Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2022
While bans and COVID shook the market the last few years, this year's product shortages caused 2 of the historically most favored manufacturers to suffer significant losses.
This is the 9th year IPVM has tracked manufacturers gaining and losing:
- Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2014
- Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2015
- Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2016
- Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2017
- Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2018
- Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2019
- Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2020
- Top Manufacturers Gaining and Losing 2021
From 2014 - 2016, IPVM accurately tracked the rise of Chinese manufacturers, led by Hikvision. In 2017 - 2019, due to cybersecurity issues and government bans, results showed that trend stopping and reversing. 2020 - 2021 showed the impact of COVID, supply chain issues, and the US ban on Hikvision and Dahua.
Questions Asked
140 integrators answered 2 open-ended questions:
Gained: This year, in 2022, what manufacturers / product lines are you using significantly more of? Why?
Declined: This year, in 2022, what manufacturers / product lines are you using significantly less of? Why?
In this report, we examine the results and responses, including detailed quotes and US vs non-US responses.
2022 *****
*** ***** ***** ********* *** *** losers *** ******* ********* *** ******** magnitude ** ***** **** ******* *********** responding:
8-Year *****
*** ***** ***** ***** *** ************* gaining ** ****** **** ****** **** the **** * *****:
****: ***** ******* ** ****** *** most ** *** ****** ** *** is ********* *** ******* ** ********. This ** * *********** ** ************ or ************. *******, ***** **** *** repeatedly *** ******* **** ********* ** gaining *********** ****** *****.
Gainers ***
*** *** ******* ****:
- ****** *** *** *** ****** *** the *** **** ** * *** and ********* ************* ******** ** ******** results. ***** **** *** **** ******* had ****** **** ******** ****** ******** responses ** **** (**** ********** ***** negatives), **** *** * ***** ******** for **** ***** ****** ******** ****.
- ******* *** ******* ******** **** **** strong ** ****. ***** ******* ******** topped ******* ********, **** **** ****** to ******, *** ***** ******* ******** integrator ********* ******* *** ***** *************. Digital ******** ** **** ** * top ****** *** *** ****** **** since ****.
- ******** (*** ********* ******** *** *** Openpath) **** ** *** *** **** of ******* *** *******, ****** ************* down **** #* ****** ** ****. High ***** **** * ****** ***** for ******** **********. *** *** ******** were **** ** ******* ******** ** 2021.
- ******* *** ******* ********, ****** **** the ********* ** ******* *** ******* Watchdog.
*** *** ****** ****:
- **** *** *** *** *** ******** manufacturer *** *** ***** **** ***** 2016 (**** ***** *** ********* **** ascendant). ** ****, **** ******** ****** double *** ******** ********* ** *********, and ****** ** ** **** ** Dahua. *******, ***** ****'* ******** ********* have **** ** ** *** **** 2 *****, *** ******** ********* ******* sharply, ********* **** * ******* ******** for ***** * ********* ****.
- ***/******* *** *** **** *** ********, though ********** **** **** ****. **** received ******** ***** ******** ********* **** Hikvision, ****** ** ******* *********.
- ********* *** ***** **** ******** *** negative *** *** *** **** ** a ***, **** * *** ***** of ********** ******* ********* **** ***-** integrators.
- ******* *** *** ********, ****** **** than **** *** **** ** *********, and ********** **** **** *****. ******* shortages **** * ****** *********.
Hanwha *** *****, ***** *******
****** *** *** *** *** ************ response, **** ** *** ******** ********* as #* *******, *** * ********* responses. **** ** ** ******** **** a ****** ** ****** ** **** results.
*********** ***** ****'* **** ** ******, price-point, ******* ************ ******* *** ******'* *****:
- "****** *******, ************ *** *** **** reason, ******* *** ******* *** **** great. * **** *** ******'* ******** material; ******* ******* *** **********-*****. **** 1 ******* ** * *****."
- "******. *** ***** *** ******* ** their ******* **** ** **** ** there ***** **************"
- "****** *** ******* ** *** ***** side ** ******* **** **** ****** as **** ** **** **** ** availability ** ***** ********."
- "** ***** * ******* **** ****, due ** ***** ****** ***** ****** we **** **** ***** **** ****** cameras ** **** ******** *******."
- "****** **** ****** ** ** **** something **** ****** ********, **** ********, NDAA *********"
- "**** ******. ********* ***** ** ******* line ******** **** ************. ** *** also * *** ** *** ** software, ** *** ****** **** ******** works **** *** **."
- "****** *** ***** ******* ** ***'* get **** ** * ********** **** frame... *** ** ******* **** **** me * ***** **** ***** *** quarterly *****"
- "****** - ********* ******* **** ********** Axis ************ **** ******** **** *****"
- "******. ************ ***** ** **** ****** to *** *********, ********** ***** **'** been *********** **** ****** ******** *** to *********."
- "**'** **** **** ****** **** ** ever ****. ***** *** ***** **** really **** ** ** **** **** an ****** *** *** ** *** scenarios ** *** ******* **."
- "******* *** ****** ******* ******* ***** products *** **** ****** *********."
- "******* ******* **** ********* **** *** position **** ** ** ****** ** Axis *****."
- "******, **** **** **** ** **** from **** ****** ******** ******."
- "****** & ******** - ** ************ to *** & *****"
- "****** *** ******* ******** *** ** Axis ******** ******."
- "****** ******* - ********* ******* *** readily *********"
- "****** - ******* ** *** ****** chain ****** **** ****"
- "****** ******* ***** *********, ****** ************"
- "****** *******, **** ******** ******** ********."
- "******. **** ******* *** ************"
- "******. ** ******* ***** *** *********"
- "******, *** ** **** *** ***** available."
- "****** *** ** ****** ************."
- "******, **** ** ********* ****"
- "******. **** ****/******* *******."
- "****** *** ** ************"
- "****** ** ***** ** ****."
- "****** - ************"
Axis **** ********
**** ******** *** **** ******** *********, with ****** ** ** **** ** Hikvision. ** *** **** * ***** drop **** **** - ****, ***** Axis *** *** *** ** *** to *** ******. **** ** **** results, **** *** *** ******* *** to ****** ******** ********* **** ******** growing ********* *** ** ****** ***** problems.
******* ******** ********* *** ******, *********** cited ****'* ******* ********* ** ******* for ******:
- "** *** ***** ************* ***** **** cameras. **** **** ***** *** *** congruent **** ******** *******"
- "**** - ******* ** *** ****** chain, ** ***'* *** *** *******"
- "****, ****** ** ***** ***, *** still ** ***** ** ******* *** new ******, **** ***** ****** *********"
- "** **** ******* **** ******* ***** almost **********. **'* **** ****** ** be *** **** ** ***"
- "****. ******* **** *** ************ ****** to *** *** ** ******** ***** out ** *****"
- "* ****** *** ** ***** ** enough ******* ** ****** * *******. Thanks ****"
- "****, ****** ********** *** ** ****** issues"
- "**** ******* ***** **** ********* *** to ******* ************"
- "**** *** ** ******* *********, ******* in ***** *********, *** **** ** support **** ****"
- "****, ***'* *** ******** ** * reasonable ****** ** ****"
- "**** ******* ********** *** ** ***** in *********."
- "**** - *** ** **** ********* lead *****"
- "**** *** ** ******* ******** ******"
- "****- *******. **** ******'* *******"
- "**** *** ** ************ *** **** times."
- "****, ******* ** ***'* *** *******"
- "****, ***'* *** ********* ** * timely ******"
- "****, ********* ********. **** ** *********."
- "****, ****** ******"
- "****, *** ** ************."
- "****, ***** *** ****."
- "**** *** ** ************."
- "****, ************"
- "**** - **** ***'* ****"
- "**** ************"
*********** **** **** ******** ******** ***** 2nd ***** ***/******* (*** **** *****), and ******** ********* ******** **** *** HID/Mercury:
- "***, *******, ****. ** ***'* *** HID ******* ** *****"
- "** *** ********* ***** **** *** our **** *** ***(********* *******) ***** are **** **** ******* ** **** so **** ** *****"
- "***, **** - ****** ***** ******"
- "****, *** *** ** ******* ********."
- "***/****. ** ** ******* ******** *** not *********."
- "******* *** **** ******* ** **** times."
**** *** ******* ******** ******** *******, but ************* **** **** ** ******** years:
- "****. ****, ***** ** *** ***** days, *** *** ********* ** **** analytics ****** *** *, *, * lines ** * ***** ********"
- "**** ****** ******* ** *** ******* gain *** **. *******, **'** **** able ** **** ******* **** *******."
- "**** *******, **** **** **** ********* to *********' ***** *** **** ********* applications *** ***** ************* *****."
- "**** *** ******* *** ********** ******** due ** ***** ******** *********."
- "**** *** *********. ******** ******* *** feature ***"
- "******* *** ****, ****** **** ***** one *** **** ******** ********* *******"
HID/Mercury ****** ******
******* ****** *** *** **** ***** for ****** ******** *******, *** *** ******* *** ****:
- "*** - **+ ***** **** ***** have ****** **** ****** ** ** change ** ***** ******** ******* - Our ****** ******** ********* *** ******* panels **** ****** ** ** ****** other ********* **** ****'* ******* *****"
- "** *** ****** ** *** **** HID ******* *** ***********. *** **** is **** ** ** ***** **** don't ******* *** ****** ** **** anymore ** ***** *********. ***** ** locking ********* **** ****."
- "***. ******** ******* ** ***** ******* for *** *******/*****."
- "*** ******* - ********* **** **** times *** **** ******** *** ********* applications"
- "******* **** **** ******* ******** *** to ************ & ******** ****"
- "*** *** ** ********* **** **** times ******* ********* ******** **** *****"
- "*** *** *****, ******* *** *** ship *** ******** ***"
- "******* & ***. ************ *** **** a ********"
- "******** ******* ** *******/*** ********"
- "*** ******* ** ******'* *** **."
- "*** - ***'* *** *** ********"
- "*** , *** *** *****"
- "*** ******"
******* ** ****, **** *** **** an ******* *** *****,****** ** ******** ****** *** *****, ****** ******** **** *********.
Hikvision *** *****
***** **** **** **** ******** ******** for * *****, **** ***-** *********** were ************ ******** ***** ********* *** Dahua. ******* **** **** ****** ********* only ******** * ******** *********, *** Dahua *** *.
**** **********, ********/****** *********, *** ******** demand ********* **** ****** ******:
- "********* - **** **** ** ******* major ********* *** *** ***** ****** the *******. **'* ***** *** ** one ***** ** ** ***** **********."
- "*********- ** **** ********** ****** **** out. ** **** * ***** *** we **** ******** ******** ****** ** Uniview ** ******"
- "********* - *** ******* *** *** usage, *** ** ****** ** ******* them...even ** ***** ******** *********** ** more *********"
- "*********. ***** **** *** **************/******* ** security ****** **** *** *****"
- "********* ******* **** *** *** **** compliant."
- "*********. **** **** *** ***"
- "*********/ ***** *** ***** **** *** obvious *******."
- "********* / ***** , **** **********"
- "** ** ****** *** ***** *** Hikvision. ** ****** *********"
- "***** *** ********* **** **** **** to **** ****."
- "********* ** *** **** *********"
- "*****.... ****** ******"
- "***. ******* *******"
***-** ********** ********* **** ******** ********, though ****** ******* *** ******* ****** more ******** **** **** ** *** concerns:
- "********* *** ***** ** ****** *** used ****** ** *********** ******** *************, never ****** *** *** ************* *** to ********* ****** *** ********* *****-***** manufacturer *******."
- "* ***** **** ** *** **** Dahua ******* *** **** ** ********* or ** ********** **** *** ******** or *******"
- "*********. **** ***** ********, **** ** response ** ****"
- "******* *** ********* ** ***** ** Axis *** ******"
- "*********. **** ** ***** ******** *** discontinued ****** * ***** ****** ** time. ** ** ****** ******** ********* among **********."
- "*** - ****** ********** *** ****** resistance/desire ** **** **** *** ** human ****** ******"
- "********* & *****, **** *** ** policy ******* ****."
- "*********. *** ********* *****'* **** ** be ** ******* **** ** ** once *** , *** **'* **** expensive"
- "********* & ***** - *** **** of *** ***** ** ******* ******** on ** *** ********* ******** ****** concerning ***-********* *********"
- "********* *** *******, *** ***** *******"
- "*********, ***** **********"
- "*********, *****"
******* ******
******* ****** ******, *****, *** ********* support ********** (* ******** ******* *** *******) **** ****** ****** *** ***********' overall *** ******** ********* ****** *** company:
- "******* ** * ******* **** *** been ** *** *******. **** ***** Lenel ********* ** *** **** ** the ******* ** ** ******* ** has **** ******* **** *** ******* is/has ******* *** *** ******* ** the ***** **** *** ********* **** has ********* ******* *******."
- "**'** ******** ** ******* ******** ******* Lenel ******* *** **** ******, ******** and ******* ******* ****** *** **** available *** *** *** ***** **** on ***** *******"
- "****** *** **. **** **** **** extensive **** ***** **** ** ********* are *** ***** ****. * **** strayed **** **** *******"
- "**, ** ** *** ****** **** 6 ****** ** *** ***** *** service ** ************"
- "******* ***** ** ***** ******** ****** chain ****** *** ******** ******* *********."
- "** , **** *** ***** , also ** **** ****** **** ***** in ******* "
- "******* ****** *** ** **** ** support *** * *** **** *****."
- "** *** ***** ************* **** ***** products."
- "****, *****, *** *** ** ******* shortage."
- "*****, **** ** *** **** *****"
******* ****** ***** *** *******
*****-***** ******* *** *** **** *** positive, ****** ********** ****** ******** ** Hanwha, **** **% ** ** #* Hanwha ** **** ****** **% ** Hanwha ** ****. **** **** ******** 0 ******** ********* *** *** ****** year ** * ***.
******** ****** *** *** *** **** in * *** **** *** ******* and ** *********** ** ****** *****:
- "******* *** ***. *** *** ** not ***** ** * ******* *********"
- "**'** ***** **** ***-**** **** ********* gear **** ******* ** *** *** budget *****"
- "** *** ***** **** ******* ******* and ******* ******** ********."
- "******* - ***** ***** *** **** Compatibility."
- "***, **** *********** ** ***** *** Hik."
- "*******. ***********, ********, ****"
- "******* ******* *** **** *** ********"
- "***. ******** *********."
******* ******** *****
******* ******** ** **** **** ***** net ******** ***** *** *** *** time ***** ****, **** ******** ***** Uniview. ******* ************ *** ******** **** common ******:
- "******* ******** ******* ** ***** *** integration ** **** ** ***** ******* and *** ***** *****"
- "******* ********. ************ *** ******* *** are ****** ****"
- "******* ******** *** *****. ** *** to *** **** **** ** ***** Spectrum ******* *** ** ***** *** the *** ******** *** *****"
- "** ************"
- "****** *** ******* ******** *** ** Axis ******** ******."
- "******* ********, ******** *** **** **** support"
- "******* ********"
- "******* ********-** ****** ********"
*** **** *******
** * ********* **** ** *** positive ******* *** ** **** ** legacy ********* (******** *** *******) **** 3 ********** ***** *****-***** ********* (***, Openpath, *** *******).
******** ********* ********* ********, ********, ***, and ******** **** **** ****** ********. Ava *** ******** **** ******** *** higher **** ********:
- "********, ** **** ***** ***** ****** control ******** ** *** ******* ****, to ** ***** **** ***** *******"
- "** **** **** *** * *** of ********** ********* **** **** ****** for ***** ***** ********** ** ******** video"
- "******** ******* *** ********* ********. ***** two **** *** **** **** ** introduce *********** *** ******** ** ***** respective ********."
- "********,***. ******* ** ***** ********* *** search *******."
- "********. **** ** ***** ***** **** out ** ******* *** **** ******** here . ***** ** **** ********* . ******** ******* ****** * *** more *** *****"
- "******** , ****** ******** ************"
- "*** ******** *** ********, ******** ******* of *** ** **** ************ *** "open ********" ** ***"
- "*** / ***** ********. ** ********** an *********** ***** ** ********* ** VaaS ********* ***** **** *******"
- "*** ********. **** **** * ***** offering **** *** ********* ****. *** it ** **** ** ******"
- "*** ***** ******* ***** ********* ************ is ***"
- "******** *** ******** ***** ********* ******* together."
- "***, ********, *****, *****, ***** ** allows ** ** ******* * **** between *** ******** *** ********* **** our ********. ** **** ********** *** RMR"
- "**** ****/***, *****"
- "**** ****, ***"
*******, ******** ******** * ****** **** of ******** ********* **** ******** *****, nearly **** ** *** *********, ******** it **** *** #* ****** **** last ****. **** **** *** * common *****, ******* *** ****** ***** *********:
- "******** / ***. ******* **** ********* systems ****** **** **** ********* ********* down *** ********* ********* **** *******."
- "*** ********** ******** - ***** *** Avigilon ** ***** ****** ******* ********* can ** **** ** **** ********** players **** ** ****** *** ********* and *********** * **** ********** ****. "
- "******** *** ****, ***'* *** ********* in * ****** ******"
- "********. ***** ****** ********* *** ********* of ******** **** *** ** * better *** **** ***********"
- "********, ******* ******** ***'* ***** ** to ** * ******* ******* ****** a ******* ***** ****"
******* *** *** ******** *****, **** themes ** ******** *** ***** ********:
- "** **** **** ***** * *** more ** *** ******* ******** **** in ****** ***** *** ** **** having * ******** *** ****** **** any *** ****. **** **** **** revamped ***** ********* ********* ** ******* a *** ** ********** ******** **** were ****** ** ******** ********, ***** in **** *** **** ** ** easier ******* ** ***** *** ****"
- "******* ** * **** *** **"
- "*******. ** ** **** **** **** S2 *** ***** ******, ******* ***** the ***"
- "******* *** *******. **** ******* **** have **** ********* ** **** ********."
- "*****/**** *** ******* *** ********** ******** due ** ***** ******** *********"
- "******* *** ****, ****** *** ***** one *** **** ******** ********* *******"
*******'* ******** ********* **** ********** **** compared ** ****, ****** ** *** the **** *** ******** ** ********. Verkada *** ** ******** ********* ******* of ** ***********.
**** ********** *** *** ****** ***** for *******:
- "******* *** ***** **** ******* ***** leads ** ** ** ** **** more **** **** **** *** ******** year"
- "*******, ***** ****. ******, *** ** our ***** *****-***** ***** ******** *** been ****** ** ******* ** ********."
- "*******, ******* **** **** * **** sales ***** ***** ***** *** ***** of ********"
- "******* ** ****** **** ** *****. IT ************* **** ******* ********. * personally ***** **'* *** ** ******** as ** ******"
**** *****'* **** ***** ** *** timing ** *** * ******. **** integrators *** ****** ******'* */*/* ****** cameras ******* **** **** *********, *** release * $*** ******? ***** ** a ****** ******** ** *** *********, Hikua ** ****** ** **** ******** of *** ***** *** ******** ** becoming ********** ** ****** * ******* for ****/***/********** ** *** ***** *****, why ******* **** * *** **** option? *********** *** ****** $***-$*,***+ *** a */*/* ****** ***..** *** *** same ****** ******, **** **** ** sell *++ * ****** ******* ***. Agree ****** **** ** **** ** 2023, *** ** ** *** ** it ** ******** ** # ** cameras, ** ***** ***. * *** it ** * ********* ******, *** they'll ********* ** * *** ** bleed *** **** *** ******** ******* offering.
*********** *** ****** $***-$*,***+ *** * Q/N/P ****** ***..** *** *** **** dollar ******, **** **** ** **** 6++ * ****** ******* ***
*** * ****** ** **** ***** in ***** / *********** ** *** L ******, ** **** *** **, it ***** *********** **** * ****** sales, ******** ********** ******** * ******, **** **** to **** **** *****
****** ** **** ** *** ** need ** **** ** **** ******** that *** ***'* ****** *** **** you're ******** ** ** ******* ***** right ***. * **** ** **** the *** *** *** **** ******* I ***'* ****** *** **** ***** overall ******* ****** ** ***** *** so **** ******* *** ********* **** various ******** *** ********** **** ** simple *** ** **** **** ** features ** ****. **** *** ***** to ******** ***** ******* ** *** keeping ***** ******* ****** *** ****** operation ******, **** ** *** *** intuitive. ******* ******* * ******* ** Q ****** ** ***** *******. *** can't **** *** ***** *** ***** the ****** ***'* ***** *** **** to ****, ****** *** ****. ************ isn't ***** ** ***** *** *** product ******. *'* ******* ****** **** focus ** ******** ****** ** *** do **** *** *** ***** **** work *** *** ***'* *** ** off *** ****. *******, **** ***** with ****** *** *** ***** ******* is *********.
**** *** *** ***** *******, *** is **** ********* **? **** ******* the **** ******* ****?
******* **** *** *** *** ***** engineer *********. ******* ******* *** ** a **** *****. **** *** ******, but *** ** ***** *** ******* that ****'* ********* ** ********. *** those *** ***** ******** *** **** much ******.
* *****’* ****** **** *** ********* support **** ** ***** ***. *** would * *** ***** ** * field ********?
* **** *** ** ***** ******** for **** ***** ******* **** ********** necessary ** ******* ** *****. ***** rep ***'* ******* ********* *******. * got ******* **** ***** ******** ******* my ***.
** ***** **** ***** ** ****** as **** ****** ****; *******, *** number ** ******* ** **** *** there ******* ******** ****'* **** ***** to **** **** **** **. * do ******* **** ****** *** ************* better ******* **** **. ** ***, however, ******** ************ **** *** **** couple ** *****.
** ***, *******, ******** ************ **** the **** ****** ** *****.
** **** ****? ** *** ******* DW ****** ******** ** ** ***** average.
*** ******* ** ** ******* *** been *** ****, **** *** *** as **** ** *** ******* ******* part ** */* ** *** *****.
******* *** *******?
*’* ******** *** ******* *******. ** long ** ****** **** ********** **** and **** **** ******* ***** ****** of **** ****** * ***** *’** keep ******* *** ********* 😆
***** **** ********* **** ***** ******* built ******* ** ***** ******** *** that ******.
****** ** ***** ** ********* ** 2023 ** ******* ****** ********. ***** A-Series ******* *** * **** ********** to ***** ** ***** ** ***** point, ********, *** **** ************. **** Hanwha *** * ****** ***** ***** team ** ******* *** ******** *** support ***********.