Halo Body Cameras Specialist Profile
* **/** ********** ** **** *******,****, ****** $** ******* ** ******** 2024. *** ** ****, *** *** does ** **** ** ******* **** Axon?
** ****** **** **** ***** **** ****, *** ** **** ******, ** profile *** *******, *********:
- **********
- **** ****** * ***********
- *********
- ****** *******
- ******** *****, *******
- ********
- ***** ********
- *******
- **** **. ****
Halo ** **** ***********
**** ********* ** *** **** *** the ****** **** ** * *** with * ***** ***** **** ********* moderate ******* ********** *** ****:
************, *** *** ***** **** ****, Halo *** * ***** ** ***:
*** **** ******* ** ***** *****, see ****** **** **** **** ***** ************* *** **** ***** **** ******.
Executive *******
******* ****'* $** ******* ****** ** February **** *** ****** ** **** savings *** ****** ******** **** *** body *******, *** ******* ******* ** a ************ ******** ** **** *** Motorola *** ** *** ******** ***** recognition *** ***** *********.
**** ******* *** *** ** **** products **** ********, ****, ***. *******, while **** ** ** ** ********* as ** ******** ******* ** ****-**** cameras *** ***-*** ***********. ** *** Axon, ***** **** ******* *** ** the **** ** *** ********, **** is ****** ******* ** *** ***-*********** side ** *** ******, ********** ****** ********* **** *** ******* sector.
** **** *** ****** ****, *** it ******* ** ** **** ** Halo *** ****** **** ******* *********** or *** ******** ******** **** ***** help ** *** *** '***** ** the ******.'
******* ******* ** *******, ******** *******, by ***-******** ** ****** ******************* ********* ****. *********, ** ******* ** delivering **** ******* ** *** ******* sector. ** ** ******** ****, *** company ****** **** *** ********* *********, with **** ******** **** ** *** United ******* *** *** **.
** *** *******, **** ***** *** office ** *** ** (******, **), one ** ******, *******, *** *** in *******, ******** *******. **********'* ************* **** ************* * ***** ** its ********* (~** ******) ** ** the **.
$20 ******* ****** *
**** ** * ******* *******. ** ******** ****, ** *** its ***** *** **** ******** ********* fundraising *****,********$** ******* *** ** ******** *******(*** **** ** **** **** *************** **).
** ** ********* **** *** ****, the ****-*** ********* ***** **** ***** where **** ** ******* ** ******* with *** *** *********, ********* *&*, go-to-market ****, *** ********* ** *** verticals, ** *** ****:
First ** ********* ** *&* ... Second ** ********* *** **-**-****** **** ... Our GTM expansion will also include growing our Partner base in key markets – our GTM partners are vital to our mission. ... The ***** ***** ** ********* **** *** ******* ... Expanding from traditional law enforcement to private security, retail, healthcare, transportation, and others is a key priority. [emphasis added]
Headcount ******
***** ******* *** ****** *, *** company ****** ******** *** **** *** reached ~** *********, ** *** ******** shows **** * **% ****** ** the **** ** ******:
Executive *******
**********, **** * ****** ***** ******* Series *, **** ******* *** ***, as***** *********** *** ******* ***** **** ** months ** *** *******:
***** ****, **** *** **** *** by**** ****, *** ********** ****** ** ****'* CFO ****** *******'* ******:
** ** *** **** ****** ***** this ******. *******, *** ****** ** these ********* ******* ****** ********.
Target *******
****** **** ********* ** **** *******, the ******* *********** ******* ***** **** law ***********. *** ******** ***** ********,***** ********, **** ** ** *** **** that **** ****** ******* ********, ******* businesses (***********, ****, ***.), *** ************ verticals.
******* ********** *** ************* *** ******** markets *** **** *******. *******, *** company **** ** **** **** *******' live-streaming ******** ***** *** *******, ********, etc.
** *** *** *********** ****, **** said **** ** ******* **** ******* police ********* ("*** *** ****** ******"), where ** *** ***** ******** **** savings ******** ** **** *********. ** the ******* ***** ******** ** *** non-public ******, *******, ** *** ****** on *** ****** ****** **** ** the ****** ** ******* **** **** Axon.
30,000 ******* ********
**** *** ******** "***** **,***" ******* to ****, ** *** ******* **** us ** *** ****. *******, ** did *** ******* *** *******/***** *** 2025 *** ******.
**** ***** ********** *** "******, ***-** monthly ************" *** ****** ********* *** products' ***** *******. ****** *** ****, however, **** **** ** **** *** Horizon ***** ** ****** ** $**/*****, or $***/****.
*** *******, ****'* **** ********** **** **** ** ******* **** ** $***, with ******* **** ********* ** *** $15-$100 *****.
Revenue **********
** ******** ****'* *** ** ** in *** $** *******—$** ******* *****, based ** *** *******'* ******* *** one ** *** ******* ($**/*****/******). **** is **** **** ****'* ** **** revenue ** *** **** ****** **** of *** ******** (*** ***** **** **-*).
*******, **** *** ******** ** *********** **** ** **** ** *******, ***** *** *************** ** *** *****; *******, ****** *** ** ****, no ******* ****** ******* **** ********.
*** ******* ********* *** *** **** camera ******,**************, *** **** ******** ** ***** are ******** ** *** ***** *****:
**** *** ******** **** **** * year ***, ** *** ******* **** us *** **% ** *** ***** deployed ******* (** ~*,*** *****) *** of **** *****.
*** *** ******* *****, *** *** also *** ***/***-***** *******, ******** ** ** ************* ****** the ****** ******* ******* ****.
Cloud-Centric ********
*** ** *** ******* ********** ** Halo ** *** *****-******* ********, ***** was*** ** *** ******* *** ** fund ******** ******* ******** ** ****, ** *** ** "*******" *** investment ******** ** *** ******** ******** market:
**** **** **** ****, ********’* ********** Team *** *********** ******* *** ******** our ****** ****** *** ******** ******** market. ********** *** ******** *******,an ******* ***** **** *** ****** *** ** ** ** *** ************ ********** ** ******* *** ******* ******* ** *** *****. This migration to the cloud unlocks a new cohort of use cases that leverages computer vision and AI models built to analyze footage and data in areas that were previously limited. This fundamental transition is being bolstered further by the ever-decreasing cost of cameras and hardware in general. [emphasis added]
**** *** * *****-***** ********** ******** for *** ****** ***********(** ****—******* ***** ********** ******). **** platform ****** ***-***** ** *** ****-****** video, ****** *******, ***** *******, *** store ***-***** *****.
*** ** ******* **** ****'* ******* with *** ************* ** *** *******'* cloud ******** *****:
Halo **. ****
***** **** ********** *** *****-****** ****** to **, ** ***'* **** *** it ******** ** ****'* ********, ***** also *** **** ***** *************** ******* its ******** ********, **** ** **** Evidence, ***, ***. ** **** *** tested **** **** *******; **/**** ** do, ** **** ** **** ** compare ***** ***** ************ ** ****'*.
********* *** ******* *********** ****** *** and **** ******* ****** *** **** the ******* *****.
***** ******* ** ****** ****** **** were ******** ** ******** (******* ********).