Top Alternatives to Dahua and Hikvision 2022
With bans and protests against Dahua and Hikvision widespread, many security professionals are looking for alternatives to the PRC mega-manufacturers.
150+ integrators responded to:
For low cost, what manufacturer, if any, is the best alternative to Dahua and Hikvision? Why?
In this report, IPVM:
- Shows the top 2 options picked by 75% of integrators and a rising 3rd place
- Which options have gained and lost (two have gained significantly since 2020's results)
- Dozens of integrator comments explaining who they picked
- Show the honorable mentions
Top ***************
*** ************* ******** * ******* **** 75% ** *** **** ********:
- ****** *** *** ***** ****** ** ~55%,
- ******* *** ** ~**%
****** **** **** ******* *** *********, up **** **% ** ****, *** Uniview ****** ******* *** *% ** 2020.
****, ******* ********, *** ******* **** received **** *% ** *********, **** 10 ********* ******* *** ********* ~**%. Axis *** ******* **** *********** **** compared ** **** *******, ***** ******* Watchdog ******** *************.
Integrators - ****** ***** *** ***********
**** **** **** ** *********** **** Hanwha *** ***** **** *********** ** low-cost *****/********* ****, ** **** **% in ****. ********* ******** ***** ****** camera "*****" ** ******* *** *********** at ******* *********** ** *****:
- "****** - **** **** ***** ****-*** cameras ******* ** ***** **** ** head **** **** *** ***** ***-*** cameras **** ********* ** ******* **** Hikua."
- "******. **** **** ** ********* *******, good ******* *** *********** *******."
- "******; * **** **** ****** ***** with ***** ******* *** ******* *******."
- "******. ****-********* **** **** *******."
- "****** ******* ** ** * **** good ******* ** * **** ***** (value)."
- "****** ** *** **-** ************. ******* product *** ** *****."
- "** *** ****** *** **** ** our *******. **** **** ******** ***** points *** *** ********."
- "******. ****** *******, ****** *******, *** cost ** **** ******** ******."
- "****** - ******* *** *****."
- "******, *** **** ****-*****."
******** ********* **** *********** ******'* ***** of ********, ********* "***-***" ******:
- "******, **** **** **** ****** ******** cams **** **** ****** *** ** are **** ** ****** **** **** our ******* *********."
- "******, **** **** **** *********** *****-*** models *** **** * ****** ******* discount ** ** **** ** ****."
- "******. **** **** ** ********* ****** of ****-*********** ******** **** ********* **** with ***** ****-*** *********."
- "****** - *** ******* **** **** hundreds ** ******."
- "* ****** **** ******. **** ********* of ****** *** *** ***** ** close."
- "****** ***** ** **** *** ** stock."
- "******, ***** ******* *** ******* ******** is *********."
- "* **** **** **** **** *********** Hanwha ******* **** **** ****** ****."
- "** *** *** ***-**** ****** ****. it's * ****** ****** ** * low *****."
- "****** ********* *** ******** ** * reasonable *****."
******** ******* *** ************* ********* ***** and *********, ******'* *-****** *** *** **** common ****** ** ******* *********:
- "****** * ****** *******. ** ** a ********* ******** **** * ***-**** alternative."
- "****** *** **** ************ **** ***** A *** * ****** ******* **** emphasis ** *** * ******."
- "****** *-******. ************* ****** *** ***** us ******* **** ******."
- "******* *** ****** *-****** *** **** not ***."
- "****** * ******. ****** ** * great ****, *** ***** * ****** is ****** **** ************."
- "****** * ** ******* ********."
- "* ****** ******."
- "****** * ****** ***** *** *******."
- "* ****** ******."
- "****** * ******."
*** ****:****** * ****** ******* ******,****** * ****** *** ******
***** ****** *** *** ***** *** alternative, **** *********** **** ***** **** Hanwha *** "**** *****" ** ***** pricing, ** *** *** ****** ** low:
- "*** ******* ** ****** *** **** then *** ***** ***** ** ********* double."
- "** *** ** ***** ** ****** as * ***** **** ** ****/******** but ** ** *** **** * low **** *********** ** *****/***."
- "*** ‘*** ****’ ***’* *** ****** of ******, *** **’* ****. ****** because **** ***** * **** *******. Low ****’* **** * **** ****** for ** ****** *******."
- "******, ***** ******** *** "**********" ***** cost **** **** ***** ****** ************* and ** *** ********* ******* **** them."
- "****** ***** ***** ** *** ***** end ***** *** *** *** **** as ****."
Uniview ******* ***********
***-************ ******* ********* ******* ** ** 21%, **** ~*% **** *** *% in ****. *********** **** ******** ******** similar ******* ** ***** *** ********* Uniview ** * *** ***********:
- "** * **********, * ***** *** Uniview. **** ***** ****-********* ******* *** recorders **** *** ******* **** *** Hikvision/Dahua *******."
- "*******. **** **** ******** *** *** reasonably ******* ** ********* ** **** and *************."
- "*******. ** *** *** ******* **** to ******, ** ** *** ******* by *** **** *********** ** *** Dahua ****, *** *** ******* ** very *******."
- "******* ******* ** ********** ** ***** to *** *** *****. ******** *** typically ** *****."
- "******* - **** ********* *** ***** similar ** ***."
- "*******, ***** ***** ***** *** ****."
***** ********* *********** *** ****, *******, and *******, *** **** ** ****** themes:
- "*******, **** *** *** **** *** offer * **** ***** ** ******** with ***** ******* **** **** *** compliance."
- "******* ** * **** *********** *** now. ** ** ****-********* *** ****** quality."
- "*******. **** *** ********, **** * better ********* ***** ******, *** *** a ****** **** *********."
- "******* ** *** ***********, ****** *** small ***, *** ****** ** ****** as ******** ** **** *****."
- "******* ** *** ** ** *** the *** **** ******. **** ******* quality, **** **** **** **** ******** and ******* ** ******* *******."
- "*******. **** ********* **** *** *********** of *** ****** **** *********."
- "******* ** *** *** **** ***** price-wise *** **** ** ***."
- "******* - *******, *** *** **** for **** *** ***."
- "*******. ******** *** **** *** ***** camera ********."
Honorable ********
* *** ***** ************* **** ********* multiple *****, ********* ****, ******* ********, GeoVision, ******, *** *******
******* ******** ******** ******** ******** *** quality *** ****:
- "******* ********. **** **** ***** **** IP **** *** ****** ***** **** can ****** ******* **** ***** *** Hikvision."
- "******* ******** *** **** ***** *** us. ***** ******* *** **** **** stock ** ****."
- "******* ******** *** **** * **** go ** *** **.... **** ********* and **** *******."
- "******* ********, ** **** ****** * good **** **** ****."
**** *** *********** **** ******** ** 2020, ***** *** ** *** **** down **** **% ** ********* ** 2018. ***** **** ** ********* ****** in *** ******* *********:
- "** *** **** ****** ******* *** for ***** **** ** ******** ** compete ******* ********* *** *****. ******** are *****, ******** ******* **** **** us ** ***********."
- "** *** *** ****** *-****** ** the **** *-****** *** **** "*** cost" ********."
- "******* *** ***** **** ** ****** or ****."
- "** *** ******* *** *** **** to *** ********* **** *****."
**** ******** ******** **** ******* *** cost *********, *** ********* ****** ***** problems, ***** ****** *** ***** ********* of **** **** *** ***** ******* company.
******* ********* ********** **** ********** *** low ***** *****, ****** **** ******** to **** *******:
- "*******. ******* ** **** ** ****** and *** *****. ***** ***** ** also ******* **** ****** ** *** this *******."
- "*******, **** ******* *** *********. *********** prices *** * *-**** ******** ** you *** * ******* *********."
- "*** *****-*** **** **'** *** ******* cameras. **** *** ****** ******* *** are ******* **** ******* ********."
- "*******, ****-********* *** ******* *******, **** NDAA *********."
Bosch, ******** ** ********
** ********* ******** ***** ** ******** as ************, ** **** ********* **** limited ***-**** ****** *********, ******** ** Hikua. *******, ***** ****** ** ****-************-****** ***** ******* (**** ****), ****************** *** ***** *** **** ****** for **** **********.
**** ****** ***** *** ** ** keen ** ****** * *******-********* **** for ******'* ***** *** *********.
**’* ****** **** **** **** *** hardware, *** *** **** *** *** Vsaas ***** ** *** *** ***’* have **, **’* **** **** **** univew *** **** ** ********* ****
* ***'* ********** *** ****** ***** mention ****** ****. "*** **** ****" on ***'** *********, **** *** ************* Turing **** *******. ******'* **** ************** would ** *** *****, *** ***** that ********* *** ***** ***'* **** a ***** *****, *** ***** ****** mention ******? **** ******* ******* *** the ********, *** ****** **** **** it.
******** **'* *** ***** ** *****, just ***** *** * ****** **** in ** *******
** **** **** ** ****** **** just * ******* ***. ****** ** a ******** *********** *******, ** * completely ********* "***-*****" *********, **** ** you ***'* ******* *** *****. **** system ********* ****** *** ****** ****** monitoring & ************* **** *** *********** to *********** *** ***** ** *** future. ** ********, ******'* *********** ****** for *** ***** ****** *********** & option *** **** ** **** ********.** why *** ******? *********** ****** ******** solution **** ****** * ******** ******/********** to *** *****/*** ** ***** ******** when *** *********** ** *******.
**#*, * ** ******** *** *** a ****** ********. *** *** **** me ********** *** *** ***** *** avoid ****** ** ***** ****** ** their ******* ** ******* **** ****** monitoring ** *** ********* *******?
**** **** *** **** ***** ****** is ****** ** ***** *************** ******* 3rd-parties ********* **** ******* ******* **** feature?
* **** ****** **** *** ********, 2nd *** * ***** ****** ** handled ** ******* ** ***********.
******* **** ********** ** ******* ****** such ** ****** ****** *** ******** status. **** ** *** **** ********** to *** **** **** ** ******* and *** ******* ** **** ******* can ** ****. ** ***** ** gain ***** ******, * ******* ** sent ** *** ***-**** ********** * specific ****** ** **** ******. **** permission *** ** ******* ** *** time ** *** ***-****. **** ******* allows *** ****** ** ******* ******** tasks ** *** ****'* ******, *.*. firmware *******, ********* ** *****, ****** configuration *******, ***.
*** ********** **** * ****** ********** standpoint ****** * **** ********* ******** to ********* ********, *** ******* ****** before **** ****** ****** ****** ** before ** ******** ******.
** **** *** ** ***, * would ****** ** ** *** ****** manufacturer. *** **** **** **** ******* to ****** ****, ****** *******, ****** product *********, *** **** *********** ******* access ** ********, *******, *****, ***.
******* *** ***** *** **** ***** but * ******* ******* **** ****** be * *** **** *** **** could ****** *** ****** *** **** you **** ********* ********.
"*******, **** *** *** **** *** offer * **** ***** ** ******** with ***** ******* **** **** *** compliance."
***** * *** ** ******* ** NDAA ********, * ** *** ******* that **** ***** **** *** *** compliant ** * **** *** ******** of ***** ***** *******.
***:*** / *** **** ** *** China ********** *****
****** ******* ** *** ****** **** products ******* ** *** ***, ******* would *** *******.
*'** **** **** **** **** ******* products *** ********* ** ******* *** production. ***** **** ******* **** ** TAA?
****** ******** *******, ***. ******* ** not ** *** **** *****-***-********* *********.
***********, ** **** ***** *** **** would ** **** ** ** ** not "***-*********", **** ** ** ** default "*********"? **** ** *** ************ on * **** ** "*********" *********?
* *** *****.
*** ********** ***** ** *** ******** are "************ ** ************* *********** ** the *.*. ** ****** ********** *******." ***** ******* ** *** ** the **** ** *** ********** ********* as ** ******* ****, ** ***** not ** *** ********* ** ** understanding.
*********** **** ***** ******* ****** ** grow? *********, *****, ****/*****, ****, ******, Acti
********* ********* **** *** ** **** not *** **** ***** ** ******* their *** *****. ***** ** ****** but *** ********* ****** ********* ****, in*** *******, ***** ******** *********. **** ***** **** * *** years ***, ***, **** **** *** they *** ******** ***** *** *** trying ****. ****** ** **** *********.
**** ** ***** ****** *** *** trying **** *** ****** **** **, though *** ************** ***** **** *** ** ***?
* ******** **** ****** ***** ** a ******* ***** ***** ** ***** and *********. * **** ****'** **** around *** * *****, **'** **** some ** ***** ****** ******* ****** but ***** **. **** ******* **** experience **** ****? *** ** **, does ******* **** *** ***** **** never ***** ** ** ** *********** to ***** ** *********?
******: **** ******* *** **** ***** to *** *** **********:***** ** ** *********** ** ***** And *********?
*** ***** ** ** *** ****** for **$*****, *** **** ****** * series ******* ******* *********? * ** very ********** ** ******** *** *** good *** ******** *******, *** ***** hardware *********** *** ********* *** *** among ****. **'* **** **** ********* to **** **** ************ *** ** DON'T **** ** **** **** *** Chinese ********* **********.
*** **** ******* **** *** * series ** **** ** *********. ***********, reviews ** ***** *** ** ****** Play ***** *** ****** ***********. ***** appreciate **** ******** ** **** ****.
** ******* *** ******* *** **** it, *** *** ***** ****** , it’s ******* ***, *** *** **** cloud ****** **** **** **** ** capabilities *** ***