Splicing Network Cables Tested

Published Apr 07, 2022 14:01 PM

Sometimes damaged category cables are spliced to get video surveillance systems back online e.g. no lift on-site, no access to all areas needed to replace the cable, and more.

IPVM Image

In this report, we test several different materials for splicing network cable used in video surveillance networks and outline the impact it has on performance.

IPVM tested cables using a cable certifier and cable qualifier to accurately measure performance decay. The cables were also tested with video surveillance cameras to test for practical problems.

Inside, IPVM examines:

  • RJ45s and RJ45 Couplers
  • 110 Punch Down Splice Kits
  • B Connectors / Dolphins
  • UR Connectors / Scotchloks
  • Certification Results
  • Qualifier Results
  • Practical Surveillance Examples
  • IPVM Recommendations

Executive *******

*** ******* ***** **** ******** ******* cables **** ********** **** *** **** contacts *** *** ****** ***** ************ camera ***********. **** ***** *** ******* material, *** ******* ***** **** ******* well *** **** ************* *** ************* tests.

*******, **** ******** ***** *** *********** with ******** ******** **** ************* *** have ******* ****** **** ****** **** a *********. ************, ***** * ********** fail ************* ***** *** ** **********. Super * ********** / ******** **** use ******** ** ***** *********.

*******, ******** *** ******* **** ******** conductors **** ************* *** **** ******* speeds, *** ****** ***** ** * Gbps *** *** **** **** ********** to ******* ******* ***** ************ ** our *****.

RJ45 ******** **** ******** ********

**** ******** **** **** ******** ******** performed ***** *** ** *** ******** materials ******. ** *** **** ** splice ***** ** ** ********* ** know *** ******** **** ** *** conductors. ***** ***** *** ********** ******* the ****** **** **** ******** ** two ** *** ******** ** *********.

IPVM Image

*** ******* **** ******** ******** *** the **** ********* ** **** ************* and ** **** ************* *****. *** ports ** *** ******* *** ****** by * ******* *****, ***** *****.

IPVM Image

***** ******** ******** ****** *** * certification *****.

IPVM Image

*** ******** ******** **** ****** *** 10Gbps ***** **** ** *** ******* cable *********. ****** ***** *******, *** when ******* **** *** ***** ********* tested *** **** ******, *** ***** passed *** ****** ***** ****. ***** is ** ******** ****** **** *** qualifier ******* **** *** ***** **** not **** *** ****** ****. **** the ***** ***** ******** ***** *** lower ******.

IPVM Image

*** ******** **** **** ** ******* a ****** ******* ***** ** **', 150', *** ***' ******* ****. ***** is * **** ** * ***' cable ******* **** ***** *** ** aluminum-based *******.

**** **** *** ********* ***** ******** couplers ** ***** ********-***** ********** ******* products **** ******-**** ******** ******. ** tested *** ***** ** ********** ***** ********.

RJ45 ******** **** **** ********

******** ***** **** ******* *** ******* boards *** ********* ****. ** ****** passthrough ***** ***** ******* ***** ******** similar *********** ** *** ******** ***** cable. ***** ** ** ***** ** the ******* ***** ****** *** **** ports, ***** **** **** *********.

IPVM Image

*** *********** ***** ***** ******* ****** certification *** ** **** ************* *******.

IPVM Image

** **** ****** **** ***** **** couplers ***** ******** ***** *********** *** passed ***** ** *** ********* *** qualifier.

IPVM Image

Splice ****

** ********* * *******-***** *** ***** punch ******* * ******** ***, ******** *** ****** ********. *** cable ***** ******** ********* ***** ** hold *** ******** ******* ** *** cable ** ***** *** **** ******** the ****** ** ***** ******** ****** the ******** ***.

**** ******** *** ***** ** * cut / ******* ***** ** ***** below.

IPVM Image

*** ****** *** ****** ****** ************* testing, ** **** ********* *******, *** did *** **** *** **** ** actual ***** ************ ****** *******.

IPVM Image

B ********** / ********

**** ***** **** ******* *******, ***** stated ***** *** ** **** ** network ***** *** ******** **** *** voltage **** ** ***** ** *** and ** - ** ***** ****. The ********** **** ************* ** **' but **** *** ** ********** ** 150' *** ***'.

IPVM Image

***** ********** *** **** ** **** qualifier ******* *** *** *** **** decay ** ***** ************ *******. ***** is *** ********* ***** **** ******.

IPVM Image

* **********, **** ***** ** *******, Super *'*, *** *** ***** **** Dolphin, *** ***-****** ********** *** *** commonly **** **** *********, ******, *** other *** ******* ****.

IPVM Image

UR ********** / **********

********* ********** ****** ************* *******, ** Gbps ********* *******, *** *** *** degrade * ***** ************ ****** ** a *** ** ******* ****. ***** is ** ***** ** *** *********:

IPVM Image

***** ** ********** *** ******** **** with ********* *** ******** ******* *** ******* ********* ************:

**** *** ****** *** ******** ******** services **** ** **** ***** ********,*****-**-****** and ***** ************.

PoE **** ********** **** *** **********

**** *** ** *** ******** ******* and ********* **** ** **** ****, PoE *** ********** ** **', ***', and ***' ********* ***** *** *.* watts *** *** **** ******, ** shown *****.

IPVM Image

IPVM ***************

******** ******** ******* ******* *******. **** is *** ****** *********** ** ****** as **** ******** ***** *** *** be ***** ********** **** ********** ** an ********* ********.

**** ******* ***** ** ** ******* quickly *** ****** *********** ****** *** materials ******** *** ******** ******** **** are **** **** ****** ** **** and *** ********. ******* ******* ****** be ********* *** ***********.

Comments (14)
John Honovich
Apr 07, 2022

*******, **** ****!

**** **** ** **** ** ****+ because ** ** ***** ******* ********** performance. *******-******** ***** *** ********* *** part ***** ******** **********.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Apr 11, 2022

** *********** *** ******* ****** ** me ** * ******* ******** ****.

*'* ****** ********** **** '******** *******' as * ********** ** ******* **** content. ****** ********** **** **** ** expand **** ******* ******.

Vince Conroy
Apr 12, 2022

* *****, **** ************ ** **** service ******** ** **** *************.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Apr 07, 2022

**** ** ***** ********* **** ***********!

***** ***

David Leinenbach
Apr 07, 2022

** ***** ** *** ********** ** “Red ****” *** **’** **** ***** them *** *****. ** **** ** use **** *** *********** ** ******** RS485 ******* ***** ** ****** *** runs *** **** **** ** ****. We ***** *** *** **** ** terminate ** ****** **** *** ***** likely ******* ********* **** ****** *** that ******* - ******** ** ******* that **** *** ***** *** ****, the ***** ** ******* ********, *** the ******** ***** ** ***, **** would **** ** * *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Apr 11, 2022

********* **** *** **** ***-*******. ***** NOT **** ******** ***** ** ********** to **** ************* *** ***** ****.

Wain Rath
Apr 12, 2022

*** *********** ** ****. *** ************ that ***** *** ** ******* ** cabling ********* ****** *******, ******** ** Australian ** *********

Jason Crist
Apr 13, 2022
IPVMU Certified

*** **** ********* *** ******* ***** in *** **** ****** ***********

Jason Crist
Apr 14, 2022
IPVMU Certified

**** ** ***** ** ******** ****, it's *** **** *******??!?!?!

****/***-***-*.* ******** * ***** ******* ************ | ***** ********

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Apr 14, 2022

*** *** *** *** ******* *** different

Wain Rath
Apr 15, 2022

*** ** ********* ***. ** *** allows ***** **** ***** *** **** not. **** ****** ** ******* ** tie ****** ********, **** *** *** join **** ******, *'* ***** ** damaged **** * *** ***** ** to ** ********* ** *** *****.

John Honovich
Apr 15, 2022

**** ****** ** ******* ** *** cables ********

*******, ** *** **** *** ****:****** ** *** **** *** ******* Cable ******

John Scanlan
Apr 14, 2022
IPVM • IPVMU Certified

****, ******. *** ************* ******* *** testing ******* *** *********** ************** / line ****** ** *** * *********.

*** *******, *** *** ****** *** a ******* ** *** ****** ******* what ****/***, ***/***, ****, *****, *** have ** *** ** *** ******?

Wain Rath
Apr 15, 2022
