Top Alternatives To Axis

Published May 16, 2022 11:44 AM

This is the latest in our series of top alternatives, including HID / Mercury, Milestone, and Avigilon.

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Inside this report, we share the top choices from 190+ integrator responses to the question:

What manufacturer, if any, do you find to be the top alternative to Axis? Why?

Top ***************

* ********* ******** **** **** *% of *********:

  • ****** ***** ****** **** **% ** responses
  • ******** ******** **%
  • ***** ******** **%

****** *** *** ********* *******, ****** double *** ****** ** *** **********, in *** ** *** *** ********** reports, * ******* **** *** ****. Moreover, ********'* *** ***** ******** **** was ****** *** **** ** *** place ********* ** *** ***** *******.

***** *****, ** ***** ********* ******** 5% ** **** *********, ****** ******* Watchdog, *** ********* **** ******** ******** responses.


****** ******** ****** **** ** *** responses, *** ****** *** **** ** the **** *******, ********. ********* ***** down **** * *** ****** ******; supply, *******, *** ********.

*********** **** **** ****** *** ********** better ***** **** ****:

  • "******, ** ********. ***** ****** ***** has **** **** ******** *** ***** camera *********** *** **** ******** *********. Pricing *** **** ************ ********* *** very *********** *** ***** ** ** keep **** ****** ** ***** *** user ****** ** **********. **** **** improvement ** **** *** ******** *** creative ******* *********** *******."
  • "****** ** ******** **** *****. ****** seems ** ** ********** ***** ******* lines ******* *** ******** ** ** Axis. **'** ***** *** ** ***** Bosch *** **** *** ** *** they **** ** ** ***** *** right ******... **** **** ****."
  • "****** - **** **** *** *** higher ******* (* ****** ***) **** meet **** ** **** (* ******) and **** **** **** ***** ** them ***"
  • "****, ******. **** ****** ******* **** up **** ****** *** ****** ******** of ******** ** *** ***** ******* lines. ****** ******* ** **** *********"
  • "******, **** **** ** *** ** mirror ********** **** ****, ****** ******* and **** *****."
  • "******. **** ********, ** ** *****, deeper *********, ******* ** *******"
  • "****** **** **** **** ******* *** try ** **** *****"
  • "****** - ********* ******* *** *********."
  • "******, ******* *** **** *********, ****** to ***"
  • "******, **** **** ****** ***** *** great *******"

***** ***** *** ******* ******** ****** supply ******, **** ******* *** ****** ***** **** **** *** ******** ******* *** ** **** *** many ***********.

**** *********** ***** ******'* ******* ******* and ***********:

  • "******/*******, **** **** ** ***** * nice ********* ** ******* *** ***********."
  • "****** ***** ** *** ******* ** Axis. ******* *******, *********, ******* ** products *** **** ** *** *** the *** ********."
  • "******. ****** **** ** ****. ** have ***** *** ***** ******** **** Axis, *** * **** **** ******** great ** *** ***** **** ******."
  • "******. ***** *********, ***** ******** *** works ** **** *********"
  • "****** - **** *** *** *** most *****, **** ********* ***** **** them."
  • "****** *** *** ****** ** ******* that ***** ******* *** ***********"
  • "****** - **** ***** *******, ***** quality, ***** *******, ***********-*** *****"
  • "****** *** ****. ***** ******* *** product ****"
  • "****** - ***** & **** ******* line"
  • "****** ******* & ******* = ** Axis"
  • "****** - ***** **** **** ** our ******* *** ** **** ** enroll"
  • "******, **** ********"

***** ***** *********** ****** ******* ** better *********, **** ****** ******** *** cost **********:

  • "******. **** ******* ***** **** **** manufacturer *** **** *********** ** ******* and **** ****** ** *****"
  • "******. *** *** *** ******* * need *** * ***** *** ** better **** **** ****** **************."
  • "****** ** ** **** ****** *** cameras ** **** **** * ********* that ***** ** **** **** *** seem ** **** ****** ********** ***** into *** *******."
  • "******. *********, ***** ****** ******* ** much ******** *** ***** ********* ** the **** *******."
  • "****** ** *** **** ******** *********** replacement, ***** ******* **** ** ***** and *** ******* ** **** ** well"
  • "****** *******. **** ******** **** ****** range *** ***** + ****** *********"
  • "****** - ******* ******** *** ************* but ** * ****** ***** *****"
  • "****** *** *** *** ******** **** up ***** **** *** ***** ********."
  • "****** ******* *** ***** **** **** a **** ***** ** ****** *********."
  • "****** - ****** * **** **** product **** ** ***** ***********"
  • "****** *** * ** * *****/****** products *** ***** ********** **** *****."
  • "******. ** **** *****, **** ****** than ****, **** **** ********** ******."
  • "****** - ******* ****** ******, *** Wave ******** *** **** *******."
  • "******, **** *** ******* **** ********** image *******"
  • "******, ***** **** ******* *******, *****, etc"
  • "******. **** ******* ****** *** ****** discounts."
  • "******. ******* ****** ** ********."
  • "******: **** ******* & ****-*********"

***** ******'* ********** ************ *** **** recognition **** ***** ******* ***** *** Samsung *******, *** ***, **** ********* to ********** ************ ** **** **********.********, **/**** **** ** **** ** solve *** ****** ***** ********, **** integrators *** ****** **** **** ** Axis. ** *** ***** ****, **** risks **** *********** *********** ********* ** Hanwha.


******** *** * ***** *** *****, with *********** ****** ********'* *******, ********* performance, *** ******* ************ ** ****** themes:

  • "******** ** ****** ******* **** ***** a ****** ******* *** *** **** money, ****** *******, ****** ********, ****** customer *******, *** **** ******. *** in *** **** ** ********, **** in *******"
  • "******** ** *** *********** ** **** for ** **** ** ***** ** high *** *******. ****** ***** *******, analyitcs *** ***** ******* **** ** Axis ******* *** ***** ** ****** than ******** ** **** *****."
  • "******** *** ****** - **** *** not *** ****** ****, **** ** to ****** *** **** ***, **** have ******* ********"
  • "********, ** ***** **** **** **** similar ******* ********* *** ** ***** like **** **** **** ******** **** well *****."
  • "********. * ****** ******** **** **** due ** ****** ******* *** **** readily *********. **** ****** *******"
  • "********. ********* ******* **** * **** range ** ******, *** ****** ********* than **** **** ***."
  • "******** ******* *** ** **** ***** as **** *** ******** ******* ********** is *** ** ******* ** ****."
  • "******** ** **** *********** ** ****. Price *** *********** *** ** *****."
  • "********, ******** *** ******* *********** *** analytics ** ****"
  • "********: ****-*********** **** ****, ****** *******, superior ***"
  • "******** *** ** ***** ********** *** quality"
  • "********- ***** ******* ******* *** * wide ********* *** *** **************"
  • "********, *********** ** *** ******** ********* is ************."
  • "******** - ***** *******, ********* *** strong *******"
  • "********. **** **** ******* ******** *** almost *** **** *******."
  • "********, **** ** ******* ** *********, and *** ********* *****."
  • "******** - ***** ***** ******* *** better *********"
  • "******** - **** *******"

*******, **** *** * **** **** open ***** ******* *** *** *******, while ********'* ***** ******* *** ******* 3rd ***** *** ******* **** ** a ********* *** *********** **** ******* to ******* **** *******.


***** ******** **% ** *********, **** quality, *********** *** *********** ***********, ****** multiple *********** ***** *****'* ****** ****:

  • "** *********** *** **** ***** ** Bosch. ******** ***** ***** ***** ** higher, ***** ********* **** **** *** is * **** ********** **** *** people *** ***'* **** ***** ******. As ** ***** *****, ***** *** stock *** **** **** ***."
  • "***** ** * ***** *********** ** Axis. ***** ******** *** ***** *** perform **** ****. **** ********* * little **** ********* *** *** *** what *** *** ***, ********** ** you *** ****** *********."
  • "***** ** ** *********** ** ****. They *** ********** **** *********, **** have **** ********* ******* ** ***** lineup, *** **** **** * **** approach ** ***** *********."
  • "***** - ******* *** ******* ** there, *** *** ***** ***** ** similar ** *** ***** ******** ** offer"
  • "*****, **** **** * ****** **** camera **** **** ******** *** *** picture ******* ********* ***** *** ****"
  • "*****, ** **** **** *** **** solid ******* ***** *** **** *** a ***** *********** **** ** **** a ****** (****** *** **) ********."
  • "***** ** *** ******* ****** ************. If * ** ***** *** ******* and ***********,** ** *****"
  • "***** ****** **** ** *** ****** have * **** ***** ** ****** offering ***** ******* ***** *** ** the ******** ****** ******* ****"
  • "***** ** *** *** ***** ****** (8500 ** *******), ******** *** ** per ****** ****** (* ******)."
  • "*****, **** ** ******* ********** ******* and ***** *** ** *********** **** INTEOX ** / ***** ** *******."
  • "* ***** **** **** ***** ** competent, ******** *** ** ********* *** well-thought ** ****, *** ***** *** steadily ********."
  • "***** - ******** ** **** **** known ** *** ****, *** *** great ******** *******"
  • "*****, **** ** *** ** *** Europe ***** ******** *** ****** **"
  • "*****: ******* **** *** ******* ** integrate ***** ********."

**** ***** ********** ********* *** **** channel, ***** ***** ** * **** fit *** *********** ******* *** ******* camera ************, ****** ***** ************ **** of *** ***** **** ***'* ****** that ******* **** *** **** * series.

Comments (8)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
May 16, 2022

*'* ***** **** ***** *******. ********* Bosch ****'* *** ***** ** ****** votes **** ********, *** ***** **** of *** *********** *****'* ****** **** account *** ******** ** *** ********.

**** ***** ** **** *** ********* of ***** *** "**** **** ***". Time *** **** ****'* **** **** tell ** ****.

John Honovich
May 16, 2022

**** ** ********** ****** ****** ***. Where **** **** **** ** * year ** *** **** *** ******* to ** **** *** ****** ********* helps.

** *** *****, ******** *** **** cameras, ****** ***, *** **** ***********, etc., ** * ** *** ********* that ******** ******** **** ***** **** Bosch.

Undisclosed #4
Nov 28, 2022

**** ******** **** *** ****** ** their ******* ************* ** *** *** ROI ***** **** *** ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
May 16, 2022

** *** ****, ** **** **** sales, ***********, ***** *******, *** ******* who *** **** ** *** ********? So **** ** ***** ****** **** experience ****, ** **** ******* ** people **** ***** ***** ******* ****** (in *** ********* ****, **** ** laptops, ********, ***********, ******** ******, ***.). Do **** **** *********** ****** *** not **** * ***** *** ****** to **** *** ****** ***?

*** **** ****** *******, ************, *********, and ******* ***** ******* *** ****** products? * **** **** ****** ***** over *** ***** *** * *** only ***** * * ** * that *** ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
May 25, 2022

***'** *****, ******* ** * *** good ********* ******, *** ******** ** people **** *** ** **** *** lacking ******** **********. * ***** **** is **** ******* **** ********** ***** industry **********. **** *** **** ** their ******** ***, **** **** **** of *** ***** ****** *** ***** a **** *** ******* ******** **********, Manufacturers **** *********** *** **** ******. There **** **** **** **** * handful ** ************ **** **** ** under * **** *** **** ****** to **** * *** ** ***** LinkedIn **** **** **** ***** **********. Signs ***'* ***** ** * ******** outcome *** ****.

Corbin Hambrick
Aug 08, 2022

***** **** ******* **** **** *** mix?

*** ** ****** **** ******'* *** for ********* *******?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
May 16, 2024

**’* **** *** **** ** ****** its ********* ** ******* ***** ***** management ********* ****** **** ********** ********* what *** ** ********* ** *********** as ************* ** ** *** **. Please ****** ***. *** ****** ******** world ** ***’* ***** ** **** more *********** ** ******* **** *** think.

John Honovich
May 16, 2024

** ** ******* ******* ***** ** lesser ***** *********, **** **** ************* *** ************ ********* ********* *** Profile,*** *** ***** ************ ****** ******** of ************ ******* ********* - ******* Power,******* **** *** ******* *** ******** Leonardo ********

**'** **** **** ***** * ******* post ** **** *******, *** *** email********@****.***

**** ****, **'** ********** ***** ** continue ** ****** ********* ** ****, Hanwha, ********, *******, ***. ** ***** are **** ***** ********* **** ****** lots ** ************ ** *** ********.