Network Optix Acquires "Cloud-to-Edge AI" Scailable

Published Feb 06, 2024 14:18 PM

******* ***** *** ***** ************* ** the *** ******, **** ******* **** OEM ******** ******* ******** *** ******. Now ******* ***** *** ******** * tech ******* ******* *** "*****-**-**** **" but **** **** **** ****?

IPVM Image

** **** ******, ** ******* **** move, ***** ********* *****, *** **** this ***** *** ******* *****'* ********* and *********** ***** ** ** ********* with ******* *****'* ** ** ****** Business ***********,***** ***, *** *********'* ***, **.******* *******.

*** ********** ** *** *******, ********** ***** ** ********, *****, *********, Genetec ********.

***** *******: ******* ***** ** ******** to ******** *** *********** ** ********* BV, ** ********** *****-**-**** ** ********** and ***** ********** ******* ***** ** the ***********.

Practical ******* *********

****** *** *****, ********* ******* *****, were ******** ****** **** ******** ***** analytics ****** ***********. ** ****, ******** in *** ***** ***** ********* **** VMSes ** ********* **********, ********* ********** to ***** ******* ** ********. ****** mobile ******, ***** **** *** ******, allowing **** ******** ** *** ******** or *********, ***** ********* **** ****.

Executive *******

*** ********* ********* ***** ***** ** three ***** ******:

  • ***** ***: ******* ***** *** ********* aim ** ***** **** ************** ** their ***** ********** ********* **** ********** development ****** / ********* *** *** build ***** *** ****** ** *** existing *****-***** ****** *** ******** *** Network ***** ******** ** ******, *******, and ******* **** ** *****. *** companies **** **** **** ** ********* in **** ** ****** ********* ***** this ****.
  • ***** ***: ******** * *********** ***** AI ********* *** **** ** *** Network ***** ******** *** ****** ****** this *********, **** ******** ****** ** the *********** ** *** ***** ******.
  • ***** *****: ****** * "**** **** circle" ***** ***** ********* *** *********** train (*** *******) *****-***** ********* "** the ***" ** ***** *** ****-***** data *** ****** ** ****** ** scale, ** **** ** ****** ****** available / ******* ** ****** *** the ***********.

*** ********* ************ **** ** *** short ****, ***** ***** **** **** barriers *** ** *** **** ***** of ************** / ********* ******, *** their ***** *** ** ******** **** as ***** ********** ******* *** ** their ******* ********.

Talent / ********** ********, ********** *** *********

***** *** ********* *** *** ******** any ********* ***** ** *** ***********, Network ***** ********* **** *** * technology *** ****** ***********. ** ****, we ******* *** ********* ** ** the ******-***** ******** ** ******* *********'* specialist *********** **** (* ******, ********* to *********'* ***) *** ***** *******.

Compared ** ********* ** ******

******** ** *********'* "** ******," ***** is ** *** **** **** ******* analytics *** *** ***/*******, ******* ***** / ********* ** **** ****** *********** analytics **** *** *** (********* *** later ************ ** *** ***********, ***).

**** ******** **** ***** **** ********* "custom" / *****-***** ********* **** ****** for ***** ********* ******** ** *********'* approach, *** *** **** ******* ***** and ********* ******* ***** ***** / roadmap ******* ** ** ****.

Video ********, ********* **** ** **** ********

******* ***** **** **** *** *** purely * *** *******, *** **** acquisition **** ** **** ******** ******** as *** ** *** *******:

** ***** ******** ** ** * VMS ******** **** ** ***** **** out. ** *** * ***** ******** that ** **** ******** ** *** building ********* **** ********** *** ***** on *** ** ** ***** ****** video *********. ** **** ***** **** that. **'** *** ****** * *** company.

**'** ******* ** **** *********** ** adding **** ** *** ******** ********, and *** ** **** * *** tool *** ** ********* *** **** looking ** ** **** **** ******** on *** ** **, *** *** just ***** ** ** ***** ***** engine. [****] *** *** *** ** as ***** ********** ****** ** **** for *** ****.

***, ********* ** ****** **** ** build *** "***** *******" *** *** leverage *** ******* ***** ******** ** sell ** **** ** ** ***** own ******* ** *** *******:

****'* **** ** *** **** ** the ******** ****, *** *** *** be * *****, ***** **** ********** team ** * ***** *** ****. You ***'* **** ** ***** * whole ******* *******. *** **** ***** the *****, *** **** ** **** you * *** ** ****, **** it ** **** ** ***.

Reducing ****** ** ***** ********** **********

******* ***** *** ********* *** ** simplify ********* *****-***** ********* *** ***** customers ****** ******* *****'* *** ********, which ** ********* ******* *** ******** multiple *******, *****-***** ********* ********, ******** / **** *********, *** ******* *********. Scailable *** ******* ** *** ************:

***** ***, *** **** ** ** and ****** * *******, *** **** to ******* ** ********* **** *** get **** ******** ******** ****'* ******** for **** ** ************ ** **** or ******** ******* ****'** *******.

**** *********, **********, *****'** ** * way ** **** * ***** *** start ******* **** ** *** ****. So *** **** ** *****'** ** a ***** **** ***** ***** *** a ***** ** ********* ****** ******* in *** *****, *** *** **** click *** ** ******* **.

**** ** **** ** ** **** to ** ** **** **** *********** much ******, ** ****** ***'* **** to **** ***** ******** *******. *****'* a *** ** ********* ** *** of ***** ** ************. ** ** you're ******** *** **** *** ***** that **** *****, ********* ** *********** with ******* ***** **** ***** ** super ****** *** ****** ** ***** these ***** ** ********* *** ***** them ** ****** ** *****.

************, **'** ****** ** **** **** hardware ********. ** ******* ***'** ********* the ****, ** ******-***** ******, ** some ***-***** ******, ** ***'** ******* your ** ******** **** **** ***** powered ** ******* *****, *** *** deploy ** ********* ********.

******* ***** **** * *** ** visualizing ***** ****** *** ******** *** connecting *******, ***** ********* *** *** have, ** *** *** *********:

**** **'** ****** **** **** ** do ** ***** ****** ** ***** their ******* ****** ** *** **** and *** **** *****. **** **'** always ****** ** ***** **** ** visualizing ***** ******, ***** **** ** see *** ****** ******, ***** **** to ****** *** ******* ***** **** to ******* **** ******* ******* **** different *******. **** ** ********* *** of *** *** **** ** ** server.

Abstracts ******** *****

******* ***** *********** **** ********* *** use *****-***** ********* *** *** **** into *********'* *****, ******** **** ** optimize ***** ****** *** *** ******** running ** *** ****, ****** ** reduce ********** ******** ***** **** ***** be ******** *********:

*** ** *** *** ****** **** Scailable ** ** ********* *** ******** layer, ** *** *** ***** **** model ** ** ****** **** ***** their ******* *** **** *** ** into *** ********* ***** *****, *** then ** **** ******* ** [*** model], *** ******** ** *** **** different ******* ** **** ** **** efficiently ** *** ****. ** *** don't **** ** *** ***** $*,*** video ******** ** *** ****, [*****] makes *** **** ******** ** ** AI *******.

Network ***** / ********* ******* **********, ****** *********** ******

******* ***** / ********* ** ******* integrated, *** *** ********* ** ******* a ****** *********** ** *** **** major *******, ******** ** ** ****:

**, ** **** ** *********** *******. We've **** ********* *** * ***** now, ** ***** ** *** **** way ** **** **** *** **** of ** *******. ** ***** ** doing * ****** *********** *** **** we ******** **** ** ********* **, that ***** *** **** ** ***** would ** **** *** ****** ** our **** *******, ***** ** ****** up **** ** **** ****.

************, *** ********* ****** **** **** would ** ** **** ** *** coming ****** ** ****** ********** *********. Still, ******* ***** **** **** **** interested ********** *** **** ********** ** inquire ***** *** **** *******.

Primary ***** - ********** *********, ********* *** **************

******* ***** / ********* ********* ***** main ******* (********** *********, ***********, *** Custom *********). ***** ** ********** ********* and ********* *** ************** *** ***** to ****** *****-***** ******** ******:

*** ******* *****, ** ***** *** the ***** ****, ** ******* **** some ** *** **** ******** ********** customers *** **** **** *** *****, like ****** ********* **** ** ****, who *** ******* *** ***** ** be **** ** ****** ******* **************.

**** ******* **** ** "******* *** data," ******** *** "**** ********," *********** reducing ************ ******** (*.*., ********, *************, retraining, *********, ***.) ** **** ******:

***** *** ** ****** ****** ***** enterprises, ****** **** *** **** ** deploy, *** ******* *** ****, ******* the ******, ***** *** ******, *** deploying *** ***** ** *** ****** part. **** **** ******* **** *** model **** *********? *** ******* ***** platform *** *** ** *** **** notifications, ***** *************, ******** *** **********. So *** ****** **** **** ******** for *******. **** *** **** ***** on *** ****, **** ***** ** building *** *****, *** ***** ************** is ***** *** **** ** **** it *** *********.

Mid-term - ***********, *********

******, **** *** ******* ** ***** an *** ***** / *********** ****** Network ***** ******** ** **** ******:

*** ******* ** **** ****** ** to ***** * ***** *** ***** effectively, ***** * ********* *** ****** a ***** ** *** ********, *** then **** *** ******* ** ****** that ***** ** *** **** ******, whether **'* ** ******, ** **** device, ** * ******-***** ******. [******** this ***********] ****** ***** ** ********* to **** ** *** ******** *** deploy ***** ****** ****** ** *** Network ***** **** ** **** ** ecosystem.

**** ******* *** **** ** ******* multiple ******* *** ********** ********, ***** many *****, *** "***** **** *******," and **********, ***** ********* **** ** able ** ****** / ****** ****** that *** ****** ** ***** ***********.

Long-Term - ***** **** ***, ********** ******

** *** ****** ****, **** **** allow ***** ********* ** ******* ***** models "** *** ***," ** ******* Optix *********:

*** ******-**** ***** ** **** **** loop ****** ***** *** *********, ******* they're, ********** ******** ** ** ********* farm ** ****** **** ** ********* gets ******* ** *** ****, *** just **** ***** * **** ** detect ****. * **** ** ****** it ** **** *** [********* *****] and ********** **** ***** ***** ****** on *** ***.

**** ********** **** *** ************ ****** this ****** ** **** ****** *** concerns ********* ******** **** *** ********* based ** *** ******* ** ********* in **** ******** ** *** **** few ***** *** *** ************ ********.

Not ********* ***** ********** ** ****** ***** *** ******

*********'* *** **** **** *** *** expecting ***** ********** ** ****** ******, but ** **** ********, ***** ****** will ** ********* ** *** *********** / *** ***** (*** ****** ** use):

** *** ***** ****, ***** *** a ****** ** ****** ********** ********* that ** **** **** ******** *** able ** ** ***** ****** ** themselves. ****'* *** ** ********* **** and **** **** **** **** ** fully ***** ** ** ********. ** are *** ********* ***** ********** ******** integrator ** ****** ***** *** ******, but ** **** ****, *** ****** be **** ** ********** ***** ***** built ** ****** ******* **** *********** or *** *****.

*** *** **** **'* ***** ** literally **** **** ******* * *** over **** ***'** ****** ** ******. Do ** * *** ***** ***** on ***** **, *** ** **** just *********** *** ******* *** ******* until *** **** * ****** ******** model.

Only ***** ** **** **** "******* ****" ** *********

*** *** *******, *********** ** *** importance ** ******** ********* ** ******* / ******* ** ***** ****** *** "making ** ********" ** ** **:

**** **'** ******** **** ** ****** it ******** ** *** ***** ****** onto *** ******** ** **** **** to ******* **** **** **** **** of ******* ****** **** *** **** way ***'** ***** ** **** ***** things ******* **** ** ** ****** it **** ** ******* ** ****** it **** ** **** *** ******** of ***** ******.

*** *** **** **** *** *** advocating ***** ****** **** ** *** best, *** ****'** ******** ************** ** make ***** *********:

* ******* ***** **** ***, *****'* been * *** ** ****** **** go **** *** ****** **** *** subpar. **'** *** ****** ** ******** that ***** ********** ****** **** *** going ** ** *** ****. **'** trying ** ***** *** ************** ** make ***** *********.

Retraining ****** ** **** ***** ****

***** **** ** * ****-**** ****, the *** ********** *** ********** ** being **** ** ******* ****** ** their ****-***** **** **. ******* ******** datasets ** ** *******:

** *** ** *** **** ****** they're ******* ** ** *** ******* to ******* ***** ****** ** ***** actual ******** ****** **** ******* **** sets ** ******** *** ******** ** then **** ***** ****** ********** ****** through. ** ****'* *** *** ***** that **'** ******* ** **** *********.

*** ***** **** ** ************, [********] people ** ***** ***** ***** ** applications. ** ** ******** **** ** AI ********* ** ******** ** ***********, they ***'* **** ** ** ********** from *******. **** *** ******* **** that ***** *********.

**'** ******* ** * ***** ***** I ***** *** *** **** ***** and ***** *** *** * **** to ********* **** ****** *** **** time ** ***** **. * **** that's **** ** * *** ** a ****** ******, *** * ** think **** ****'* ***** **'* ***** with *** **** **** ******** ** becoming *** **** ** **** ** provide *** ************** ** **** **** work.

*** **** ** ****'* ****** / "train **** ***" ********* *******, ***:

Sold ** ** ********** *******

***** **** *** *** ******* *******, they ********* **** ***** ** ******* into ** ********** (****** ****) *******:

*** *** **** ** ** **** it ***** **'* **** * ******** more ********* *******. ** ** *** want **** *** ******** ***** *******, it'll **** *, *** ** *** want *** ***** ******* **** *** appointment *****, **'** **** *.

OEMs *** ***** **** ** ****

******* ***** ********* **** ***** ** open ** ***** ****, *.*.,(** ******** and ****** ****), *** **** *** still ** *** ******** *** ******** stages, *** **** **** **** **** to "**** ** ***** **":

** ***'* ***** ******** **** *** OEMs, **'* ****** *****, ** ** still **** ** **** **** *** OEMs. **** ****** ** ***** **** if **** **** ** ***** ** as ****. *** ***, **'* ***** in *** ******** *** ********.

Not * ***** *********, *** ** ** *******

******* ***** ********* **** ** *** want ** ** * ***** ********* or ** ******* **** **** *** focused ** ******** ***** ******** ***** companies ** "**** *******" ***** ******** and ********** ****** *** ********** **** today ** **** ******:

** ***'* **** ** ** *** model *********. **'** *** ****** ** be ** ** *******. **'** ****** to ******* ***** **** ***** ** companies ** **** ******* *** ******** a *** ****** ******* ****** ** go ******* ***** ***-**** ********** ********* at *** **** *** ****** ** connect ********** ********, ****** **** **'* licensed ****** **** *** ***** ******** is *****. *******, **** ****** ** able ** **** **** *** ***** to **** ****** ** *** **** using *** ****** *** **** ********* the **** **** ** *** *****, whatever **** ********* *** **.


** **** *** ** **** **** aim ** **, ** ******* ** would *** *********** ***** ** *********** using **** *********. ********, ******* ***** has ****** ***********, ** ** ** capable ** ***** **.

*******, **** ** ***** ** ********* undertaking, *** *** **** ** ***** and *** **** **** ******* ***** to ** ********* ********* **** *** next *** *****.

Comments (3)
Casey Rawlins
Feb 06, 2024
VisionAery • IPVMU Certified

* ***** **** ** * **** smart **** ** ******* *****. ***** VMS ** ** *** *** **** edge ******** *** **** * **** deployed. ****** *** ******* ** *** custom *** **** ******** **** ** models ** ***** ** *** **** even ******* ***** ** *** ***** players ** *** ******.

Lee Brown
Feb 06, 2024

* ***** **** ** ** *********** smart *** ****** * **** ******** move. * ******* **** **** **** be **** ** ******* ***** ***** with ******* ****** **** *********** *** vendors ** ***** ******** ** ************* transparent *** **********. *** *********** **** have ***** (*** **** ****), **** themselves ** **** **** ** ********* development **** ******* ** ********* ****** and ********** ***** *** *** *** user. *** **********'* ********* *** ******* would ******* **** ********* *** ******** discussed ** *** *******, ******** ***** skills ** ******* *** *********** ** AI/ML ******, ******** ********, ****-******, *** inference *********.

Alastair McLeod
Feb 07, 2024

**** ** ********** ** *********** *********** for ******* ***** *** ** ***** their ********** ** * ****-**** ****** for ********** ***** ***** ********. **** they *** ***** *** *** ** generally ********** *** * *****, *** in *** *** ****'** ** ******* ahead ** **** ***** ******** ***********.
