Sunell CEO: "Salute to Russia and Putin"

Published Mar 01, 2022 11:51 AM
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Sunell's CEO declared "Salute to Russia and Putin" in response to IPVM's question about Sunell's stance on Russia invading Ukraine.

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Sunell is an OEM for many Western companies including ADI, Anixter, Costar, Eagle Eye, InVid, Turing and became famous during the Pandemic for its 'Pandacam' fever screening system that later received an FDA warning letter.

Ann Wu, CEO and co-founder of the Shenzhen manufacturer, later retracted her remarks and stated this was "just my personal comment", not Sunell's.

Pro-Russia sentiment is strong within the PRC, with the PRC government aggressively censoring antiwar voices while blaming the US for the invasion, a term it refuses to use.

Sunell Background

Sunell is a PRC manufacturer based in Shenzhen and is much smaller than heavyweights Dahua and Hikvision though has grown as its domestic rivals have come under increased scrutiny.

Sunell has also tried to benefit from its PRC rivals' US sanctions by becoming the first PRC firm to market an NDAA compliant camera line. Sunell does not sell under its own brand in the US, but allows partners like Eagle Eye and InVid to relabel.

Outside the US, Sunell sells under its own name and has a Moscow office and Russian website, and had a booth at Russia's Sekurika Moscow conference in 2019:

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Salute To Putin

Yesterday, IPVM asked Sunell's Ann Wu about whether Sunell has "any statements or response" to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as part of IPVM's reporting on this topic. Wu replied with the below remarks:

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Retracts, "Just My Personal Comment"

Upon being informed that IPVM would publish her remarks, Wu retracted:

Please don’t publish. I really don’t want Sunell to be exposed on social media and get involved in politics.

I recall my comment.

In another email, Wu questioned "why you [IPVM] get involved in politics"?

IPVM is independent professional CCTV forum or as you quote “the world's leading source of video surveillance news” and I try to understand why you get involved in politics?

Finally, Wu distanced Sunell from the remarks, stating it is "just my personal comment":

This is just my personal comment and please don’t relate with Sunell as company.

Pro-Russia Sentiment In PRC

The PRC government has abstained from condemning Russia's Ukraine invasion at the UN and has never used the word "invasion" to describe it, blaming the US instead. For example, state media Global Times uses the term "Ukraine tensions" and says "Washington Bears Special Responsibility":

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PRC social media has aggressively censored opponents of the invasion, for example deleting a joint statement from five PRC professors opposing the war, deleting a post about a pro-Ukraine protest, and removing a post about a Russian soldier texting his mother "Mama, this is so hard".

Meanwhile, nationalist pro-Russia voices have been amplified, with The New York Times reporting that "If President Vladimir V. Putin is looking for international support and approval for his invasion of Ukraine, he can turn to the Chinese internet."

In response to the NYT's scrutiny, Global Times quoted a PRC academic that "many Chinese people believe that this is a counterattack that Putin had to make under the strategic dilemma he was being forced to face". A PRC influencer explained that "China and Russia are brothers [...] the West doesn't want an independent an powerful Russia. This is the answer to everything and China has the same experience as Russia."

Contrast To Others

IPVM is currently requesting responses from video surveillance companies about the Ukraine invasion. So far, no company (aside from Sunell) has responded supporting the invasion. No PRC company (aside from Sunell) has responded to IPVM either. As for Western firms, Axis halted Russia sales, and others such as Genetec, Motorola, and SIA have supported Ukraine.

Comments (112)
John Honovich
Mar 01, 2022

Charles, good reporting! "Don't get involved in politics" is a very common refrain from PRC manufacturers and is often repeated by their Western dealers.

You can bury your head and try to make as much money as you can but that's morally wrong. Though if you are saluting Putin at this point, it is unlikely you care about that.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #32
Mar 04, 2022

Hi I am from Europe and I am working for Chinese company, I am volunteer at Ukrainian borders and helping refugees as many people from my country.

What I am morally wrong?

How you are helping those people beside that your are sharing hate between the nations for last 5 years?

you should apologize for these message, and do not put all the people in one basket all the time.

"You can bury your head and try to make as much money as you can but that's morally wrong. Though if you are saluting Putin at this point, it is unlikely you care about that."

Thank you

John Honovich
Mar 04, 2022

What I am morally wrong?

Who said you were morally wrong?

I am working for Chinese company

Your company engages in human rights abuses and then pretends it did not happen - Dahua Provides "Uyghur Warnings" To China Police, Dahua Responds, Caught Lying

Ask your superiors at Dahua to take a public position against Russia invading Ukraine? What do they say?

Damith Jayasinghe
Sep 14, 2022

There is alot more to the war in Ukraine then what the MSM tells us. Its not a Black and white story many shades of grey

Undisclosed Manufacturer #29
Mar 04, 2022

As an American it is a very simple answer...

1. Putin and Jinping are dictators who oppress millions of people.

2. The citizens (you) of these countries must rise up and stop this oppression for future generations.

3. We love the people of these countries and don't believe they want to live under the thumb of these dictators.

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 04, 2022

As an American it is a very simple answer...

1. Putin and Jinping are dictators who oppress millions of people.

2. The citizens (you) of these countries must rise up and stop this oppression for future generations.

3. We love the people of these countries and don't believe they want to live under the thumb of these dictators.

and ADD that ..

1. Putin controls over 148 million, Jinping over 1.4 Billion people.

2. Of those almost 2 Billion people, less than 7% actually have any say or vote about what is being done. Those who attempt to speak out are met with violence, prison, or death.

3. Many citizens of these countries have family and friends living throughout the free world, and they wish them peace and safety.

4. No Nation is perfect. Although there are different systems and ways to accomplish it, free nations provide the means to choose, support, or change their leaders through their individual vote. Although a sometimes slow process, open discussion and debate of issues allow leaders to earn votes by gaining support for their ideas and solutions. It works pretty well, and allows leaders to be held accountable for their mistakes, and acknowledged for their successes.

5. In the entire world, less than 10 leaders are responsible for 99% of all aggression, suppression, and military expansion. Their desire to maintain control, power, and wealth is their priority. They threaten the rest of the world with violence and war whenever their greed, annexation and expansion plans are not permitted to continue.

6. The world has watched and witnessed the tyrannical rulers of those countries repeatedly choose aggression, force, and fear to maintain their control. Those who have experienced, lived with, and understand freedom, await the day when the citizens and soldiers of those countries will simply refuse to be used as instruments of aggression. A day on which they take control of their own destiny, and instead choose to live in a world in which peace, safety, and security for all families and their children becomes the priority. A day that the world watches, encourages, supports, and applauds as the people embrace their new freedom, as each individual participates in the choosing and placements of its leaders.

7. It will be the same country, and same people, but with new leadership representing will of its’ peoples to live cooperatively, peacefully, and as friends with the rest of the world.

When the those few who would rule by fear find themselves standing alone, they will no longer have power over the many.

Undisclosed Integrator #21
Mar 05, 2022

! Very clearly said and to the point !

James Mifsud
May 02, 2024
Atlas Technologies Australia

You aren’t the CEO, talk about projecting.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Mar 01, 2022

What a moronic thing for her to say! Disgraceful! If it were her family being bombed, would she make such a flippant comment? Vile!

Undisclosed End User #7
Mar 01, 2022

She wouldn't be able to tell you. Not until the PRC tells her what to think on the matter.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Mar 01, 2022

Your move Eagle Eye.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Mar 01, 2022

Your move Network Optix and Hanwha.

Undisclosed Integrator #11
Mar 01, 2022

Hanwha uses Sunell?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Mar 01, 2022

Hanwha Sky is Eagle Eye and Hanwha Wave is Network Optix.

Morgan Pace
Mar 02, 2022

I thought Nx was just a software company? And Wave, also a software - are we talking about Sunell hardware? Not being snarky, genuinely confused

Undisclosed Manufacturer #19
Mar 02, 2022

Hanwha uses Eagle Eye for their Wisenet SKY cloud VMS. Hanwha does not use any Sunell hardware. The previous person was referring to Eagle Eye using Sunell cameras, which Hanwha does not use/sell, etc.

Nx is a software company. Hanwha, DW, and others OEM their software to get it customized. Any hardware Hanwha, DW, etc. sell are from those manufacturers and not Nx.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #22
Mar 02, 2022

Most (maybe all) of Nx Witness's software developers are based in Moscow.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #22
Mar 02, 2022

To the disagreers, "maybe all" is my editorializing, but "most" is confirmed by Nx Witness themselves.

They said that 50-60% of their engineers are in Russia, noting that Russia-based developers were initially used due to lower costs for high skilled developers compared to those in the US.

Network Optix Vs Avigilon, Exacq, Milestone, Genetec Profiled

Undisclosed Integrator #28
Mar 03, 2022

All Nx Development is based in or around Moscow and full control of the cloud and app is strictly managed by Russian Developers including one of the owners of Nx is Russia and lives in Moscow Region as well.

Carl Stoffers
Mar 03, 2022
IPVMU Certified

UI #28, do you have any evidence to verify these claims? Network Optics has stated that the person in question is a US citizen based in the US and that its cloud dev leadership team is US based. If you have any proof to the contrary, we will be happy to review.

John Honovich
Mar 02, 2022

Eagle Eye declined to comment on Sunell nor, more broadly, Russia invading Ukraine.

This is consistent with their general ethos of money before principles, e.g. FDA-Violating Eagle Eye Fever Screening Endangers Schools, Eagle Eye Is Winding Down 'Partnership' With Hikvision, Eagle Eye Gets $1.4 Million PPP Forgiven After Raising $40 Million VC Funding and 85% Growth

Charles Rollet
Mar 09, 2022

As John mentioned, Eagle Eye declined to comment

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Dmytro Usenko
Mar 09, 2022
Camdog Inc

funny. #1 in cloud video surveillance worldwide and "no comment" ))

John Honovich
Mar 09, 2022

Now Eagle Eye has commented, via its CEO on LinkedIn:

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Undisclosed End User #3
Mar 01, 2022

Throughout the development of the Ukraine crisis, it is way too obvious that the US has been creating the crisis, transferring it and profiting from it.

That Global Times article is, uh, something. I hadn't heard that particular idea from any news source or site, US or international, until now. Not even social media. I guess if all you had access to was constant state-controlled "information" with rhetoric that slanted, you couldn't really be totally to blame for having unpopular views...

Undisclosed End User #3
Mar 01, 2022

It's probably most apparent that she made a mistake when she begged for her attribution to be omitted, and then requested her company to at least not be mentioned if the quote was going to be used. I'm glad IPVM kept both in the story.

Undisclosed End User #7
Mar 01, 2022

probably, or shes a power hungry member of the PRC and the only way you can move up is by boot licking and party shilling. Go team!

James Miller III
Mar 01, 2022
IPVMU Certified

It's comments like these that make workers, like myself, think that we're smarter than our bosses. What an awful thing to say at at time like this as a war rages on, and it really shows the privilege that she has looking down upon people who are clearly suffering in this world. Unbelievable.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Mar 01, 2022

This is the company Eagle Eye is in bed with, correct?

Igor Averchenko
Mar 01, 2022

Salute to Sunell and Ann Wu!

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Mar 01, 2022

Please expand more. Looks like your located in Moscow.

Ilya Malyshev
Mar 01, 2022

Hah.. That's what american said...

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Mar 01, 2022

I am asking to learn more from someone with a different opinion.

Igor Averchenko
Mar 01, 2022

I know Ann Wu in person and appreciate her declare.

Undisclosed Integrator #14
Mar 02, 2022

I will be very pleased to read your obituary.

Undisclosed Integrator #21
Mar 02, 2022

Unbelievable statement you do.

Open your eyes and look at your Russian people's true killer. It is always inside and not outside.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #24
Mar 02, 2022

I know Ann for many years as well and always respected how she conducted herself and her work ethic. However, her recent comment does not sit well with me and this just cost her business. I have colleagues in Kyiv and this is simply unacceptable.

Undisclosed Integrator #28
Mar 03, 2022

Igor, your with the Nx Development team, correct?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #29
Mar 03, 2022

Time to expel Russian members from IPVM.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Mar 03, 2022

Do you want to get hacked? :)

Undisclosed Manufacturer #22
Mar 03, 2022

It's a fair question. If Russia has been removed from SWIFT, from international airspaces, from sporting events, from credit card networks ... why is it still able to participate in IPVM?

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 03, 2022

It is not a Russian problem, it is a Putin problem.

Bad Leaders do not make their citizens bad.

Time for change.

Dmytro Usenko
Mar 07, 2022
Camdog Inc

Not exactly. putin doesn't sit in a tank or aircraft. most of the soldiers are contractors who sign contracts and know what they do. a lot of them had a choice. and they did it. Btw to date, the losses in the manpower of the occupiers have exceeded 12,000 people.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #9
Mar 03, 2022

Time to expel Russian members from IPVM.

It's a fair question. If Russia has been removed from SWIFT, from international airspaces, from sporting events, from credit card networks ... why is it still able to participate in IPVM?

It is a fair question, to which I say it is of no benefit to ban Russian members from this or other social media platforms whereby the only information avenue left to them is Russian state controlled media.

Unless they can be proven to be state controlled propaganda agents, or proclaim something outrageously ridiculous like Ukrainians are sacrificing people to the god Baal, you may not like or agree with their viewpoint, but you'll never get a chance to get another perspective to them, better information, or try to form an understanding, if you just outright ban everyone who doesn't follow the majority crowd.

The majority of the time people don't change on the first exchanges of dialogue- it happens much later after multiple dialogues and time for reflection. But it'll never have a chance of happening at all if your first reaction is to ban and censor.

Igor Averchenko
Mar 03, 2022

I am not.

Undisclosed #8
Mar 01, 2022
пошел на хуй
Undisclosed Manufacturer #16
Mar 02, 2022

Guess he can't... Your mother is already there. Sorry.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #20
Mar 02, 2022

Аверченко, иди нахуй ебаный фашист!

Ilya Malyshev
Mar 01, 2022

Hm, did somebody ask market opinion during USA unvading Iraq, or bombing Yugoslavia, or Livia or many other sovereign states?

It's a quite lefthadedly, is not it?

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Mar 01, 2022

Ilya "polegche na povorotax".

John Honovich
Mar 01, 2022

Ilya, thanks for your first comment. Can you elaborate? Do you mean that it's OK for Russia to invade Ukraine or that IPVM should not "ask market opinion" for this or both or?

Undisclosed End User #7
Mar 01, 2022

U.S. site you get U.S. bias, Iranian site gets Iranian bias, Russian site gets Russian bias. This is not news.

What is the purpose of your discussion?

John Honovich
Mar 01, 2022

U.S. site you get U.S. bias

Do you really believe opposition to Russia invading Ukraine is a US issue?

I think it's odd and pathetic that on Russia's side is who? The PRC, Iran, Belarus, North Korea? Is this really the side you all want to be on?

Undisclosed End User #7
Mar 01, 2022

Not at all. Im questioning why he would come to a U.S. site and wonder why he is not seeing the Russian bias he wants to see.

I agree, with friends like that who would need enemies. I would hope no one is inferring my comment is an endorsement to invade sovereign nations.

In his examples, the U.S. did not put together an invasion force and target civilian buildings.

Undisclosed Integrator #12
Mar 02, 2022

Because IPVM is a phenomenal resource.

In 2003 , a nation supported (72%, 80% for the president) to invade a country to eliminate an 'urgent threat', remove WMDs, and remove the leadership. Americans would defend the actions and scoff at Anti-war protestors around the world. Remember "freedom fries"? Mockery.

March and April 2003: over 7,000 civilians were killed via US military action.

I'm trying to set the frame to get to an understanding of where the Russian citizens may be. Unlike the US, they even have state run media.

I understand someone is frustrated that their relevant business resource is inundated with information contrary to their beliefs. Understand they are impassioned towards the actions of their country.

To contrast - not drawing total equivalency here- most Americans supported Gulf War II, Electric Boogaloo for 4 years before the opinion swung.

It's all unfortunate, but we have to let time clear the facts. Don't forget it's a person at the other end.

Most importantly: war is shit.

Undisclosed Integrator #28
Mar 03, 2022

I agree completely with John and believe it’s important that all in this very important and potentially impacting industry of Security and Surveillance, fully understand who we are buying from. That in turn demonstrates the very core of those who make, develop, sale, and overall have opportunities to maintain the Cyber Security Integrity.

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 03, 2022

Expansionism via military force or extortion that uses fear of harm can never be OK, regardless of which country is responsible.

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Mar 01, 2022

Hard to separate business from politics when that business resides in a Communist country, just saying.

We have a right to know who we do business with and to then make a determination as to what they might do with the profit received from said business.

Based upon this woman's response and China's over-all apathetic response to Russia's invasion, and it is an invasion, great question to ask - IPVM. Now it is clear, if it wasn't already clear who is in bed with whom.

IPVM has reported, and others, about companies going under or losing contracts or business because of racist comments etc. from an owner or CEO etc. This woman's comments are supporting a country and its leader actively invading a sovereign country with the sole purpose of removing a democratically elected government. And people are dying. She and her Government supports this.

Pro Russian's then, that are out there, their only response is what about-ism. Weak.

Ilya Malyshev
Mar 01, 2022

War everytime is absolutely not ok. It is hurts to hear and know that two brotherhood nations are at war with each other.

As for IPVM. Most recently it becomes like politics project. A lot of articles about PRC and their tirans and politic and the Uigurs and other. So yes, I think IPVM should not take such opinion pull.

I just want to say that ordinary people, does not matter American, Ukrainian or Russian never knew, never know, and will never know all the trues about any war.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Mar 01, 2022

I just want to say that ordinary people, does not matter American, Ukrainian or Russian never knew, never know, and will never know all the trues about any war.

So are you saying we should not talk about them? Not try to understand other people's opinions?

Jack Pestaner
Mar 02, 2022

Actually IPVM's political analysis helped an important customer avoid purchasing HIK systems, which given their business, would have now required them to rip and replace with an NDAA compliant system.

So in my view it helps to get early warnings of the politics of a vendor, so that the end user customer is aware of any potential blowback.

John Honovich
Mar 02, 2022

Jack, interesting feedback.

I think a few years ago, a lot of industry people thought or hoped "politics" would go away. Now, as we sit on the verge of WWIII, most industry people understand, even if they do not care about ethics, that "politics" has n impact.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #9
Mar 02, 2022

Yes, that is something a lot of people miss. If something is an editorial, especially in the comments, and you just don't like it, make a comment or don't, then just move on. Somehow we seem to have developed this obsessive compulsive need to get overly invested in something that is not worth the level of internal strife.

I think it was the TV show "The West Wing" that coined a perfect phrase for this- political tourettes syndrome.

But politics definitely affects and influences business.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Mar 07, 2022

The silent are culpable when it comes to humanitarian injustices.

Ilya Malyshev
Mar 01, 2022

You should do anything you want... You live in free country, I hope. But what globally your understanding will change? Think nothing.

Undisclosed End User #7
Mar 01, 2022

Hoping this is not lost to translation:

You are right, our understanding of things globally will not change. Unless people talk, and explain their views, desires, understanding. If you see something differently than another person, please explain so we can learn.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #27
Mar 03, 2022

I know I can peacefully protest here and not be arrested. That is freedom.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #16
Mar 03, 2022

"I can peacefully protest here and not be arrested"

Unlike Russian citizens

Ilya Malyshev
Mar 01, 2022

Don't worry. everithing is clear.

Ok. My opinion: First of all, I'm not condone russian goverment decision. Everything what happening in Ukraine now it is like bad dream.

But. The one of the main reason of Russiathat US and GB provoke Putin for a long time. Their "flirting" with Ukraine regarding NATO expansion to the east direction. And some loud statement from Ukrainian goverment about their military force and keeping nuclear weapon on their territory. And Donbass crysis. All that play a low-down trick.

It was like somebody poke up old dog by a stick many many times and wondering why the dog attacks.

The main bad news that only Ukrainian and Russian suffering now and will suffer for a quite some time. And American goverment will poke fun at all this situation...

John Honovich
Mar 01, 2022

And American goverment will poke fun at all this situation...

I don't think 'fun' is the sentiment of the "American government" nor the American people generally. This is likely "bad news" to most everyone.

Undisclosed End User #7
Mar 01, 2022

Thank you Ilya, for sharing your opinion. I think this shows people are not governments and do not blindly agree with their decisions.

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Mar 01, 2022


Copied from a recent PBS article:

"Russia’s military buildup along the Ukrainian border over the last few months coincides with a steady rise in Putin’s popularity.

Approximately 69% of Russians now approve of Putin, compared to the 61% who approved of him in August 2021, according to Russian polling agency the Levada Center. And 29% of Russians disapprove of Putin, down from 37% in August 2021. The polling group is the leading independent sociological research organization in Russia and is widely respected by many scholars, including myself.

Support for Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and his cabinet also increased moderately in the same time period.

The Russian public largely believes that the Kremlin is defending Russia by standing up to the West."

Putin's popularity is higher in Russia then Biden's in the US by a light year. Popularity equals agreement, no?

Undisclosed Integrator #12
Mar 01, 2022

Popularity equals agreement, no?

Not with the huge asterisks that need to be applied.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #13
Mar 01, 2022

Popularity equals agreement, no?

not any more

Undisclosed Integrator #25
Mar 02, 2022

It always takes a while to re-educate or eliminate the naysayers.

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 03, 2022

Popularity is a perception that can be inflated by media. If there is an enemy to peace, it is a non-obective media used to maintain disruption.

The average person wants to live, thrive, get along with others, and enjoy life. Only a few desire to control and expand their control over others.

When the people no longer allow the few to lead them into hatred, prejudice, and greed, peace may be discovered.

Hold the individuals responsible not their people who are victims of that same control.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #9
Mar 01, 2022

There is a very good video on YouTube titled 'Why is Ukraine the West's Fault" featuring a lecture from John Mearsheimer. It was very prophetic considering it was recorded in 2015.

It does not defend Russia's annexation of the Crimea.

It does not defend Putin or try to put him in a good light.

But it does lay out how the first Russian / Ukrainian crisis was not without unnecessary provocation of NATO's expansion intention into Ukraine. Remember, we almost had a nuclear war when Russia parked a base with missiles in Cuba.

Again, it is not a defense of Russia or Putin. But it would be extremely disingenuous to not acknowledge cause and effect.

Last, I know of people from Eastern Europe who have no love of Russia, but the news over there was many Ukrainians and others were very irritated with the way the US and NATO was getting in the way of Ukraine trying to handle Russia before these events came about. Ukraine was used to handling and dealing with Russia for hundreds of years- it was not in anyway new to them, and felt the US just kept getting in the way. This of course was before the fighting broke out. Would it still have happened? Who knows.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Mar 01, 2022

Nato is a defensive organization. Ukraine can choose whatever route they wish to take however as of now they are not a Nato or EU member. It's not for Russia to decide. The nato claim makes no sense, Estonia is next to Russia as are others., so why now..?

The nato thing is rubbish and a smokescreen. It's the bully saying it's not my fault - I might be a bully but it's someone else's fault - look over there they made me do it.

Putin has already stated "they should never have given any of the countries away in 1991" and "I want them all back...". He forgets... They weren't "his" or the Soviets then either.. The Soviet block failed and collapsed. He cant have the old KGB days back, he can't control people who have voted for a Government. Putin is Billionaire and he and his friends are powerful, all of them stole the state assets as the collapse took place.

Only now he is claiming that Ukraine was trying to get Nukes? Absolutely absurd lies and fake news. They gave up nukes on the signed agreement with Russia and they still do not have a single nuke.

If Putin wasn't so controlling and aggressive don't you think they wouldn't need to be in Nato? Ukraine isn't a rich nation, do they want to spend 2-4% of GBP to join Nato? Take Finland he last week threatened them and now they are talking about Nato membership..

Undisclosed Manufacturer #9
Mar 01, 2022

No matter how many disclaimers were given to you, you still didn't understand and made incorrect assumptions and false equivalencies. There are dimensions that exist here beyond an overly simplistic view. Why don't you actually try watching the video first.

Undisclosed Distributor #15
Mar 02, 2022

"No matter how many disclaimers were given to you, you still didn't understand and made incorrect assumptions and false equivalencies"

Didn't understand what? I am Russian speaking and understand every Putin's word and know what's happening in Ukraine right now. From this point whole world is not "understanding" "great" Putin's ideas and punishing poor Russians by all possible economical and political ways. But your are right, aren't you?

Robert Shih
Mar 02, 2022

Sometimes, nuance and empathy are required because things are more complicated than they seem.

Other times, you're simply dealing with a narcissistic warmongering asshole who longs for the imagined glory of yesteryear and simply takes what he wants, when he wants it (i.e. Robert Kraft's Super Bowl Ring).

In this case, it's more likely the latter.

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 03, 2022

Follow the money.

This is strategic. It is about greed, money, and acquiring control over valuable Ukrainian rare earth resources found primarily in China, Ukraine, and Afghanistan..

Undisclosed Manufacturer #18
Mar 02, 2022

The people who defend Russian irredentism tend to believe that they have some kind of moral high ground over other nations.

Russia or the USSR invading some country is always justified because they only do/did this for noble and patriotic reasons. To protect someone.

The idea that other nations may need or want to protect themselves from Russia or the USSR does not compute because they've been told that they were the good guys.

If anything, they were the victims.

Putin apologists know this, but they argue that the invasion to Ukraine is justified and in no way at all similar to what Hitler did in Poland. (They will altogether deny invading Poland together with Germany and invading Finland shortly after.).

What a unique mix of entitlement, unaccountability, and self-victimization…

Undisclosed #17
Mar 02, 2022

I'd like to see more on the Sunnel OEM's in North America. Interesting to see if manufactures will ship their OEM.

Glory to Ukraine!

Morgan Pace
Mar 02, 2022

I’m having a hard time purchasing anything coming out of China right now. Sunell may find themselves on the NDAA blacklist in a few years as well, not worth the liability

Morten Tor Nielsen
Mar 02, 2022

The Internet.

Everyone's an expert.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #23
Mar 02, 2022

I know her personally, and she was never the sharpest tool in the shed. Sunell is next to join their friends from HiSilicon and Hikua.

Jason Thomas
Mar 02, 2022
IPVMU Certified

I am pretty sure that my message to Ann Wu would violate the profanity rules on the IPVM comment section.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Mar 02, 2022

I'm not so sure. Has anyone translated the Russian text within this thread?

Undisclosed Integrator #25
Mar 02, 2022

I foresee a rebranding in their future.

Clint Hays
Mar 03, 2022

Don't you mean "white labeling?"

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 03, 2022

Her statements reflect expansionist phylosophies.. and demonstrate the risk US businesses take when relying on PRC supported products..

The US needs to find alternative sources while the US begins to develop products to compete and replace reliance on PRC products in security network related apllications.

Undisclosed Integrator #30
Mar 03, 2022

IPVM is famous and loved by professionals around the globe for unsponsored, unbiased, and factual information. So let’s look at the facts:

  1. Estonia Latvia, Lithuania (along with Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia) joined NATO in 2004, and Putin had nothing bad to say about that:

Nato expansion

  1. Putin keeps talking about the fact that with Ukraine joining NATO, there is a threat to Russia's safety, because the potential "rockets estimated flight time to Moscow" lowers (compared to what, he doesn't specify). Simply look at the map - it's clear that NATO states of Lithuania/Estonia/Latvia are as close (if not closer) to Moscow as Ukraine. NATO is a defensive alliance by nature.
  2. So called "Donbass crisis" is an act of Russian aggression against the Ukraine. So called separatists (terrorists, actually) were supplied by Russian army with ammo, heavy weapons, etc., and actual Russian regular army troops (with removed identification badges) were doing most of the heavy lifting. If not for Russian support (including financial), the Donbass puppets would have been already in the Ukrainian court:

Donbass occupation

MH17 plane crash

  1. Ukraine gave up all its post-soviet union era nuclear arsenal (3rd largest in the world) in exchange for a pledge by UK, US, and Russia to respect its territorial integrity:

Nuclear deal

Russia broke the agreement without warning by Crimea annexation:

Crimea annexation

  1. Russia invests heavily into Russian lobbyists, propaganda, and disinformation over the years:

Troll farms

German ex-chancellor Schroeder

Germany bans Russian broadcaster RT

Russian channel RT is tool of Kremlin disinformation

How Russia spreads disinformation

YouTube and Facebook BAN Russia's RT and Sputnik channels

Facebook and TikTok ban Russian state media

Russia’s 2020 disinformation

  1. Russia uses radioactive materials, prohibited chemical weapons, as well as conventional weapons for killing Putin’s political opponents:

Novichok nerve agent used against Russian dissident

Navalny and Russia’s arsenal of exotic poisons

Litvinenko poisoned with the radioactive Polonium-210 in London

Boris Nemtsov: The man who dared to criticize Vladimir Putin

  1. Russia uses terrorist tactics in European countries and blows up the storages of weapons/arms (because they could have been sold to Ukraine?)

Czechs Accuse Russia of ‘Terrorist Attack’ for Deadly 2014 Blast

Bulgaria expels Russian diplomat over arms depot blasts

  1. Russia supports terrorist organizations (Taliban is recognized as a terrorist organization and is prohibited in Russia, and yet the Russian government officials meet with them?):

Russia hosts Taliban officials

  1. Russia support dictatorships around globe:

How Putin Built a Ragtag Empire of Tyrants and Failing States

Putin supports Belarus’s Lukashenko

  1. Russia created multiple migrant crisis’s in Europe:

Belarus migrants: Poland PM blames Russia's Putin for migrant crisis

Migrant crisis: Russia and Syria 'weaponising' migration

  1. And finally, Russia starts a war with Ukraine.

The word “war” is banned in Russian (independent) media:

Russia bans words ‘invasion’ and ‘assault’ in media, warns several outlets

Russia partially restricts Facebook and Tweeter access:

Twitter and Facebook restricted in Russia

Russia partially restricts Facebook access


  1. Russian government are war criminals, and it’s just a matter of time until they will face deserved justice for starting war in Ukraine in 2014 (14K people dead) and new act of war and escalation in 2022 (clearly, the death toll we be huge).
  2. Russian citizens are mostly silent about the war. Only a couple thousand people protested in the streets so far, and yes, a lot of them got arrested, but they got respect of the international community. The rest of the Russian population who are silently agreeing with Putin actions, are guilty by association, unless they clearly and 100% anti-war and anti-Putin. (Our friends Igor and Ilya here clearly showed who they are.)
  3. Putin is a reincarnation of Hitler, he uses similar approaches and tactics, including Joseph Goebbels style propaganda. There is a large number of confirmed uses of vacuum and cluster bombs along with heavy artillery and missiles in Ukraine against apartment buildings / residential communities, and other non-military buildings. Clearly, they don’t care about the number of people they kill, nor the number of people they will lose as they leave their dead soldiers to rot in the Ukrainian soil - Ukraine Seeks Red Cross Help With Russian Bodies: 'Bury Them With Dignity'
  4. Russians are trying to “save” Ukraine from the democratically elected government, who Putin calls a bunch of “drug addicts and neo-Nazis”. In reality, he hates Ukrainians for wanting to be free and decide their own fate, just like Hitler hated Jewish population. Ironically, the Ukraine president Volodymir Zelensky is also Jewish. Ukraine is fighting not only for its own freedom, but the freedom of the rest of the democratic world. They need support, and support they should get. Putin and the rest of the Russian imperialists need to be stopped now, before it’s too late.
Jon Dillabaugh
Mar 03, 2022
Pro Focus LLC

Jack Pestaner
Mar 03, 2022

Very interesting, it all gets down to fossil fuels, and fresh water.

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 03, 2022

This is an interesting history and does a great job of explaining the real reasons behind the expansion.

In reality, the same could be accomplished with fair trade agreements that provide a peaceful solution, but taking what you want by force provides control of the profits. Put in and his wealthy friends can keep fiancially plundering Russia and everything they annex by force and avoid fair sharing of the financial results.

Russia's people could be benefitting from it's wealth of fossil fuel resources instead of Putin and his fellow Billionaires.. and all citizens could share the benefits in peaceful cooperation with Europe and the world.. or he can lead them down a road ending in "strategic" nuclear assaults escalating into something horrific.

When it is only Russia and Chinese borders left, who is most likely to prevail?

This world has become to small for this..

Undisclosed Distributor #15
Mar 03, 2022

Russian parliament (Duma) just approved law, that everyone who is spreading "fake information" about Russian troops actions will be prosecuted up to 15 years (!) of prison. What information is "fake" from point of view of Russian government I think is clear. So dear colleagues, take this in account if you are planning to visit Russia (of course it could be difficult in nearest time)

Undisclosed Manufacturer #31
Mar 03, 2022

There is no material difference between the "opinion" of the CEO and the opinion of the company itself. The CEO builds the culture and makes top-level decisions. For instance, Sunell and\or Hikau will move in to become the de facto supplier of IP camera technology to Russia if Western suppliers have ceased selling to them because the leadership personally sees nothing wrong with invading a sovereign democracy and killing their people unprokvoked.

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 04, 2022

Do you imagine that Russian businesses will appreciate the “ET Phone Home” feature that Chinese Chipsets offer?

Adrian Ilea
Mar 03, 2022

IPVM will not ban any member - it is what a rational mind will do.

All you discussed is not against Russian people, all you can do is not against!

If you really want to observe any situation/ conflict / person / anything on this earth, you can only do it if you don't have any prejudgement, you use all your knowledge as an educated person, a rational mind, use information from both sides and much more from around this globalised world.

Then make your own judgement, actually you have no right to judge, you just make an opinion. When you judge, you are the judge, jury and executioner - I doubt you are. And you cannot do it as long as you say Yes or Not, these will block your mind from the beginning - to really observe.

I am a little closer to this humanitarian crisis.

Unfortunately Russian people will suffer from all kinds of bans, while Ukrainian civilians suffer much, much more.

What you/us may really do is help - I think you guessed already.

And what will get Putin down, there are the only ones - as you already guessed - Russian people that elected him - that obey him, more or less with the gun at the head or the mind devastated by Russian actual society and media. (as other nation's peoples too - with a limited free mind, even not observing it)

How can we be human beings in other way? Are we the same old beings with animal instincts of violence, brutality, aggressiveness, greed, possessiveness, fear and so on - looking at the world today one could say we still are.

Thinking for a better day tomorrow!

Dmytro Usenko
Mar 09, 2022
Camdog Inc

just leave it for you, Adrian. this was several hours ago. this is a maternity hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine. Instead of all "bla-bla".

Adrian Ilea
Mar 10, 2022

I agree with you, I see all these everyday at TV, there are war crimes, terrorism and genocide. All these are done with intention by Putin, these are not mistakes of some on site military, but all are included in a larger plan prepared from many years ago ...

Putin is a cold blood killer, a very good KGB agent in this way - "unfortunately" all free nations "didn't observed it" in the last years ? of course they did, but the comfort of free world today and business were more important to them.

I see you are probably in NY , I am in Romania, and I see with my own eyes Ukrainian refugees, and I understand.

Ukrainian people set an example for the world, but as you see, the world still do not do enough for them. As I said - what you/we can do is help!

This invasion caused and will cause more death and damages. Chance to solve it is diplomacy. And diplomacy is sustained by sacrifices of Ukrainians that fight right now.

Don't judge Russian people as a whole, they are not your enemies, the enemy is Putin and the elite around him. They are imprisoned in their own country, many of them does not know correctly what is happening, I hope they will react sooner or later.

All Russian officials lie shamelessly defying reason. One might be dumb or stupid to believe anything they say.

As we have seen at the very beginning of this report and comments, one citizen of PRC said Salute to Putin - referring at the situation (invasion) in Ukraine. Do you imagine that she is a bad person? I do not think so, she might be even a very good person, we do not know her. Just another one misinformed, indoctrinated, like many Russian persons, or like many many persons all over the world.

Divide et impera (divide and rule) it has always been this way.

I propose to close these discussions and open another discussion if IPVM wants regarding the invasion in Ukraine. No need to blame Sunnel or other manufacturer. They do what they consider to do, and we do what we consider to do. Many do not buy Sunnel...

Undisclosed Manufacturer #27
Mar 04, 2022

Now that we know where Sunell stands we can make a decision if we want to support them in business. Hopefully the FCC will ban them next but we dont have to wait for that.

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Mar 04, 2022

Quite honestly, the quality of their products are not that good anyway .. easy to not use.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #27
Mar 09, 2022

Glad this all came out, good to see where China stands on this.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #33
Jun 06, 2022

Sunnel is a Chinese company, and now has replaced Dahua , another Chinese company.

However, ADI is still selling and leading with Chinese video surveillance equipment because it is the cheapest.

Is anyone impressed, NO.

John Honovich
Aug 28, 2022

New: Sunell imports to Eagle Eye Networks - 8,000 kilograms:

IPVM Image

Undisclosed Manufacturer #27
Aug 29, 2022

Does Eagle Eye have anything to say about this?

John Honovich
Aug 29, 2022

We asked them at the time and they did not respond.

Undisclosed Integrator #26
Aug 28, 2022

Not much of a surprise.

PRC Manufacturers in which the PRC have a financial interest may have a ‘dependency’ on the PRC for their survival. It is also possible that some of the executives and board members of manufacturers are PRC party members. As a Stock Holders in those companies, the PRC could have some influence over whom is chosen to manage the company, or if they continue to do so.

It is also possible that being a party member or at least supporting their policies could be helpful to the career of an aspiring executive. Even if that were not so, as in every country, its’ national media influences the perception of what is going on in the world.

It would be surprising if they did not support another country that also believes in that expansion by force, coercion, or any means that works is ok.

Keep the new flowing IPVM, good job.

John Honovich
Sep 11, 2022

Russia says that a senior Chinese official expressed support for the invasion of Ukraine. - The New York Times

A senior Chinese official offered Beijing’s most robust endorsement yet of Moscow’s war in Ukraine, telling a group of Russian lawmakers on Friday that China “understands and supports Russia,” particularly “on the situation in Ukraine,” according to an official Russian description of the meeting.

Li Zhanshu, the third-ranking member of the Communist Party of China, visited Moscow last week after attending an economic forum in the eastern Russian city of Vladivostok, where he met with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

Undisclosed Integrator #34
Sep 14, 2022

Everyone has an opinion. I don't think we really have the whole story about the "Russian invasion" of the Ukraine. Our western media sees to that. History will tell its own version. I will keep my opinion on this matter to myself.