HID Favorability Falls (2023 Statistics)
HID is one of the largest and most recognizable brands in access control, but the company suffered from product shortages in the past 3 years. It said the shortages are improving, but what do integrators think of HID in 2023?
This report examines the key themes for 190+ integrators favoring and opposing HID.
Positive *** ************
*** ******** +**% *** ******** ************ from *********** **** ****:
*******, ***'* *** ************ **** **** halved ***** * ***** ***. ***** who ***** "********" ****** **** ********** levels * ***** *** ** ****** a ******* ***:
US ** ******* **
*** ** **** **** ******** ****** the ** (+**%), ******** ** ******* the ** (+**%):
Key ******
*** **** ****** ** *********** ***** HID, ** ***** ** ******** *********, were:
- **** **** ***********
- **** **** *********
- ******** ***, **** ** ** ********
- ****** ****** ******
- ******** **********
- ******* ******/****** ** * ****
- ********* ** ********
- ***** ***** ** ***** ******
- ***** **** ** *******
- ******* ** ***'* ********
Lead **** ***********
**** *********** ********** ***** ***'* ********* lead **** ***** *** *****-** ********. Some **** **** ***** **** ***'* products *** ****** **** *** **** time:
- "**** **** ****** *** *** ******* problem ******** **** *** ******* *** reader/credential ********* ** *********. ****** ***** issues, ***** ****** ** ** * lack ** *******/******* **** ****** ** HID. ***** ******* ******** *** *************. As ******* ** *** ******** **** who **** **** ***** *** **** can ** ****** ** *** ******* their ******* ** *** ********* *****."
- "**, **** ****** ********, *** *** products ** ********* ** *** ****** control ***********. **** ** ******** ******** of * *** ***** *** ****, we **** *** ** * ***** spot *** **** *** *** ****** they ******* ** ****'* **** *** readers ** ******."
- "***. **** ** *** **** ** say? * ** ***** ********* ** how ******* **** **** **** *** continue ** ** ** *** ********. They *** *** **** *** ****** with *** ****** ***** *** *** still ****** ******."
- "*** * ***** ** ** *** on ***** ***** ****** ****** *** what **** *** ** *** ******** but ******* ** ******* ***** ****, Im ***** ** ** ***** **** Wavelynx *******."
- "*** ** *** **** ************* ** card ******* **** ** **** ** many *******. ***** **** **** **** procurement ****** ** ** **** *** we **** *** **** ******* **** received ***."
- "***** **** ** **** *** * positive **** ****** ***** **** ******** of **** ********* *** *** **** this **** ** **** *** **** the ***** ******* *** ***-********* ****."
- "***** **** ***** **** **** ********** and **** ***** *********** *********. **** being ****, ********* ******* *** ******** service **** *** *******."
- "******* ************ (**** **), **** ************* on **** *** ******* ************, **** of *********** *******. ***** ******** **** you *** ****."
- "**** ********** **** *** ********* ********* by *** *** *** ************ *** supply ***** ********** ****** ** *** customers *** *** ********."
- "**** *** ******** **** ********* ******** and *** ** ****** *** ** several ***** **** *** *** ******** couldn't ** ************."
- "** **** **** ********* **** ** defective ******* ** *** ******** *** many ****** **** ****** **** *****. Ughhh."
- "** *** **** **** **** ******* the **** ** ************ *** ****** chain ********* ***** ** ** **************."
- "**** ************* ** ******** *** ********. Hardware ************ ** **** (******* *** credentials)."
- "********** *** ***** * ***** ******* years *****. **** *** ****** ***** market ***** *** ******** ******* ** it."
- "**** **** ******* **** ** *** product ******; **** *** ********** **** manufacturing **** *****."
- "******** ******, **** * ***-**** ******, chain, ********* ** ******* *******, ***** no *****."
- "********* **** *** ************ **** ***. That ***** **** *** ********** **** pretty ****."
- "*** *** **** ********* ** *** the **** *** ****** ******* * good *********** *** **** *******."
- "**** *****-** *** *** **** ******* availability. * ***** **** ***** ******** and *******."
- "*’* ****** **** ***** **** ***** after ***** ******* **** ****** ***** issues **** ***** ** ******* ****."
- "*** *** ****** ****** ***** ****** that **** ******* **** ******* ******."
- "***** ******* *** **** ** *** recently *** ** ******** *** ****-** demand."
- "*** ****** ***** ****** **** ****** old. **** **** ** ****** ** out *******."
- "**** ******/*****/****** *** **** ******** *****/******** availability."
- "**** ** ******* *** ******** ** the ******** *** ****** **** ** market."
- "**** *** ********. ******* ****** **** go *** ****** **********."
- "********* ******* *** **** **** ** fix ***** ****** ***** ******."
- "***** ******* *** ****** ******* *** product **** **** ** *****."
- "*** ******* **** ***** *** ***** supply ***** *** ****** ******."
- "* *** ******* ** ********** ******** since *****-**."
- "**** ** *** ******* **** **** for *** **** * *****."
- "*** ******* - ****, ****** ***** issues *** ****."
- "***** ****** ****** ** ******** ********."
- "* **** ***** *******, * ***'* like ***** **** *****."
- "*** ******* **** ***** **** *** can *** ****."
- "**** **** **** ******** **** *** good."
- "****** ***** ****** **** ****** ** problems."
- "***** **** ****** ** ******** ********."
- "****** ***** *** ******** **** *** years."
- "**** ** ******* ** ******* ** clients."
- "**** **** ***** *** ********."
- "****** ***** ** ***** * *******."
- "**** ** ***."
Lead **** *********
******* *********** **** ***'* **** **** is *********:
- "******* ******* *** ***** ******* **** customer *****. *** ******** *** ****, but *** ************* ***** ** ****** than * ***** *** *** ***** cycling *** ******* *** ** * time."
- "** ***** **** **** **** ********* their ****** ***** ******. *** **** to ******* ** **** ** *** access ******* ********* *** **** ** exercise ** ******** - *** ******, too ****."
- "**** **** ****** *** *** ******* problem ******** **** *** ******* *** reader/credential ********* ** *********."
- "******** ***** **** ***** ***** ** get ***** *** ********. **** ** seem ** ** ******* **** *** chip ******."
- "***** ********. ******** ** *** **** availability **** *** **** ****** ** years."
- "******** ****** *** ******* ********* *** getting ******, **** ******** *****."
- "***** ********. **** ***** *** ******* better ***."
*** **** **** **** ****** ******* **** ***** **** *********.
Negative ***, **** ** ** ********
**** **** **** **** ** **** HID, *** ** ****** ** **. Many **** ** *** ******* ** its ****** ***** *****:
- "***** **** **** ******** * ****** of ***** ***, **** **** ** could *** *** *****. ** **** been ************* **** ***** ******* ******* we ***'* ***** ** ******* ***."
- "*** *** **** ****** *******, * very ********* *****. ***** ******* *** credentials *** ********* *** **** ********... However, ****** ***** ** **** *** able ** *** ******* ** *** multiple ****** *** ***** ** ********* brands."
- "*** ***-***** ******* ** *** ********** space. ** **** **** * **** of ***** *********** *** ******* **** the ***** *** **** **** ****. Recently, ** **** *** ****** ******* their *********** *** *** ** **** them *** ** * ******* ******* we ***** *** **** *** ******."
- "** *** ****, *** ****** ** Access ********** ******* *** ***********. ** of ******, **** **** **** ********** unable ** ******* *** ********'* ***** causing * ******* **** ** *** industry. ***** **** ** ****."
- "*** **** *** * **** ***** this. *********, **** **** **** ******* and *********** *** ****** ***** *** QC ****** **** ****** ***** ********** for **. ** *** *** *** products *******'* **** * ******."
- "*** ****** ** **** ****** *** credential *****...*** ** *****. ** ****. Now **'* ******* *** **** ********...***** ISN'T ***. ***'* ** ***** **** to **** ** *** ******. **** ship ******. **** *** ****** ** proprietary."
- "** ***** ** ** **** *** once **** *** ** ** *** access ******* ******* *** *********** ** struggling ** ****** **."
- "*** ******* *** ******* ******* ** the ******** ******, ******* *** ******* the ************ ******** ****** *** **** order ***** ** ***** *** ******* HID ******* ** *** ******."
- "***, ***** * **** *******, *** let * *** ** ********* **** with ***** ****** ***** ****** *** really ****** **** ************ ** ***** to ********* **** ** *** ****** they're ******."
- "*** ***** ** **** **** ****** did & *** ***** *** **** supplier ** *******. *******, ********** ************* have ****** ** & *** ** now ** * **** *********** ******. Pricing *** ** ** *****."
- "*** ***** ********* ******** **** ******** seems ** **** *** ****** **** been ****** *** *** **** ***** Covid. *** **** *** ** ********** to **** * *** ** *** client *** **** **** **** ** can't ******** *** ************ *** * year."
- "**** **** **** *** ********** ****** in ****** *** **** **********, *** still **** * **** ** ***. I ***** ******** ****** *** ** alternative."
- "********** *** '***-**' **** ***, *******, they ******** ******* ****** ****** **** COVID (*** ***** ** ** *********)."
- "************ *** ******** ********** ***** ** the *****, *** ****** **** ** look **** ******* ** ************."
- "***** ** *** ******* ********* *** they **** ***'* **** ** **** up **** **** **** **. ******* is *** **** ** ***."
- "****'** ********** ***** **********, *** ***** like **** ***'* ****."
- "*** *****. *** ** ***** ** a **** ** *****."
Forced ****** ******
**** *********** **** **** **** ****** to ******-****** ***:
- "**** ** **** ***** ******* *** have **** ***** ************ ** ***** recovery *** *** *********. ** ** really **** ** *** **** **** the *** *********. *********, ** *** only ***** *** ******* ******* **** HID ******* ** ***** ****** ******."
- "*** ***** ** *** ***** *** together. ** *** ****** ** ****** source **** *** **** *** ******** up ***** **** *** *****, *** not **** ****** ****** *** **** orders."
- "***’* ** **** **** **** *** hopefully ****’** ***** ** *************."
- "*** ** *** **** ******** *****. I ****** *** ******* ******* *** but ** ******** **** **** ** entire *** ******."
- "**'* *** ******* ******** - **** it ** **** ** **** ******* are ***** ** ** *** * lot **** ******* *** ******** *** hardware."
- "*** ** *** ********. * **** used ***** ************ ******* ***** * could *** ** **** ****** ***** hard **** ***."
- "** **** *** *** **** ********* on ******, **** ***** ** ********."
- "**** ** ***** ********* ** **** specs."
Outdated **********
**** *********** **** *** *** ******** technology ** **** ** *** **** the *******:
- "*** **** **** *** *** ***** reader ****** *** **** ** *** the ***** ******* **** ******* ** the ****** *****. ** *** ** purchase ********** ******* **** *** **** 2 ***** *** **** * **** experience **** *** "*****-****" (****, *********, etc). **** ********** **** ** * cost ***** *** *********** *** ** the **** ** * ******. ******, the *** ***** ******** ** ** is ****** ***** ******, **** **** hot *** **** **** ********* ***** to ****** *** ** **** ***** requirements ** ** ** **** ** run *** *******. ** *** ******* with *** *** **** ***** **** they *** ** ******...** **** ** a ****** ** **** ************ ** HID> ** **** *** ** **** to **** ******* *** ******* *** will ** ********* ** ***** ****** options ****** *******."
- " **** **** ** *** **** to ********** *** ******* *** ****** compared ** ***** ******* ********* ** just ******* ****** **."
- "*** **** **** ****** **** ******* phasing *** ****** ******** ***** *** instead ** ******* ***** **** ** for ** ****."
- "*** ** ******* ****** ***** ******** vendors. ***** ********** *** ******** *** they **** **** ***** *** ********** to ** **** **** ******** *** proprietary. * ***** **** ** *** them ****** ***** ****** **** ** hardware *** ******** *** **********."
- "****** **** *** * ***********, **** need ** ***** *** ******, *** you ***'* **** ** **** ***** an *** *** *** ******."
- "**** ****** ****’** ***** ****** ** because ** ***** ****. *********, ****’** an ********** ********."
*** ********** ******* *** ** ***** arrogant:
** ** ********* ****** ***** ** arrogant, *** ***** ** **. ********** to ******** *** ******** ******** *** a **** ****, *** **** *** starting ** *** *** *****. * would **** ** *** **** ****, except *** **** **** ***** ***** would ** ********** ** ********. ****** that **** **** ******* ** ***** ivory ***** ********** **** ******** *** to *** ***** *******, **** ** it ***** **** *********. **** *** rest ** *** ******** *** ******* take **** *** ****** ***** ****** they ******* **...
Products ******/****** ** * ****
**** *********** **** ***'* ****** *********** do *** **** ****:
- "*** *********** ** *** *** ****** access ** *** **** *** *** access ******* ********, ** **** **** customer *** ** ****** * ******** of ***** *** ****** ** ** complicated."
- "********** ****** ***** ****** *** ********* to **** ****. **** ** ********** sabotage *** ******* *** *******. (*.*. HID ****** ** ******)."
- "***** ****** *********** **** * ********* when * ***** ** *********, ***** like **** **** ****** **** **** hurdle ****** ***."
**** **** ***** ********** ***** ***'* products:
- "****** *********** *** * ****; **** charge * ******* *** *** *** privilege. ******* *** **** **** *** can *** ****. *** **** ****** have **** *** **** *****.***, **** expensive **** *** ******* *** **'** had **** ******** (** *** ******* as ****)"
- "*** ******* - ***** ******* **** a *****-** ********* ****** ***** ** causing ********* ******* **** ** ** government *********. **** ** *** ***'* will *** ***** *****."
- "***** **** ** ****, *******, *****'* feel ** ******* ** ***** ******** series. * **** ** ***** ********* now ***** * ********** ******'*."
- "** **** ******* ********** *** *********** therefore ** **** **** *** ******** when ** **** ** ***** ******."
- "*** *** * ****** *********** *** quality ** ****** *** *** ********* are ************ **** *** ****'* *******."
- "**** ******* *** **** ****, *** some **** **** ******* *****."
- "*** ****** *** **** ****** ******** in *** **********."
- "****** ******** *** *** ******** **** is *******."
- "**** ** ********. ************* ******."
- "*** ***, ****-***********, *** **** *******."
- "****** ** ***********."
Positives ** ********
**** *********** ************ ***'* ******** ******* shortages. **** **** *** *** * variety ** ******** *** **** ********* well **** ******:
- "** *** *** ******* *********** ** the **** ******** ********. **'* ******** forward *** ** ******** **** **** as ******** *** *******. *** ***** reliable. ****** ***** *** ******** *****, we ***** **** *** *******."
- "*** ******* **** ******* **** ** need ** ** **. * **** rarely **** * ****** **** **** not ****/*******. ***** ******* ***** **** issues. ** ********* **** *****, **** own **."
- "*** ** *********** *** ********* ****** for ******* *** ***********. **** *** resilient, ********, *** ******** ********! *'** integrated ***** ***** *** *** *********** with ***** *******."
- "**** ** *** **-** *** **** reader *****. ***** **** ******** ************ and ** ******* ********* ******* *** distributors. ** ******** *** *** ** 80% ** *** ****** ******* ************."
- "**** ***** ** ******** - **** supported ** *** ** - ***** credential ** *** ***** ****** *** some *************."
- "**** **** * **** ****** ******* and *** ***** ****** *** ****** control *******, ** **** ** ********* with ***** ******** ******."
- "* ** **** *** *** ******* Manager *** *** *** ***** ******* programming. ** ***** **** *** ****** of ************* *****."
- "** ****** ** **** **** ***** HID ******* **** ***** ** ******** for *******. * **** *** **** any ***, *** *** *** ****."
- "****** ** *** ****** *******. **** maintain *****-****** ******** ************* ******* * big ********."
- "* **** **** **** *** *** leader ** **** ******* *** ***********. I **** ***** **** ***** **** of ****** ** *******."
- "****** ******** (**** *****'* *****, **, ha), ** **** **** *** **********, always **********."
- "*** ********* ** ******* *** ********* readers *** ***********. ** ***'* *** their ****** ******* *********."
- "*** *** * ***** **** ** SKUs. **** *** * ****** ** the ******** *** ***** ******** *** solid."
- "*** *** **** ****, *** *** been * ******** **********. ***** ******* are * ******* ******** ** *** industry."
- "**** *** ******** *** ***** ******* and ** ** ******** ******. **** name ***********."
- "** *** **** ** *********** **** Genetec ********* ** * *** ********. never *** ****** **** **."
- "***** - ******** ********, **** ******** Limited ************ ** **** ********* *******."
- "**** ***** ******* *** * **** time. ** *** **** ** *** Signo **** ** ******* ***."
- "****** **** **% ** *** ******* we *** **** ** ****** **** well *** **** ****."
- "**********. * **** *** **** *** advancing ***** **** ****** ** * credential."
- "*'* ******* ******* ****- **** ****. Do **** ****'** ******** ** **."
- "**** ****, ***** ******** **** ** last ******* *** *** **** *******."
- "****** ** *** *********. ***** *** issues **** ***** *******."
- "** *** ** ***** ******* **********. Good *******, **** ********."
- "**** ** *** ***** *** ******* and ***********. **** *********."
- "*********** ********* ** **** *******."
- "**** ******* ***** *** ****-******* *******."
- "**** *******, *** **** ***** ********."
- "**** **** ******* ** ******* *** to ***."
- "**** ** *******/*** *** ****** *********."
- "*** **** ******* **** ** **** well."
- "*******, **** **********, ******."
- "*** - ***** ******* ******."
- "******* *** **********."
- "*** ******** *** ****** *******."
- "******** ******** **** ** *******."
- "**** ******* *** *************."
- "***** *****. *********, *** *****."
- "******* ******* **** *** ********."
- "**** ********, ******."
- "**** *****, ********."
- "******* ********."
- "**** ********."
- "**** *******."
- "**********."
- "*********."
Mixed ***** ** ***** ******
**** *********** ****** *** ** *********:
- "* ***'* **** ***** ****** - very *********."
- "* ** **** **** ****** *********."
- "*********."**
******* ****** **** ***'* ***** ****** are **********:
- "**** ****** ***** ***********."
- "******* ***** ** **** ** *****."
- "********** *******."
*** ********** **** *** *** **** prices *** *** ******* ********* ** too ***********:
**** ******. ********* ***** **** *** code *********.
Mixed ***** ** *******
**** *********** ********** ***** ***'* *******:
- "* **** *** ***** *********** **** HID *************** ** *** ****** **** it ***** ** **************. * **** asked **** ******** ********* **** ** hear ***** *******, **** * ***** that ******** *********** *** ********* *** it ****'* *** *** ***** ******* at *** ****."
- "******* **** ** ** *********. ** the **** *** *****, ******* *** been ********** ****. ******* ************ *** also **** ********."
- "***** **** **** ******* ** *******, sometimes **** ***** **. **** **** the **** *** *** ***** ******* hanging. **** ***** *** * ****."
- "******** *******, *******, *** *********, **** 10 ** ** ****** ** ******** of ********."
- "******** ***** ***** ***, **** *** the ****/****** ****** & ****** ** broken **."
- "**** ** **** ********. ********** ** get **** ******* *** **** ** deal ****."
- "**** ******* *** *** ***** ** impossible **** **** ** ** ********** to *** *** *******!"
- "** **** ***** **** *****? ***** and *** **** ******* **** ****** been ********."
- "******* *** ********** ********* *** ******** over *** *****."
- "*** *** ***** *******. **** ******** service."
*** ********** **** *** ******* ** inconsistent:
*** ******* **** *** ** **** good *** ** ************ ********* ** which ********** *** ****.
**** **** *** *** **** *******:
- "***** ******* *** ***** ***-***** ******* are ******* *********** *** *** **** are. ***** ******* **** ****** **** to *** ******* *** **** **** on *** ******** *** *** * person ** *** ***** **** *******."
- "**** *****-** *** *** **** ******* availability. * ***** **** ***** ******** and *******."
- "*** ******* *** ******** *** ****."
- "**** *********** *** *******."
- "**** ******* **** *** ***."
- "**** ********* *******."
- "**** ******** *******."
- "**** ******* ***."
Reviews ** ***'* ********
*** ********** ************ ** ***'* *&* strategies:
** * ********** ** **** ** promising, **** ***.
*** *********** **** ******** ** ***'* business ** *******:
- "** ******* ** *** ***** ** fact *** ** **********. * ***'* have *** ********** **** *** ***** wants ** ** ******** ** ********. It ** **** *****. * ***'* have *** ************ *** *** ******. I ****** ********* ** ****-******, ******** products, *** ******** *********."
- "******* **** ***** *******, **** ** big, *** ***** ***** **** **** be ** ** *****. * ***** their ****** ***** ******** ******* ***** clients."
**** ** *** ** ***** ***** it ***** ** *********** ** *** what *** ********* (*****, ***, ****, etc) ***** ******* ** ***** ****** Mercury/HID *****. ** ** ********** **% of *** ******** ***** ******* ***** was *************** ******* **** ****. ***** on *** ****** ********** *********** ** seems **** *** ********* ***** **** taken **** **** *** ******.
**** ******** **** **** ******** **** product **** ***** **** *** *** products. ******* ****** **** ** *** the **** *********.