HID CEO Interview At SNG
The CEO of the largest access control / reader manufacturer, HID's Björn Lidefelt, comes from its mega-parent Assa Abloy. Now, nearly four years since he came over, HID faces a new era of access control.
HID's CEO spoke at the SNG conference in NY this week. In this note, we cover HID's CEO's comments on:
- Transitioning into access control
- Emphasis on acquisitions
- Internal leaders
- WaveLynx investment / acquisition by Triton
- Mobile credentials
- Biometrics
- Data From Access
- Mercury App Store
- Biometrics
- Interest Rates Selectivity
For background, see HID Access Control Usage Statistics and HID Favorability Falls (2023 Statistics).
Transitioning ** *** ****** ********
***** **** ************* **** **** ******** mid-career, ******** ** * *****, **********:
*'** ***** ** ** *** ******** industry *'** ****** *** **** ***** Group ** ***** ****. * ***** thought *'* *** * **** ** in *** ******** ********, *** **** I **. ** ***** *****, **** of *** **** *** ***** ** the ******** ****. ******* ********** **** openings. * **** *** **** ****
****** ******* *** *******-******-**** *** ********, Lidefelt *** ********* ********** *** ****** company *** ****** *** *****, ** this ******* ******* ******** ************:
****** ** ***, ** ******** ** needed ** ***** **** ******** ******* he **** **** *** **** ****:
*** ******* **** * ***** *** not ******* *** ********. * ****, I **** ** ********** *****. *** access ******* ********, *** ******** ******** is **** *********. ** ** ********* are **** *******, *** * ***** the *** ***** **** **'** ********* over ** ** ************ ** *** importance ** ******* ***** ** *** customers.
**** ***** ** ********* * ********** hardware *******, **** *** ************ **** a ******** ** *** ******* ************, but ** ********* *** ***** *** higher ****** ****.
*********** ****** ** ****** ******* ******* Axis, *** ****** ******** *********, *** (and *** ******) ******* ********* *********:
** **** * *** **** ************* our *********, ** ******* ** **** of ******* **** * ***** ******* like **** ** *** * **** acquisitive *******, ** ** **** **** tabs ** *** *** ****** *** motivated ** ******* *** ******, *** do **** **** **** **** ******?
**** ***** **** *** ************** *** **** ** *****, **** a ********* **** ***** ******* *****:
***** **** ****** *************, * ** **** ******** **********, ******* **** *****.
****: ***** ****'* ******* ****** *** section "****** ************", ***** *** ****** companies ****** **** **** *** *** acquire *** ******** **, **** **********, as ********* ** ********** *******.
Leaders **** ******
******* ******** ************, ** *** ***** to ** * ****** ** *** company, ***'* *** ********** *** ********** of ****** **** ******:
** **** *** *** ****** *** if ** ***** *** **** ******** of *** ******* *** ***** **** the ****** ** ***.
Congratulates ********
*** **** * *** ** *** competitors, **** ******** ******** ********* ****** **** ********. ***'* *** *** ************* ***** the*** ****** **** *** ********, ******:
**** ** *** ********* **** ********, getting ******* ****'* ********* *** *** industry ***** ** ******** *****, ********** in *** ****** *******, ***** * thought *** ***** ********.
Data **** ******
***** **** **** ********* ****** *** identity ******* *** ********* ** * growth ***********:
**** *** ********* ******** ** ******, and **** *** ***** **** **** a ***** ** ****** *** ******, I ***** *** *** **** *** you *** ********* **** *** ***** efficiency *** ************ ** * ***** different ***.
** *** ** ******* *** ********. How ** *** *** ** *** optimize *** *****? *** ** *** get ******* *** ********* ** *** hospital ** *** *** ***** ** the **** ****? ***** *** *** kinds ** ****** **** **'** ****** to ** *** ******* ***** *** together.
*** ****** ********** ******* ** **** recently ** ***** ***************** ****** ******* *** ********* ****** to *** ******, ***** *** **** *************.
Mobile ********
************ *** ****** *********** **** ********* briefly:
*** ***** **** **** ***** ***** to ** ******** *** **** *** can ** **** ** ******* **** phone ** ********** **** ** ***'* do ***** ** ***. ** **** very ******** **** ** **** ***** creation **** ** **** ** ** to ****** **** ****** ***** **** you ****** *****. *** **** *** can *** **** ****** ** ******** on *** ***** *** **** ***** a **** ****** ****. ** **** to ********, *** ****, *********** ********, channel ********, ***********, *** **** *** technology ******** *** ***** ******* **** haven't ****** ****** ** *** ***** before ** ** **** ** **** ways ** ******* **** *****. ** fact, ** **** *** ***** ****** ecosystem ********** ***** ** ****** **** fall.
******* *****, ******, *** ******* **** mentioned ** ****, *** *** ** already ********** **** *****. *** ***** companies ******* ** ******* **** *** will ** * *** ***-**** *********** factor.
*** ******* *** ********** ** ****, at ***** *** *** *** *** the ***** *********** **** *****, **** HID's *** **********:
* ***'* *** **** ** * threat. *** ***** *** **** **** around *** **** ******** *** **'* been * ****** *** *** **** 20 ***** ** ****. * ***** there *****'* **** **** **** ******* why ** ********* ** ***** *** there *** ******* **** ******, *****, where **'** **** ******* **** ********** in ******* ********* *** ** **** an ****** ******* *** ***** *** much **** ************* ******** *******. ******* markets **** *** **, **** ** Europe, **** ************, ** ****, ** see **** *** ***** **** *** it, ****** *** *** **** **** they *** **. ** * ***'* think **'* ***** ** ** * threat, *** ****'** ****'** ** **** some ********* **** ** ********** **** we *** ** *****. ***
* ** ***** **** ** *** look ** * *********** ***********, * think ********** **** ********* **** ** China. ****'* **** *** *** ** enter ********* ** **** **** ** make ** ***** **** **'* **'* more ** ** *** ****** **** it ** **** ****** ******.
Logical + ******** *** ******** *******
******** *** ******* (*.*., ********* ******** system) ******** *** ********* **** ******* separately, ********* **** ***'* *** ****** out:
******* *** ******** ******** ** ******* one **'** ******* *****. *****, * think **'*one ** *** ******* ******** ******** today when you start to have hundreds of logins passwords, it's best to store them in an app that after you're done, I think there's a better way to do that. And I think that the access side of the access industry hasn't played there.
Mercury *** ***** ** *** ******?
** *** ***** ****, **** *** had ***** ***** *** **** **** * decade,*** ** *** ****** **********. ***'* ********** *******, *** ****** used ****** ******* ***** ************, **** not **** ** **********.
*********** *** ***** *****:
**** ** ******* ***** ** **** up ** *** ***** **** *********** kit *** *** ** ******, **** Axis *** *** ** *** *******?
***'* *** ******** *** ******* *** declined ** **** *** ********* *** this ** ******:
** ******* ** **** **** ******* in **** *********. *** ******* ** to ******** ** ***** ** ****** partners ** ***** ** *** ** the ******** **** ** ****. * think ** ******** *** ***** **** specific ********** ******** *** ********* **** we ***'* ****. * ***** ** allows **** ** ******** *** ************* on *** ** * **** ******* and ********* ******** **** ***** *********** the ****** ** **** **** *** play *** **** ** **** **** the *********. ** ****'* ********** *** direction **'** ******* ** *******. * don't ***** **'* ***** ** ****** overnight. *****'* * *** **** ***** to ******. **'** ******* **** ********. So **'* *** ***** ** ** like *** *** ****** ******** ** top ** *** ********. *****'** ** qualifications *** ************* ********, *** ** have * ***** ******* ******* *** we ******** ** **'** **** ******* about ********** **** ** ** ***** on *** ** **** ** ******* have.
** ****** ******* ******** *** ******** engineering ********** ** ******* **** (**** itself *** ******* ****, *** *****, its *** ***** ** *** ******* used). ***** *** **** *** ***** for *******, ** ***** ****** **** to **** **** ***** ** ******* unless *** *** ** ******** *********** resources *** ************** ** ****.
Improve ******** **********
********* ******** ******* ** * ********, HID's *** ********:
************, ** * ********, *** *** been ********* ***** **********. *** ****, it *****. *** ***'* **** ** talk ** *******, *** * ***** when ****** ***'* **** ** ****, and **'** *** ***** ** **** about **. ****'* *** * ***** customer **********.
**** *** **** *** *****, ******** complaints ***** *** **** ************* *** to ********; ****** ************ ***** (**** **********)
Interest ***** *******
** *** ********* ****, ***'* *** said ** ** ********* ***** *** impact ** ******** *****, ***** ** observed ******** ***** *****, *** ******* of *** ***** ** *****, *** their ******* ** ******* *** *****:
* ***** *** ******** ***** **** have ** ****** ** *** ********. I ***'* ***** **'* ***** ** be * ******** ***. * ***** cost ** ********* **** ** ******. Space ** ***** ** ** **. Capital *********** ** ***** ** ** off **** ** * ****** ** choice. * ***** **** **** **** drive **** ********** ******* *********** **** end *****. *************, **** ** **** innovation *** ******** ** ********** ***** money. * ***** **** **** ***** institutions **** **** ********* ************ ** return ** **** * ** ******* to *** ***** **** *** *** that ***** ***.
*** *******, ** *** ****** **** impact ** *** ***** **** ** the ******** ** ****,*** ****** ******** ***** *** ********* Alarm *********, **** ****** **********
Acquisition ***********
** ***** ******** *******, ***'* *** acknowledged, ****** *** ** ***** ***** more ********* ***** *****:
** **** ** ** **** *********, more ******** **** ***** ** ****** to ****. ** **'* ********* ** look ** ***** *** *** **** I **** ******, **** ************ **** investments, **'* **** **** ** ****** our **** ** ** ** **** we ** *** **** ******** ** this ****** ** *** ********* ****?
Product *********