Irisity CEO / Ex-Milestone Exec Keven Marier Interview And Company Profile
Long-time Milestone Systems executive, Keven Marier, has become CEO of Irisity, best known for its 2021 acquisition of Agent VI.
Atypically, Marier has invested a significant amount of his own money in the company's stock, whose price fell steeply before Marier joined.
Can Marier make Irisity successful? In an interview with IPVM, he explains how he aims to change the company's technology focus, its branding, and his personal investment in its success.
New ******* *** / **-********* *********
****** *** ** ********* **** ************ ****** * ****** ****** ******* Irisity ** ***** ****.
** *** ***** *** ** ******* in ***** **** *** **** ** is ******** * *** ** **** meeting **** ******* *** ***** **'* customers *** ******** ** *** ***** 100 **** ******* *** *******.
****** **** **** ** **** *********, he *** ******* *** * ******* to ****** *** **** ** * CEO:
* ****** ** **** * ****-**** investment **** ******* ** **** ** becoming *** *** *** *** *******. The ***** *** ** *********** ** the ****** ** *** ******* ** a *********** *** ** ** **** from *** ********* ** ** **********.
*** ****** *** ******* ** ***** 100 **** * **** *** **** important ********* *** ** ****** * culture ** **************, ********** *** ************ to *** ***** ****** *** *** customers.
** * ****** *******, *** ********* way ** ** **** *** ******* skin ** *** ****. ****** *** AI ******** ********, ***** ** *** most ********* ********* ** *** ******** to ******** ** ** ************* ******** or ********.
*******, ** *** *** ******* *** a *******, ******* ** **** ******* that ********** ********, ***** *** ******** ** **** by *********, *** ***** *** * ******* number ** ******* ****** ******** *********:
* *** ****, ******** ***** ****. I ****'* **** ** ** ******* startup. *** ****, ***** ***,*****... * felt **** * ***** **** * bigger ******, ** * ***** ***** up * *******, **** ***** * company. *** ** ******* *** * scale ** * ****** *******, ***** are *** * *** ** ******* [in *** ******** ********] ** **** companies *** ******* ****, *******. ** irisity, * ***** * ****** ******* which ** ***** ** *** ***** to ***** * **** *** ** the ******** ********.
*** ** *** ****** ****'* *********** about ***** ****** ** ******, ** they **** ****** ******* * ****** for ***** ********* ** **** ****** to *** ******** ******.
** ****************'* ***** ****** ****** ******** *** *******'* ******* ** grow ** * ***** ****** *******:
*** ******* ********** *** ***** *** financial ****** ****** ** **** * way **** ******* ********* ** ** through ** *** **** *** *****. The ********* ****** ***** ****** **** is ***** ******* ***’** ** **** and ** ****** ***** *** ****** IRIS.ST *** ** **** *,*** ********** shareholders.
****'* *** ********* ****, **** *** get ******, *** *** ** **** the ***-******, *** **** *** *** get ** *** ***** *** **** you *** **** ******. **’* * great ***** ** ***** ** * business.
****** ********~$*.* ******* *** ** $*.** ***/*.***** per ***** *** **** *.* ******* shares ** ******* *** * *.**% ownership ***** ** *** *******. *** stock ***** *** **** ********** ****, or ** ******** ***** *** **********.
Market ***** ******* **+%
*******, *******'* ****** ***** ******* **** 90% **** *** ********* **** **** of $*.** ***, ** ******* $*.** and $*.** *** ****.
*** *******'* ******* ****** ********* ** ~$20 ******* ***, **** **** *** peak ** $***+ ******* ***.
****** **** **** ***** **** ******** factors ******* ** *** ****, *** he *** *** **** *** ******* during **** ****, *** ** ***** comment ************ *** *** ****** ***** general **********:
** *** **** ** *** **** when *** ***** *******, *** * significant ****** **** *** *** ****** and ***** *** ***** ****. *******, acquisitions **** ****-** *******, *** *** don't *** **** *** ******** ** going ** ** ***** **** *** volume ** ********.
** *** *** *** *** **** that *** ****** **** ** ** the ******, **** ***** ** * different *****. ** *** **** ***** looking, ****, *** *** ********* ***** went ****, ******* ** *** ****** crash, **** *** *** ***** ******* at **** *** *** ****** *******'* fundamentals.
** ********** **** ** ***** ** invest ******* ** ******** *** ******* is *** *********** *** * **** investment:
** *** **** ** *** ***** paid *** ******* *** *** ******* Irisity ****** ***, ** ***** **** like *** ******* ** ***********. **** was ********** *** ** **** *****'* an *********** ** **** *******’* ****** capitalization **** ** ** * ********** valuation. ** ** **** ** *** basic ******, **** **** ** **** customers, **** **** ** **** ********, manage *** **** ****, **** **** things *** ******.
******* ** ** ***** *********** ******* to ** ****, *** **** ***** Irisity's ********** **** ********* ******** ******** ***** **:
******* ********* *** *** **** ********* (~35x **** *******) ** ******** *******. 88% ** *** ******** ***** *** paid ** *******'* *****. **** ******* AgentVi's ************ ** **** **** ** Irisity's ***** ***** ***** ****** **** can ********* ***** **********.
Significant ********** *******
*********** ****** ***************** *** ********** ** ******* ****, the *** ********, *** ****** **** there **** *********** ******* ** *******'* Board ** ********* *** ******** ** a ****** ** *************** ******* *******.
$8 ******* ** *******, **% ******
******* ** ** *** ********* ********* changes,********* ******* *** ******* ** ******** ****. *** ***** **** ** just **% ** ~$* ******* ***, while *** ****** ********* **** ***% to ~$** ******* ***.
$* ******* ** ******* *** **% growth ** **** *** *** * 74-employee ********* ******* ** ****, ********** as ***** ** ** ** ***** old. *******, *** ******** ******** **** the ********* **** *********** ($**.* *******), as ** ******** ** *** *********** report:
*******'* *** ******* ** ****** ***, at~$*.* ******* ** ********** ****% *** ** ****** ***.
******,*******'* **** ******* ** $*.* ********** ****** **** *******'*.
*******'******* **** ********* *************** **** *** ***** ** **** $11 ******* - $** ******* ***, an ******** ~**% ****** **** ***** on ***** *********** **** *** ***** 6 ******.
Defining * ******* *** ** *********
****** ********** ******** ***** ** *** interview **** *** ** *** ******* weaknesses ** ******* *** **** ***** AI ********* *** *** **** ** a ***** ******* *** *** **:
**** * ****** *** *******, ** was ******** *** *********, ******* *** AgentVi *** ******* * ****** *******. So, * ***** *** ********** ***** the **** ** **** * ****** purpose ***** ********* *** ** ***** as * *******. * **** **** it **** ****** ** **** ** active ***** *******. ** * ******* the **** ******** ** *** ***** are ***** ***** *** **** ******* connected ** *** ******** ********’* ******* and *******. *******’* ******* ** ** help *** ***** ** *********** “*** what *******, **** ** *******”.
*****, *** ***** ****** ** ******* about ** ** ** *** * novel *******, *** **'* *** ***** anymore. **'* ** ***** ***. ******* vision ** **** **** **********. *** intellectual ******** ****** *** ** ****** a *******. ** ******, *** ***** say *** ************ *******. **'* *** novel. *** **'** ******** ***** ** in * ******* ******* ** * "feature ** *********"; ******* ** ** thinking ***** ** ** *** ******* of *** ** ****** ** ******* people. **** *** **** *** ** the ****** ** *** * *********, looking ** *** *********** *** ** technology.
** *** **** * **********, *** we **** ** **** ***. **** its ******* **. * ******’* ********* adding ** ** * ****** ****** you **** **** ***'** ****** ** achieve **** **.
***** ***** ******* **** **** ********* (e.g.,**** *** ***** * ****** *****) *** ***** ********* *****, * culture *** ******* ***** ****** ***** help ****** ****** ********* ** ** increasingly *********** ******. *******, ******* ** selling ****** ********* *********, *** * ****** ****** ******** (e.g., ******* *********, ***), ***** ******* its ********* ***************.
"Powered ** ***** **" *****
****** **** **** *** ***** ** brand **** ***** ** **** ** "Irisity ******* ** ***** **":
*** ***** ** ***** ** **** valuable. *** **'* * ***** **** known ****. ***, *** *** *** some ****** **** **, **** ****** don't. *** **** ***'** **** ****** for ** *****, ***'** ***** **** projects ***** **** ********** *** **** which *****’*.
************, ** **** ***** ** **** be **** ********* ** *** **** of *******'* ****** ***********:
** **** *** ** **** ** the ******* ** *******, ** ** back ** *** *******, **'* * Digital *****, **'* **** **** *** watching. **** ** ***** * *** that *****, *** ***** ************ *****.
** **** ** **** ** ******* them ***** *** *********** *** ** classes *** ***** ******** *********** *** cases. ***** *** ********* ** *** human ** *** **** ***** ******* AI ****** ***** ******* ***** ************. This ** ***** *** ******** ********* will ******** **** *** ******* ****** to **** *** **** ******* **** it *******.
*** ** * *** ** ******* agents *** ****** *** ** ***** [name ***] ************ **** ******** *** using ** ******* *** ***** ** the **** *** **** ******* **** it *******.
Go ** ****** - *******, ******** ************ *******
****** ***** **** ******** ***** ************* with ******* ***** ** ********** ***** forward:
*** ** *** **** ********* ******** model ***** * ******* ** ******* scale ** ********* *** *** ********* it *** ** ***** ******* **********. Agent ** **** ** **** * lot ** ****** ******** *** ****, and **** *** ********* **** * definitely *** * *** ** ********** in, *** * ****** ** ***** that ****. ** ** ** ** shifted *** **-**-****** ******** ** ** partner ****. ** **** **** **** through ********, ** ***'* ****, ** course, *** ***** ** * ********* or *******, *** **'** ***** ** have ****, **** ***** ************* **** our ********.
**** *** ********* ******** ************ *******:
******* *** ****** * ******* ****** my *** ***** ** ********* *** to ** **** ***** ** ***** to **** *** *** ** ***. An ******* ** **** ** ** decide ** *** **** ***** ** new ********** ******** *********** ** ***** infrastructure ** ******** ********** ******** ***********. For *******, ** *** **** *** dealers *** ** ** ***** ******** brownfield ***********. **** **** ****** ******* to **** ******** ******** *********** **** AI/ML ********** *** ********.
** ** *** **** ** *** problem *****, *** **** *** **** somebody *** *** ************* ****** ** the ******, *** *** **** ** give **** ************ ******. **** *** want **** ** ** ** ********** our ********** ***** ** ***** **** base. *** **** ** **** **** into *** ***** *** ** ******, whatever *** ************** **, *** ********* camera *****, ********* ********** *****, ********* server *****, *** *** ** **, all ***** ****** *** **** *********. So ** *** *** ** *** it **** * *******, ** ******* the *******, *** **** ** *****'* really **** *** *******.
** **** **** **** *** *********** nature ** **** ******* ** ******** to *******:
*** ******** **** ** **** **** understanding ***** *** ** ********* **** the **************, ******* ** ************** *** Milestone ** * ********* ************** **** Genetec. **** ******** *** **** ***** companies, **** **** ****** **** *********** in ***** ******** ****. ** **** I ****** ** ****, * ****, "Okay, ****, ** * **** ************ and *** *** ***, **'** *** we're *** * *** **** ******* like ****."
**’* *** ***** ********* * ******* in * ******* *******, **’* *** to *** **/** ** ****-**** ******** operations.
************ ******** * ****** ******* **** be * *********** ********* *** *******, as ** *** ************ **** * challenge *** ***-** ********* *********, ********* Agent **. ****, ******* *** **** low ***** *********** *** ***** *****, and **** ****** **** ** ***** significant ********* ** ******.
Product ************
****** **** ******* ******* **** **** focused ** ********* *** ********** ** in-production "********" ** *** *******"
********* ** *** ******: **'* ********, and **'* ********. *** *****, *** industry ******* ** ********. *** ********, an ********* ***** *** *** *****, it **** *** *****. *** ** how ** *** *** ********, *** this ** *** ** *** ****** clever ****** **** ** **** ** Agent **, ** *** **** ** the ******** ****.
*** ** **** *** **** ** one ******* ******, ***** ** ***** them *** ********, **** *** *** looking ***? **** **** **, *** I ***** *** ****, ** ***** that *** ****, "**** ** *** this *****." ** **** **** ** take *** ******, ***** ***** ******* with ***** **********, ** **** **** to ******* *** ***** ***** ** information **** **** ******* ***, *** run **** *** * **** *** we ********** *,*** ****** ** ****, we're **** **** ** ***** **** in **** **** * ****, ******* our ****** ******* ** ****, *** deliver ** **** **** ** *** operator.
*** *** *** **** ***** ** operators *** ***** ** *** **** and ***** ** ***** ***** ** send ****. *** ***** **** **** hit ****, *** ********** *** ***** of *** ****** **** **.
*******, ****** **** **** *** * confusion ****** ******* ** ******* **** back ** *** ****** *******, ********** through * - * ****** **** up ** **% ******** *** **** model. ** ******** **** *** ****** process ********* ***** *** *****.
** **** **** **** ******** ******** a *** *****-********* ******* ** ******* with ********'********.
****** *** * *********** *** ******** challenge ** ************ *******.
** *** ******** ****, ******* ******** older ********** *** ***** * **** of *** ******-****** *********** *** ***** combine ****** ***** **** *********
** *** ******** ****, ****** *** a ****** ** ********** **** ***** at *********, ***** *********** ***** ** an ********* ****** ******, *** ** is ********* ******* ******** ** *** success ** *******.
***** ** ** *** *******, ** currently ******, ******* ***** ****** *** of *** ******* ***** ******** *********, Irisity **** **** ** *********** ** grow ************* ** ** ********* ********* market.
***** ** *** ** *** **** intelligent ******* ******** ******* ******* * have **** *** *** ******** ** meet *** ** *** ** **** skin ** *** **** ********** *** confidence **** ** *** * ***** game **** *** ** ****** * very ********* *** *********** ******. **** luck *****, *'* *** ** *** a *** ****.**!!
* ********** ***** **** ****** ***** the ***** ** ******** *** ***** fresh. *** * *** ** *** early ******** ** ***** *********, ***** Vi **** * *** ***** ** over ********* *** ***** ********** ** the **** ** ***** *********. *'* say *** **** ******* **** ** to ***** ** ********** ** ********* product *** ** ******** ** *** of *** *** ***/****** *************
****'* ** *** **** *** ** the ********. ******* ** ***** ******* name ****** *** ******* ****** ** this ***** ** **** / ********* product.
* **** ****** * *** ** credit *** ********* ** *******. ** the *** ****, *** ***** *** down **%, ** ** ** ****, it ***** **** **** ** ***********. On *** ***** ****, ****** **** that **** ***** *** **** *****, though ** ***** ****** *** *********** power *** **** ****** ** **** it ******.
* ** ******* ** *** *** it **** ** **** **** * have **** **** ***** ******* *********** is **** **** **** ** **, since ***** ** ** **** ******* one ***** ** **** ******* *** you ********* ***'* **** * *** of ********* (****** ********) ** **** bigger **** **** ****.