Dahua and Hikvision Address Unpaid PRC China Government Deals
**** *** *****'* ***** *********** ********** financially, ********* *** ***** ******** *********' concerns ***** *********** ************* ********** *****.
** **** ****, ** ******* **** Hikvision *** ***** **** ***** ******** this **** ****** *** *******'* ********* crisis.
***** ********** ********* **** ***** (***** ********** ** *** **** *** PRC ***** ********** *****), *** **** ***** *** ********* reportedly ********* ******* ******** ********* (********* ********* ******* **** ********* ** Xinjiang*** ***** ****** ******** ** *** coming *****).
Executive *******
** ***-***** ***** *********** **** **** financially ********** **** *** *******'* **** estate ****** ** *** **** ****, Hikvision *** ***** **** ***** ******** from ***** ***** ********** *********. ********** have ************* ***** **** "*** ***** ** [its] ********** ********* *** ********** *****"*** **** *** ************ ** *** more **** * **** ***. **** is ********** ******** *** *** *** companies ** ********** ***** ************ **** up ** **** ** **% ** their ***** *******, **** ********* ****** *** ******** ******* *** both ** *** **** *** *****.
**** ********* **** **** *** ***** waiting *** ******* **** *** ******* government ********* *** ****** ** **** local *********** ******* ***** **** ******. However, **** *** ********** **** *** situation ** ********* ** *** ******* government ** *** ******* * **** "proactive ********" ** ******** ********* ******* to ***** *********** *** ******* ***** funding "** *******" *** ******* ****** projects.
PRC ***** ***'* ********* ***** **** **** "**** *********" ********
*** *****'* ***** *********** ********** ******* ** ******* **** **** sales ** **********, * ******** ***** as "**** *********,"** **** ************** ******** *** ****** services. *******, *** ******** ** *** country's ******** ****** *** ***** ******** ** *** **** ****** conglomerate ************ ***-**** *** *** ** * sharp ******* ** **** *****,******** ********* ***** ***********' ******** *** making **** ****** ** *** *** their *****/*****.
PRC ***** ******* *** ******** ***** *** **** **** *****
** ****** ***** ***** *********** **** their ********* *******, ******-***** ********** ********* **** **** ********** **** ******** ***** **** ********. Through **** ********, ***** *********** **** take *** *** ***** ** *** off *** *****.
Hikvision ********* **% ** **** ****** ** *** **** **** **** ****
***** **** ***** ******* ** *** PRC ******* ********** *** **** ***** governments **** ***** *****, **** ******* can't ****** ** ******* *** **** amount ** ***** *** *****. *** example, ********* ********* **** ** ********* 70% ** * **** ** ********** recognized ** * *** **** ******* in * **** ****:
** ********** * ******* ** ****** on ** ****/**** ** *** *****. From *** ********** ***********, **** ******* was ******* ***. *******, ***** **, the **** *** ************ *** ****** out ** ** ** * **% discount.
之前我们曾经分享过一个小案例,****/**** 年曾经做过的项目计提了坏账,从财务规则角度说已经全部计提了,但后来债务重组,是按照 * 折给我们兑现的。
***** **** ***** **** ********* ******* previously ************* ******* ***********, ** **** the ******** *** "**** *** *** company."
Hikvision "******* *** *************" ********* **** **** ********
***********'* ** **** ******** ****, *** ********* *********** ***** ****** the *&* ******* ******* ********* **** any ********* ******* ** ********** ****** government ******* ***********. *** ******* ********* by ****** **** *** ***** ******* for "******* ************* **** *** **********" regarding *** **** **** ******** *** that ***** ********* *** **** ***** government **** **** *** *********, ** is *********** ** ******** ********** *** debts:
** *******, ******** ** ****** ********* to *** ******* **********'* ****** ** decentralizing **** *** ***waiting *** ******* ************* ** **** ******. I think the direction is relatively clear and certain. From the perspective of existing projects, we have been doing government business since the establishment of the company, and the management of bad debts is pretty good. [Emphasis added]
Dahua "****** ****** *********" ** **** **** ********
******* *********, ***** **** **** ** is ******* ********** *** ***** ******* government's **** **** ******** ** ***** **** ******** ****:
*** ******* ** ****** ****** ********* to *** ********** ************** ** ******** regarding **** *****.
***** ***** **** ***** *** ******** usually **** ** ******* *** *** of **** ********** ********, *** ***** of ********** *** **** ****** ********** slowly:
*** ******** *** ********* *** ******** in *** ***** ****** ** *** project, ** *** ******* ************ **** appear ********** ****.
Recovering ********** *******-*** ******* ***********
** *** ** ****** ** ******* where ** ********* **% ** * bill ********** ********** ** *** *****, Hikvision ******* ********* **** *** **¥*** million ($** *******) "****** ** **** restructuring" **** ** ***** **** ********* ********* ********* ******** *********** ********** ********** as *** **** ********, ***** ********* that *** ******* ** ****** "*********" recovering **** ** *** ****** **** unpaid ********** ******** **** ***** ***********' financial ******:
** *** ********* ********* **** ******* repayments **** *** ********** *** **** enterprises.
**** [****** ** **** *************] ****** is ******* ** *** ********** ** accounts ***********. ** *** ***** ******** in *** ******* *** ******** ** accounts ***********. **** **** ***** ******** receivables **** ********** ** *** **** expenses, ***when *** ********* ******* **** *** *******, *** ********** **** ** *********. Financially, it became an investment income. [Emphasis added]
这笔款项与应收账款处理是有关系的。我们对应收账款的计提和处理是比较谨慎的, 有些长账龄的应收账款,财务上已经提过减值了,但是当用户最后支付款项时,会将减值收回来,在财务上形成一笔投资收益。
******* ** *********'* *********, ***** **** that ** *** ******* **********'* **** swap ******** **** *** ** ** "better **** ********," ** **** ** able ** ******* ********** *******-*** ******** receivables, ***** ***** **** *** **** flows ** ****:
** ***** ** * **** **** policy **** ******* *** ***********, ** is ******** ** **** * ******** effect ** *** [******] ******* *********** of **** ** *** ********** *********** projects.We ***** ******* **** ** *** *** ***** ******* ** *** ****. This also contributes positively to the cash flow. [Emphasis added]
Hikvision ***** *** ********** ******** ** **********
** ******** ** ******* ** ********** debt ***** ** **** ******* **** account ***********, ********* **** **** ** would ********* *** **** **** ** those ********** ******** ** ********** "******** and **********."
Improve ******* ********* *** "******* ******* *****" & ******** *******
***** ***** *** *** ******* ******** actions ** **** ** ******* ******** receivables ** ****** ******** *****,** ********** **** ** ***** ******** ** ***** "******** *** ****** of ******* ********* ***** ** *** ability ** ******* ******* ***********" *** establish "******* ******* ******" ** **** with *** ***** *********' ********* "******* payment ******** *******" *** "******* *****."
Dahua: ********** ******** "*********" ** ******* ***** ******* *******
***** ** ********** ***** *** *** China ******* **********'* **** **** ****** from ** **** ******, ** ** now ******** * "********* ********" ****** the **********, ***** *** **** ***** funding *** ******** "** *******." **** points ** * ****** ****** ******** to * "********" ** - ** of ****, ** ****:
** ***** * ********* ******** **** the **********. ** ***** ******* ************* arise, *** **********will ******* ********* ******* ** *******, so compared with the relatively cautious situation in the first three quarters, the future may be better. [Emphasis added]
Government ***** ********* ** **** ****** *******
*** **** *** ***** *********** **** gradually ******** ***** **** ******, ** has **** ********** ********* *** **** funding ** ******* ****, ***** *****:
*s *** ********** **** ** ***** ****, ** ****** **** *** ********** ** ****** **** ******** ** ********, which will bring us new business opportunities, such as charging pile construction, highway information construction, vehicle-road collaboration, low-altitude economy and other fields. [Emphasis added]
******* ******** ************* ************ ** ********** projects ** ** ***********, ***** **** it ******* *** ********* ** * low ********** ****** ** "*******" ** Q4 ****:
** *** ** **** **** *** government's ************ *** *** ******** *** effectiveness ** ******* ********** *** **********, and *** ****** *** *********** ********* of ******** ************ ** **** ********. These *** *** ************ *** ******** opportunities. *******, *** ********* ** * lack ** ********** ******** ** *** first ***** ******** ** ******** ** improve [**** *** **].