***** ** **** stuff **** *** ******, *** **** the ****** **** ******** ****.

Kyle Folger
Aug 23, 2021
IPVMU Certified

**** ** ********** *****-******* ******* ***** is ** *** ** *** *** technology *** *** ****** ** **** without **** **** ****** ******* *** about *** ***.

******** ******* ***** ********* ****** ****** ********. *** *** ** know ***** **. * ***** ** could ***** ****** ***** ****** *** it ***** ** **** ********* *** next **** ******.

*** **** ** ***** ** **** stuff **** *** ******, *** **** the ****** **** ******** ****.

******. **** ****** ****** **** **** visible *******. * **** **** **** dumb *** ******* ****** ****** ** camera ******* *** ******* ** **** them. ****** **** **** ** ** bad ****** ***'* **** ** ****. If **** ***, * ***'* ******* any ** ***** *********** ******* ***** ever *******.

*****'* **** *** ****** ***** ** many ******** **** *** *** ****** until ****** ********. *'* ** *** belief **** ** *******'* ** ******* to *** *** *'* *** ******* about ******* **********. *'* **** ********* to ********* ** ************** **** ** get * ********** **** ***** ** false.

* ****** ******* ****** **** ** 2 ** * ** *** ******* on ** *** **** ** ** work ***. ** **** ** *** for ** ********* ***** *** (***** had **** ******** *** ** *** an *** ** * *** ** get **** ** *** **** ** change **) *** * ******* ** was **** * ****** ** ** could *** ** * *** ******** or ********* *****. ** *** ** go *** *** ** **** ** license ***** ***** *** *** (***** I ****'* ***** **; *** **'* a ***** ****** ***).

Undisclosed #6
Aug 23, 2021
IPVMU Certified

******** ******* ***** ********* ****** ****** ********. *** *** ** know ***** **. * ***** ** could ***** ****** ***** ****** *** it ***** ** **** ********* *** next **** ******.

*** *****, ***** **** **** *** FBI **** ******** ****** ******* ;)

Undisclosed #8
Aug 23, 2021

*'* ** *** ****** **** ** shouldn't ** ******* ** ***

** ***** ***** ********....

** *** - *** ****** ** - **** ** * ****** ********.

* ***** ****** ***** ****** ** avoid ********** ***** *** ** ***** those ***** ****** ****.

*** ** ** *** *** ****** those **** **************, **** *** ******** the **** *** *** *********** ** them ****** ****** *********.

** ** ** ** **** ******.

***** *** *** ****, *** ***'* cheat.

Undisclosed #6
Aug 23, 2021
IPVMU Certified

…** ***** ***** ********....

*** ******** ******* ****’* * *** of **** *** ****** :)

IPVM Image

Undisclosed Manufacturer #13
Sep 08, 2021

**** ** * ****** ******* ******* of *** *********** ******* ***** ****. We've **** ** ****** **** ***** recording. **** ********* ***** *** **********, but *** ************** ***** ** *** integrator *** *** *** **** ** comply **** *** ***** **** ********* 1/2/0 ***** ******* **** ****** ** recorded *****.

** ** ****, **** ***** ** the **** ** ********, *** ** so, **** ****** ********* ** *********** availability ** * ****** *** ******* might ** **********. ********** *** ***** the ***'* **** ** ******* ******** that **** ***** *** *******, ***** is **** ***** **** ** **** muddier.

***/**** ****** ****** *********** ** ** add-on ******* *** ***** *** **. Alcatraz ** ** * ****** *********** product ******** ** ****** ******* (*** they're ******* ** *** *** **** just ** **** ****** **** *********** for ****), *** ***** *** ****** in ******* *****.

* ***** **** ******* *** ******* a **** *** ****, *** * also ******* **** ***** ****** **** enact **** * ****** *** *** going *** ***, *** *** ************ for ********* ******* *** ***** *** going ** ** *** ****** *******.

****** *'* ******* *********?

Undisclosed #8
Sep 08, 2021

"*** * **** ******* **** ***** cities **** ***** **** * ****** ban *** ***** *** ***"

** ** *** ****** ** **** that *********** *** *** **** '*** far'... ***** ** *** *** *** see ************** ******** ******* **'* ***.

**** *********** ********** ** ******* ** proliferatewithout *** ********, **** ************ *** ********** ******* to *** *** ** **** **********, the ******** *** *** ******* **** always ** ***** *****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #13
Sep 08, 2021

**'* * **** ***** ** ** sure, *** *'* *** ********* ** at ***. *'* **** ******* ** to *** *** ************* *** ***** manufacturers, **** *****, **** ***** **** feature...they're ********* *** **** **********.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Aug 16, 2021

******* ** ************* *** ***** **** sales ** *** **** ***** *****, safety, *** ********. ********* ********* **** find ****** ****** ** ***** ***** trust *** *******, *** ***** ** an *** *** ****** ** **** arrogant, ********, ********, *** ********* *******.

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

********* *** ******** ******* ****. *** would ********* ****** ****** **** ******* it *** * ***** *** ********* threat ** *** *******'* ********?

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Aug 16, 2021


*** ***** ********* **** ?

* ******’* ***** *** *** ******** group ** *********, *** *** *** sake ** **** **********, ***’* ****** that *********** *** ********** ****** **** placed ***** ******* ** * ****** hypothetical ******* ****** *** (************ ***** Company). ** ** *********, *** **** not ***** *****. ***’* ****** **** they *** ****** ** *** ******** industry. ***’* **** ****** **** *** company ** *** ******** ** ********* sale, ************ ************* ***** ********, ****** into **** **** ********* ** ******* future ********, ** ***** **** ** all ** ******** *** ******* ***** in *******. ***’* **** ****** **** the ******** ******** ** ******* ***** services *** **** ** ********* ** HVC. ***’* **** ****** **** ***** contract ******* ********** *** ******** ** states **** **** ******* ** ********** or *** ****.

- ***’* ****** **** * **** large ****** ** *** ***** ** those ******** *** ************ ***** ** dishonesty ** *****************.

- *** **** ** ***** **** sales *** ** ******, ********, *** state ***********.


- ** ** ***** ********** **** the ******** *** ****** *** ** they **** ***********, *** ***********, *** release ** ******* *** **-******** **********, the ************ *** **’* ********** **** were ***** *****.

- ***** ** ***** ******************, ******** for ******* ** *** **** **** for ******** ** ******** **** *** users *** ***** *********.

- ** ********, **** **** **** out, *** ***** *** *********, ********** full ******, *** *******.

- ** ** ***** ** ** proven ***** ** *** **** * deliberate *****************, ********* ** *** *****, that ***** ** ********** ***** **********.

- ***** ********** *** ** **** to ********** ******** ********* ******, *** possibly ****** ********* ********* ******** *** other **** ***** *****.

** ******* ******** **** *** ***** there *** ********** *****************,

- ** ***** **** ****** ** additional *** **** ** ******* ******* manufacturer ** ******.

- **** ***** ****** ** ***** judgement ******* *** ************ *** **’* assets *********** ******* *** ********* **********.

- ******** **** **** ** *** Corporate **** ********* ** ******** *****, and * **** ****** ** ******* is ***-**** ********. ***** ********** ******* sales, **** ******* ** ******* ** a ********* ** *** ******* *****. (Technically, ***-**** ******** *** ***** **** to *** *** **** ***** *********).

- **** ***** ****** ** **** flow ********, *** **** ********** ** no **** **** ** ********* ** pay ******* ** **********.

- *** **** ** ***** ****** could **** **** * *********** ******** on *** *****, ******** **********, *** future ***********.

- ** *******, ** **** ******* hypothetical *********, ** **** * ******* were **** ** *****, ***** **** flow ******* ** *** ***** ****** of ********** ******* **** *********, ***-**** services *** ***** ** *******, *** continuing ****** *** *** ***** *** to ********** **** * **** ****, what ***** *********** ******? **** ***** possibly ********** * **** **** ********. If **** *** *** **** ****** cash ********, *** ******** ****, ** new *****, **** ***** **** ******* making *******, ****** *******, ******** ** loans, ******** *******, ** ***** ********* overheads, ***** ***** ****** *** ******* to ******* ** ***-**** ******** ********. If *** **** **** ****** *** high, ********** ***** ******** ****. ******** would ** ****** **** ** ** provided, *** ** ** ****** **** even **** ********* **** ** ******** at *** **** *** ******* *** possible ***** ********.

- ** *******, ********, **********, *** new ***** ***’* ******* *** **** requirements, *** ******* ***** ** ****** into ************.. ** ************* ********* *** be *** **** ** *** *** payback.

** **** ****** ************ *********, *** ones ***** ****** ***** ** *** investors, *** ******* *** ******* ** the ******** *** ***** **** **** so ********* ** *******.

**** ***** ..

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

*** ****, *** ** ***** *** possible *****. **** * ** ****** is **** **** *********, ********* ** least ************, **** ***** ***** ** being ***** ***. ** **** ***** say *** ** ****** ******, *****-**, lying, ***. *** *** ********** **** the ********** ** ******* ****** ***** the ****** **** ** **** ** very ***.

**** ** ******. *** ********** *** taken ****** ** **** ********** *** just **** **** *** $** ******* but *********** **** **** *** **** to ******** ******, ***/**?

* ** ***** *** ****, ****, the ****** ********* ****** ***** *** but ** ****** ********** **** **** companies **** *** ***** *** *** happy ** **** **** *** *** higher ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Aug 16, 2021

** ** *** ******** ******** **** all **** **** ******, ** **** as *** ********* *** *** ***** if ** **** ****** ** ********** agencies ** ** *** ***** *******.

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

******. * ***** ** *** **** likely ** ********* ******* *** ***** behavior ** ****** *** ********** ** action ******* **** ********* *** ***** to **** ********* ****** ****** *** government **** ** ********** ******* ***** investments.

John Bredehoft
Aug 16, 2021
Bredemarket / Incode Technologies

*** ****** **** ** *** ** this ** **** ***"****** ******" *****(***** ******** *** ***** ******* ***** brouhaha **** "****** *********** ** ******") actually***'******* ***********, ******************* ***** ** ********* *** *** race.

** *****'* **** **** * ****** confuses *** ***** ******* ** ******* a ***** *********** ******* "****** ***********" and "****** ********." *** ****** ** the ******* *** ** ***** *** has ******* ** ** **** *** presence ** ******* ** * ********.

Undisclosed #6
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

** ** *** ** ****** ***********.** ***** ****'* **** ** **** a **** ***** *******.

**** *** ***-***** *********** *** ** both ***** ** ***** *****.

Isabella Cheng
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

*******'* ******************* ********* *** **** **** ********* facial ***********, *** **** **** ***** facing ***********:

*. *************** *** ***** ********* ** this ******* (*.**), ** ***** ** unlawful *** *** **** ** *** City ***** ********, ******, *******, ******, ** ***:

*. ********* ************ **********; **

*. ********** ******** **********; **

*. *********** ******** **** ****** ********* Surveillance ********** ** ********** ******** **********. [emphasis *****]

****** *********** ***** ***** "********* ************ technology" *** ** ******* **:

"**** *********** **********" ***** ** ********* or ****-********* ******* ****: (*) ******* in *********** ** ********* ** ********** based ** ** **********'* ****; ** (B) ********** ** **** *************** ** an **********'* ****, ****, ** **** to ***** *******, ************, ***********, ** the ******** ** ** **********.

**** ** ********* * ******** ****** to ** ******** ***** **** **** on *******'* ******** ** ******* *** facial *********** ********.

Kyle Folger
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

* ***** ***** **** * ** their **** *********** ********** ********** ***** be *** **** ** **** ********. Thankfully, *** ********* ******* *** ****. Perhaps **** ****** ****** *** ********* and ******* *******'* *****.

Undisclosed #6
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

Welcome ** *** ******* ********!

Please ***** **** ****** ******** **** ** *** *****

*****: **** ** **** **** ** determine **** **** ** **** ****** that *** **** ****** **** **** same ******* ****, ***’* *****!

Undisclosed #6
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

******* ******* ********* ****'* ******** ****** question, "**** ******* ***** ****** ***********?" so ** ******** ** ** ****** "Can [****] ****** *** *********: "******* confirmed ** **** **** ******* **** offer ****** ***********" *** ******* ****** that, **********:

*** **** * ********* *** ** it ***** ** ********** ** *** IPVM ********* ****.

******* ******* ******* ** ******* ** it *** ** *** *** ***** facial ***********, ********* ** ***** *** response ** *** ****** ** ****** "***** ** ***** ** ********** ** say **** "******* ****** ****** ***********" is ** ******** ** *** **** "Verkada **** *** ***** ****** ***********"?

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

******* ******* ******* ** *** ******* labels *** **, ** *** ****** tab, ** ***** '********' **** ******** of *****:

IPVM Image

*** ** ****** * '*******' *** photo *** ** **** * **** detected:

IPVM Image

******** ******* ********* **** ******** ******* faces *** ***** *** ******* ** whether ** ** ****** ***********, ******* me ** *****@*******.***:

IPVM Image

**'* ********* ****** *********** *** **** use **** '********' ********* ** ******* what ** **.

***, ** *** **** *** ******* marketing ********* ***** **** *** ******** call ** '****** ***********,** ***** / ******** ** ****:

IPVM Image

Kyle Folger
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

** * ***** ******* ***'* ***** that *** ***** **** ***'* **** to ****** **** ********. * ***** think * ******* ******** ********* ***** be **** ** ******* *** *** software *****. * ***** **** ***** press **** ***** ** **** *******...*** let's *******.

Undisclosed #6
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

***, ** *** **** *** ******* marketing ********* ***** **** *** ******** call ** '****** ***********…

**********-****** ***!

IPVM Image

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Aug 16, 2021

********* *** *********** ** *** ******* should ** **** ********* *** ******** about ******** ****** *** *****, **** it ***** ** *** *** *** application ** ***** ********. ****** **************, regardless ** *** ** ** ************, usually ********** ** ********** ** *** Software ***/** ***** ****** ******** **** can ** ******.

** ******* ******** ****, *** **** will, ** ** ****** **** ****** Identification (*********** *********** ***** ** ****** characteristics ***** ******** *** *** ****), regardless ** *** ** ** ************ will **** ****** ****** ******* ** other ******, ******, ** **** *********, as ** *** ** *******. ** and **** **** *******, ******** *** features, ********* ** *** ********, ***** require ********** ********** ** ******* *** issues. ***** *** ******** ***** ** the ********** ** ** ************ *** direction ** ***** ******, ***** ***** be ******** *** **** ********.

***** ** ** ***** **** ****** concerns *** ******* ********* ********** ** individual ************ *************** **** **** *****. It ** *** ******* **** ** is ***** **** ******* ********* ** permission ** *** ***** ***** **********.

** **** *******, ***** ********** *** often *** ******* ******* *****. ** the ******** *** ****** ********, *** providers ** ***** ******** ************ **** to ** ***********, *******, *** ****** about ***** ********. **** *** *********** honesty *** ************ *** * ******* between ******** ******* *** *** *********** of *********, *********, *** ********* ****** and ******** ********* ** ************.

********** ***** ******** ****** **** ********* ability ** ******** *** ********* *** to ********** ** ********* ****** *** framework ** ***’ ****, ******, *** protection ** *******.

**** *** ******** ‘** *** ******** of *****’ ******** ** ****, **** around, ********, ** ***** *** ****** intent ** **** ******* ** ******* the ******, **** *** *** ****** industry, *** *** ********* ******* ** this ******** ************ ***********, ** ****. Security *** ** ************* *** ** legally *********** *** ***** ***************, **** the **** **** ** ***** ****** and ********* *********. ***** ********** ** the *** ***** ***** *** ****** contract *** ********* ***********. ************ ***** or ********** ** ** *** **** can ** **** ** ***** **** negligence.

*** **** *** ** ***** ** it’s *****.

Craig Bruce
Aug 16, 2021
BDH Consulting

**, ****, **** ** ** *****, You **** **** ** **** ********* else ** **.

**** ****** ** **:

"*** ********* ** ***** ************"

********* ***

Kyle Folger
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

* ***** *** ***** (** *** probably **** **) *** ******** ******** about ******* **** **** ******* ******* is * ******* ******.

IPVM Image

Undisclosed #6
Aug 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

****, ********************** ******, **** ****** * ***’* know *** ****, *******!

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2021

*****, *** **** **** *********** **** immense **** ********* *** *** ********* Verkada ********* *** ******* ********,** ***** ***:

**** "******* ******" *****-** ******* ****'* had ** ******* ****** ********** *** a ***** **** ** ***** *********** behavior **** * ******* *********?

Undisclosed #8
Aug 17, 2021

Overheard ****** ****** ****** (please add your own)

"**** ***** ***'* ***... **'* **** like **** ** *** ******** ** not ***."

"* ***'* *** **** * **** of ***** ** *, **** **** of *****... * ** *** ** that. * *** * *** **** contains **** ****** ** ***** **** were **** ** *** ***** ** the **** ****, ****** ***. *** difference."

"* ** ****, ** *** * ft * ****** ****. *** **. I **, **** ** ****, *** know... ** ****** **** ** *********."

Undisclosed End User #9
Aug 17, 2021

** * ********* ***** **** ** know:

**** ** *** ******* ********* ** how *** ** ***** "****** ***********" (or ******** *** ***** **** ** call ****) ************ *** ** ** employed?

** *******'* ****, ***, * *** see **** **** ************ ********** * legally ******* ****. ** **** ***** in ****, ***'* ***** * **** to ***** ***** *** ****** **** uses *** **** ************ **** ** be *** ** ***** *** *** of ****?

**** * ******** **********, *** ******* to ******* ****** ******* ** ******** footage ***** **** ****, *** ****** in ******* ***********, ** **** ******** us **** **** ****** ****** *** building. ** * *** * ******* camera, * ***** **** ****** ** our ******** ***** ***** ******** ****** photos ** ********. ********* * ***** party ********, *****?

**** ** ****** *** **** ********** is ***** ********** ** ********. * could ** ***** ****, *** * believe ***** ****** *********** ** ******* to **** ******* ** *** *** system's *******. ** **** ** ********** use ** ****** ***********?

****** ***, ***** *** **** ********* levels *** ********* ***** ** **** technology ** ** **** ****. ** one *** ** **** ********, *** have * ****** ***** ***** ******** is ********** *** *** ** **** information ***** ******** ** ********* *** can ** **** ** *******, *** other *** *** ****-*********** ************* ******* to *** *** ***** *** *** innovations ** ******* ****** ** ******.

Ethan Ace
Aug 17, 2021

**** ** ****** *** **** ********** is ***** ********** ** ********. * could ** ***** ****, *** * believe ***** ****** *********** ** ******* to **** ******* ** *** *** system's *******. ** **** ** ********** use ** ****** ***********?

******** ***** *** ******* ** ****** watchlist ******* ** ***** *** ** search ** ********* * ***** ** 7.12 (*** *** ****).

** ********'* ****, ** *** ****** a ***** ** ****** ** ********** Search, ** ***** *** * ***** face *****, *** ** ** *****'* find **, ** **** ****** ***** on ******* ********** (*.*., *** *****, blue *****, **** *******).

Undisclosed End User #10
Aug 17, 2021

**** *** *** **** **** ****, but ****** *********** ** ***** * human ** ********, ** ** ********* to ****************, ******** * **** ** a ***** ** * *****. ** they're *********** *****, ****'** ***** ****** recognition. ****** *** ******* *** ** this, ********** ** *** ****** ** vendor ** **** ******* ***** ***** with ********** *** ****** ***.

** **** ***** * ******* **** gives * ********** ******** *** ******* the ******* ********** **** ******* ***** faces **** **** **** **** ******, then ****'** ***** **** ******* *** processing ********* *********** ** **************** ***** faces *** ******** ******. ****'* **** surveillance *****, ***** ****** ** ******** in **** ***** *** ************, **********, being ********* ** ******** ** ******* information ** **** ***** *************.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #11
Aug 17, 2021

* ***** ***** ****** * ******/********** on *** ** ** ****** *********** may ** **** **** ****** ** acceptable ********** ** *******, ******* ** a ******** ******. ***** ** ******** value ** *********** ********* ******* *********** if ** *** **** *** *** personal ******* *** ***** ********* ******. John, *** *** ********** **** * discussion?

Undisclosed Integrator #12
Aug 17, 2021

** *** "***" ** *** * motor *******, ** ** * ***** relocation ******. *** ********* **** *** require ** ** **** * *******.

Mike Jude
Sep 10, 2021

**** ** * **** ****. * face *** ** ** ****** *** can ** ******* *** **** *** one ***** *****, ***, * **** car. *** ****** *****'* **** *** the ****** **, *** *** ****** has ***** ** ******* ***** ** a ********** ****** ****. **** * feature *** ** **** ** * means ** ****** **************. ******* **** have * ***** **** ** *** face ***'* ***** **** ** ******** a ******** **********, **** ** ***'* really ***** **** ** ******* * person's *******. ******...**** ******* ********* * face? ***. **** ** *** ** to ******** * ******** **********'* ********? No. *** ******* **** ****** *********** is *** ** *** *** ** such **** ** ********* * ******'* right ** *********. **** *****'* ****** do ****.

Undisclosed #6
Sep 10, 2021
IPVMU Certified

******* **** **** * ***** **** if *** **** ***'* ***** **** to ******** * ******** **********, **** it ***'* ****** ***** **** ** violate * ******'* *******.

**** ** ** ***** ********** **** now **, ** *********** # ********* to ** *? ***** ****, *******.

*** *** *** *** ********* ****** with ****?

Mike Jude
Sep 10, 2021

**** **** ***'* ******* ******** ** it?IPVM Image

John Honovich
Dec 02, 2021

******: *** ******** *** ******* *** Oakland ******* *** **** ******* ** out ** **** *******:

IPVM Image

Undisclosed #15
Dec 04, 2021

****** ****** **** "****" *** ****.

****** ***********, *** **********, ** *** as******** ** *** **, **** **'* capable ** **, ** ******, ******** a ***** **** ******** ******* ***** **, *** ****, a ***************** **** ** ******** ********, *****, that ***** * ****** ** ***** and ******** *** ********** **** ****** as * ******** ********** ***** **** live, **** ***** **** **, ***** other ********** ************ ***********. ******* **** not ***** ****. ** ** *** do ****** ***********. ** ***** ****'* more ******* **** ***** *******. [******** *****]


John Honovich
Aug 26, 2022

******, *** ******* ******* ********* **** has *** **** *********** ** ** / *******:

IPVM Image