Verkada $5+ Million Mega-Deal for Small North Carolina County School District

Published May 19, 2022 13:53 PM

Verkada has won a mega-deal with a small school district, bundling all of Verkada's 5 product categories at strong profit margins, with an emerging direct sales partner, and even setting up the district as a marketing vehicle to sell to more schools.

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Inside this note, we examine the details of the win and what this shows about Verkada's game plan to lock school districts into a high-profit decade-long win for Verkada.

Verkada has a history of aggressive, ethically and legally questionable marketing practices with schools:

This is a strong example of how those tactics are paying off.

Dream ********

*******-*********** *******(****) ** ***** ******** ** * dream ******** – * **,***-******* ******** with ****** ** *******, ******* ** lock-in *********** **** *******.

** **** *** ****** ***** *******, **** ***,*** ****, ***** **** ******* ********************* ************** *****, **** ** * $*.* ******* proposal, ***** *** *********** ** * $1 ******* ******* ************ ** *** ***** ** *****.

*** **** ******** *******, ****** *******, environmental *******, ***** ********** *** ***** monitoring - ********** **** ******* *****, as *** ******* ***** *****:

IPVM Image

**** ********* *** ******* ******** *** associated *****:

Complete ******* ******* ****

**** ******** *** ******* *** ********** of ********* ** *** *****, ******** $1.6M ** ******** *** $** ** software ******* *****.

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*** ******** *** ********* ** * "great ****" ******* ******* ******** **** $4.1M ** '*******' *** **********, ********* software *** ******** *********, *********, ******* subsidy, *** '***** *****' *******:

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***** ** * ********* ** *** cost *** ******* ******* ********:

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**** *** ***** ******* **** ********* the ********** ********* ** ******* ** ISSD. *******'*****-** ******** ********** **** **** ******, ** **** a ******** ** ******-**, ** ** increasingly ************* ** *** ***** ********* that **** *** *********. ********, *********'* ******** **** ****************: "**, ****, *** *** *** ****** it ****".

Verkada **** ******* ******** / *****

*** ************ ******* ******** *** **** pricing ** *******'* **** ****** *** outdoor ******* **** **-*** *******.*******'* ***** ********** *** ****** ** $**** *** outdoor ** $****, ***** *** ************ listed **** ** $**** *** $**** respectively (*.*., $*,***,*** / *** = $1698).

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**** *********** ***** ******** *** **** 'savings' *** **** ** $****.

Exceptional *******

*** ******* *** ***********, *.*., ******* is ******* ****** ********* ***** (****) for ~$*,*** **** (*.*. ***** ***** for *** *** ***** ** $***,***). Even **** ***** *** ****** ********, those ******* **** ************* **** **** half **** *****. ** ***** ****** them ** **** $*** ** ****, delivering ******** ******* ** ** ** 75%.

********, **** ** *** ****** **** on *** ********. ******* ***** *** licenses **********, ****, *.*., $*,***.** ** additional ******** ******* *** *** **-**** term.

** ******** ******** ***** **** ** covered ** *** ***** ****'* $*.* million ******* (*.*., **%+ ****** ** the $*.* ******* ** ******** ****) and **** *** ******* **** ******** significant ******* **** ***** * ** 5.

**** ** * ***** **** *** Verkada *** *** **** ** *** that **** ****** ********* *** ***** confidence ** *** *****.

Replacing ******

******* **** ** ********* ****** *** systems, **** **** **********:

**** ** ********* **** *** ** analog. ** *** **** ** *** switches, ******** ********, *** ****'* **** we ***** ** ** ******, *** that's **** **** **** **, ** for ******** ******** *** *******

*** ******** ********** ********** ***** ******** video ************ ******

**'** ********* ************ *** * *** goes ***, ** *** ** ***** to **** *** **** *** *** is ***, *** **** ** **** until ** ******** *******.


***** *** **** ** **** ** our ******* ****** ******, * *** of **** *** ****** ********. ** if *******'* *********, ****'** *** ***** to ** ********* ****

*** ************ ******** * **** ** side ** **** ***** *** ** cameras ** *** ******* *******:

IPVM Image

***********, *** *********, ******* **** **, Verkada, ****, *********, ** ********, ** going ** ** ******** ******* ** analog ******* **** **** ***** ***.

*** ********** *** *** **** *** new ******* ****** **** *****, **** the ****** ******* ***** ** **** but ******* ********** **** ** ** only ** **** *** ** ***** be *** **** *********:

** *** **** ** ** ** 90. **** ******** ** ** *** retention, ***** * ******* ** ******** close ** ****** **** *** **** today. ** ** **** **** * continuous **/* **** **** **. **** said *** ** **** *** **. We *** ********** ** **'* **** the **** ** **** ******** ************* more *********

**** ** * ********** **** ***** of *******'* ***** ***** **** ****** has *****-** *******, ***** ****** *** sold **-*** ******* ******* ***** ******* replacing ***** *******, **** *******'* ************.

Replacing ***** *** ********* ****** *******

*** ******** ** **** ********* *****:

** *** ** * **** **** job ** *** ****** ********, *** Lenel ****** ******** *** ******** ****** well ****, ****** ** *** *** finished **** *****...

** **** ****** ******** ** ***** school, *** ** ** *** **** access ******** ** ***** ****. **** would ******* ** ** *** ****** controls ** ***** **** ** ** could **** **** *********** ***** *** school ******** ** **** ** ***'* have *** ***** ***** **** **** have **** ******* ***** ** ********** usage *** ***** ******

Replacing ***** **********

*** ****** *** ***** ********** *** says **** ******* ** ********** *********, now **** *******, ******* **** ******** 911 *** ****:

**'** ********* ****** *** ***** ********, which **** ***** ******* ** **** this ****** ******** *** *******, ** at *****, **** ******* * ***** call ***** ********* ***** **, ******** at ******* ******** ***** **** *** footage ** *** ****'* ***** **. And **** ********* ******* **** **** to **** *** ********* ***** ***, what ******* ** *** ********* *** called ** *** ****** ** *** night, *'** **** ** ** **** end ******* *****, *** *** **** out ** *** ******, *** *** find *** ** *** **** *** door **** *** **** **** ** something **** *** *** ***** ***, it's **** ******, *** ** **** give ** *** ******* *** **** portion *** ** ** ***** ******** to * ****** ********, ****** ** actually *** ********. ** **** *** actually *** **** *********'* ***** **, call *** ** **** **** **, it's **** **** **** ******** **** what ** ********* ****.

Integration *******

*** ****** ******** *** *** **** about *** *********** ** ***** ******** systems (***, *****, ******, ***.). ***** it ** ******** ** ** ** with **** *******, * ***** ********* of ******* ** **** ******* ** selling *** *********** *** **-** ******* they **** ** *** ********** *** it ** ******* *** *** ******* in *** *****.

Terminating ******** *** ********** **********

* ***** ****** ********** **** ** why ***** ******** **** * *-**** old ******* ** *****. ********, *** board ****** * ******** ***** ******* being **** ** ***** *** ** business.

***** *** ***** ************ **** *** terminate * ******* ******** *** *****, they *** *** **** **** ***** system **** ** ******* *** ******** without ******* *********.

***********, ******* ** *** ********* *****, if ******* **** ** ** ********, it ***** ** *********** *** **** to ****** ******* *****.

Solink ********* ** *******

* ***** ****** **** ******** ***** Solink, *** ***** ****** ** ** found ********* ******* *******:

***** ** **** ***** ** ** Solink ** * ****** ***********. ******* the ** ** *** ***** ******.

****** *****, * ******* ********* ********, replied **** ** *** *** "******** with *** ******" *** ********* "*********" off *******:

"Center ** **********" ***********

**** ****** *** ************ ******* * "joint ***********" *********** **** ***** **** ISSD **** * "****** ** **********" for *******.

***** ******* ******** ********** ** **** partnership, **** ******* ********** **** *** has ********* ** * ******** ********* vehicle *** *******.

******, *** *********** ******** **** ** attend ******* ******, ******** ******* ********, and **** ***** ** *********:

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**** ** * ***** **** ** Verkada, ** **** ** *** ******* and **** ******** *** **** *** found, *** ********** ** ** ********* is ****** ** **** * ******** impact.

Integrator ****-*******

*** *********-************, ** ** ******** ******* *******, won **** **** ****. **** ******** on **** ******** (***:*** ******* ***** ****** ***** ***). ******* *** * ******* ****** to *** **** ***** ******** ** SHI *** ***, ****** ** **** smaller (******** ***** **** **** *** employees) *** ******* ** ******* *** has *** ******* ** ***** ******* in *** **** **** ** ******* HQ.

Comments (34)
Shannon Davis
May 19, 2022
IPVMU Certified

** * **** * *** ***** I ***** *** ** *****. ********* they *** ********* ***** **** *******'* crappy ****** *******? ***** *** ****** what ***** ** *** ** ****** for **** ****!

** **** ****** ******** ** ***** school, *** ** ** *** **** access ******** ** ***** ****. **** would ******* ** ** *** ****** controls ** ***** **** ** ** could **** **** *********** ***** *** school ******** ** **** ** ***'* have *** ***** ***** **** **** have **** ******* ***** ** ********** usage *** ***** ******

* ***** *** **** ****'* **** with ***** ***** **********. *** *** definitely *** ****** ******* ** ***** door **** * *** ********* ********.

* ****** **** ** **** ********* compare *** ******/** ***** **** ***** technology ** ****** *** ******** ******* didn't **** **** **** **** *****.

Undisclosed #1
May 19, 2022

**** ** **** ******* **** *** I.T. ********** ** ******* ** ********* decisions ** ******** ********.

Undisclosed #1
May 19, 2022

[**** ****: *** ****** ******** ** not ******* * ******* *** ** the ****** *****. **** ** ******.]

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John Honovich
May 19, 2022

* ***** * **** **** **** is ******/* ****. *** *******:

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Undisclosed #1
May 19, 2022

*'** **** **** ** * ********** on ** ******* ********* ******.

Jason Neubauer
May 19, 2022
IPVMU Certified

************* *** **** ******** **** *********** a ****** ***** ***** *** ***'* be ********* ***** *** ****.

Undisclosed #2
May 19, 2022

** ******** ** ***** ******* ** sell ** ******* ****** *******.

** ******** *** ************ ******* ********

Undisclosed Integrator #3
May 19, 2022

* **** **** ** *** ******** security *** **** ****** ******** ** North ******** *** **+ *****. *** company **** *******, ***** ***/** ******** security ******* ** ***** ******** **** have **** * ** *** ******* Electrical *********** ******* *** * ** Alarm ***** ******** *******. ** **** seems **** **** ******* *** *** go *** ** ****** *** *** State ************. * ***** * *** of ******** *********** **** ** ******* into **** ****.

Undisclosed End User #4
May 19, 2022

* **** **** **** ** **** into ** ******* ** ** * horrible "****" *** *** ********. **** I ****** ******** ** **** *******:

*** *********** ******** **** ** ****** Verkada ******

********!?!? ** ***** ** **** **** is **** **** **** "** **** us *** *** *** ** ** flown *** ** *, *, ** Z *** ******** **** *** ** hour ** **** ***** **** ** is ********."

Undisclosed #1
May 20, 2022

*** *********** ******** **** ** ****** Verkada ******

****'* ***** *.*.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #8
May 20, 2022

****** **** ** ********** *** ** commit ** *** *** *****: *******.

**'* *** ******** ** *** * discount ** ******* * ********* ***********, this **** ***** *** **** ******** a **** ******* ** "**-****** ************."

** ***** ** ***** **-****** ****** are ******** ** ********* **** *********, and **** ****** **** ** **** too!

Undisclosed Integrator #5
May 20, 2022

******** *** ** ** ** ********* for ********** *********** ****, *****'* ****** either ******* *** ******* **** ** El *******, ***** *** **** **** to *** *** ****** *******. ******** a ********* **** ** ** ** site ** ****** *** ******, *** alone *** ** *** ***** ** do *** ****, ** ******** ** it.

****, *** ****** **** ****** *** estimated **** *** ************: $**** ** a $*+* ****** ********? ********* ***** is ***** ** ******* *** ** least * ***** ** * ******* like ****, *** **** ********* ***** at $**** *** *** ******** **** cost ** *** "*******" ********?

**** *** ********* ****** *** *** bad ***** ** *** ****** ***** this ** ***** ** ******, * don't ***** **** **** **** **** see *** ***** ** ***. *** despite *** ********** ** ******* ** be **** *** ********* *** ******* costs *** *** ******* ** ********, they'll **** ***** **** ****** ** install **.

Donald Maye
May 20, 2022

********* ***** ** ***** ** ******* for ** ***** * ***** ** a ******* **** ****, *** **** estimated ***** ** $**** *** *** covering **** **** ** *** "*******" proposal?

*** ****, **** ****, ****** *** install ***** **** ******* $***-$****, ***** was *** ******** ** *** ******* $5M+ ****. *** $**** ****** *** the ******* ******* ** ******* ***** from ******* - ** **** ***** need ** ***** *** ********* ~$****-$****.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
May 26, 2022

* ***** ** **. **** **** week. ******* **** **** **** ** use *** ***-******** *****. **** ** the ************ **** **** ****. ***** installation ******* *** **** ********.

John Honovich
May 26, 2022

#*, ****** *** *** ******-**, *** you ***** ******** **** *********** **** talking **** **** *******?

Undisclosed Integrator #3
May 26, 2022

* ***. * **** **** ** touch **** *** ***** ** ********* members. *******, ** **** *** ** prudent ** ******* **** ****.

John Honovich
May 26, 2022

**, **********, ** *** **** **** to ***** ******** **************, ****** ***** me ** ****@****.***

Undisclosed #7
May 20, 2022

* **** **** ** *** ******** in ** *** *** *** *** are ****** *****.....

*** **** **** * ******* ** a ** *** ******* ** *** Level *,*,* ******** ** ** *** work.

*** **** **** * ***** ******* to ** *** ****** *** ******** of * *** **** *****.

** *** ******** *** **** **** someone ***** **** *** ***** *********** and ***** **** **** ******* *** the *********...

**** ** **** **** ***** *** local *** **** ***** *** **** on *** ** ****.....

**** ******* ******* ** ******, ** they ***** * *** *** *** time *** **** ** ** *** ever **** **** *** ********* ** get ******* ***** ** * ******. not ****** *** ***** *** ** you **** **** ** ****** *** are ***** ** **** ** ****** how ** **** ******

Undisclosed Integrator #5
May 20, 2022

***'* *****. ** *** ***** ****** states, *** **** ** **** *** NCASLB ******* ** *******/******, *** ** do *** **** *** ** *** that ******* *** **** **** ** least * *** ******* ********** *******. I **** ** ************* *** ************ that **** **** ***** **** *** visiting * **** ** **** ********* recommendations. ***, *** ***'* *** *** work *** **** **** * ******** sub ** ******* **; *** **** to ** ******** ** **** ***. Whoever ********* *** ***, ******* ** Monarch ***** ** ** ******** ** does ******* ******** **.

John Honovich
May 20, 2022

** ******* ***** **** ***?

IPVM Image

Undisclosed #1
May 20, 2022

**** ******* ****** ** ****** ** the **** ********* *** **** **.

Undisclosed Integrator #6
May 20, 2022

*** *******'* *******, ***** ************ *** be ***** ** **** **** **, #320San *********, ** *****... ***** ****** Street **** ** **** *** ** date?IPVM Image

Steve Robinson
May 24, 2022
IPVMU Certified

*** ** *** ******** ******* ** the *** ***** ** * ******* with ** *******. **** ** ******* a ***** *** ******* ****** ** pose ** * ****** ****** **** a ***** *** ****** ********. ****** say ** **** ** *** **** here *** ****** ** **** **** point.

Michael Miller
May 20, 2022

******** **** ** * ********** **** wage *** ************.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
May 20, 2022

********* ** ********** **** ******** ** NC. *** **** ********* *'** **** to **** ** ******* ** ******** projects.

Undisclosed Integrator #9
May 23, 2022

******* ***** ** *** *** ***** Members *** *** ************** **** *******. Along **** *** ******'* ******** *******.

Ralph Brickley
May 23, 2022

** *** **** ******** ** ****. So ** ****** *********.

Undisclosed Integrator #9
May 23, 2022

* **** * ***** **** * 5 ******* ****** *******

Ralph Brickley
May 23, 2022

** *** - ********* ** ******* was *****. **** * *** ** the ********** ***** * ******* ** sell *******. **** *** ***** *****.

Undisclosed #10
May 23, 2022

**** ** *** *** ****** **** a ********* ******** **********. ** ** humble *******, *** ********** ***** ***** salt ***** ***** ***** ******* **** from **** **** ** ******. *** are ********* ******** *** ** ******** opinion. **** *** ****** ***** ******* are ********** ** *******. ***** *** wonder **** **** ** ********* *** technology *** ** *******.

Ralph Brickley
May 23, 2022

* ******'* ***** ****. *******'* ******* are ******* ***** ****. ** *** era ** ****** ******* *** ********* open, ************* *** ************* ************, **** district **** **** $* ******* ** to *** ***** ******** *** *** most ****** ****** ** *** ******.

* **** ** **** *** ** integrator **** *** * ******* ******** and * ******* ** **** **, to *** ******* ** ** ****. In ** **** **** **** ****** districts, **** (*******) **** ***** *** they *****'* ***** *********. *** **** salesguy ******* *********'** *** *** *** of *** ******** ** *******, "**'* the **** ****** ***** ** *** be *****." *** ***** *****? **** hit *** **** **** * ********* hack...

******** *** ****** *********. * **** a ***** ****** ******** ******, * buildings, **** **** ******* *****, ******** access. ********* ********* *******. **** **** realized *** ******-***** **** ****, ***** were ******* *** ** **** * few ******* ** ********* ** ****** the ******.

Undisclosed #2
May 23, 2022

* *** ** *** ** *** as ** ***** ** *** *** user ** *** ********** ******* - which *** *********** ****** **** ** be. **** ** ********* *** *********** exist - *** ******* ** ** solutions *********, **?

**** *** **-** **** **** *** manufacturer ** ** ******** *** **** email ******* **** **** ****** ******* their ****-** *********, *** *** '********* provider' (*.*. ******** **********) **** ******** their ****** ** ******** ***** ** not *** **** ** ************ *** ****.

*** ** * *****?

Undisclosed Integrator #11
May 23, 2022

** *** ***** ***** ****** ******** comments?It ******* **** ** ***** ***** need ** ** **** ** ******, and ** ** ****** **** *** people *** ***** ***** ******** *** responsible *** ********* ******** ** ***** County.

**'** ********* ************ *** * *** goes ***, ** *** ** ***** to **** *** **** *** *** is ***, *** **** ** **** until ** ******** *******.


***** *** **** ** **** ** our ******* ****** ******, * *** of **** *** ****** ********. ** if *******'* *********, ****'** *** ***** to ** ********* ****

*** ****** ** ** ******, *** that's **** **** ************* ******. ******* not * *** ** ***** ******** thinking ***** ** ******?

Undisclosed #2
May 24, 2022

******* *** * *** ** ***** critical ******** ***** ** ******?

***** * ** *** ********, **'* more ******** **** *** ****** ******** just *****'* **** *** ********* ****** to **** **** **** ** $** decision **** ***** **** ** ** the ******** *** *** **** ** years.

****'* *** ******** *********** (*** ** larger ************, ******** ***********) *****, **? to ******* **** ******** ********* **** end **** ****** ********** **** **** making **** ********* ***** ***** ******** solutions.
