Dahua And Hikvision Declining In PRC Law Enforcement, Growing Other Gov Sectors

Published Jan 24, 2025 14:18 PM

*** ***** ********** ******** **** **** an ********* ****** ** ******** *** Hikvision *** *****. *** *** **** changed ** *** **** *** *****, and *** ** *** *** ********* view ***** ****** ********* ****** *** sector?

IPVM Image

** **** ****, **** ******** ********* and *****'* ****** ****** ***** ****** PRC *****.

Executive *******

***** ********* *** ***** **** **** hit **** ** *********** ***** ** PRC ***** ********** ******** ** ****** sector ***** ************ **** ** ~**% of **** *********' ***** *****, *** two ***** *********** ** ********** ***** later ** ****. **** **** ***** PRC *****'* ****-****** ******** ******* ********* came *******, ****** **** ** ******** sectors **** ** ********* *********** *** other ************** ********, *** *** *** enforcement ***********, ***** **** ** ** the ******* ************ ****** ****** *** China's ****** ******.

********* **** ********** *** ******* ** law *********** ***** ** *** **** that ** *** *********** ***** ***** *** *** ***** government *********** *** ***** ************ ****,*** "******** (***** ****) *******," ****** the *******.** * ******, ** ******* *** law *********** ***** ** "***** * stable *****" **** *** ******* ** "refreshes" ******* ** ******* *** ******** that ******* *** ****** ** *** late *****.

Hikvision's ***** ****** ** ********** ***** ***** ****

** ** ****, ********* **** ** had ******** ******* ****** ** *** Public ******** ***** (***) ** ** 2024 ******* *** *****'* ******** **** stimulus ******* **** *******. ***** ** did *** ******* *** **** *** growth ***, **** ** * ******* improvement ** *** ******* *** **** having *********** ******** ** ********** ***** in *** **** *** ***** (-*.**% ** ** ****,-*.**% ** ** ****, ***-**.**% ** ** ****) * ****** ** ****** ******* on **** ************ ***** ** ~**% of *** ***** *****.

Dahua's ********** ***** "**********" ** ** ****, ****** *********** "****"

******* ** *********, ***** **** ** its ** **** ******** **** **** its ********** ***** *** "**********" ******** **.*% *** ***** ******* ** the ****** ** ** ****:

********** ******** *** ********** ********. ****** by *** ************ ** ******* ********, the ********* ******** ** *** ***** of ****** ********** *** *** ******* upgrade ******** ** *** ************** ***** have ******** **** ****** *****.


***** ****** * "****** ***********," *** overall ******** ** ***** **** ** Q3, ***** *****:

** *** ***** *******, *** *******'* government ******** ******** ********, *** ******* it *** ***** ****.


**********, ***** *** ***** ** ** (0.18% ***) ****** ** ********** ***** in ****, *** ** ** **** comparison ** ** ******** ** **.**% in ********** ***** **** **** ** 2022.

PRC ***** ***** **********'* ********* ******* **** **** ****** ******

******** *** *****'* ********** ******** ******** significantly ********** *** **** *** ***** because *** *** ***** **********, ********** local ***********, *** **** ** ****** financial ******* ***** *** ******** ** the **** ****** ************ ********** ********* the *******'* ******** ******. ************, *** China's ***** **********'* **** ****** ** revenue *** ******* ****, *** *** that *** *******'* **** ****** ****** has *********,***** ********** ******** ***** ********** ** severe **** ******.

PRC ***** ******* ********** ******** ****-****** ******** *******

***** *** *******'* ******** ******** **** its **** **** *****-** ******** *** real ****** ****** ********** ****, *** China ******** ** ******* ****** ** ******** debts ** ***** ******** ******** ** stabilize *** ******************* "**** ****" *********** ******* ****** *** ***** ***********.

Hikvision: ***** *** ******** ******* ******** *** ** ** **** *** ***** *******

********* *** ********* ** ******* ******** earnings ***** **** ***** ******* *** *** ******** **** stimulus ******* ** **** ******** *** ******* *** **** *** the "****** '*****' *** *** ****** sufficiently ** *** ********** *****." ****, it ********* ***** ** **** ******** ******** ********** **** ******** ** ** 2024 *** ***** **** ** ** 2023:

** *** ***** **** ** ****, the ******** ***** ** ******* ***** was **¥*.* ********, *** ** *** third ******* ** *** **¥*.* ********; in *** ***** **** ** ****, the ******** ** ******* ***** *** CN¥1.49 ********. ** ****** **** *** during *** ****-****** ****** ********** **** that ** **** ****,the ******** ** *** ******** ** ******* ***** *** ****** **** ******** ** *** **** ****** **** ****. [Emphasis added]

**** 年上半年,专项债发行额度是 *.* 万亿,三季度 *.* 万亿;**** 年上半年,专项债发行 *.** 万亿,我们在半年报电话会时也和大家分享过,当时看专项债发行进度跟去年同期相比是有所放缓的

Government ******* ********* ******** ** ** ****, ******* *********'* *** *****

****** ** ****, *** *****'* ******** debt ******** **************** *** ** ** ****, ***** ****** ******* *********'* ********** sales ** *** ******* ** ***** it ** ***** *** ***** ******** growth ** *** ****** ***** ****, according ** *** *******. ** **** expects *** ***** ****** ***** ** take ********* ******* ******* ** *** coming ******:

** *** ***** *******, *** ****** of ******* ***** ****** ** *** three ****** **** **** ***** *** ¥2.1 ********, ***** *** ¥* ******** more **** *** **** ****** **** year. ** **** **** ****,the ******* ********* ** ********* *********, *** *** ************ ****** **** ********* ****** ** *** ********, ***** ***** **** ******. [Emphasis added]

到了第三季度,刚刚结束的三个月发行的专项债是 *.* 万亿,比去年同期多了 * 万亿,所以从这个数据上说,资金面在逐步好转,传导效应会在产业中逐步显现出来,这可能需要几个月的时间

***** ** ***** ******* ****** *** the ******** ******* ** ****** *** business ********, ********* ** ********** ***** its ***** *********** ** *** ****** months ** ***:

*** ******* *********** ** ***'* ******* industries ** ******** ******* ** *** source ** *****, *** *** ******* situation ********** *** *********** ** ******** business *******. ** ** ********* ******** that *** ******** ** ******* ***** is ************, ***it **** **** **** **** ** ** *********** ** *** ****** ****. [Emphasis added]


IoT ******** "** *** *** ** ******* *********," **** *****

******* **** ********* **** ***** *** time ****** *** *** ******** ******* to "****" ** ***** ********, ***** also ******* *** **** *** ******** is ** *** "***" ** ***** government ********, ** *** ****** ** the ******** ******** ***** ** ** delayed:

** *******, *** ********** ********* ** promote *** ************* ** ******* ************** projects [**** *** ******** *******]. *******, since ***** ***is ********* ** *** *** ** ******* *********, ******* **** ********** ******** ******** **** ** ** *******.


Police ********** ***** **** *** ** ***** *** ********* *******

**** ********* *** *****'* **** ********* customers ****** *** *** ******** *** been *** *** ***** ****** ***********, but **** *** *********** ******* **** heavily ******** ** *** *******'****** ***********' ********** ********* ********** **** **** ****** ** ********** meaningful ******** ** *** *** ************ providers, ** ********* ********:

*********** ********** ****** *** **** **public ******** *** ******* ****** have received more attention in the past. These industries will indeed be more ******** ** *** ******* ** ***** ********* ************. [Emphasis added]


*** ***** **** ****:

***** ********** **********, *** ****** ******** and ******* ****** ********** **** ******** significantly.


Fewer ***** *** ******** ******* *** ******* *** ****** "*****," **** *********

******* ****** ******* **** *** ***** government's ********* *******, ********* **** ********** its ******* ****** *** ***** *** enforcement ** * "***** *******" **** no ****** ***** *****-***** ********** ** physical ********:

*** ******** ** ****** ******** *** traffic ****** *** **** ********* ** the **** *** *****, *** *** reason *** *** ******* ** *** that ***** ** ** ****** ** the ******** ****, ***that *** ******* ******* *** ****** *****, *** *****-***** ************ ********** ** ********* ********* ** ** ****** ******. [Emphasis added]


*******, **** *** *****'* ******** ********,***** *** **** ** ******** ** high-profile **** ******** ****** *** ******* in *** **** *** ******, ***** *** ******* *** ********* *** *********** *******.

Grand *** *********** ************ *** ** ***** *******

************, *** *** ***** ***** ************* **** ******** * "******" ****** the ******* **** ******** *** ********* of ************ ********* *** **** *** *******, ** important ****** ** ********* *** *****'* growth *** **** *****. ***** **** grand ************ ******* *** ******* **** implemented ****** ********** ****** *** *****, intense ********** ******* ** *** *** enforcement ******* *** *********** **** ******* the *******'* ******** ********.

Hikvision: *** *********** ***** "******," ******* ******* *****

******* ***** *** ***** *********, ********* claimed **** **** ** ***** ******** are ** *** ******* **** *** expected *** *** *********** ***** ** "enter * ****** *****":

*********** *** ******** ** ********* ******** and *** **** ***** ** ********** products, ***** **** ***** ** ****** forupgrades *** ********* in the future. For example, it has been several years since t** *****-***** ************ ** *** ******** (Sharp ****) ********** *** ** *****. ***** ****-**** demands **** ******** ** *****. ***** is ** **** ** ***** *** much ***** *** ******, **the ****** ** ******** ** ***** * ****** *****. [Emphasis added]


Other ****** ******* **** *** ** **** ****** ********** *****

******* ** *** *********** *********, ********* said ** *** ****** ****** ***** government-managed ***** ***********/********* *********** *********** ** well ** ************** ***********, ***** "****** of ***** ** **********" ** *** national **** ******** ******* ****** ******** those *******:

***** *********** *** ***** *******, ******** prevention *** ******, ********* **********, *** other ********** ******** ** **supported ** *** ******** ****, ** *** ****** ** ***** ** ***** ******* ** **********, and our government business continues to grow. [Emphasis added]


*** ********** ** ******* **********, ********** operations *** ***** ********** **** *** highly ******* ** ******* ********** ** PBG [****] ********* ** ********.


**** *********, ***** **** ***** ** "grab *************" ** ********* ************** ***** and ********* ******** ******** ** ********** for ******** ** *** *********** *****:

** *** ******** ** ***** *** opportunities, **** ** * ****** ** public **********, *********, ***** *********** ********.


Government ****** ****** *** ******** ** "*****" ***** *** **********, **** *********

*******, ********* ******** ** *** ********** in ********** **** ********, ********** *** it ******** ***** *** ***** *** just *** ****** ********** ******* ** the ******:

** ** *** **** *** ********** has ** ************ *****, *** *** local ***** *** ****** **** ***** at *** ******. ** *** ******* situation ***** ** *** ******, *** overall ******** ********* **** ******* *************.

不是政府没有建设需求,而是地方的资金确实比较紧张, 所以如果资金面未来有所缓解,整个业务的情况的改善还是会比较明显的。

********* ** "**********" ***** *** ********** sales ** *** **** ***. *** company **** *** *********:

*** ***** ******** **** ***** ******** to ******* ********** **** *** *** business ******** *** **** ********* ** the ******, ** * ** ********** optimistic ***** *** *** ********.

*** 业务实际上是有巨大的、可以作为的空间,所以我对 *** 业务还是比较乐观的。

*** ******* **** **** ***** *** PRC ***** ********** ******* ********** ********** more ******** ** ***** *********, ** should ** ** **** ***** ***** it *** **** ** *** **********'* needs:

******** **** ***** *********** ****** *** world, *** ******* ********** *** ******* expectations *** *** ********** **** *********. Therefore, ********* ********** **** ** * priority **** ******* ** *** ********** in *** ******.


Opportunities "*********** ****** * ****** ********"

***** *** *** ***** ********** ** short ** ******* ** *** ******, Hikvision **** ** ******** **** **** projects **** ** ***** **** **** phases *** ******** ** * ****** time ******, ********** ***** **** ***** government *** *** ********** ********* ********* that ** ********* **** *** *******:

*** ********** ******** ** * **********, with * *** ** ******* *** many ***-*******. ***** **** ***** ** more **** ** ** **** ** the ******,but ***** ***** *** *** ** ** ********* ***** ****; **** **** ** ********* ****** * ********** **** ****** ** ****. All these constructions also require financial support. Some local governments have relatively abundant financial resources and may invest first. Some local governments have relatively tight financial resources and may postpone relevant constructions.


Government ***** "********* ***" *** ***** ** ** ****

** ********* ********* *** ******** *** government ***** ** *** **** ***, Dahua **** ****** ** *** **** projection ** ********* *** ********** ***** to ****** *** ** **:

**** ** *** ********* ******** ******** by *** ********** ** *** ***** half ** *** **** **** **** implemented ** *** ***** *******, *** some ******** *** ***** *********** ** the ****** *******. **** *** ******** of ********** ********, **** ****** *** seen ** *** ****** *******.We ****** ** *** *** ****** ** ********** ******** ****** ****** ** *** ****** ** ******* *** ***** ** ********* *** *** **********. [Emphasis added]


Dahua's ********** ** *** ***** ******* ***'* ****** ******

****** * "********* ********" **** *** government, ***** ******* ********* ********** ** the *** ***** **********'* ****** ******** taking ****** ** ******** *** *******'* economy:

** ****, ****** ******** ****** **** usher ** * ****, *** ** country's ******** *********** ***** ***** ** be ********. ** *** **** ****** of ****, ** **** **** * series ** ***** *********** **** ***********, demonstrating *** ******* **********'* ************* ** solve *** ******** *********** ** *** current ******** ******** *** ******* *** continued *********** ** *** *******, ***** has *** * *********** ******** ****** on ******** *** ****** **********. .

**** 年,全球货币政策迎来转向,我国经济环境还待修复。过去一段时间,我们看到一系列发布会密集召开,展现出了中央对解决当前经济回升中所遇到的问题、推动经济持续向好的决心,对实业和市场信心产生了显著的提振作用。
