i-Pro No Longer A Solutions Provider, Declares CEO
Manufacturers focusing on solutions are increasingly predominant. Not just companies like Avigilon/Motorola and Verkada but even Axis which declared itself "one platform to replace them all."
However, in a recent conversation with i-Pro's CEO Masato Nakao, Nakao stressed how this is a new i-Pro independent of Panasonic and no longer a solutions provider.
In this note, we examine i-Pro's change and how this contrasts with competitors including Avigilon, Axis, and Verkada.
****** *** ***-*****, **** *********, **** significant *****, ****************** ** *** ********* ********************* ***** *******. **** ***** ********* ** ** more ** * ********* ********, ****** created * ****** ********, **** * good *** *** ***-**** *** *** the **** ***** ******* ** **** other *****-**** ***********.
******, ********* ******* ** ****-*** / sell *** **** ********, ***** ****** *-***. *** *******, now ****************** *** ********* ***** ** ****.
** *-***'* *** ********* ** ****:
********* *** * ********* ********. **** like ** ******* **********, ******** *** software.
* ******* *** ******* ****** *** degrees ** ** ****. ** ******* to ***** ** *** ******** ********** side (******* *** **) *** **** with *** ****** **** ***** ****** players [*** *********]
****** ****:
** **** **** *** ********, **** heritage **** *********, *** **********, ***********, and ** **. *** ** **** to ****** *** ******** ******.
*-*** ***** **** **** **** ******** to ***** ************ ********* *** *** education ****** *** *********** **** ******* on ******* **** *** ***** *****. The ******* ********* **** ***** ** similar ** *** **** ******** *** cloud, *.*., ********* ******* *** ** that ******* ** *** *******'* ***** offerings.
Pros *** *-***
*-*** *** *** **** * ***** solution *** ***** *** ******* ** many (****?) ********* ******* **** ***** own ********* (**** ****** **** *** not **** ***** ****** - *.*.,**** *** ***, ******** ********* ** *******, ***.).
** *** ****** **** *-*** *** establish ****** ** * ******* ******* for ******* ***** ** ******** ******* cameras *** **, *-*** *** ** able ** ************* ****** *** *** more ******** ****** ****** **** **** to **** *** ****** ****.
Cons *** *-*** / ***-********* ********
******** ******* *** ******** ********:
- **** ******* *** **** / ********: Not ******* *** *** / ******* could ******* *-*** ** * *********** amount ** *******, ********* *********** ************ sales, ** ********** ** *********.
- ****** ** **** **** ** ******** customers **** *** *** ****: ***** it ** ****** ** **** **** to ******** ********* **** **** *** ones (****** ** *-*** *** ******** VMS ********* ** **** ********** ******* and ***** **** **, **** **** offset **).
- **** ********* ****** ***-**-*** ********* ** reduce ********** ** ***** *** *******.
**** *** *****, *** ******** *** open ** ***-**-*** *** ******* **** and *****. ***** *-*** *** ** moving ********* *** ******* ******* *****, ** ** *** ******* ********* cameras *** **, ** *** ** successful **** **** ********.
*** **** ** ****** *-*** **** results, ***
- *-*** **** ** ****** ******
- *-*** ********* ****** ******
- ********** ** ********* ****** ******** ****: Ava, ********, ****, *****, *****, **, Hanwha, *********, *-***, *****, ******, *******, Vivotek
- ************** *****-****** ****** ******** - ***, Avigilon, ****, *****, *****, ******* ********, Hanwha, *********, *-***, ****** *** *******
- ****** ********* ******** **** - ** Manufacturers, ** *********
**'* **** ***** ** *** *-***'* approach ** ******* ** *** **** software ****. *** **** ****** ********* focusing ** ****** **********, *** **** we ****** *** ********** *** *************** all ****** (*****, ***** ********, ***.).
**** ***** **** **** * **** cutting ******* *** *** ** **** that **** **** ***. ****'* ******** model *** ** ******* * **** VideoInsight ******** ******* **** **** ****** sold *** ** ********* ****. *** really * *** ******* ****** ** when *** ******** **** * ******* or *** ****** *********. **** ***** more **** ***** **** ** **** away **** ********** ** **** ** has ***** **** ** *** ****. If ******* ****, **** *** **** "concentrating" ** *** ***, *** ***** shifts ** ********** *******, ** *** already ******** *** **** **** ******* behind, *** **** ******* *** **** people. **** ******* ** *** ******** base **** ****** ******* ***** ** the **** **** **** **** ** have * *** *** ****? ***** primary ******** ** *******, ***** ***'* have ****** ** *** ******** *** over *****. ******* ** * ** firm **** ** ***** ** ****, but * **** **** ** *** underfunded ******* **** **** ******* ** focus **.
**** ******* ** *** ******** **** that ****** ******* ***** ** *** fact **** **** **** ** **** a *** *** ****? ***** ******* customer ** *******
** * ********* ** *** ****, VI ********* *** *******.
**** ******* ******* *** *** ** firm **** **** **** ***
* ***'* ********** *** **** ** cost ******* ***** **** *** *** emphasizing ************ **** ****** (*.*., *******, Milestone, ***.) ***** ***** ** ** extra **** ******** ** ****** ** selling ** ** * ***** **** (than *.*., ******* ** *********). *** you *********?
**** ***** *******. **** *** ****** out ** *********, **** ****** ** the **** ** ********* ******** ********** but ***** *******, **** ********* **** out ** *** *** ******** *** spins *** ****, *** **** *** same *****. **** * *** ** turn * *********** *** ********** ******** VMS **** * **** *** *******. The *** *********/**** ******* **** ** probably ***** **** *** ********* ******* Pelco.