Fake Fingerprints - Liveness Detection Solutions

Published Jan 27, 2022 14:08 PM

Biometrics are not impossible to steal or fake, so many access control fingerprint readers now include live finger, or "liveness," detection that verifies prints as authentic.

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In this report, we examine the four common methods of detection used (tissue reflection, heartbeat detection, dermal electric resistance, unnaturalness analysis), what HID, Morpho, Suprema, and ZKTeco use, and why you need to beware of ambiguous claims.

Stealing ************ ** ***** **********

************ *** ******, *** **** *** be ****** ** **** ******* **********. Various ******* ** ******** ******, **** as ******* ******** ** **********, *****-**** capture ** ****** ******, ** ********* ******* *******,**** **** ********.

*** ****** ** *********** ******* ****'* print ** **** ******* **** ** takes ** ***** * ****, ***, or ***, *** *** ****** ** the ****: ************ ****** *** **** access ** ********* *****.

Four ****** *******

*********** ****** ************* ********** *** ******** detection ******* ** ********, *** **** do *** ****** ******* **** **** are ** *** **** ****. *** number *** **** ** ******* * manufacturer ******** ******, *** ********* ***** into **** **********:

  • ****** **********:*** **** ****** ****** (********* ****** Multispectral *******) ********* **** ** ***** to ******* *** ********* ******** ** a ******'* ****. **** ****** ****** on *** **** **** ******, ******* skin ******** ** ***** ** * consistent *** **** ***** ********* ** dead ** ******* ** ********* ********. Especially *** *******-***** *******, **** ***** is **** ** *** **** **** as *** *********** ** '****', ** there ** ** ***** ****** *** read.
  • ********* *********: *** ** *** ********* ******* uses * **** ******* ******** **** to ****** *** *********, ******** ******** of *********** ******** **** *****. **** impulse *********** ** * ******* *****, and ******* ** ******* *** ******** attempt ** *******. ***** **** ******* on ******** *** ******** ***** **** particular ****** *** ** *** **** expensive *******.
  • ****** ******** **********:*** *** ********** **** ** *******, healthy ***** **** ******* * ***** but ********** ********** **********. ** * finger ** ********* *** *** ****** is ****** ** ******* ******* **** resistance, ** ** ***********. **** ** low-cost, ********** ***** ******, **** ******** check ** ******. *******, ** *** not ** ******** ** *** ** cold ************, ***** ****** *** ******* of **** *** ***** ** *** tissue.
  • ************* ********:**** ****** ***** ** *** *******, as ** ****** ** ******** ****** alone ** ********* ************. **** ****** compares * ***** ******* ******* *************** of ***** ** ******* *******. ***** ** ****** ****** **** blurred, ******, ** ***** *****, ***** print *****, ** ******** ***** *******, if *** ******* ** *** **** falls ******* * ******* '*********' *****, the ***** ** *********** ** ****.

***** *** **** ****** ** ******* in *** ******,* **** ******* ******** ********* *** cost $***, ***** * **** **** ****** several ******* *** **** *** ****. The ******** ** ******** ********* ** just *** ****** ** ***** ***** that ***** ***** ******, ***** **** sensor ****, *********** *******, *** ************* performance ** *** ******.

Which ************* *** ****?

** ****** *** **** ** **** or ******* ******, **** ********** *********** scanners *** ******* *** ****** ** confirm **** *** ****. ***** ** a **** ** '******** *********' ** 'live ****** *********' ** ****** *********** product ****-******:

  • *** ******: **** ********* ********* *** tissue ********** ** ******** ******* *** real.
  • ******: ********* ** *** ******, ****** uses ****** **********, ****** **********, ******* up **** ************* ********.
  • *******: **** * ****** ** ************* detections ** ********* ** ****** *** faked ** *********** ** **** *** copies.
  • ******: **** * *********** ** *****-******** tissue ********** *** ********* ********* ** screen *** **** ******.

** *******, ***** ********* ********* **** than * ****** ****** ** **** on *******- * *** ***** ** catching *** **** ***** ** ********* fake/spoofed ***** ********.

Beware ********* ******

*** *** '******** *********' ******* *** equally *********.

*** *******,*****'* ***** ***** ****** *********** ****** (**** *******) by * ****** *********** *****. ***** updated *** ****** **** '******** ********* software *** **********' (************* ********) ** subsequent ******.

** *******, ********* ******* **** *** hardware *** ******** **** *** ****** performing (**: *********, ****** **********, *** Tissue **********). **** **** ** ***** methods ************* **** **** ***, *** if ********-**** (**** ************* ********) ** unclear, ** ****.

Comments (5)
Isaiah Calvo
Jan 30, 2023
IPVMU Certified

*** ********** *** ** ****** ******** detection ********** ** ******* ********** ********** the **** *** **** ****** *** advanced ********* ************** *******. ** **** sensitive *********** *** ****** *** ***** managed *********, *** ********** ** ******** the ************ ** ***** **** ******** to ****. **** *** ********** ******** on ********* ************** ** ******* ************, it ** ******* ** ********** *** importance ** ******** ********* ** ****** the ************ ** ********* **** *** prevent ********* *******.

James Tracy
Feb 11, 2024
IPVMU Certified

*********** ** **** ***** ********* *********, I ***** *** ********* ***** ** using *******'* ******* ****** ** **** security ******'* *** ** **** ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Feb 11, 2024
Undisclosed #2
Feb 12, 2024

******'* ******* ******* **** **** *** emissivity ********** ** **** ** ******** liveness?

** ***** **** ********* **** ***** possibly **** ***********, *** ***** *'** never ***** ** ****** ***** **, the ****** **** ** **?

Thomas R Quinty
Jun 17, 2024

*********** **** ** *** ******* ********* methods ** ********** ********** ****** *******.