Sued Over Student Stabbing: Evolv, Integrator, and School
*** *** ***** ****, ***** ** being ****. ***** ******** **** ************ *** ********** *** ****, **** ******** ** action. *** *** * ******* *** was ******* ** * ***** **** Evolv ****** ** ****** ** *****.
***** ********* ******** ******* ******* *** any ***********, **** **** ** ********* because ** **** ****** ******** ********* protections ** ******** **** ***** ** "defective," "************ *********," *** **** ***** performance.
** ****** ********* ***** ********* *** partners **** ***** ****** *******. *********** rarely *** ****, *** ** **** case, *** ******* ** ***** **** Evolv *** *** ***** ******** **********.
** **** ******, ** ******* *** lawsuit, *** ******** ******* *****, *** student's ******, *** *** **** ******* integrators.
Lawsuit ********
** ******** **, ****, **** *** Htoo***** * **-**** ******* **** *** stabbing**** *** *** **** ***** ******* Court ******* ***** ************, *****'* ***** integrator*** ********** *******("***"), *** ***** **** ****** ********, and *** **** ** *****.
**** ******* **** ***** *** *** sold * "*********" *** "************ *********" product, ******* ** ***** *********, **** both ******** *** ******** ***** ***************, and ****** ** **** ** *** product's *****. ** **** ******* ********** by *** **** **********.
Utica ******** ******** + *** ******* ** ****
** ******* ****, ****, * **-****-*** student ******* ******* **** ****** ** Utica, **, *** ****** ******* ** Evolv ******* - ***** *** **** calls ** "** ******* ********* ******" (AIWDS) - *** ** *** *****-******* sensitivity *********** * *** *****(*****). ** **** **** *** **** knife** **** *** *********, **** *** Htoo.
*** ******* ******** *** *********** ** the ************* ** *** ********. ** claims ****, ***** ** *** ********, and ** *** **** **** ***, a ****** ******* ****** ******* *****'* Evolv ****** **** ** ********** ******* twice. ***** ********* ********** *********** ********:
***** ******* *** ******** ** ******** the *********** ******** ** *** [*********] after ** ***-**** ***** ****** ******* walked ******* *** ***** [*********] ***** with * ******* ******* *********.
** **** ******* *** ******** ******** by *** *******, *****, ** ** wins, **** ** *** ** *********** damages:
*** ********* *** ****** ** *****r **** ****** ** *** ****, ********, ****, ****, *** ***** **** (particularly the right index finger), was caused to undergo *******...has numbness, ********* ********* *** *********** to the flexion and extension of *** ***** ***** ******...[he] has been severely *** ************* ******* all as a direct and proximate result ** *** *********, ********, *** ********** ********** ** *** ********** [emphasis added]
*******, ** ******** ******* ****, ********* physical ************** *** ************* **********. ***** the ********, "** *** ****severely *** ************* ******* all as a direct and proximateresult ** *** *********, ********, *** ********** ********** ** *** ********** as detailed herein." [emphasis added]
Evidence ******* *****
******** ** *** **** ******* ** Evolv's ***** ********** *** *********. ** argues ***** "*** ******** **** ********** as ************* ** ******** *********, ******** these ********* *** "**" ** ********** distinguish ******* ********* ***** (******, *******, keys, ***.) *** **** ******* (****, bombs, ******, ***.)," ***** ****** ***** Evolv *** ****** ****. (***:*** ** ******* ***** ******* ** Not ******** ***********)
*** **** ****** **** "** *** represented ** ***** *** *** ** the ******** **** *** ***** ***** detect ******." **** ********* ******* ***** ****** **************'* ************* ***** *** ******** *** ****** "it ***** *** ****** ******." ** evidence *** ******** ** ****** ****, but ** *** **** ** ** trial.
***********, *** **** ***** **** ***** CEO ***** ******:
********** ******* ** *****'* ********* *********, on ****** ***** *** ***** ****** reports *** ******** ********, **** *****'* technology ***** *** "**********" *** "*** the ****, *** *** ***** *** all *** ***** ******** ******" ** the *****.
** **** ******** **** *** ****** "relied **** ***************, **** ******* *** implied, **** ** *****, ***,and *** ******* ********* ** **** ***** ** **********..." This refers to *** *******-** **** ********* ****** ***** ***** *** ****** knives.
*** **** **** **** *********** ****** about *** **** *******:
** ****, **** ********* * ************ report ******* ****field ***** ** *** ***** ********/***** ****** ** ************ ****** *** ******...even at one of the highest *********** ******** for the device and scored only * *.* *** ** * *** its overall weapons/knives ********* ********...the NCS4 evaluators of Evolv's AIWDS described *** ******'* ***** ********* capabilities ** "*** **********" *** "**********." [emphasis added]
*******, **** ***** ******** *** ******, these ******** *** **** "*******," *** Evolv ****** ****'* ****** ** *****-***** validation.
**** ***** ******** * ****** ******* of **** ******, *** ******'* ******* to ****** ****** *** **** ******* from *** ******* *** ****** * seemingly ****** ******** ***** ** *.** out ** *...***** **** ********* * redacted ** ********* ******* ****** ** "validation" ** *** ******'* ************* **** a "***** *********** ***** *****."
*** **** ******** **** ******* ** an ***** ******** ******** * ******* on ****** ********* *******:
Discovery **** ***** *****, *** ** **** **** *******
*** ******** ******** ** **** ****** is ***** ****** *******. *** *******'* attorneys *** **** ** ********* ********** evidence ** **** *** **** ****** go ** *****, *** ********** ******** is ****** *********** ** *** ****.
*****, *** *********'* ********* ****** **** evidence **** **** ***** *** ** include ** *** ********* *** **** present ** *****. ******, ******** *** case ******** ** *****, *** ********* has *** *********** ** **** ********* from *** *** **********, ********* *****. For ********, **** ***** ******* *** communications ******* *****/*** *** *** ******** or ******** ***** ******* *******.
Suit ****** ***** *** *** ********** **** **** ******
*** **** ******* ****** ***** *** Day *** *** ******** *** ******* the **** ****** ****** ******* **** rather **** *** **** ** ****** district.
** *****, ** **** ******* ***** separate ******. ** *****, *** ** against ***** *******, ***** ******* ** against *** **** ** *****. **** are *** **********, **** ** *** not ************ *********** *****, ******* *** system, ** *********** ************ ***** ** purchase.
**********, *** *********** *** **** ****** against ***** *** *** ********** *** substantially **** ******** *** ******.
Allegations ********
*** **** ****** **** *** ********' injuries **** ****** ** "****************** ********* the **** ************ *** *********** ** the *****" *** "*** *************** ** the ********** ******* *** ****."
Count * alleges Negligence arguing Evolv and Day Automation "marketed and sold a AIWDS with technology that could not detect the type of knives reasonably expected by the District...despite making representations that it could." They also failed to provide "proper instructions," training, and settings information, and "failed to warn...[it] would not detect certain knives, some knives, or all knives."
Count * argues Strict Product Liability, a legal principle that holds manufacturers, distributors, or sellers liable for injuries caused by a defective product, irrespective of any direct fault or negligence. To this point, the suit argues that Evolv and Day are liable because the product is:
Of * ********* ****** with regard to its design and manufacture, unreasonably ********* in design, manufacture, and assembly, was *** ********** **** and otherwise was *** *** *** *** ******** ******* (detecting knives). [emphasis added]
Count * claims Breach of Implied Warranty, which occurs when a product fails to meet standards of safety or performance that are reasonably assumed to exist by a common sense person rather than by any explicit written agreement. This alleges that Evolv falsely implied its product was of a sellable quality, fit for purpose, and "free from defects, and would detect knives or other dangerous weapons."
Count * alleges Breach of Express Warranty, in other words, false statements by Evolv and Day that its product was safe, effective, and worked as advertised:
[***** *** ***] **** ********** *** warranties ** *** ******* ******, *** District *** *** ********, *****, *** personnel *** ** ********** *** *********, that *** ***** ******* ********* *******, including ******, *** *** **** *** reasonably *** *** *** ******** ********.
Count * alleges Failure to Warn, which occurs when manufacturers/sellers do not adequately inform or warn the users of their product of its potential risks or limitations. The suit alleges that had the school or public been properly warned about Evolv's "unreasonably dangerous and defective nature," additional precautions might have prevented the stabbing.
Size ** ******** *********
***** *** **** **** *** ******* the ****** ** ******* ** ** seeking, ** *** ***** ** ** Supreme ***** ******* "*** ****** ** controversy ******* *** ************** ****** ** all ***** ******." *** **** ***** court, *** **** ***** *****, ***** cases *** ******* ** ** $**,***, while *** ******* ***** *** ** limit.
***** **** *** ******* ******** ******* injury *** ********* ******** ** ** wins,***** ***** ************** ******* *** ******* ********, **** wages *** ** ********* ** ****, and **** *** *********, *** ** which *** ********* ** *** ****. "Special *******" *** **** ** ******* for *** ******* ****, **************, ** therapy.
****** ****, *** ******* ***** ******** damages ******* ***** *** *** **********, which *** ******* ** ****** ********** for ************ ******* ******** *** ** deter ******* ******* ** *** ******.
** *** **** *****,***** *** ** **** ****** *** ********* ******* ** ******** damages, *******, ** ******, *** ******* could ******* ******** ** *******.
Evolv ** ********
***** ******* *** ******* ******* * section ** *****"**** *** *****" *********** ********** **** **** **** *** aware ** *** ******** ******* ****:
Is ***** ***** ****?
***** *** ******* *** ***** **** have **** ******** *********** *** ************ interested ** ***** **** ** * potential ***** ****** ****. **** ** a ****** ******** *** ***** ***** of *****. ** *** *** ***** of *** ******** **** **** **** filed ** **** ***** ** ************ against *** *******.
**** **** ** ************ ** ****** for *****.
***** *** *** ***** ** ****'* request *** *******.
Outlook *** ************ *** *****
***** **** **** *** ********* ** the ***** ******** ** **** ****, Evolv *** ******** ***** *** *********** repeatedly (*.*.,*,*,*).
************ ** *** ******* ** *****, this **** ***** * *** ***** in ***** *** *****, *** ****** partners, *** *** *********. *********** ** culpability ** * **** ****** *******'* stabbing ********** *** **** ** ***** these ***** *** ******* ************ ***** "weapon **** *****." ***********, ** ********* Evolv's **********, **** **** **** ******** concerns *** ******** **-******* ***** *******.
*** **** **** ** *** *** defendants ** *******. **** ********, ********** seek ** ******* ***** *** ******* to ***** * ***** ****** ********* complaints, ****** ** ****** ****** **, in *** **** **** ********, ********* the ********** ********.
*****, ******, ** ****** ***** ** seek ** **** *** **** **** County ** ******* *****, ***** *** diversity ** *************, *** *********** ****** amount ** ***********, *** *** ******* concern **** ***** ****** ***** ***** local *********.
**** **** ***** **** **** ** it ********, ** ** ** * rare **** **** ** *** ****, integrator, *** ************ *** *** ***** sued **************.
Update **/**/**: This report has been updated to reflect that setting D is the third-highest Evolv sensitivity setting, not the second-highest.
** ***** * ******* *** **** a ****** ** **** *********** *** the ********** *** ******** ***** ****** Evolv *** **** ********* ***** ***** metal ********.
******* **** ******** ******* *****, **** also ****** ****** ************ *** *** AI/Computer ****** ***** ******* ********* ***** liabilities. * ******* ****** *** ** into * *** **** ***** ** AI *** ******** ****** ***** *****, it ** *** ***% ******** *** will *** ** ******* ** *** near ****. ** ** ***** **** add **** **** *** $$$ *** lawyers ** *** **** ***** *** every ******* *** *******!
**** ********. ******** ******* ***** ************ like **** *** ***** ****. * think *** ****** ** **** ***** surveillance ******* *****'* ************ ******** ***** products, *** ** ********* ******, "*******" to **** *******.
*******, ** **** *****, **** **** rises ** *** ****** **** ***** surveillance ************* ***** ********* ** ********* features.
*** ******* ** **** ****** *** a *** ** **** * ***** video-based ********* ******* (*.*.,***** *** **** **** *************). ********** ** ****** *** ***** was ****** ***** ******* ****** *** assailant ******* ***** **. **** ** the *****-***** ******* ****** *** *****, it ***** ** **** ** ***** that *** ****** *** ** ***** because (*) *** ****** *** ******* stabbing ** **** ***** *** (*) other ****** **** ******** ***** **** to *** ********, *********** ***** ** the *****.
** ********, *** "****** ********" ****-******* screening ****** ** ***** ** **** a ******* *********** **** ******** ******* through **** ******* **** ** ********. Thoughts?
*** ****, ** *** ******* ******* out ** ** **** ********** *** weapon's *********. *** ***** ** *** detection, ******* ********* *** ******* ** heights *** **** *** ***** ******* detecting ****** *******. ***** ** ******* tricky.
*** *********, ******* ********* *** ******* at *******
**** ********.
***** *** **** *** ********** *********** to **** ** ********** ******** **** purchasing ******** **********. ** ***** **** an ****** ****** * ******. ***(*) does *** ***** * (=*), *** 1+1=2. **** , ** * **** reliable ****** *** ******** ******.
** **** ****** ** *** ****** or ** ******* *** ***'* ********** is ************* *******-*******. *** **** ******* **'* **** for *** *************, ******** ** ***; the **** ** *************. ***** ***
*** **** ******* **'* **** *** any *************, ******** ** ***;
**** **** **** **** ****? ****** has *** ********* ******** ** ****** against '***' *************.
*** ******* * **** **** '******* detection *********' ** ******* ** **** the ********** ** ******* *** ****** enough ** ** ****** **** - which ** *** **** *** **** humans ** *** ****.
*******, ** ** *** *************** ***** chance **** ***** ** * ******** incident - **** **** ** '********' would ** ********* ** ****** *** kind ** ********** **********.
Update: This report has been updated to reflect that setting D is the third-highest Evolv sensitivity setting, not the second-highest.