Stealth Monitoring Aims For $1 Billion Revenue (CRO Interview)

Published Oct 18, 2023 13:48 PM

Driven by analytics, cloud, and labor shortages, remote video monitoring is a growing but still relatively small market segment. However, Stealth Monitoring, already claiming to be the largest in North America, tells IPVM it is aiming for a $1 billion revenue in the next five to 10 years.

IPVM Image

IPVM interviewed Stealth's Chief Revenue Officer and Co-president, Erik Mikkelsen, about the company's positioning, analytics, go-to-market, and growth plans.

This is the newest entry in our series on the growing remote video monitoring market. Also see The Remote Video Monitoring Market: View From Banker Alper Cetingok, Netwatch CEO Interview and Company Profile.

Executive *******

******* ********** **** ** ** *** biggest ******** ** *** ***** *** aims ** ******** $* ******* ** annual ******* ** *** **** *-** years ******* ******* ****** *** ************. To ** ** ** ** *****, they ***** **** * ~**% **** as *** ******* ** "******* ** to *** $*** ******* [*******] ****" now.

***** *** ****** ** ** *** early ******, ******* ****** ******** ******* security ****** ******* ** ***** ****** video ********** *********, ********* ****. *** company ********* ***** ******** ** *** users, *** ** ***** ******* ****-***/****-***-**** products **** **** ******* ******** ********.

** *** ******* ****, ********* ********** that ******* *** *** *** **-*****, patented ********** ************, *** *** ******* combined ** **** *** ******** *******'* end-to-end ********, ***** *** ** ***** of *********** *******.

***** ********* **** **** ** **** years ***** ** *********** (******* * CAGR ** ***** ** **%), ******* market ****** ** ** ***** ***** to ** **** **** *** *****.

*******, * ***** ******** ** *** the ****** ******** *** **** ***** entrants **** **** **** *****. ******* might **** * ********** ****, *** they ***** **** ******* *********** ** a ****** ****** ******** ****-****** ******.

Company ********** *** ************

******* ********** *** ******* ** **** in *********** *******, *** ** ********* * ******** director *** ***** ******. ** ****,*** ******* ********* * ****** **** UCIT ******, * *******-***** ****** ***** ********** provider******* ** **** ** ****** ******.*** * ********* ********* ************* ** 2018***** *******'* ****. *** **** *** led ** **** **********, * ********* held, ********-***** ********** **** **** ***** UCIT ***** ****.

***** **, ************** ** **** ***** ******* ** an ******** ** ****, *** ***** **** *** *********** of ********** ** **** (********* ** ****), ******* **********'* *****, *** ********, ** *** ********. ******* **** year, ******* ********* ************** ** * ***** ****** ***** monitoring ********* - ******* ************* *** Syncro **********. ****** *** *** ********-***** *******'* US ********, ********* ** *********.

********* *** *** ******** *** ***** breakdown ******* *** ***** ******, **** Management, **** ***** *******, *** *** Partners.

Acquired ********* ***** / **************

*** ******** ********* *** * ******* goal - ********* ** ************* ******** guards, ********* *****:

*** *** ******* ** **********, **********, and ****** ***** **********. **** **** the *********, ***** ******* ** ******* on ********* ** ************* ******** ******** guards **** ***** ************.

********** ******** *** ******** *********** **** all ************** **** ******* **** *** acquisitions, ********* ****, ****** *** ***** the ******** ********* ******* ** ** help ***** ******* *** **** *** needs ** *** *********:

**'** ******* ** ******* * ****** deep ************* ** ****'* ********* ** our ********* ** ********* ********* *** geographies. *** **** ******** ********* **** meet ***** *****.

****'* *** **'** **** **** ************, as **'** ***** ********* **** **** done * ****** **** *** ****** certain *********** *** *********. [**** ***] really **** *************. [**] ********** **** and ******* ***** ****** **** *** mix. ***** [***] *** ****** [****] help *****, ** ***** [** *** understanding], ***** *******'* ******* *********** ***** monitoring *******.

********* ******* **** **** *** **** side ** *** ********, *** ** used ******** ** ********** *** *** company *** ****** ********** *** *****:

** ******* *** **** ***** **** I ******** ** *** ***** ******** which *** ****** **** ** ******. That *** ** ********* ** *** cities. *** ***** *** **** **** employees, *** *** ******* *** ** over *** *********.

Previous ***, ******* ********** *********

*******'* ******** ***, *** ******, **** came **** *** **** **** *** has **** **** *** ******* *** 12 *****.** ******* **** ** *** ******* this ******* ** ***** ** *** *****. The ******* ** *** ******** ** two **-********** - **** *********, *** also ****** ** *** ***, ****** *********. ********* ********* **** ** ***** responsibilities:

**'** ********* ******* **** * *** of * ********* ********** *********. *** Baigelman, **'* *** **-********* **** ******. I'm *** **-********* *** *** **** Max ******** **** ** ********** *** me ******** **** ** *****.

Growth ***** - "$*+ *******" **** *** **** *-** *****

** ******'* ******** **** ********** *** step-down, ** ********* **** ******* *** at $***+ ******* ****** ********* *******. Mikkelsen **** **** **** *** ******* is "******* ** ** $*** *******" this **** **** *** **** ** the ******* *********** *** * **%-**% organic ******:

**'** ******* ** ** **** $*** [million ** *******] **** ****** *******. We're *** ***** ***** ***. ****'* where **'** **. **** ** **** was ******* *** *********** ** *******. We've [****] **** ******* **% ** 30% **** ***** **** *** **** 10 *****.

********* **** **** *** ******* **** to ***** *+ ******* ****** ********* in *** **** *-** ***** *** become * $*+ ******* ** *****-******* dollar ********, ******** * ~**% **** if ** *** ***** $*** ******* and ******* $* ******* ** * years:

**** *** **** * ** ** years, **'** ********* ** **** **** a ******* *******, [***] **** **** a ******* ******* ** *******, ** not * ****** ******* ******* ** revenue. **'** **** ******* * ********** where ** *****things *** ***** ** *******. We ******* ** *** ******** ****** ** *** ******** **** **** *** ******** ****** ****. [Emphasis added]

******* ********** ** ******* ** **** both *********** *** ******* ************, ** Mikkelsen ****:

** **** * ****** ******** ************** that **'** ***** **** * ********** side, ***** ******* ** ** **** both *********** *** ******* ***********. ** we **** ** ********** ** ** both.

**'** ****** **'** ****** ******* *** good ********. *** **** **********.

Monitoring **********: **,***+ *******

*******'* ******* **** ** *** **********,***+ *******, ******* **,***+ ******, ****** 50,000+ ******, *** ******* *,***+ ******* annually. *** **,***+ ***** ******* ******* the "******** *******," ***** ***** ********* that **** ******** ** ********** *******, acted ****, *** **********, ** **** as ******* ****** ***** ****** ********, typically ****** ***-********** *****:

*****'* ***** *******, ***** ***** **** a ****** ***** ** *** ****, "Hey, ** *** ********* ****** ** the ****." *********, ****'* ****** ***-********** hours.

*** ****** ***** ****'* ******** ** that ****** *** ******** *******. ** during ********** *****, ** ********* *******, let's *** *****'* * ********** *** we ********* * ******* ** ***** them ***, ** ***** **** ******* a ***** *** ************* *** *** the ****** **** **** ********* ********. So ****'* **** *** **,*** ****** to.

*******'* ********** *********, ** *******, $**~$*** a ***** *** ******, ********* ** Mikkelsen. ******* **********, **** ** *** revenue ***** **** ********* *****, *** some **** ******** ** ******* ********* included, ********* ****.

********* **** *********** ********** ** ** example ** **** *** ******* "****** crimes":

***** ***** ** * ****** ** cameras ** *** ****, *** [**] deterrence, *** **** ***** ** ************ and *********.

********* ** *** *********, ** **** use * ******* ** *** ****** know, "***, ***'** ***********. ****** ****** the ********." ** ** ******* **********, we'll **** *** ****** ** * fire ********** ** *****-***** **********, ********* on **** *** ********* **. ** have ******* ******** *** ********* ********** in ********* ***** ** *****.

8 ********** *****

******* *** ***** ********** ***** ****** the *****, *** *** ** **** are ** ****, *****, ** ********* describes, ****** **** ** "*** **/*":

** **** * ********** *******. ** have * ****** ** **** ********, and ** **** **** ******* *** engineering, **** ******, **********, **** **** of ***** [********], ** **** ** can *** **/*. ** **** ****** in ***** ******* *** **** ******* of *** **** **********, ** **'** 365, **/*.

******, ****** **** ** *******'* ********* on ******** *** ***** ** *** Philippines:

IPVM Image

*** *** ********** ******* ** ***** America, ********* **** **** **** ** them *** ******** *********' ************:

*** *******, ******* [** ***] ****** in * ******, ***********, *******, ***** is ******* ** *******, *********, *** Dallas. ***** ***** ** ******* **** have ***** *** ********** *******, ***** own **** ** **********. ****'** ****** like ********** ******* **** **** *** headquarters ** *** ******** **********.

*******'* ******* ****** ** *** ** regional ******* ** *** ** *** monitoring *******. ********* **** **** **** this * "*** *** **** *****":

** **** ***** ******* **** *** more **********, ***********, ***** * *** salespeople. *** ** *****'* * ******** of; [**] **** ** * *** and **** *****.

North ******** ****** *****, ********* ********* ********

**** ****** ******* *** ********** ******* and ******* ********** ********, *** *** clients *** ** ***** *******. *** company ***** **** * *** ** growth ********* ****** *** ***** ******** market *** **** **** *** "**** scratching *** *******":

** ***** *** ** **** *********** within ***** *******. *** ***** ******** market ** *** ******* *** ** really *** ***** **** ********** *** surface ** **.

*** ******** ***** *** ******* ** go ******** ******** ********* **** ****** existing ******* ** ******** ************, ********* added:

*** ** ** ** *******, ***** America **** ****** ** ****** * combination ** ***** **** **** ** our ***** ************* ********** ********, **, through *********** ***** ** **** * really **** ******** **** ** ****** like ** *** ********* **** ** think ** ************* *** **** *** also **** ******* **** ** ***** customers **** ** **** **** ** North *******.

Pricing - "** ** **% *******" ******** ** ******** ******

*******'* ******* **** ** "*** **** reduce ** ******* ******** ****** ** a ******** ** *** **** – up ** **% *******." ********* ********** the **** *** ******** ****** *.*. Stealth ********** - ********** **** ***** hiring ******** ****** ***** **** $***,*** for * ******** *****, ** **** only ** $**,*** ** *** **** Stealth (~$**/** *** * *****, ~$*/** for ******* ** *** ****-**** ******** given *****):

** *** **** ** **** ** average ****, **** ***** **** **** security *** ** ***** * *** on *** ********, *** **** **/* on *** ********. ***'* *** *** till *** ** *** ******* ** weekdays *** **/* ** ********.

****'* *** ***** *** ****, ***** 52, ****'* **** ***** ** * year, ***** ***'* ***, $** ** hour, ***** **** ****, *** *** wages **** **** ** ****** *** board, ************ ** *** ******* **** we're **. ************** **** ** ***** $20 **that'd ** $***,*** * ****. Whereas *** ****** **** ** **** ***** ** ****** ** $**,*** ** ***** *** **** ****.

**** ***** ****** **** **********, *** savings ** ***** ******* *** **** greater, ** ********* ****:

***** **** **** ** *** ******, and **'* **** ****** ** **** them. **'** **** *** ******* ** up **** **%, ***** **** ** or **%. ** **** *****, *** especially ** ****'** ***** **/* ******. The **** [*****] ** ****** *** part-time, *** ** ****'** ***** ****** 24/7, *** ******* ***** ** **** greater.

Remote ***** ********** **. ******** ******

********* ******* ******** *******'* ******** **** physical ******** ****** *** ********* ****** video **********'* ******* ** ******** ***** more ********** *** ********. ** **** pointed *** *** ********* ********* ***** remote ***** **********:

**'* **** ********* **** * ******** security *****, *** **** ** ******** the ***** ******* ** ******** *** entire ****, ******* * ***** *** only *** **** **** *** **** one *****.

****** ***** ********** [****] ******** *** added ******* ** ****** ******* ** the **** **** *** ******* *** access *** *** **** *** *** what's ***** **. **** *** *** that ** ****** ***** **********, ***** projects, ** ***** *******. ******* **'* being ********, *****'* * *** ******* from * ********* ********** **********. * lot ** ********* ********* **** **** video ********** ******** ** ****** * guard.

***** *******'* ****** ****, **** **** fully ************* ******** ****** **** **** ***** monitoring, ***** ****** *** * ***********, Mikkelsen ****. ** **** ******* ******** of *** ******* **** **** ***** Stealth ** ******* ******** ******** ****** at ***** *********:

** *** **** * ****** *** site, ***** *** ***** **** **** guards ** **, *** *** *** take ** **** ** *** ** two. ** ***, ** *** *********, let ***** *** ** *** ****** remaining, [****] ** *********'* ***** **.

*** ***** *** ******, *** *** see *** ****** ******* ** *****, telling ****** ** ** ****, **** actually ******* ********* *** *** ********* using ****, [** * *** ** times **** ***'* ** ** ** reality].

****'** ******** ** ****** ** *********, hiding, *** ******* *** ****** ******, but ****'** **** **** ** ** that **** *** ***********, ******* ***** monitoring *****'* **** **** **** ********* associated **** **, *** ** **** cameras *** **** *** ****.

Competes **** ******, *** ***** ****** ***** ********** *******

******* ****** ******** ******* ***** ****** video ********** ********* ******* *** ****** is ***** ***, ********* *********:

***** *** **** ****** **** ***** businesses ** *** *****. **** ***-***** and ******** *** ******* ****** ****** by *** ********* ***** ** *********. Because *** ****** ** ** *** still, **'* ******** ****** **** **** we ******* ****-**-**** *** ******* ******* any *** ** *****.

***** ***** "*** *********" *** **** never **** ****** ***** ********** ******, Stealth ****** ******** **** ***** ******** security ***** ********, ********* ****. ***** the *** ****** ***********, ********* ******** that ***** ** ***** *** ***** vendors:

*** *** **** ****,we're ***** ****** ********* ******* ******** ****** ** ********* **** ***'* **** ******** and so there's more than enough opportunity in the market for some of these other companies to exist. [Emphasis added]

*** ****** ***** ****** **** *** be * "****** ***** ***" ******, and ***** **** ** ****** *** smaller *******, *** ************* **** ** a ***** ** *** ***** ** the **** ******, ********* ****:

*****'* ***** ** ** ********* ** between. ***** **** ** ****** ********* like ********* **** *** ******* **** being **** ** ****** **** **** significantly **** ********** *** **** *** ability ** ******* ******** ********. ***** will ***** ** **** *** **** regional ******* *** *** ******* ******* locally *** **** * **** ************* of * ******* ****** ********.

* ***** **** ***** **** ** more ** * ************* **** **** the **** ** *****. * ***** that'll ** ********** ** ********* ** well ******* ****'** ** **** ** benefit **** ***** ***********, *** ********** and ******* *** ********** ****.

********* ********** **** *******'* *********** ********* against ***** ****** ********** ******* **** in ********** *********, **-***** ******** ***********, and **+ *****:

*******'* *********** ********* ** ******* **** around ******* *** **** ****** *** understand *** ***** *** ******* * deep ************* ** ****'* ********* ** our *******. *** **** ******** ********** solutions ** ***** ** ***** ***** problems *** ***** *******.

****, **'** ***** ********** **********. * lot ** ***** ********* **** ********* several ***** ** ***** **********, **** their **********. ** **** *** *** kind ** *********** *** **** **'** even ***** *** ********** ******** ** handle ****-****** *****, ****-****** *****, *** all ***** ** ********* ******** *********.

*** **** *** ** ****** *** that ****** ***** ** ********* ****'* ***** us * **** **** **** ** do. **'** ********* * ****** ****'* focused ** ********** *********** *** ****** improving *** ****** **** ** ****. That's ********* **** ** ** * job **** ** ******* ** ****** than **** ****** *** **. **** don't *********** **** *** ********** ** the ********* **** ** **. ** took ** **+ ***** ** *** [here].

Rarely ******** ******* ***** ******** ******* ******** ***

***** ********* *** *** ********* ** remote ***** **********, **** ** *******, Netwatch, *** ***-*****, *** ***** ******** players, **** ** ***-**-*** ******** ********* like ******* ** ******** ********* **** G4S, ******* ******** ****** ***** ********** services ** ***** ******** *********, ***** poses ********** ** *** **** / dedicated ****** ***** ********** ********* ** new ******** ** **** ******** **** a ***** ******** ******** **** ** sell ********** ******** **.

** ******** ** ********** **** ************* entering *** *****, ********* ***** ******** the ***** ***** ********* *** *** to ***** ******* *********:

*****'* **** **** ** ********* ********* coming **** *** *****. **'* ****** about ****** * ******** **** *** meet *** ***** ** ***** ***** of *****.********** *******,has **** ****** **** ************* *** * **** ************* ** *** ********* *****, ***** ** ********* **** ** ***'* ****** **** [**]. For them to offer video monitoring within those types of sectors could make sense for them. [Emphasis added]

*******, ********* ********** *******'* ********** ** dedicated, ******* ******* *********** **** *** "fundamentally ********* **** *************":

*** **,the **** ********** **** ** **** ** ******** *** ** ******* *** *** ** ******* ** ********* ********** ** ***** *** ****** ********* *********. We use a combination of technology and human intelligence to do that. I think you've seen some technology providers try to get into the space before but it's ************* **** ********* **** *************. [Emphasis added]

*** *******, ** ***** ********, *** we **** *** *** ********* ****, but ****'** ******* **** *** ****** in *** ********** ******* *** *** actually ********* *** ***** **** ******** every ***.There's * *** ********* **** ** **** ****** * ***** ********** ******* [****] ****** *** ******* *** ******* *** ******** **** ** ****** ** ** [**]. I think it's probably harder for some of these other technology types of companies to get into this space, but not impossible. [Emphasis added]

** ******** ** ******** ***** ********* entering *** ****** ***** ********** *****, Mikkelsen **** ******** ***** ********** **** selling ** ******** ******** ***** *** stated **** ******* ****** ******** ******* them:

*** **** **** *** ***** ********* do ****. **** ***, *** *******, [it] *** [***] *** ***** **********, but ** *****, ** **'** **** rarely, ** ****, **** ** ******* G4S. * ***** **'* ******* ******* they're ****** ******* ** ***** *** customer **** *** ******, "***, ** situations ***** ** **** ****** ** technology, *** ** **** ** *** this *********** **** ***********?" ** *** already **** **** ************* **** **** customers, *** *** *** ******* ******* service ** **** **'* * ***** way ** **.

***** *** ****** ***** ********** ****** is ***** ** *** ***** ******, Stealth ****** **** ***** "*** *********" and *** ********** ** ********** **** with *** "*********":

**** ***'** *** ****** ** ***new *********, you have to convince them that, "Hey, we're the experts in this area." You should buy this solution from us. And that's where I think stealth has done really well. We are the video experts. This is our bread and butter, and what we've done for 20 years, focused specifically on video monitoring of these types of sites.

Direct **-**-****** ********

** ****** ********* **** ******* ***** ****** Alper ********, ** **** **:

******* **** [****** *******] ** ***, dealers *** *********** ** *** **** how ** **** ** **** *** sold **** [**** ** ********].

*******'* ******* **-**-****** ******** ****** **** this ***********. ** ****** **** ******** directly **** ***-***** *** ***** ***** forces **** ******** ****** ********* ******* of ******** *************, ********* **** ****:

****** *** ** *** ******** ** direct ** *** *** ******. ** have *** *** ********* *** ***** team. ** *** ****** **** *** industry ********* **** ** *** ******* on. *** ******** ** *** ***** team ***** **** ***** **********, ** opposed ** *********** ******** ********.

[** ***] ************ ****** ****** **** have ****** ** *********** *********** *** sold **** **** ******** ** ****** in, ********* ** ** ************. ******* of ****, **** **** * **** understanding ** ****'* ********* ** ***** clients.

********* **** **** ******* ***** ******* new ******** *** ******** ********, *** right ***, ******* ******* ******* ** not * *****:

* ** ******* **** ** *** future, ** ** **** **** *** products **** *** **** *******, **** are **** ** **** *** ****, that **** ****** **, ****** ** choose **, **** **** *** ******** through ******** ******** ** * ********* opportunity ** *** ******. *** *********, it's * **** ***** **** ** our ********.

*******, ******* **** **** **** ******* large *********** *** ************ *** ********, Mikkelsen ****:

** *** *********** *****, ** ** work **** ***** *********** *** *** do *** ************ *** *********. [**] a *** ** ***** *********** **** have ***** *** ***** ********** ********, or ***** ********* **** **** ***** own ***** ********** ********, * ****** may [*****] ***, "***, ** **** you **** ** ******* ***** *****. You ** ** ** ** ********** across *******, *** ********** *** *****, but ** ****** **** ** *** Stealth, ******* **** *** *** ***** monitoring *******."

****[*** ***********] ***** ** *** ************ partner, *** ** *** ******* **** [of *****] ** ****** ******** *******. We're *** ***** * *** ** that ***. *** ** *** ******, we're ****** ****-****** ** *** ****** go **** ****.

** ********,******** **** **** **** ** **** through ***********/********** *** ****** *** ******** ***** among ******* *** **** **** *** struggling **** ****** *** *** ****** video **********.

Market's ******** ********** ** ****** ***** **********

***** *** ****** ***** ********** ***** is ** ** ***** ***** *** there *** ***** "******** *** ******** being ***** ** ******** ******** ******", people *** ******** **** ********* ** the **** **** ****** ******** ***** costs *** *** ********** ** ****** video ******, ** ********* ****:

**** * *******, ** *** **** even **** ** ***. ***** *** a *** *********** *********. ****** **** only ******** **** ******** ****** ** alarm **********. *** ****** **** ****** more ******** **** **, *** **'* still ***** ***.**** ** *** * **** ***** [in ***** * ****** *** *******], we're ******** [*****] ** *** ****** or ***** ******. [****: ********* ** is ********* ** *** ******** ************* ***** ******** ********* ** * previous **** *************.]

*** **** ****** ******* **** ********* to **** *****, *** **** ** guards ***** ** *** ***** **********, people *** ******** **** **** ** to ********* *******. ****, ** ***** own ******** *****. ****** **** **** cameras **** **** ** ****, *** they **** ****** ** **** ** their ****** *** ****'** ******, "***, I'd **** ** **** **** ** my ******** ** ****. *** ** have ********* ******* ** *** *********?" That's **** ****** *** ********* ** the ******.

**'** ***** ** *** ***** ****** and ***** *** ***** ******** *** billions ** ******* ***** ***** ** physical ******** ******.

********* **** ********* **** ****** ***** monitoring *** ******* ********** **** ***** not ****** ** **** ******** ******:

***** *** * *** ** ********** out ***** **** ***'* ****** ******** guards ******. **** **** **** **** of ********, *** **** ***'* ****** $700, $***, $*,*** ** **** *** month. ** ***** ********** *** ******* a ****** **** ******** *** ***** businesses ** ****.

*** ******* ********* ** ***** ******** of ****** ***** ********** ** ***** the **** ** ********* ** ****** video **********, ********* *********:

*********, ******* **** **'* ** ****** and ************* *** ********** ******* **** regular ***** ******* **** *** ********* and **** *** ********, *** ********* monitoring ***** *****'* ******* ****'* **** to **** ****** *** ***** ** sounding * ******* ** ******* *** authorities [****] *** ***** ** *********. [Not ****** ********* ** ***** *** biggest *********] ** ******* **** ********. There's ***** * *** ** **** for ****** *****.

R&D *** ******* ***********

******* **** * *********** ** *** in-house ********* *** *****-***** ***** ** service *** *********, ********* **** ****. He **** ********* **** *******'* ** analytics *** **** ********:

** **** *** *** ********** ***** called ***********, ***** ** ** *&* department. ** **** * *********** ** our *** *** **** *****-***** ************ that ** *** **** ** *** hardware *** ******** ****. *** ********** platform ** ****** ******* ******. **** incorporates *** *** ********** ************ **** has **** ********* **-*****. ** **** have * ****** ****** ****, ***** has **** ********.

*******, *** ******* ******* ******** ******* this ****, *** *** *** **-***** analytics ** ****, ********* ****. *** company *** ************ *** ***** *** platforms *** **** *** *** ******** of ***** *** *** **-***** ********* platform *** ******** *** ****** ** the **** ****** ** ******* / data ******:

******* **** *** ***** *** [**-***** developed ********]. ** ******** **** *** now **'** ******** **** ***** ******** and **** ************ [** ******] *** platform.

The *** ******* **** ** ****, ** ******* ** ****** **, ****** ***, *** ****** ** ******* *** **** ****** **** ** **** ****** ** ** ***** *** *******. We also have a massive amount of people that are helping tag and clean the data. Artificial intelligence requires the proper data to teach the systems for it to be meaningful. [Emphasis added]

*** ******* ** **** *** ** would ** [********** **] *** ****** of ******* *** **** *** ****** of ***** **'** **** ******** **. This ***'* ********* ****'* ***.

********* ********** **** *******'* ** ***** is ****-*******, *** "********* ** ****" in ******* *********, *** *** ***** data ******* ******* *********** ** ******* crimes:

**** ****** **** *** ******* **** off *** *****. **** ** ***** tagged *** ******* ** ****** **** we **** **********. ** **** **** a ********* ** ****. ********* ******** conditions, ********* ***** ** *****, *** of **** **** ** *****. *** secret ***** ** ****** *** ** route ********** ******* *** *******, *** to *********** ** **** ** ****** help ******* *** ***** ***** ** sites.

Potential ************ **** ****** *** ******

******* *** ***** **** ******** *** in-house ** ********* *** ***********, ********* said **** ******* ** ******* **** applying ****** *** ****** ** ****** video ********** ******* ******* ********** ******** in *** ***** ********:

* ***** ** *** ****** ** will **** ****** *** ******** ********.

**'** **** ********* ***** ************. ******* our ********** *******, **'** **** **** to ******* ******** ****** ******.

***** *** ***** * ***** ** barriers, ************ *** ******, **** ** comes ** ***********. **** ** **** of ********* ** **** ***** *** there *** ***** ** ** *****, but * ***** **** ***'** *** in *** ****** * *********** ** cameras *** *******,*** ****** *** ****** *** ******.

** ****-**** ************, ****** *** ***** areas **** **** *******, *** *******'* remote ***** ********** ********** *** ***** the ******** ******** ** **** **** other ********** *******, ********* *********:

**'** ******** ***** **** ***** ***** we ***'* *** *******. *** *******, on * ************ ****, **'** ********* covering *** ********* ** * *******. Well, ** ***'* ** ** ** level * ** *** ** *****'* a **** ***** **. *********, **** of ********* ************** *** ** *** ** ****.

** **** *** ********* **** ** deem ** ********* **** ***** ** be ************, *** **** *** * person **** *** ***, ******** ** is, **** ***** **** *** *** of *** ********* ****, "***, **** is ********* **** *** **** ** check ***." **** **** **** ** would ** *** * ********** ******, we ****** * ******* ******** **** a ****** *** ** * ******* that's ** * *****.

****** ********** ******* *** **** ******** and **** ******* ** *** ********** robots ******** ** ****** **-**** ****** labor *****, ********* ****:

*** ***** *********** **** *** **** for ****** ** *** *** *** them ** *****. *** ***** ***, "Hey, ***'** ***** ** ******, ***'* say **** ******** *** **** *** things." **** **** ********* ** *** stuck ** **** ***'* **** ***% of *** ****. **** ** *** testing ** *** ***, "***** ** take **** *******? ** **** *** stuck ** *** *** **** **** to **, *** ** **** ******** override ***** **** *** **** **** get *** ** ***** **********?" **'** able ** ** **** ******** **** our ********** *******.

*********** **** ****** *** ****** *** all ** *** ******* ****** *** are *** ** ***. ** **** take *** ******** ******* *-** ***** to ******** ********* **********, ********* ***** costs *** ******* ****, ********* ****:

**** ** **** ** ***** *****. We're *** ******** ***** **** ** production. **** ** **** ** *** research **** *** *********** **** *** been *****.

********* ******* * ** ** *****. The ****** **** *** ******* ** back **** ****** ****** *** **** more ***** *** **********, *** [****] the ****** ****** *** **** **** about *** **** *** *** ******* life. [*** ******] *** ** ****** for * *** *****, *** ** you're ******* ***** * **-**** *****, they **** ** ** ** ******. The **** ** ****** *** ****** at * ******** **** *** *** as **** **** * *****.

********* ******** *** * ** **-**** timeline *** ***** ******** **** ****** become **** ************ *** **********:

**** [*** ****] * ** ** years * ***** ***'** *** *** space ****** **** ***********. ******** ****** more ************. ***'** *** ****** ** down **** **** ** [*** **** cameras].

Limited ***** ************ ********

******* ******* ** **** ***** ********** but, ** **** *****, **** *****-***** video ************ *** *****-****** *****, ********* said:

** ** ***** *****-***** *****, ** well ** **** ***** **********. *****-***** for ***** ****** ***** *** **** video ********** *** ****** ****** *****. But ** **** *****, **'** ******** the ***** ************ ** ******* ** just ******** ** * ****.

***** ******* *** ***** ****** ***-********** hours *** **** ********* **** *******. Mikkelsen ********* *** ******** ** **** detail:

***** *** ***** *******, ***** ***** a ****** ***** ** *** ****, "Hey, ** *** ********* ****** ** the ****." *********, ****'* ****** ***-********** hours. ** *** ***** ***** **** our ******** ****, **'** ********* ******** sites ***** ****** [***] *** *****.

*** *******, ** * ******** ****** or * ************ ****, ***** *** workers ****** *** ***, ** ******* at ***** ** **/* ** *** weekends, *** **'** ********* ********** **/*. Part ** *** ******** ****** ***** be: "***, ********* ******** ******** ****** the ***."

****'** **** ** *** ***, "** had * **** *** ****. ** had **** ****** ******. *** *** please **** *** **** ********?" ** have * **** ** ***** ******** who **** ****** *** ***** *** then *** **** ** *** ******* with *** ******** ** **** ********.

** ********,******** **** **** "***** ***** ************ to [***] ******** ********** **** ** the ********."

Future ****** - ********* ******** ******** ****** **** ********

******* **** *** ******, ********* **** that *******'* ******* ** ** "***** the *****'* **** ******* *********** ********** solutions." ********* ********* **** *** ******* indicates ******* ********* **** ***** ********* and ***** ********** *******:

** **** *****, ** **** ****** [out ** ***** *******]. ** **** large ******* *** ******* *** *** have ***** ** ** ** *** look ** ***** ******* ** ***** America.

***** *** ********* ********* **** **'** just ******** ** *** **** **** I ***** **** * *** ** applications *** ***** **********, ************ ********* that **** ****** ** ****** ********* that *** **** ** *** **.

********* ***** *** ********* ************ ********* out ** *** ******** ******** *** informing *** ******** ************ *** **** "intelligent ********** *********" **** *** **** ensure ******** *** **** ******* ******** to **** ********* ****** ***** **********:

*****'* **** * *** ** ****** good ********** ********* **** *** **** 24 ******, **** ** ***** **** from ******* *** ******** ********. ********** such ** ********** *******, **** ******* to ******** ******, *** **, **, have ****** ******* ** **** * pretty *********** ****** ** **** **'** able ** ** **** *****.

* *** ***** ***, ** *** all ***** **** ********* ****** *** cars ****** ***** ***** *** ******* rid ** ***** ******, ***** **** help *** ** * ****** *** in **** ********** *******. ***** **'** going ** ** **** ****** **** 5 ** ** ***** ***, ** to **** ** **** **** ******** detail ** **** ***** ** ********** are ********** ****** ****** **** *** abnormal ******** ** ****** **** ** want ** ****.

***'** ** **** ** ** *** have ********* ***** ****will **** ** *******, ****** ***, ****** ******** ********, *** **** ******* ******** ************ ********* *** ***** ***** ** *********, ** **** **** ****** ***** ********** ******.

*********** **** ***** ************, ******* ******* to ****** ***** ****** ******** *** fill *** ********** ** *** ****** where ***** *** *** ** ** created:

** *** ********* ** **** **** than **** * ******** ********. **'** a ********* ********. **'** ******** *** guys **** ****** **** *** **** and ******** **** ***** ** *****. But ** ** *** **** *** the ******* *** ********** ** **** out ***** ** **** *** ******* manage ***** ********** ******, [***] ******** the **** ** ********* ** ** things **** **** ******* ******** ******** or **** **** ****** ***** ***** better.

** ******* ******** **** ** **** provide *********** ***** ** *** ********* in *** ******. ** ***** **** is * *****-******* ****** ********.

[** ***] ****** **** **** ** the ******** ** ******** ******, *** the ***** ********** *********** ** **** else *** ** **** ** ******* in ***** ** ***** *** *** customers, ********* **** ********** **** ** have ** ***** ** **** **** run ***** ********** ******.

Comments (8)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 18, 2023

** **** *** ** $***,***,***.** ********* revenue *** **** ********** **,*** ******* that ******* ** **** $***/******/*****. **** seems ****? * ****** **** *** reviews *** ***** ******** ****?

Angelique Chen
Oct 19, 2023
IPVMU Certified

** *********** ********** #*,

****** *** **** *******. ******* ********** told ** **** ** ********* $**~$*** per ****** * *****. ***** ***** of *** ******* **** ************* *****, *** **** ** ***** have ******** ** ******* ********* ********. They *** *** ******** ******* ******* beyond ****.


Brian Karas
Oct 19, 2023
Pelican Zero

****, **** ***** ********* ******* ** me.

Enmanuel Guillen
Oct 19, 2023

** ** *** ****** *********** **** customer *** **** ***** **** ********. We **** * ********** ******* ** are ********** ** ******* *** ********* Republic ******

Corey Keast
Oct 19, 2023

***** *** ********** ******:

'*** ** ***** ******* ****-***/***-***-**** ******** that **** ******* ******** ********."

****'* **** *** *** **** ** a *****.

Angelique Chen
Oct 19, 2023
IPVMU Certified

** *****,

** ***** **. ****** *** ******** that ***!

Taylor May
Oct 21, 2023
Resonance Security

****** ** * ********** ******* ******* & ***-*****. ***** *** **** #* from *******.

John Honovich
Oct 21, 2023

******, ********* ** ******* ** ** interview **** ***-***** *** ** ******** post. **'** *** ***** ** ** comparisons ******* *** ********* ** ** want ** ***** **** *** **'** have * ****** ** ***-***** ** soon.