VC Firm Sapphire is Looking to Invest in Video Surveillance Startups

Published Sep 21, 2023 13:20 PM

Over the past five years, VCs have invested over a billion dollars in video surveillance companies. Now, VC firm Sapphire Ventures, with ~$10 billion in assets, is looking for its own video surveillance investment.

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We spoke with Sapphire Ventures' VP Demi Obayomi, to understand what they are looking for in this space and how this compares to other markets they invest in.

Executive *******

******** ******** **** ** ** ********** in ***** ************ (***** ********* ** AI) ******* *** ****** ** ******* fast, *** *** ***** ** **** resilient ** **********. ****, ******** ******** the ***** ** **** *********** ***** VCs *** **** ** ** **** race **** *** ********** ** *****, which ** ** *** **** ** its **** *****.

******** ** *********** ********* ** ****** locked-in ********* ********* **** ******* ** Rhumbus ** **** ********* **** ***** Eye.

Sapphire **********

******** ********** * **-****-*** ******-***** ******* **** with ~$** ******* ** ****** ***** management (***) *** ~** *********, ******* told ****. ** ****** ****** * startups ******* ***-*** ***** ***********. ** is *** ******** ********* *** ** a $* ******* ****.

*********, ******** **** *** **** *** stake ** *** ***** ******** ********, but ** ** ******* ** ****** and *** ********** ******* ** ************* with ******** *******, ********* ******* *** Flock ******, ******* ****.

Video ******** ** ******* **** *** *** * *** *********** ******

******* **** ** ****** *** ***** security ****** ** "********," **** ******* companies ******* *******, *** ** **** an **** ******** ** ********** ** investing **:

** *** ** ****** **, ********* and ********** **** **********, *** **** seemed ** ** * ********.

** **** ** ****** ** ***, large *******.

**** ** ***** ********* ******* ** very **** ****** *****, ******* ***** scale. **** *** ***** ******** ** millions ** ******* ** **** *****. That's ****** **** ******** **[*** ******** in *********].

***** ******** ** ********, ***** ******** is ** *** **** ** ******** of ******* ********, ******** ** ******, whose ******* ** ~$*** ******* ********.

****** *** ***** ******** ** ******* than **** ******** ********** **** **** limited *** *****, ********* ** *******:

** ***** * *** ** *** time ******** ** ******** **********, *** a *** ** *****, *** *********** market *** ***** ********** **** ***** constrained ******* ** *** *** **** that **** ****.

*** ******** ** ****** **** * basic ****. ***** ****** ******** *** [it]. * ***** **** ** **** one ** *** ***** ****** **** really ****** **: *** *****-***** *** demand *** ***** ********* ** ** well.

** ***** **** ***** ***** ***** broad-based, ****** *** ********** ** **** virtually *** ********** ******* *** *****. The *********** ** ** ************* ********** to ***** / **.

Security ******** **** ********* ******* *********

******** **** ********** **** ****, ******* told ****:

*'** **** * **** *********** ***** market ** **** [****] *** ****-******** rates *** ** ******** ********. ********'* very ******* ** **********. ****'* ******** tons ** ******** ********* ******* ***** buyers *** ******* *******, *** ****'** looking ** *********** *******.

***********, *** ******** ******** ******** ***** to ** **** ********* ** ** economic ********. ******* ********* ********'* ***********:

** *** ***** *********. **** ****** to ** **** **** ********* **** the ******* ******** *******.

**** ******** ** ******** ******** ***** to **, *****'* ***** ********, *** sure, *** ********* ********, **** ********* [than] *** **** ** ********** *** software [*********] **** ** **** ****** and ******** **. ****'* ****** **** what ****** *** ***.

***** ******** ***** ** ** * very, ********* ******** ****** ** ******** slowdown, ******* ** *** ***** ***** the ****** ** *** ******** ********, so **** ***** ***** ********* * big *********** ******.

**** ** ****** ****** ** **** about *** ******** ********.

Less *********** ***** *** **** ********** **

** *** ********* ****, *** **** been ****** ** *** *****, *** there **** **** **** **-****** ********, Obayomi ****:

**** ** *** ***** *** ******** in ***** *********. **** * ***** standpoint, ***** ** * *** ** venture ******* ******** ** *** ********.

******* *** * *** ** *** tier ******* ******* *********. ******* *** several ******* ******* ********* ** *** business. ******** ************ **** **** ******* capital ********. ***** ****** *** **** of *** **** ******* ******* ********* in *** ********. *******.** *** **** very ****** ***.

**** ******** ********* ** ** ******** to ******* *******. **** ** *** growth *** **** ****** ** *** help *** *** ******* ******* **** venture ********.

********* *** ***** ** ** **********, Obayomi **** **** **** ****** ******* is **** *********** ***** *** **** the ********** ** *****, ***** ** at *** **** ** *** **** cycle. **** ** ******* ****** **** makes *** ******** ****** *********:

* ***** *** **** *** *********** amongst ******* *********** ** ****** ** the ******** ** ******** *** ** medium. **'* ********* ** *** ******* type ** *********** **** ** ********* see ** * ****** ****.

******* *********** ***** *** **** **** focused ** ****'* ***** ** ** AI, *** ********** ** ************, ** that's ***** * ***** **** *** competition ** ******.

** ***** *** ** ** *** peak ** *** **** *****. *** video ******** ** **** * **** more ****** ******** **** ****.

*** ***, * ***** ** ***** Security, ***** ************, **'* **** ** that **** ** **** **** **** you're ******.

Interest ** ***** ******** ************, ** **********

**** ******* **** *** ******** ******** market, ******* **** ******** ******** **** its ******** ** ***** ************ ******* it ** *** ** ****-*******:

** ****** ** ********** *** **** category ** ***** ************ ******-****-******* ****** rates, ******* ****'* ***** ** **** broadly ** *** *******. ** ***** to *** **** ****, *** ** we ***** ** *** **** [***] bigger ******** [********], ** ******** ******** is * **** ****-*****, **** **** covered ********. **** ** **** ***** to ******* **** ***** ** ** additional ******** **** ****** ***** ************.

****** *** ********, **** ** **** frequently ********* ** ***** ********* ** AI.

Investing ** ****** ******-** ********* ******** *.*. **** *****/********/********* ********

***** **** **** ** *** ***** security ******, ******** ********* * "******" ** video ******** *********. ** ******* *** phases ** *******:

  • ***** *: ***** ******** ******* ********* of ******* ********* ** ** **-******** recording *** ******* ******, **** ** a ******* ***** ******** (***) ** network ***** ******** (***)
  • ***** *: ********* ********* ** “****-*****” architecture, ********* *********, ******* *** ******** vision ********** ** ******* **********, *********** the **** *** ****/****.
  • ***** *: ******* [***] ****** *** video **** **** ******** ******* ** installing * “***** ***” ** ******* on-site ****** (****-**-***** *******, **** *******, etc.)

******** **** ******** ** ********* ** found ** **** *****:

IPVM Image

***** ****** *** ***** ** *** post, ***** ***** *** **** ********, e.g., ***** *** *** ******* **** both ******* ***** ****** ******* *** Verkada, *** ***** *** ********* *** more ****-********** ***** **** ***** ******** companies.

******* ****** *** ******** ***** *** the ***** ******** *** ******* ****** share **** *** *********** "***** *" vendors *** *** "***** *" ******* might **** * *****-**** ********* **** the "***** *" ****, ***** ***** size *** *********:

*** **** ******** ** *** ****** today ** ***** ** * ***** 1 ************, *** ****'** **** ******** to **** ****** **** ***** ***** 2 ******* *** *********. ***** * vendors **** * *** ** ** advantage **** ***** * *******, ***** is **** **** ***** * ******* are **** ****** **********, *** **** have **** *********, **** ******, *** more *******. **** ******** ***** **** a *****-**** ********* ** ***** ** capturing *** ******.

********* "***** ************," ******** ** ***** weighing ******* ***** * ** ***** 3 ******* *** ***** ** "***" and **** *** ****** ********** *******, Obayomi ****:

**'** ******* [** ***] ***** **** of ******* **** *** ** *** category.

**'** ***** ** ** ****-******. ** the *** ** *** ***, **'** investors. ** ***'* **** * ******* ball. **'** ******* ** **** **** about ******* ***** * ******* **** ultimately ** *** **** ********** ********** for ** ** ******* **'** ** phase * *******. ****'* ***.

Sapphire's ********** ******** ** *** *****

******** **** *** **** * ***** in *** ***** ******** ********* ***, but ** ** ******** ********** ********* targets ** *** *****, ******* ****:

**'** ********* *** ********* ** *** video ******** ******* ***** ***. *** I ***** **'** ******** ** ******** the ******* *** *** ***** **** can ** * ****** ****** *** for **.

Comments (6)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Sep 21, 2023

"***** ****** *** ***** ** *** post, ***** ***** *** **** ********, e.g., ***** *** *** ******* **** both ******* ***** ****** ******* *** Verkada, *** ***** *** ********* *** more ****-********** ***** **** ***** ******** companies."

*** ** **** ** ***?

******* ***** *** ******* ** **** and ***** ******* ******* **** (** the ***** ** *****?), *** **** didn't ******* ** *** ** **** got **** ** *** ****.

******* *** ******* **** ** **** based *********** *** ******* *****. *******/******* are ******* *** *** **** *** people ***'* **** ** **** ****** to *** ***** ******* ** *** the ****** ********.

John Honovich
Sep 21, 2023

*** ** **** ** ******** ***** Eye *** ******* ** * ***** category **** ******* *** ******* ******* the *** ****** ********* ***** ******* before *** ****** ****. *** *** as ** ***. * ***** **** paragraph.

Brian Karas
Sep 21, 2023
Pelican Zero

*** ** **** ** ******** ***** Eye *** ******* ** * ***** category **** ******* *** ******* ******* the *** ****** ********* ***** ******* before *** ****** ****.

* **** ***** ********* ** **** more ** *** ********** ************* ******* of ********* ** **** *****, *** primarily **** ******* **** *** "**** edge" ******* **** *****/*******/******* **** *** some **** ** ****** *** **********.

**, ***** *'* **** ****** ** own *********** ** **, *** * think **** * ******* **** ***** Eye, ***** *** *****/******/******-**-***** ************* ******* is ****** ** **** * **** larger ******* *********** ****** **** * direct-to-cloud **** ****** **** *********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Jan 17, 2024

** ** ****** *********** **** ***** VC's ***** *** ******** ** ********* and **** ***** ******** ********* ** outsiders. ************ ******** ***** *** "*********" on ***** ***** ** * ************ and ** *** **** **** ********* sold *** ** * ** **** 4+ ***** ***. *** ** **** that ******** **** ** *** *-*** had ******* ****** ***** ** **** Sapphire *** **** ****. **'** *** seen **** *** *-*** *********** *** been * ***********. ***** ******** ****** just *** *-*** ** * ******** and *** *** ********** ***** ** take **** ** * ***** * or *.

Taylor May
Jun 18, 2024
Resonance Security

******** ******** ********** ** ******** ** the ***** ***** *** ***** ****** D *****. ****** *'* *** ****** abnormal ** ***** ***.

******** *** ** ******* $**** ** ‘Democratize’ ****, **** ********** *** ****

Brian Karas
Jun 19, 2024
Pelican Zero

****** *'* *** ****** ******** ** cyber ***.

*** ******:

********** ****** **** ** ****** *

**** ****** $**** ** ****** *

********** ****** $**** ** ****** *

****** ****** $*** ** ****** *

*** ****** $**, ***** $**** ****** D

********** ****** $**** ****** *

**** ******** ****** $**** ****** *

***** ********* $*** ****** *

************ ****** $**** ****** *

****** * ****** *** ** **** of ***********, **** *** ******** * company **** *** ****** ** ****** after *** ****** * *** ** getting ******* **********. ** ***** *****, it's ******* * **** ***** ** on ********* *** ***** *****. ** the ***** ****, ****** * ****** are *** ******** *** ****** ********* that ***** **** ** *** ** an ***, ** *** ********* ***** very **** *** ******* ** *** more ******* ** ****** ********** ******.