Verkada Wants to Win Over Security Integrators

Published Jul 17, 2023 14:56 PM

*** *****, ******* *** *** ** adversarial ************ **** *** ******** ******** industry ******** ******* ******** *************. ***, ******* **** ****** *** changing, ******* ** ** ***** ** IPVM *** ******** ** ** ***** to *** ******** *********** ****.

IPVM Image

*******'* **** ** ******* *****,***** ************* **** **** ******* *********:

  • ** ******* ** *** **********
  • *** **** *** ******* ***** ******* organization
  • ******** ***** *******/*********** ********
  • ************* ***** ******* *****
  • *** ** ******* **** *****
  • ******* ** ****** ** ******** *******
  • ********** ******* *******

Frustration **** *******'* ******* **********

*******'* -**% *** ************** ****'* **** ************ ***** *** one ** *** *****. **** *********** complained ***** *** *******'* ******* ********** hurt ***** **********, **** ******* ********** that ******* *** ***** ** ***** their *********.

***** ****, ********** **** (*****) **** IPVM **** **** ** *** * Verkada ******* * *** ***** ***, Verkada "*** ** *****" ** *** of *** ********* ** *** **** he ******* ****** **-******* ******* ***:

* *** * ~$***,*** ******* *** a ***** ******** *** ** *** a **** ****. ** **** **** waiting *** *** ************ ***** ** get ** *** ***** ***** ** were ***** ** ******* *** *******. This *** * *********** **-******* **** solution. **** *******, *********, ********, *** the ****. ******* ******* *** ** front ** ** ********. *** ** this **** * *** * ****** signed ** **** *******.

***********, **** ****** **** ******* ******* the ******** ********* ** ***** *** match, ******* **** ** ***** **** him, * ******* ******, * "***** sale":

** ******** *** **** **** **** they **** ******* **** [**]. ****[*******] got ********** ** ***** ** ******** discounts. **** **** **** **** **** going ** **** **** * ***** sale **** *** **** ** **** and ****** *** *** ***** ****** hard ** **** **** ********'* ******** knowing **** ** *** ** ********. That **** * ****** *** ***** in *** ******.

Apologies ** *** ********* ******** *******

*** ******** ********* *******-********** ******** *** earlier **** **** **** ******** ******* ********** *** ** ********* *** ********** (**********) ******** ****:

*****'* ** ****** *** ** ** work **** *** ******* **** ** provide ** ****** **** ***.

***** ******* ******* ** ******* *******, now ******* ****** ** ** **** saying **** *** ********* ** ***:

*** ********** ** *** ** *** partners, *** **'** **** ******** ** be ******* ********* ****. *************, ******* this **** ** **** * ******* when *** ** *** ********* **** members **** ** ********** *** ****-****-******* comment ***** ***, *** **'** ***** about **. **, ** ******, ********** directly ** ***.

** *** *** ****, ******* *** clearly ******** (*.*., *** ********* *** Commercial *** ** **********, *** * competitor) *** **** ******* ** *** publicly ****** ************** ** * ******** sign **** *** ******* ** ****** to ** ***********.

Verkada: ******** *** *** ********* ** *** *******

***** ******* *** *** **, ** not **********, ***** *************** *** ******** ******** ******** ***** and *** **** **** ************ ****** ***** *** ******* ******* ******* **** *** ***** directly, *** ******* **** **** ** wants ** ******.

*******'* **** ** ******* *****, ********, told **** **** ******** *** *** "lifeblood" ** *** *******, ******* ****** comments ** ******** ** *********** *** are *********** ********* ***** *** ******* stealing ***** *********:

Partners *** *** ********* ** *** ******* and we’re dedicated to fostering a positive and collaborative relationship with them. Partnering with Verkada can be a great way for integrators to build their portfolio of customers as we have a salesforce that unearths new deals. [Emphases added]

******** ***** **** **** **** ******* to ****** **** * ******'* ******** partner ** **** *** *** ******* a ******* ******:

** * ******** ** ***** *** to ** ********** ** *******, ** typically *** **** ** *****’* * partner **** ******* ****** ** **** with – *** ** **** ** effort ** ****** **** ******* ** they’re *** ******* * ******* ********.

******** **** **** **** ******* "********** the ******** **** ******** ****" ** its ******** *** ******* *** *** investment *** ******* *** **** ** its ******* ***** ************:

*******recognizes *** ******** **** ******** **** in helping us make the communities we live and work in safer— and we **** ******** ******* ** *** ******* ***** ************. We **** ***** *** **** ** ** *** **** ** ******, and 50+ new resellers are applying to join us as partners weekly, evidence that the demand for what we’re building has never been greater. [Emphasis added]

*** ******* **** **** **** ****** about *** ********** ** *** ********:

**’** ********** ** ***** *** ****** in *** ******* ********* *** *********. In **** *** **** ** ******, we ****:

  • ***** *** ****** ******* ********* ** 38% – *** ******** **** **** 5,500 ****** ** *********.
  • Grown *** ******* ************ ** **** **** ***% to support our Partners, including rapid growth in our National, European, and Australian/New Zealand teams. [Emphasis added]
  • ***** ****&* *** ****************.

****** ******* *** ******* ************ ** the **** ** ******, ******** ********* that ***** *** ********* ****** *** people ** *** ****. *******, **** still **** ***** ** ~**% ** Verkada's ***** ************.

Pricing/Discount ********

******* **** **** **** ** *********** a ****** ** **** ******* **** quotes ** *** *****. ******** ********* Verkada's "**** ************ *****" ******** ** ******* ****, ***** outlines *******'* *********** ******** *****:

***-**** ******* ** ****** **** *** delivered ** *** ********. *********** ** subject ** *** **** ************ ***** for *** **** **** ** ********** by *** ** *** ********* (**** ************ ***** - *******) – *** ** ***** ***** a ******** **** ******* ******** *** discounting, ** **** **** **** *** partner ** *** ******* ** ********* end-user *******.

*** ***** ********** ******* ** **** Verkada ***** ********* ********** ********** ********** pricing **** *** *****, ******* *********** in * *************** ******** ***** *** margins **** ******* *** *** *** integrator *********** *** ** **** ** or ***** **.

Partner *************: ******* ********* ******** *******

***** **** **** ********* ***** ******* end ***** ********** ***** ************ ******, especially **** ****** *******. *** *******, earlier **** ****,** ********** ******* *** * ******* access ******* ************ **** *********** *****, *** * ***** ***, ******* ********** ***** ******* ****** ******* and *** **********.

********** **** ********, ******** **** **** that ******* ** ******* ** ******** its *********** ******* *** ********** ********* ******** *******(***):

* ******** **** ** *** ********** into *** ******* ********* ** *** install *******. ** ****** *** ******** and ********** **** *** **** ************* training *** *********, ** ***** ******** ********* ******** *******(***). ******* *** *** *******, ******** and ********** ******** ******* ******** ** help **** ****** ********* ******* ** Verkada ******* ***** ** **** **** can ****** ********* *** ********* ******** and ******** *********. **’** **** ********** product-specific *** ********, **** ******** **** an ****** ******* ********** ************* *******.

******* ******** ** *** **** ** be ********* ***** *** ******* ******* program, *** ** ** ******** **********, Augustin *********:

***** **’* *** ******** *** *** partners ** ** *********; *******, **’* strongly **********.

**** ****** *** ************* **** ***** not ** * **** ** ** an "********** *******" ***** *** *******'* new ******* ******* ******* ********* ***** next ****, ** **** ****** ** a *********** ****** ** ******* *** can ****** * "********* *******," ******** said:

** *** *** *** ******* ******* launch ** **, ******* ************* **** likely ** ********** ** *********** ******* tier.

** ** ****** *** ************* ** require ***** ******** ** ** *********, for *******:

*** ***** *** *** *********, ******** said **** ******* ******** "***** *************" for **** ** ** **:

** ******* ***** ************* *** *** partners ** ****** *********, ********* **** 100 **-****** *********, ****** ** ****** and **+ ********* ********.

********* ** ********, ***+ ** *******'* 5,500+ ******** **** **** ********* ** the **** ** ******:

** *** **** ** ******, **** than *,*** *********** ************ ***+ ******* companies ******** **** ****** ********* ******* our******* ********* ******** *******(***).

*******, **** ***** ***** **** **% of *******'* ******** *** *** ******* Certified "*********."

Verkada's *** ******* *******: *** ******** **** ******* **** *****

********** *** ******* ******* ******,******* ********* **** ********* ** ** ********* * *** channel ******* **** *********** ******** **** 2 ********* ***** **** ****:

** *** ******, *** ******** *** classified ** ‘**********’ *** ******* *** same ********. *** *** ******* ****** Partner ******* **** ****** ** ** of **** *** **** ****** ********** categories *** ********. [***] *** ********** for ******** [**** **]: ********* *** Authorized.

******** *********** ** **** *** ******** "Preferred ********" ****, ********* **** ***** and *** *********:

*** *** ******** **** **** ********* benefits, *********receiving **** *****, NFR discounts, and access to the Executive Briefing Center at our San Mateo headquarters.

***** ** *** ************ *******, ******* ** *** ********* ***** its ***** ** ********* ***** *** integrators. ** **** *********, ******** ********* that "****" ***** * ********* ********** 15%+ ******** ** ***** *** *** "Preferred ********":

** *******we **** **** ** ********** **%+ ** *******-******* ******** ******* ***** ********. [Emphasis added]

******** **** ********* **** *** **-****** "Executive ******** ******" ***** *** *** that ******** ******* ********:

******* ** *** ************ ** *** Mateo, *** *** ********* ******** ****** is * ********* ***** **** ******** our *********, ********, *** ******** ************* with ** ********* ********** ** *** Verkada ********.

*** ****** **** ******** * ******** conference ****, ********* * ***** *** our ****** ** **** **** *** executives, *********, ** ******* ***** ** discuss *** ******* *** **** **** meet ***** ******** *****.

** ** ****** *** ************* ** provide **** ******* *** ********* *** partners. *** ******* *** ** ******** ***** *** ****** ** "********** Centers"****** *** *****.

Partner ****** *******, ***-** **********

** *** ** *** *** ******* partner *******, ******** **** **** ***** have **** ******* ** *** ******* demo *********** ****** *** ******* ******, which ***** *** ******** **** **********:

**’** ******** *** ******* **** ***********. Partners *** *** **** ******* ** clients *** *********** ********* ******* *** Partner ******. **** ***** ******* *** power ** *** ******** **** **** accessible.

***** **** ** *** ******** ***** to *** ****** ** ****, ******** said:

*** ******** ******* ******** **** **********, a ********* *****[***** *********** ********* *****] section, *** ******* ** ******** *****, webinar ******** *****, ** ******** ‘**** My ***’ *******, * ************ ******* collateral ****, *** ** ****** ******** hub.

****** *** ******* *******, ******** ********* that ******** ** ******* *************** **** to "***-**" *** *** ***** *****, which ************ ******** ** ***** ** selling ******** ********:

********* ********, ****** (***** *********** ********* Funds) *** * *** *** ************* to *********** ******** ** ***** ** selling * ******** ******* (*****, *** products). ******** *** ******* **** **** to ‘***-**’ ** ** ******** *** any ***** ** *****, *** ****** compliance ** ***** ************* * ***** and ********** *********.

*******, ******** **** **** *** ******* "Find ** ***" ******* ******** * more *********** ******** **** ****** ** reviewing *******'* ***** ***************:

[******** ******* **** *** ***** *** is.] *******, ** ******* **'* ********* that ******** **** **** ****** ** all ***** ***'* ***********, ******* ********* whenever **** **** **.

*** "**** ** ***" ******* *** previously ********* ** * ******** ****** and ** *** ********* ****** *******, Augustin ****:

*** ‘**** ** ***’ ************* ********** existed ** *** ******* ****** (******** from *******). **** *** ****** ******, partners **** *** **** ****** ** a **** ** *********** ****** *** Command *********, ********* ** *** ******* to *** *** *** ** *** the **’* ******* **, ** **** as *** ********* ******** ********.

*** **** ****** ******* ****** *******'* partner ****** ** * "********* ******* Store." ** ****** ******** ** ****-***** products *** ***** ***** ******, ******** said:

* ********* ******* ***** (****** ** the ****** **** ** *** **** [of ****]) **** ***** ******** ** easily ***** ******** ******* ******* ** contact ***** ***. **** ** *******-******** discount, ******** *** ****** *** ******** to * ****, **** * *******, and ***** ***** ***** ****** **** one *****.

Embedded ******* ********

******* ******** ******** **** *************** ******** ** *******'* ******* ***********. Some *********** **** ********* **** **** want ** ******* **** ******* ********** and *** **** ************* ******** ********. In ******** ** **** ********, ******** said ***** **** ** *** "******* Tools" ****** *** ******* *** **** helps ******* ******** ******* ******** ******* requests:

******** **** **** **** ****** ** Command ***** ******* ***** ** ***** all ******* ***** ********* ** ***** customers.

Renewal *******

***** ********* *** ********* ** ******** earning ********* *******, ******** **** **** such ***** *** ******* ******* **********:

** * ******* *******, ***** ** an *********** ** **** ********* ******* as *** ******* ***** ******* ******** and *** **** ********** ********* ** top ** *** **** ********.

**** **** *** ***** ***** ******* the ******** ********** *** ********* *** system *** **** ********** ********** *** the ********* *******. *******, ******** **** IPVM **** ******* ***** *** ******** sell ********:

** ****** ** ****** **** ******** are **** ******* *** ******** ******* to *** **** ** *** *******. In ********, ** *** ** *** process ** ******** **** ******** ******* tooling ** **** *** ******** ********* proactively ****** ***** ******** ******* ********.

******** **** **** **** **** *** renewal ****** *** ********* ** *** users *** ******* ********.

Difficulties ** ******** ******* ************* *** ** * ******* ****

******* ** ********* *** **** ** security ***********. *******, ***** ** ********** a ***** **** ** ***** ** it ***** ** *** **** ****.

** *** **** *****, ***** ******* sales *************** *** ******* *** ** Adam ****** ** **** ******, *** he ***** **** ******* ***** *** unpleasant ********:

*'** *** * *** **** ***** then ****** *** *** ***** **, this ** * ***** ***, *** called *** *** ***** ** ***: "Hey, *'* *** *** ***. * understand. * **** ***** *** **** shady ***** ** *** ****. ** are **** ** *******. ** **** to **** **** ** ***."

**** **** ****** ** **** ***** their ****** ****. ***** **** * talked ** * ***, * **** them *** *'* *** ***** ******** with **** *** **** **** ** acknowledged **** **** [**** **] ***** happens *** **'* ****** *** ********, and [**** ****] ****** ****.

** *******, ******* ** **** ************ or **** ** ************, ** ******* not ** **** ******* ***** **** [time ** *** ********].

******* ** ****** ****** ** *** over ******** *********** *** ** ******* to ** **** *** **** **** will ** *** *** ********** *********** will **.

Comments (57)
John Honovich
Jul 17, 2023

**** ******** ***********'* **** ** ******* *****,***** ********, * ***** **'* *******. ****, just ************, ** *** *** *** head ** ******* *****, *** ****** logically **** *** ******* ** ****** you.

**** * ** ******* ** *** is *** ******* ********* **** ** an ******* ***** ************, ***** *** so **** ******* ** *** *** users ******** (*** **** ******* *** *********). ** **** *** ****** *** more ******, * ** ***** **** reasonably **** ** ******.

Jason Crist
Jul 18, 2023
IPVMU Certified

*’* **** **’* *******. **’* ********* trying ** **** ***** ********/**** ** in * ********** *********. *** ** don’t **** ** **** **** ** the ******. **** *** * ********** to ********** ** **, ****** *** works **** **** ** ******** ** all ** *** ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 17, 2023

**** ******* **** * ***** ******* strategy ** ******* ****** ** *** users ** **** ** ********** ** thru * *********** ?

**** **** *** **** ** **

** *** **** *** *********** **** integrators *** ** ****** *** **** sales ?

** ***** * ************* **** **** historically **** ****** ** *** *****.

John Honovich
Jul 17, 2023

*******'* ******** ** **** **** ** not **** ****** ** *** *****, in *** ***** **** *** *** user **** ****** ***** ********. *******, they ** **** ** *** *****, in *** ***** **** **** **** legions ** ****** *** **** ***** but **** ** ********* ******* *-*******, covered ******* ******* ***** ****** ***** ***

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jul 17, 2023

* ****** ** ******** ******** ***** being ** **********. **** ****** ***** with *** **********, ***.

**** ****** ** ****. ** ********** why ** **** * ***** *** them ** ** ******, *** ****** would **** ** *** **** ****** I ***** ******* ** * ********* customer.

John Honovich
Jul 17, 2023

**** ****** ** ****

*** *********** *****?

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jul 18, 2023

** *** *** **** **** ***** sales ********.

*******, ** *** * ***** ******* and ** *** **** ********* ******** sales ****** *** ***** **.

John Honovich
Jul 18, 2023

** *** * ***** *******

******* *** * *** ** ***** partners. ************** ****** * ******* ********* *******, Am * ****** * ******* ********* Something * ******* ** "*** *****"?

* ***'* **** *** ******* ***** partners *** ** ******* *,*** ******** for **** **** **,*** ***** *********.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Jul 18, 2023

*** ****** **** ************ ************, ****** *******, ******, ********* - ***** ******* ******** ********. **** ** *************, **** *** Verkadas ** ** ******* ******* **** they **** *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Jul 17, 2023

* ** *** ********* ** **** any ** *** *****. *****'* ****** what ****** ***** **** ** ****** or ******** ** ***********.

*** ***'* **** * ***** ** salespeople ******* *** ******* ** * territory ** *** ** *** *** user ***** **************...

******* **** **** ** *** ** al ** ***** ******** ** * tool ** ***** *** ***'* **** direct *** **** *** **** **** happy ** **** *** *** ****** quotes **** ** **** ** **** a ************ **** **** *** **** based **** *** ******** ** ***** Willy ***** ***** ****** ** ** while **************...

********* **** **** **** **** **** of ******* ************ *** ****** ******** with **** ********, ******* ******** *** need ** **** * ******* ******* involved ***** **** ******....

*** ***** *** *******.

*** ***** ** *** **** **** dabble ** ****** *******, ****** *** going ** *** *******, ********* ******* an *****, **** ************ ****** ** issue. ****** *** ******* ****, ** now **** *** ******** ***** ****. My *****.

******** * ***** *** *** *** you ***** *** *******, *** **** see ******* *** **.

John Honovich
Jul 17, 2023

* ** *** ********* ** **** any ** *** *****. *****'* ****** what ****** ***** **** ** ****** or ******** ** ***********.

*** ********** ** *******, * **** seen **** ******* ******* **** ***********. Burn ** ********** *** **** ***** later, ** ** **** ** *** them ****. ** ********, ******, ** that **** ********* ** *** ************* change, ** *** ******** ***** ** the **** ***** ******.

** *** ***** ****, ******** **** to ** *** ******* ** *** day (*.*.******** ******** ****** ‘******* *******’ **** IPVM,******** ****** ** *** ****** / Now ********), *** *** ********* ***.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Jul 17, 2023

******** ** *** **** ***** *******. Like * **** *** * ***** jump ****. ** *** ********* ** one ***** **** ** ********, ** all *** *** **** *****/*** ******, and **** **** **** * ******* we *** ******* ***** **. ** what *** **** **? **** ****** up * **** ***** ** *** tier ******* *** ******** **** ** it *****/** ***** ***. ** *** of * ****** ** *** ******** specified *** ***** *********** *** ***'* spell ******** ******* ******** ** **** getting ** ******** *****. **** ****'* care ***** ** ******* ******** ******* got *** ******* ** ** **** made ***** ** ** *** ******* did ****, *** **** ***** ***** were ******* ** *** *******. ** the *** ********** ******* ******** *** Verkada ** *** ***'* *** ******** from ** ****** ******** (***).

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Jul 17, 2023

******** **** ********** *** ** ***** overshadowed ** *** (* ******* ** bought) ** ***** ***** ******** *** way ******* **** **.

Undisclosed #8
Jul 17, 2023

*** ***** ** *** **** **** dabble ** ****** *******, ****** *** going ** *** *******, ********* ******* an *****, **** ************ ****** ** issue. ****** *** ******* ****, ** now **** *** ******** ***** ****. My *****.


*** ** **** ****** **** ****.

*** *** **** ************ ****** *** will ***** *** **** ******* ***** products, ***** *** *** ***** ***** to ****** ********* *** ***** ********** and ******** ** ******* *******.

*** **** **** ****** ******* **** all ** **** ** ***. *** gong ** ********* ****...

**** ** *** ******* ***** **** always *** ** ****... ***** **** now **** ** ******* *** *******-******** Channel *** ** ***** *** **** march ** ********** ********* ******** ****.

********** ********* **** ******* ******* **** and ******* **** ********* ** **** on *** ******** ******** **** **** already ***** (*** *** ****** ********* have *** ******** ********).

***** ********* **** ** *** *** of *** **** *** *** ******* needs **** ** ***** ** ** reach ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Jul 17, 2023

** * ****** ******* ******* ******* I *** **** *** *** ***** might ** **** **** *** ******** perspective, *** ** ****'* *********** ****:

* *** * ~$***,*** ******* *** a ***** ******** *** ** *** a **** ****. ** **** **** waiting *** *** ************ ***** ** get ** *** ***** ***** ** were ***** ** ******* *** *******. This *** * *********** **-******* **** solution. **** *******, *********, ********, *** the ****. ******* ******* *** ** front ** ** ********. *** ** this **** * *** * ****** signed ** **** *******.

***********, **** ****** **** ******* ******* the ******** ********* ** ***** *** match, ******* **** ** ***** **** him, * ******* ******, * "***** sale":

** ******** *** **** **** **** they **** ******* **** [**]. ****[*******] got ********** ** ***** ** ******** discounts. **** **** **** **** **** going ** **** **** * ***** sale **** *** **** ** **** and ****** *** *** ***** ****** hard ** **** **** ********'* ******** knowing **** ** *** ** ********. That **** * ****** *** ***** in *** ******.

****'* **** **** ****** ********:

Verkada **: "Hey man, I see you work with this customer. Would you mind introducing us? We have spoken with them and they are interested in Verkada."

Partner: "No, I've already quoted them a solution."

Verkada ******* *******: "Hey man, we're reaching out. This is an easy win. We believe we have a strong use case here and have momentum, we know you're already working with them. Do you want to partner up and quote Verkada to them?"

Partner: "No, I have the solution. They are going to go with us."

** **** *****, *--***** *** **** this **********, *** ********* ** ****: "we **** * ******* *******" *** really ******* ** ** * *******. So ** **** ***** *'* ********: "Lets *** *** **** **** **** a *** *******."

******* ** **** ** ****--*********, ******, etc. **** **** ** **** *** customer ****** **, ** **** ** a *******, *** *** *** ******** partner *** ****** ** **** *****.

**** **** (*** *** *****) **** through * *******, ** *** *** go ******. **** **** ** **** mad ******* ** *** ****** ***.

* **** **** ** *** **** because ** ******** **+ ***** ***** I *** ** ******* *** ** of ***** ***** *** ********** **** slighted. * ***** ***** ***** ** a *** ******* ** ** ********* has *** *** *****, *** ** they *** ** ******** ******* ******* it ***** ** **** ******. *** when **** **** *** **** ******* they ***** **** **** *** ******* and **** ****, **'* **** ****** who ***'* ******* ***** ***** ** partner ** **** * ******* **** think ** ******.

Edit: Here's what I told security integrators in my backyard. "If you don't want to introduce us, that's fine. If we get in front of the customer and we convince them Verkada is the way to go, expect us to treat you the same way.

** *** ********* ** *** *** pitch ******* *** ******** ***** ******** you **** ***** ** ***** ******. You *** ****** ***."

Brian Karas
Jul 17, 2023
Pelican Zero

** ******* ** **** * ****** use **** ****

*** **** ** ***** * ***** Verkada ** ******* ****** **.

* **** ** ***** **** *** Verkada ***** ****** ***** **** **** they *** * ****** *** ****. But **** ****** **** ****** *** not **** ********* ********** ** *** security ********, *** *** ******* ****** a ***** *** * ****** *,*** miles **** **** *** ********. *** you're ****** ** ***** * **** that ** ********** (*** **** ****** other ************ *******) *** *********** **** into, **** *** ****** ** ******** meetings *** ** ***** * **** visit. **** **** **** ** **** with *** ****, ********** *** *****, and **** *** **** ***. ** that ******* *** * ******* ********, as **** *******, **** **** ****** gave ******* *** *************, ********* *** the ****** ***** ** ********, ********, and ********* ***** *** ****.

**** **** ***** ******* ***** ****** comes ***** *** ***** *** ***** thing **, ******** ********* *** **** Mardi-Gras ***** *** ****** *** ******* that *** **** ********** **** *** job ** **** *** *** ***** pushed ***. **** ** * *****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Jul 17, 2023

** ** ********** **** * ************ approach *** ****: "* ***'* ***** Verkada ** * **** ***, * think ******* ** * **** ***."

*** **** *** *** **** ****** with ******* *** *** ******** ******* on *******, ****--*** *'* ***** ** say ********* **** **** **** ** the ******** ******* ****--*** ********** *** wrong.

*** *** ****** * **** ********** that ******* ******** ****: "** **** a ****** *** ****" **** ** every ****. **** ***'*, *** ***** technology ****** **** ** ** * good *** ** **** ******.

*** "** **** * ****** *** case" **** ******* **** *** ******** says ****'** **********, **** **** * trial, *** *** *** **** **** on *** ********.

Brian Karas
Jul 17, 2023
Pelican Zero

*** **** *** *** **** ****** with ******* *** *** ******** ******* on *******

*** **** ****** ***** ** ** that ******* *** * **** *** of ********** ***** ********* ***** ******** all ** ***** **********. *****, ** be *****, ** ******* *** **** thing *** ***** ************ ***** ** expected ** **.

*** ********** *** *****.

*** **** ** ****** ***** *** logic. **** *** **** ********** **** FAR **** ***** *** ***** ****** needs *** *** **** ***** *** alternatives ***** ********** **** *** ******** Verkada ***** ****** *** ***** ******* the ****, ** ***** **** ******* deeply ******** **** *********** *********.

*** "** **** * ****** *** case" **** *******

* ***** ***** **** **** "****" happens...all *** **** ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Jul 17, 2023

** ***'** * *** ******** *** someone ***** ** *** ****: "* have * ****** ** ****, **** to *** *** **** ** ****** camp, *** ********* *** ** ** vacations," ***'** * ***** *** ** you ***** **** * ******* ***.

** *** *** ****** * ******* crisis ******* *******--***** ******* **** *** buddies--wants ** *** * ******* *** you **** *** *** ** **, then ***'** ** *** ***** ********, which ** *****.

Brian Karas
Jul 17, 2023
Pelican Zero

** *** *** ****** * ******* crisis ******* *******--***** ******* **** *** buddies--wants ** *** * ******* *** you **** *** *** ** **, then ***'** ** *** ***** ********, which ** *****.

** ** ***** **** *** ** not ********** **** ******.******** ** ********** about ****** *********, *** **** *****. The **** ** (**, ****** **) to **** * **** ** ****** as ********, ****** *** *********** ** the ********* ****** *** *****.

***** *** ** ****** ****** ** security. ****** *** *** ***** ** come ** **** *** ***, ** shop ** **** *****, ******* *** bought ********, ** *******, ** *****, or ********.

**** ******* ******* ** * ******* example ** **** ****************. ** *** are ********* ** ******** *** "******* crisis", *** *** ** *** ***** business ** ********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Jul 17, 2023


* ***** ***** **** ***********, **** post ** *** ***** ****** *** the ******** ********** ** ****** ***** squeezed ** **** ***** ** *** industry--the ************ *** *** *** ****.

Undisclosed End User #6
Jul 17, 2023

***** ***** **** ** ***** ** 100% **** ** *** *** ***'* get **. ****** *** ***** **** all *** ****, **** ****** ***** and ********, ***** ** **** ***** looking **. *** ***** *** ** not **** ** ********** *** ***** and **** ******** ******* **, *** you *** ***** ** ******* **** new ****** **** *** * *** of **** **** ****** ******* *** industry *** ** **** *** **** are ******* *****. **** **** ***** said, * *********** ******* (*** **** is *******) ** ** *** *** long ****, *** ***** ****. ************* are ***** ** ***** **** ****.

**** **** ** *** ******* ***** Manager *** *******, *** *** ***** experience ** *** "*******" ** ******** Security **** ** ******. *** *** you ******** **** * ************* ******* Sales ****** ** ****** ********** ** the *****? **, * ** ***** this ** *** ****** ** *** and "***** *** ****" ** * drawing ** *** **** *** ** expert.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Jul 17, 2023

**** ******** ** ******* ** *** best ******** *** ***** ****** ***** is *****. **% ** *******'* ***** team *** ** **** **** * lens ** ** * ******. *** have ******* **** **** * ********** that *********** ******** *** *** ** help *******, *** **** **** ** much ** **** ******** *** **** them **** ********* *** ** **** as ********.

Brian Karas
Jul 19, 2023
Pelican Zero

****** *** *** ******** ********** ** slowly ***** ********

**** ** ***** ******* *********** *******.

************** *** ***** ******* ********. ***** are **** **** *** **** *** to *** ********* ** *** ******, and **** ***** ***** ***** **** end ** *** ******** ** *** right *** *** * ***** ****. Integrators ********** **** *** *** ***********************. ***** ***** ******** **** **** and ********* *** **** **** ** they **.

************* ******* ********, ******* **** ***** minimal ***** *** ****** ****** *** tools. ** **** ******** ******** ******** a *** ** ***** *** *** have "*** ***" ******** ** **** knuckles, *** *** ********** ******* **** pain, ** ***** ** *******.

* ***'* ***** ******* *** ***** grok'd **** ******, *** *** *** they *** ***** * ***** *** papering **** **** **** ** *****. Though *** ********* *** ********** ******** to ****.

***** ** ********** * ******* ** the ****** *** ***** ******* ** a ******* ***, **** ** *** lower *** ******* **** ********** *** from. ****** *** ***** **** ******** actual *********** ** ****** ****** *** to ******* **** ****, **** ***** closed ***** ***'* ***** ****. *** "dinosaurs" ** *** ******** **** ****, nobody ****** ***** ** ******* * bunch ** **** ********* *** ****, it's ********* ***********-****, *** **** ** also ***** *** **** ***** **.

*'* ******* **** *********** *** *** time ** **** **** ******* **** skill **** *** ****** ******** ***********. That ****** ******* ** ***** **** and * ***'* *** *** ***** of *******-***** ********** ****** ********** ****. But ** *** ****, ** **********, *** **** ** ** ** the *****, *** ** **, *** not ** **** ******* ** *** phone *** *** ***** ***** ******** templates.

Jason Crist
Jul 19, 2023
IPVMU Certified

*** *** *** ***. *** ** again *** *** ********** ** *** back. ******* ***** ****** *** ***** to ***, **** *** ******* *********** too *** *** ***’* ***** *** difference *** *****. ********** *** *** will **** ***** ***** *****

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Jul 17, 2023

*'* *** ********* ******* ************, *** I ** **** * ******* **** the **** **** *** ********** ***** best.

*** ******** ** ********* **********. *** end **** *** *** ******* ** find ********* *** ****.

*. ********** * ************ ** **** out ***** **** *** **** **** specific ******* *********.

*. **** **** ** **** **** they **** *** ******* ** ********** to **** *** **** **** ****.

**** *** ****** ********, *** ********** is ****** ******* **** **** **** access ** * ****** ** ******* lines. **** ** ** ****** **** the ************ ** ********* ***** ** whomever **** **** **** ****** * partnership ** ******* ******* **** ***** only *** **** ** "** ******".

************* **** ***** ***********.

*********** **** *** ***** *** *** for *** ***** ** **** ***'* provide *** *** *******.

** **** ***+ ************* ** *** industry *** ***** ******** ** *********. Sure, *** ******* **** ***** ** 85% ** **** ** *** **** needs *** ****** **'* ***% **** we *** ***** * ********** ** the *** ****.

** *** **** ** ** *** car ********** ******* - ** **** family ** * **** **** * car ********** *** *** ********* **** a "******* ***" **** **** ***** be * ******* *****. *******, **** are ********* **** * ****** ******, Chrysler ********, ***** *******, ** ** you **** **** *** ******* ********** a ******* *** (**** *******).

**** ***** **** *** **** ** ad *** **** ********* *** ********* interoperability, * **** *** ******* **.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Jul 17, 2023

**** ************ ***** **** ** **** and ***** ******* *** ******* ************* before ** ***** **** ** *******. Lots ** ************* **** ** * bunch ** ** **** ****** ****. Without *** ************ ***** *** ************* would **** **** ***** *** **** one ** *** **** ******* *** clients ** **** *** ********* **** they ****** *** *** ************* ***** BSing ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Jul 18, 2023

* **** ***** **** ****. ******* aside *** **** **** *** *** generalizing *** ************* **** *** ****** that **** **** ******* * ******* (not *** **)

****** *** ************ ** ** **** transactional ******** **** **** *** ******* on *********** ******* **** ***** ********* that **** **** ***** ***** **. With **** ***** ****, **** *** more ******** **** *** ****** ** keeping ***** **** *** ******* ***** customers *****.

***** *** ******* ******* ** *********** and ***** ******** *****. **** *** good ** ******** ******* *** **** a ******** ** ********* ******** ********* but *** *** **.

**********, ** **** ****'* ** **** integrators ** ************* ** *** ****** to *** **** *** ****** ** a ***** ** * ******. *** what **'* *****, * ***'* **** if ** *** ** ***** *** but ****'* ** ****** *** * better ******.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #7
Jul 18, 2023

*****, * ***'* ***** *** ****** will **** ** *******. *** *** main ***** **** * **** ** broken ** **** *** *******. ** many ************* *** ***** **** ***'* sell ****** *** **. (********* ***** notable *** *****- ******* ** *** alone ** ****). *** ********* ** as *** ** ** ***** ***** supposed ********’ ******* ** ******* ******, or ****** *** *********** *** ****** it ** * **** ******* *******.

*** **** ***** *** *** *********** that **** ** ******** ** *** talk **their ********, *** **** ******* ****** **** here, **** **** *** **** **** sell **** ******* *** ******* **, but **** **** ***** ** ***** they’ll **** *** ******** ******** ****’** willing ** ***. **, ********* *** as * ************ ***** *** ********** an ***********, *** **** *** ** flipping ** ** ******* ******* ******* it ****** ****** ******* ** ******* the **********’* ******** ***** *** ****** them **** * ******* ****.

* ***'* ***** ***** **** **** be * ***, *** ***** ** should **** ** ****** ***** ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Jul 18, 2023

****** *** ** ******* *** ** fear. **'* *** ****** *** *** I *** **** "*********** ************ #*".

** *** ******* *** **** ********* to ****** *** *********** ** ***** roles **** * ******* **'* *** more ************.

*'* ****** *** *'** **** ** the *********** **** ** **** ** the ************* ****. *********** ** ***** core ** *** **** *** ******* to ***** ** *** ****'* ******* by **********. **** **** ** *************. Manufacturers ****** ******** *** ******** *** end *****. ***** ******* ***** *** line ** ******* *** *******/******* ** the *** **** ** ******** ** create ***** ** **** *** ****. If *** ********** ****** **** *** more ********* **** ****** *** ************ or *** *** **** **** **** are ********.

**** ** *** **** ** *** as ****:**********'* ******** **** ************* ******* ****** (Statistics)

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Jul 18, 2023

* ***** *** ****** ** ******, and ***** *** *** **** ********* people ** *** ********. *** * do ***** ** ** **** ** this ******** *** **** ************* *** integrators ** ******** ** ******* *** clients ** * ******* ****.

Jason Crist
Jul 19, 2023
IPVMU Certified

** ***** **** **** ***** **** to, **** ** ** **** *** job. *****’* ** ****** ** “** feel ** **** * ****** *** case” ** ****** *** **, ****** line ** ***’** * **********. ***** should ** ** *********** **** **** you ****** ** ** ***** * project **** *** ********* ****** **** his ************ *** ** **** ***. How ** *** ***** ****** ***** feel ** **** **** *** ******* and *** ********** ******* **** *** your ****? ** ***’* ****** ** drop *** *************, **’* *** *** this *****. **’* * *********** ********* and *** *** **** ***. *** this **** ** ******** ****** **** long **** *** ****’* ******* *** as *********** **’* **** ** ****** the ***. ****** **** **** *** Emperor “****** ***”

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Jul 17, 2023

*** **** ******* *** ***** **** boys ***** ** ***?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #7
Jul 17, 2023

** ******* ** ***** ** **** it's **** ** ******* ****** (** a ***** ***** ** ***** ***), and *** ** ***, ** ****** an ********** *******, *** *** ***** you *** **** **** **** ** selling ******* *** ****** ** *** (by *** ****** ******* ******* ******* you), ***'* ** ********* **** ******* ends ** ****** **** ****... *** drinking **** *********.

******* ** ****** ****** ** *** over ******** *********** *** ** ******* to ** **** *** **** **** will ** *** *** ********** *********** will **.

IPVM Image

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Jul 17, 2023

****** *** ******:

** *** *** * ************ *** come ** *** *** ** ******* me **** * **** ************ ******* while ************** ******* **** *********** ******** through ****** ********* **** *** ** al, * ** *** ***** ** be ****.

** *** *** ******* *** ***** I ** ***** ** **** **** your ******* ***** ************** ******** *** their ******* **** **** *** ** the **** ** ***** ***** *** similarly, *******, **** **** ***** *** be * ********** *****.

** *** **** ** ** *** think * ** ***** ** **** with **** ******* ***** * **** your ******* ** ******* ******* ******* services ******** **** **** ** **** five ****** ***** ** **** *** drop **** ******** ** *** *****, I ***** *** **** *** ****** to ***** *************.

******* ***** * ******* ******* ** simply *** *** ***** *** **** away. ** **** ** *** ***** to ***** ******. ***** ** **** if **** ***** **** ** ******. I **** ****** *** *** **** though **** **** ** *** **. I ** *** **** ** **** you *****, *** *** **** ** help ** **** *****.

** ****** ** ** ****** ***** motivation.

******* *** ****** ********* ****** ******* hard, * ** ****, ** ******* new *********.

**** *** *** ***** ** **** to ** ******* * ******’* ********** (i.e. ******* *******) **** ***** ** be *********** *** ***** **********, ********* and ***** ********* ******* ***** ***** of *********** **** ****** ** *** upfront ****.

**** ******* ***** ***** ********* ** going ** *** ** * ******** and *** **** *** ******* **** a **** ******* ********** *** ***** muck ****** ** **** ****** *********, ideas *** **** * ****** ****** expectation ***** **** *********** ************ *** servicing ******. ** ***** **** **** (Verkada *** **** ***********) ***** **********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Jul 18, 2023

**** ************* ** *** ***?

Undisclosed Integrator #9
Jul 17, 2023

** ****** **** ********* * *** of ******** *********** **** * *** taste ** ***** ***** ***** *** left ** ******* ** ** ****** methods. **** * ********** ******* ******** the ****** ****** *** **** ** glass *** *****, ****** *******, *********, environmental *******, ********, ******* ********** ** a ***** ********* / ***** ********. I ***'* ***** ** *** ******* or ************* ** ***** *********, *** it ** **** *** ****** ** disagree **** *** ********** ******* ********.

******* ** *** *** ******** *** to *** ******* **** ** *** software *** *** ***'* **** * place ** ***** ** **** *** throwing ** *** *** ******** **** or ****** *** ***. *'* * fan ** ***** ***** ********* *** believe * ***** ******* ** *** security ***** **** ********** ** ***** as *** ***** ** **, *** I **** **'* *** *** ******** and ** **** ** ******* ******* server / ****** ***** *********, ***** / ******* ***** ********* *** ***** based *********. * ******* *** **** to ** ******* *** *********** ***** the **** *** **** ** **** system. **** ** ******* **** ******* has **** * ****** ***** **. I *** * ******** **** ** the ** **** ****** ******** ******** the ******* *** ******* ********** ***** for ** *****.

***** ***** *** **'* *** ********* requirements *** ** **** *****, ****** control, *********, *** ******** * ******* and ****************** ********* ** *** * license **** ****** **** ****. ******* there ****** ** ********* ******* ****** with ********** *******, *** ** *** just ******* ******* ** ** ********** under *** ***. * **** **** manufacturers *** **** *** ********* ** vendors *** ******** ****** *** ****** they **** **.

******* ** * **** ****, *** I ********** ** *** *** ***** up ***** ** *** ****** ***** to ******** ******** ** ***** ******* and *** ** ****. ** **** need ** *** ** ***** ** the ***********, *** **** ** *** in *** ******* * *** *******. I **** ** *** **** ** getting *** ******* ** ****** *** some ***** ****** **** **** **** know *** ********** ******* ** ** easy. ** **** ** ***** * slow ******** *** *** ********* ** gain ********. ***** ****** ** *** end **** *** ***** ******* ** front ** *** ******** ***** ** a *********** ****** *** ******* ** not *** **** *** *** ** marketing ** *** *** ****. **** your ** ****** **'* *** ***** return ** **** **********.

Undisclosed #11
Jul 17, 2023

** *****'* ****** **** ******* **** to *******. ****'** ****** *** **** stance ** ****** ***** ***** *** emails.

Mark Jones
Jul 18, 2023

******* **** ***** *** ** **** posts **** *** ***** ** *** undisclosed. * ** *** **** **** and * *** **** *** ** associate ****** **** **********. *** ****** trust ****; ****.

John Honovich
Jul 18, 2023

****, *** *** *********? ** ***** to ** * *** **** * riddle. *** *** ******** **** *********** posters *** ********** **?

Lee Jones
Jul 18, 2023
Support Services Group

******* *********** ** "***********".

* *** "***********" **** * ** not **** ** ******* ********** ** my ****/*** **********.

Mark Jones
Jul 19, 2023

**** ****. **, * ***'* **** people ******* *********** **** **** ** time. * ** **** **** **** post *********** ******* **** *** ***** to ** ***** ****. **** **** hide ****** **** ******; *** ** remarks ***** ********** **** ******** ** the **-**-******* ** *** *****. **** are ******* *** ** *** ****** and *** **** ***** ******* ********? They ******* ****'* ***** **** ********* and **** ****'* **** ****** ** out ****. **** ** * *****. I ***'* ***** ****. ***'* *** on ** **** *** **** ** it's *******. **** **** ** ******* their ** ********* *** **** ***** sacrifice ** ** * ****** ** do **. ** **** ** *** same **** ***** **** *********. **% of *** ****** **** *** *** bandwidth ** ******* * ********* ********. After ****, **** ****? ***** *** only ** **** ****** ** * pie *****.

* **** * ***** ******, *** I ** ***. * ** ****** a ******** ******** ** **** **** professional ******** ******. ** ***** ** a ****** ** ** ****, *** not **** ** ***. * **** no ****** **** ****** ****** ***** either. *** *** *** *** ***, but ******** **** *** **** *** into ***** ****** *****, ******** ** your *** **** *** ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #12
Jul 18, 2023

***, ******* ***********.....

** *** ** *** ** ***** with ******* ******* **** *** *** penetrating *** ***-********** ******, ***** **** had ********** *******. ** ** *** pro-actively **** ******* ******* ** ************* believe ** ** *** * ***/*** between *** ******** *** *** **********/************. Achieving * ***/*** ******* ** *** our ******* ** * ******** ******* value **** ****** *** ****** ****.

***** ******* ****** ** ** ** a ******* ** ******** ** *** clear **** **** **** **** ********* magic ** ***** ****.

*** ****

***** ***** **** ** ****** *** most ********* ****** **** * **** seen ** *** ********. **** *** relentless. *** ** ***** ***** ****, selling ******, *** ************* ** **** up, **** *** ******** ******** ****** in *** ****** **** **** ** have **** ****** ** ******* ********** relationships.

**** **********, **** *** ******** ****, CFOs, *** **** *** **** *** purse-strings *** **** *********--*** ********* *** not **** * ***** ******** ** deeply ******** ** ********.

** **** ** ** ****, ********* Officers (**** *** ******** ********* ** an ************* ******** ***), *** ************* NOT ******* ** *** **** ** physical ********. ***, **** *** ***** successfully "*******" ** *** ******* **** and ***** *****/********** ********.

*** ***** & *** ****

***, *** ******* "*****" *** *** un-knowing ***** **** ****....... *** ***, their *****-***** "****** **** ** *****" ** * **** ********** *******. Indeed, * **** *** ******* *** have **** ********** ** *** ****** and ********* ******* "***********" ***** ***** for ******** ******** ** **** ********: Video, ******, *****, ********, *******, ******* Mgmt......

**** ** **** ********** ***** ** a ********* ******* *** **** *** to ******** *** ********* ********** ***** to ***** **** ** "***** *****" compared ** *** ******** ********'* ************.

**** *** ******* ***** ***** ********, our ********** ** **** *** ********* staff ** ********* ** ****** ** change *** ********. ****. ****.

*****, **** ** ********* ******* (***** and *****) ******* ********* ** ***** mistakes (*** *****, *** ****, ******, etc...). * **** **** **** ******* in *** ****, ***. * ******* this ************* ** ******* *** ******** review *** ***** *********** * ******** mean **** ******* ** "**" **** a **** ** ****, *** *** corporate ********** ** ******** ** ******** the ****' ********* *** ********.

*** **********

** ****** ** ***** **** *** Verkada ******* *** * **** *** to **** ** *** **** ****** or ***** ** ******. ** **** had ******* ******* **** ** *** buildings, *** **** ****** ** **** with *******. ********** *** *****'* ******* that *** ***** ** *** ******** a ***** **** ******* ******* ******. The ****** **** ** ***** ** working *** ****, **** ** **** are *** ***** *** *** ***** features (**** ******* **** *********** *********, too).

******** *** *****

******* *** ****** **** *** *********** assumptions. *** ******* ** **** ******* are *** ***** ** *** * year "********" *** ********* **** *** never ******** * ******* ** *** past (*********, *******, ***** ******, ******* management). ***, **** ** ***** ******** have **** ******** ** *** ****, but *** ******* **** ********** ** licensed *** ** ****** ** *** and * ****** ***** *** ******* it ** * *** *** *** it ******.

******* *******.** **** ** ** ******. ************ manufacturers.

******: **** ******* *** **** ***** to *** *** **********:*******'* ***** **** ** ****** *** Most ********* ****** **** * **** Seen ** *** ********

Mark Jones
Jul 19, 2023

*** **** **** ** *** ****** when *** ****** ******** **-**-****** ****** sells *** ** ***** ******* ****? We *** *** ******* **** **** brush.

John Honovich
Jul 19, 2023

*** ********************* ******* ** *** ******** ****** **** ******:

IPVM Image

***** ** ********* **** *** ********* ADT **********, *** ********* ** *** surprising, ***** **** ****** ** ***** comments **** ****** *** **** ********.

Undisclosed Integrator #15
Nov 16, 2023

****** **** * ***** ***** ****** lately? **….*********** ***** *** *******? ***

Shannon Davis
Jul 19, 2023
IPVMU Certified

**** **** *** ** **** **** they **** *** **** *** ** here!!!!!

Undisclosed End User #13
Jul 19, 2023

** *** ** ******** * ***** and ****** ****** ** *** **** to **** ********* **. ********* ******* us *-* ***** * ****!

Jason Crist
Jul 19, 2023
IPVMU Certified

***** **** ******** **** **** **, sat **** *** ***** ** ****** out *** ** ** ***** ******* what ****’** **** *** **** ** with ** **** ** ********. **** should ** ********* **** *** ******** is *** *** ** ***** **** process. **** ****** ** ***** ******** that ** ***’* **** ****. **** are *********, **** **** ** *** attacked ** ***** *** ** *** gate *** **** **** ***’* ** undone. **** ***** ** **** **** an ********** ****, ****** ********** **** and * ***’* **** ******* ** accuse **** ** ***** ******** ** these **** ** ** **’* **** being **** **** *** *** ***** tone **** ************ ***** **** **** to **.

**** **** ******* * *** **** my ******* ****** ****** ******* *** mentioned **** *******. *** * ** staff ******** *** ******** ******* **** mugs. ** ** **** *** ******* on **** ******, ** **** *** is ******* *** ** ********, *** cold **** ******* ** ******* **/* to **** *** *********. * *** it, **** *** ****** ** *** and ** *** **. **** ***’* think **’* ******** ***** **** * fight *** *** ***********. ** ***’* thrive **** *******. ** ** **** our ****** **** ********** ** **** plow *** *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Jul 19, 2023

**** **** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #14
Jul 19, 2023

******* **** **** *** ** *** back ***** ************** *********** ** **** mother. **** *** **** *** *** themselves, **** *** *** * ************ partner. **** **** ***** ****** ** all ***** ********** ** **'* *** right *** ** ***, **** **** and ***** *** ********** ** **** with **.

*** ***** **** ** *** ************ get * **** **** ** **** thier ******* *** **** *** ******, then *** ***** ******* ******* **** the **** *** *** **** ***** on *** **** ******** ************* **** building.

**** **** ******* ***** *** **** enemies ******.

John Honovich
Jul 21, 2023

******:******** **** ****** ********** *** **** ** *******:

IPVM Image

*** "******* **", **'* ****** ******** Verkada's *********, *** "******* *** *** me ****", **** ** *********** *** also **** ** ***********.

**** ** *** **** **'* ***** though ** ** ** **** **** various ********** **** ** ***** ********.

*** ******* **** * ***'* ***** is ********** ** **** **** ** just *********** *** ****** **** ******* we ***'* *** ******** ***** ** that ********* ** *** *********** **** Avigilon, ****, ******, ***.

George Hopkins
Jul 24, 2023

******** ***** **** ** *** ***** to **** ***/ **** ***** *******

John Honovich
Jul 24, 2023

***** *******

*******, **** **** ********* ****** ** them ** "*******" ***** ****** **** a *********** ** ***** *** *******.

John Honovich
Nov 16, 2023

******:*********** *** ******* *******

******* ********* ******* * *** ***********:

** *** ******** * *** *******Premier *******************. **** *********** ** ******** *** partners *** ******* *********** ******, ************, and ******** ************ ****** *** ******* lines, **** * *********** ****** ** technical ************** ******* *** ********, *** who *** *** ** ****** * primary ** *** ********** ********* ** the *******. ** *** ******* ******** partners ******* * ******** ******** ****** process *** ***** **-****** ******** ******* on *** ********* ******* ** ******* products.

*** * *** ***** ******** *******:

  • Building * *** ***** ******** *******, ******* ***** ************ (***).VSP**** **** ***** *** ******* ***** representatives ** ******* ***** ***** *** demo ************ *** *******. **’** ****** our ***** ******* ** *** ********* our *** ******* ******* ** ******** 1, ****.

* ******* **'* ***** ** ** things **** "***** **** ** *** an ******", "** ***** *** ***," "don't **** **** **** ** ***** a *****," ***. * ** ******, sort **...

Undisclosed End User #13
Nov 17, 2023

**** ***'* *** ****** **** **** there ********** ****** ** *** * sale! ** **** ******** ******* *** further ******** ** ******* ** **** result ** * ***** *****...** ****** has ****** **** ***!

Undisclosed Integrator #16
Nov 17, 2023

***** **** * **** *** **** Verkada, ** **** *********** **** ****:

IPVM Image
