Megh Video Analytics Profile + CEO Interview

Published Nov 14, 2023 14:35 PM

******* ** **-***** ********* *** *********,******** ** ****** ***** ****** *** provide * ******** ********* ********** *** on-site *** ****** ******, *** *** well ** *** ******* ********** ** compete?

IPVM Image

***** ** ** ********* ******* ** *****, **** ******** *** *******'* **********, positioning, ********, *** *******.

Executive *******

******* ** **-***** *********, **** ********* specializes ** ******** ***** ****** ******* a ********-******** ******** **** ******** **** on-premises *** *****-***** *********. ** *** fifth ****, *** ******* ***** ****** challenges **** ****** ********* ******* ** less **** $* ******* ** * sector **** ****** ******* **** ******* and ********. *** ******** ****** ****** training *** ********** ********, ****** ** minimize ***** ******, ***** ** ************ useful ** ****** **********. **** $***,*** in ******* ****** * *******, **** seeks ******* ********** ** ******* *** operations *** ******* *******. *** *******'* growth ****** ** *********** ********* ** markets **** ***** ********* *** ******, requiring ********* ******* *** ********* ***** development ** ***** ********* *** ****** monitoring.

Started ** **-***** ********* *** *********

**** *********'* ********* ** **** **** was ********** ** *** ********' ****** at *****, ***** **** ****** ** developing **** ********** *** *** **** center ***********, *********** ** *****'* *********** of ******, *** **** ****.

** ******* ** *** *** ** 2017. ****** ******** ****, ******, ** co-founder, *** **** ** *** **** members **** ** *****. * *** been **** ***** *** ** *****, since ****, ******* ** ******* ***********, including ********* ************* *** ************ ************. Over *** *****, *** ** *** key ******** *** ********* *** ******** of *****. ** ****** *** *** integration ** **** ********** ** **** centers, ********** **** *********'* ********** *** Amazon's ******** ** ** *********. *** team *** ************ ** *****'* **** strategy, ***** *** ** *** *********** of ******. ** **** ****** ******** in **** **********, ******* ***** *** technologies ** ******* **** *******.

** ****, **** ********* ************* *********** efforts ** ******* ***** ** ************ in *** **** *********, ****** ** capitalize ** *** **** ********** ************* despite ******** ***********, ********* ** *****.

** *** ** **** **** ** really ******* ** **** **, **** the ******* **** ** ********* *** adoption ** ***** ** ************ ** big **** *********. ** ********** ********* as * *********** *********** *** ***********, despite *** *********** ********** **** ************. Our ******** *** ** ******* *****' positioning *** ** ********* * ******** dedicated ** *********.

*** *******'* ******* ********, ****** ** real-time *** ********* *********, ******* **** leveraging **** ** * ******* *********** to ******** ** *** ******* ******'* needs *** *** ****** ********** ** GPUs, ******** *** ***.

** ******* ** ****-**** *********, ****'* where *** ******* ******* **********. ** concentrated ** ********* *********, ********* **** from ******* *** *******, *** ******** a ******** **** ***** ****** **** using **** ** * ******* ***********. This *** *** **** ******** *** the ***** *** ** ***** *****. While ** ****** **** ******** **** FPGA, ** ********** *** ********** ********** in * ******* ****** *** ** various ******, ********* ******** *********** *** cost. *********, **** **** ******* ** popularity. ***** **** ***** ***, **** led ** ** ******* *** ******** we ***** *****.

*** ******* *** **** * ********* shift ** *** ******* ********, ********* in *** **** ********* ******** ********* for **-****** ****-**** ********* *** *************, as ***** *********.

***********, **** ** **** ***** ** a ****** ***** **** **** ** did *** ** ***** ***** ***. So, *****, ** **** * ********— we **** ** *** **** ********* platform. *** **** ******** ** ********* for ****-**** ********* *********, ***** ** for *********, **************, *** ****** * very ******** ******** *** ********* *** visualization.

Raising ****** * *******

*** ******* ************ ****** * **** funding ***** ** $*.* ******* ** 2018 *** ** ********* ** *** midst ** * ****** * *****, with $***,*** ** ******* ********** ******* despite *** *********** ******** *******, ** Gupta *******.

** ****, ** ****** *** **** funding ***** ** $*.* *******. *********, we *** ** *** ******* ** conducting * ****** * *********** *****. It's ***** *******, *** *** **** investor *** ******* ********* **** **** a ******* *******. ** *** *** seeking ** ***** ********** *****, ********* $5 *******. **'** ******** ******* ** this *********** ******, ***** ** *********** given *** ******* ******** ***********.

***** **** *** ******** ******* ****** for * ********* ***** ******* ********* operations *** ******** *******, ********* ** partner ******* ******* **** *******, **********, and ********.

* ******* *** ******** ** ****** now. ** **** * ****** ******** with ****** ************, ***** **'** ************ to *** *********. ***** ** **** continue ** ******* *** *********** **** by ****** * *** **** ******** resources, **** ** *** ***** **** be ** ********** *** ******** *******. That's ***** *** ******** ** *** resources **** ** *********. ** **** developed * ******* ****** *** *** in *** ******* ** ******** ********** for *** ********, ********* ******* ** training—all ** ***** ******* **********. ****'* where *** ******** **** ** ********.

Reaching $* ******* ***

**** ********* ** "******** ******* * million ** ****** ********* *******," **** a ******* *** **** **** ** about $***,***, ********* ** *** ********* and ********* ******** **** ******** **** provide *********** ******** ********, ** *** company ********.

** *** ******** ******* * ******* in ****** ********* *******. *********, ** are ****** *** * *** **** of ******* $***,*** *** *****. **** figure ***** *** **** **** *** analytics *** **** **** *** ******* services ** *******, **** ** ********. Many ** *** ********* ******* ***** services *** ******* ************* **** ****.

30 *********, **** ** *** **, **** ** *****

**** ********* *** ~** *********, **** teams ******* **** ***, ********* ** Portland *** *********. *** ******* ** expanding *** ***** *** ******** ******* departments ** ************ ** *******, *** Gupta.

** *** **, ** **** ** employees, ********* ***** ** ********, ******, and ******* ** ** *********, *****. The **** *** ************* **** ***********-*****, but **** *** **** ****, **'** begun ************. **'** ******** ** ****** sales *** ******** ******* ********* ** preparation *** *******. ** ** *** actively *******, ** *** ************ ********** our *********, *****, *** ******** ******* teams.

************* ****** ****** ******* ** *** ********* over *** **** *** *****, ****'* average ******** ****** ** **** ***** years, ********** ****** *****.

IPVM Image

Channel *******-******* ** ** ****** ********

*** *******'* **-**-****** ******** ** *******-*******, working **** ********* *** ************ ** reach ***-***** ** ******* **** ***** buildings *** ******, **** * ******* trend ******* **-******** **********, ***** *******.

*** ******* **-**-****** ******** ******** ******* with ********, ********* ********* *** ************, who **** *** ******* *** ****** it ** ***-*****; ** ***'* ******** directly **** ***-*****. *** ****** ****** consists ** ***** *********, ***** ******, and ***** **********—********* **** **** ******** use *****. **'** *********** **** **** of ***** ************ *** ******** ******** on-premises.

**** *********'* ******* ***** *********** ** subscription-based ********* ** ******** *** *** bundle ******** **** ******** *** ***-**** leasing, ******** * *********** ******* ****** and ***** ********** ********, ** *** company ********.

*** ***** ** ***** ** * subscription; **'* * ******* ******* ** a ******* *****—******* ********* *******. ** charge *** ********, *********, ** ************ for **** *******, *** **** **** sell ** ** *** ***-****, ****** their ******. ** *** *** ********, we've ******* **** ** *** ******** bundle ** **** *** ******** *** effectively ***** ** ** *** ***-*****. Considering *** ******** *****, *** $****, when ********* **** *** *****, *** monthly **** ** *******. **** ******* this **** ** ***** ******* ********* revenue *** *** ******* *** ******** investment *******, ******** * ********** ******* stream *** ****. ***** ** **** license *** ********, ** ******** ** and ******* ******* ******** ************** ** our ********.

Offers ************* *** ********

*** ******* ****** ******** *** *********** to ***** ***** *** *********, ******** for ************* *** ********, ********** *** large *********, ***** ********* *********** **** Computing's *** ********, ********* ** *** CEO.

** ******* *** ****** *** *** partners ** ***** ***** *** *********, which ** **** ** *** ************* we *****. ** **'* * ***** reseller **** ******** ***** *** ******** of *******, ** **** **** *** chance ** ***** *** ******** **** their *** *****. *******, *********, **'* sold ** * **** ********—*** ****** we ******* ** ******* **** ****, and *** ********** *** **** ** Megh *******, ** *********.

Subscription ***** *******

**** ********* ********** *** ********* ********* into ***** *****—********, ********, *** ******—**** standard *** ***** **** ********* ********* available ** ****** $** *** ****** stream *** ***** ****** ******* *******, as *** *****.

** ********** *** ********* **** ***** groupings: ******** *** *****, ********, *** custom. ******** *** ***** ********* ******* analytics **** ** ********* *********, *********, people ********, *** ******* *********. ***** can ** ********** *********** *** ********. Typically, ** ****** ***** ** * rate ** ****** $** *** ****** stream *** ***** ** *** ********. They *** ******* ****** ********* *** then ***** ***** ******* **** **** sell ** *** ***-*****. **, *** a ********* ******, **'* ************* $** per ****** ****** ** *** ************'* suggested ****** ***** (****).

*** ******** **** ******** ********* **** as *********, *********, *********, *** ******* analytics. *** ******** **** **** ********* for ******* ****** ******* *** *** detection. *** ****** **** ****** ****, retail ***** *********, *** ****** ********** as ***** *****:

IPVM Image

*** ******* ******* ******** ********* ********* to ******-******** *****, ******** ************* ** a ***-********* *** **** * ********* charge ***** **% ****** **** *** standard ****, *** *** *********.

*** *** ******** *** *****, ** customize *** ***** *** ****** ** meet ******** ************. ** ** ******* this *******, *********** **** **** ******* prefer **** ***** ** *************. ** these *********, ** ***** ****** * non-recurring ****** (***) *** *** ******* customization, *** *** ********* *** ***** typically ** ***** **% **** **** standard, ******** ** ************* $** *** month.

Targeting "***** *********"

*** ******* ****** ******* ** *** 'smart *********' ******, ********* ******* ********** spaces, ***** ** **** *** **** traction, **** * ****** ********** *** on-premises ********** ************* ***** ********** *******, per **** *********.

*** ******* ***** ** ** **** we **** '***** *********,' ***** *********** commercial **** ******, ****** ******, **** dealerships, *** ********** *********. **** ** where ** *** ****** *** **** traction. ** *'** ********* ******, **** of ***** *********** *** **-********, ****** some *** *** ***** ********** *** flexibility. *******, ****'* **** *** *******; the ******** ****** **-******** ********** *** analytics, *** ** ***** ********* ****** the ***** ********** ****** (***).

IPVM Image

**** ********* **** ** ** ******* into *** ******** ****** **** "****** accurate ******" **** **** ****** ******** to ******** *********'* ******, ******** * new ******** *** ****** ** ****** security **********.

**'** ****** ************* ** *** ******** market *** ** *** **** ******** of *** ******. *** ****** ** generate *** ******** ****** ** ** sent ******** ** ******** *********, ********* the **** *** * ********** ** filtering *******. **'** ************* **** ******** on * *** ******** ** *** security ******, ******** ** ********* **** remote ** ****** ******** ******. *** platform *** **** ****** ******** ** the ******** ******** ***** *** * specific ****, ********** **** ******** ** their *****. ***** ****** *** ** sent *** *** ** ******* *** mobile ***, ***** ** ********* ** both ****** *** ******* *********.

Hardware ******** **-**** ** *****-*****

**** ********* ****** * ****** ********** model *** *** ********* ********, ********* on-premises *** ***** ********** ** *********** various *********** *****, ** *********** ** the ***.

*** ********** ***** ** ******; ** can ****** **-********, ** *** *****, or * *********** ** ****, ********* a ******** ********. ******* ******** *** run **-********, ***** ****** ******* ** the *****. **** ** ********* *** pivot ***** ***** ***, ** *********** that **** ********* ***** ***** ** the *****, **** ****** ******* ***** directly ******** ** ***** ********.

*** ******* ****** **-**** ********* **** an **** ********* ****** *** *****-***** analytics ***** ** ******** ***********.

IPVM Image

**** ********* ***** *** ********* *** hardware-agnostic ******** *** *** ********, ******* of ********* ** ******* ******* **** scalability *******, ******** * ******** *** for ****, ****, *****, *** *****.

*** ******** ** *********, ******** ********** on-premises **** ** ******* *******. *** example, ** *** ****** ** ** 20-30 ******* ** ** ***** *** without *** ******** ************. ** *****'* a **** *** ****, ** *** upgrade ** * ****** **-***** *** with * ****, **** ** ****** accelerator ***-**. ** **** ****** ** NVIDIA ****** *** ********'* ** ***** on-premises. *** *** ****** ** *** platform ** *** ********-******** ******. **** allows ** ** ****** ****, ****, ASICs, *** *****, ********* *** ******* hardware *********** ***** ** *** **** balance ** **** *** ***********.

On-Prem ******** ****** "********* ******** ***"

*** *** ********* **** *********'* ******** to **-******** ********* **** ********* ********* use *** * ****** ********** ******** framework **** ********** *** ******* ****** on-site, * *** ****** ** ***** engagement **** ******** (*********** *** ********* *** ******* *******).

** *** *** **-******** ** ******** bandwidth, ***** * ****** ******** ****** filter ** ******* **** *** ****** with ******. ***** *** **** **** to *** ***** ** * ******* server *** **** ********. **** ******** allows ** ** ****** *** ************** and ********** ***** ** ******** *****. Additionally, ** ********* *** *****, ***** is * *********** ************** *** **. We ***** **** ** **** * continuous ******** *********, ******** *** ************* of ****** ** **** *** ******** on-site. **** ******* ****** *** *** collection *** ************* ** *** **** to ****** *** ****** *** ****** continuously. **** ********** *** *** ** the *** ******* *** ******** ******* with **, ** ** ************ *** effectiveness ** *** ****** **** ********** training.

"Open ******" *** "**** *************" *** ******** *********

**** *********'* ******** ****** '**** ******' for *******, ********* *****-***** ********* **** to *******'* ******** *** ****-******** **-******** solutions, *** *********** ** '**** *************' for ******** ****** ***********, ********* ** Gupta.

**** ****** *** ****** ** ******* in *** ***** *** ******* ********* similar ** **** ******* ****. ** had * *********** ******** **** ******* for *****-***** **********, ***** ** ***** receive ****** **** *** **-******** ****** and ******* *********. ************, ** **** solutions **** *** ******** **-********, ********* efficiently **** **** ********, *********** *** need *** *********. **** *********** ** what ** ***** ** ** '**** choice.' ******* ********* ** *** ******** is '**** *************.' **** *** ******, our ******** *** ********** ** ** highly ************.

***** *** ********* *********** ******** ** offered ** ** **-**** *** ***** solution, *** "**** *************" ******** ** done ** *** *****.

IPVM Image

**** *********'* ********** *********, ***** ********** camera *** ****** **** *** ********** accuracy, *** ****** ********* ** ************ like *** *** *************** ******* ****** (*.*.*)*** ******** ************** ************ *** ** now ****** ** ******* ******* ********* accuracy, ********* ** *** ***.

** ***** ********* ***** ** ********** analytics, ***** ******** ******* **** **** cameras *** *******. *** ***** ****** merges **** **** ***** *** ******* to ***** *************, ********* ******** *************. For ********, ** ************ **** * radar ************ ***** ** ******** *********** Without ****** (***). *** ******** ****** for *****-*****, ******** *************** **** ***** plants, ** ******* ********** ***** ******* alone *** ************. **** ******* ***** for ****-******** **********. **** ******** ** detected, *** *********** ** ******* ** us; ** **** *** ******* ** zoom ** *** ******* ******* *** area, *********** **** **** ***** **** to ******* *** ********** ********* *********. This ******* ** *** **** ******** insights. **'** ******* ** ***** **** method *** ******* *********, ********* ***** with *** ***** ******* ** ************* improve ******** **** ***** ***** *****.


***** ********* *** ******** ********** ** reduce ***** ****** ** ********** ** adoption *** ******, ******* ********* **** Megh **** **** ********** ******* *********** into ***** ********* (*.*., ******* - Vintra) ** *** ******* ** ***** manufacturers (*.*., ********, *******). ** **** success, **** ***** ** ***** *******, carving ****** * ***** (*.*., ***** filtering *** ****** **********) ** ***** to ** ********.

Comments (6)
Brian Karas
Nov 14, 2023
Pelican Zero

***** ********* *** ******** ********** ** reduce ***** ****** ** ********** ** adoption *** ******

***** **** ********* ** *** *****, and *** ** ** ** ***** out *** **********, * ***** **** many ****** *** ****-******* *** ****** side ** **** ******-***-****** ***.

* ***** ***** *** ******* * "false ***** *********" ********* *** ***** 1 ***** *****-******** ******* ******* ** the **. ** ***** **** ** 3:1. ****** *** ** **** *** very **** ** ***** ** ***********, making ** ***** *********** ** ***** out ** **** ******.

************, ****-********* *** ************ *********, ******** the *** ****** ** ***** ****** from *** ******* *** ************, ***** further ******* *** ****** *** ***** alarm *********.

** **** *******, **** ***** ** scale *******, ******* ****** * *****

** ***** ** **** *** **** of ***** ********* ** ***** ******* outside ** **** ******** ******** ************, eg: ******* **********, ****** **********/**, ********* monitoring/BI, ***.

John Honovich
Nov 14, 2023

* ***** ***** *** ******* * "false ***** *********" ********* *** ***** 1 ***** *****-******** ******* ******* ** the **. ** ***** **** ** 3:1.

** ******* ** **** *** ******* as "*****" *** * ****** **** your ***** ***** **** ***** *** many ***** ***** ********* ********* ******** to * ***** ****** *****.

******,"****** **** **** *** ***** ****. You're ******* *** ****** ********," ****** Analytics ***

Brian Karas
Nov 14, 2023
Pelican Zero

***** ***** *** ********* **** ****** camera ******** **** ******* *** **** false ****** *******.

** ******* ******, ***** ****** *** annoying, *** *** ****** ***. ***'** paying *** ********* ** ** ***** no ****** ****, *** *** ********** are **** ** *** ***** ***** the ******** ** **** ******** *** silent (******** **'* *** * ******* botched *******/******). ****** ********* **** *****-*-**** with ***** ****** ** ***** ***** them *******.

*** ***** ********* *** ***** ******** is **** **** ****** *** ** the ***** ********, *** ***** ***** is **** ** **** *********** ** the ***** *** *********. *** *** switch *** *** *** ******* *** that ** $* ******* ******* ******** your ******** ********* ** ********** ****, if ** ***.

******** ******* *** ***** ***********, *** the ******** ** **** **** ** that ***** ** *** ******* ******** interface ****. * **** **** **** there ** * ****** ** *** lower/mid-end ** **** ** *** **** can't ***** ****** ***** ***, *** are ***** (** **** ** **) video **********. ** *******, *** *********** for ***** ***** ***** ****** ********* is ** ******* **** *****, *** the ** ** **** * **** side *******.

Ryan Bromfield
Nov 15, 2023

****-********* *** ************ *********, ******** *** net ****** ** ***** ****** **** the ******* *** ************, ***** ******* reduces *** ****** *** ***** ***** reduction.

* ***** **** **** ***** ***** but ** ** **** ** *********** for '***** ***** *********' ********* ** move **** *** ****** ***** ** can ******** **** ********* ** *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Nov 14, 2023

$**/***/**- **** ********.

*** ***** *** ** ** *** for **** ** ** * **** in *** ****- **** **** *****.

******* *** ** **** ******* ******* companies **** ******** ** **** ***** AI ** ******* *** **** ****** away **** **- ** *** **’* dead ****** *** ******** 😂

** ******/***** **…** *** *** *** that **** 💨😂

** ***** ** **** *** ******* the *****. **** ****-**** **.

Brian Karas
Apr 13, 2024
Pelican Zero

**** ****** *** ** *** ***** page ** **** *** ** **** me ******* * ****'* *** ******** from **** ** *** **** **** year. ** **** ***** **** ****'** shrunk ********* * *** ** *** past ****:

IPVM Image

**** *** **** ********** *** **** out ** ** *********.