Beleaguered Everbridge To Be Acquired, Go Private
**********'* ***** *** ******* **** **** 80% **** *** **** *** ***** and *** ** *** ****** * deal ** ** *******.
** **** **** ** * ******** step *** **********, ****** **** * beleaguered ****. *** *** ********** ********, see:
- ********** *** *******, ***** ******* **%
- ********** ***** ******* *****, ******* ****** Various ********
- ********** ****** ** **** ********'* ******
- ******** ********** **********, ***** *** ****-***
- ********** ********** ****
- **** *** ******** ** **********
- $**.** **** *********** ******** (*** / Everbridge)
** **** ******, ** ******* *** terms ** *** ****, **********'* ******* financial ********, *** *** ******* ****** firm **, *** *** **** *** help **********.
Rise *** ****
********** **** ******** **** ** $**, *** ** its ****, ** *** ** ~*,***% (i.e., ***) ****** ******** **** **** plunging **** **** **%:
*** ******* ****** ****, ***** *****, is ****** $**.**, **** **** ***% higher **** *** *** ***** (*** a **** ** ~**% **** *** 7.5 ***** ******).
********** ** ***** ****** ** $*.* billion ** **** ****, **** **** $7 ******* ** *** ****.
***** ******* * ***** ******* ****** **** specializing ** ******** *********.********* **** **** ************ *** ***** **** ***** ** known ** *** ******* ******* ********* Networks (********** ******* ** ***** ***'* CEO), *.*. ***** (*** *** ****** company), ****** (******** ********), *** ********** (the ******************** *** *** ** ********).
Going *******
* *** ******* ** **** **** is **** ***** ***** ** ****** Everbridge *******. **** ***** **** ********** will *** **** ** ******** ********** nor **** ******** **** ****** *********, an ********* ******* ***** *** ********** it *** ***** ** *** **** few *****.
Growth ************ / ****
**********'* ******* **** ******* ** *** late *****, ****** ** ******** ************, though **** *** ******* ***********, ******* **** ****** ******** **** *****:
******* *** **** ** *% ****** **** ******** ******** ******* (** 2023), **** ******* ****** *** *** year ********* ** *%.
*** ******* ***** *** ****** **** operating ****** (********* ** ~*% **** year), ****** **** ** *** ****** than ** *** **** ***** **** its *** **** ********** *** **%+:
Shopping / *** *********** ** ***** *****
*** **** ***** **** * **-*** "go-shop" ****** ** ***** ********** *** look *** ******* *****. ** ******* buyer ** *****, ********** ** ********* to *** * $**.* ******* *********** fee,*** *** *********.
*** *********** ** ******* ***** ** low, ** ********** ****** *** **** gauging ******** *** ******** ****** *** some ****.
*******, ** ** ******** **** * rival ** **** ** * ********* acquirer **** **** **** ****** ****** and ******* **** **** ***** *** materially ****** **** $*.* *******.
Upside / *******
***** ***** ** ****** **** **** 3x ****** *******, ***** ** ******** reasonable *** * ******* **** *** a ****** ** ********** ********* **** have *** ***** *** ***** ********* prospects.
**** ** ******* ***** ** * modest **% ********, ** * *****, this ***** ** * $***+ ******* business, **** *** ********* ** ******** $100+ ******* ** ****** **** ****. Thoma ***** *** **** ** ********* much ****** *******, *** **** ***** these ********** ************ *********, *** **** is ********.
Execution / *** ********
***** ********** ** * ********** ** disparate ************,***** ******** ************** **** **** ** ** "*** Platform":
*** * "****** **** ** *****":
******* **** **** ** **** ************ and **** ****** ** ** *******, they **** *** ******* ******** ******** them. ************* ****** ******* ********.
Benefits ** ***** *******
****** *** ******* ******* ** *** having ** ***** ***** * ******* stock *****, ** / **** ***** Bravo ****** *** ****, ********** **** have * ****** ** ***** ** improve *** ******** ******* ****** ****** pressures. ***** **** **** ******* ************** takes **** *** **** ********* *****-**** financial *******, ***** ******* *** **** Everbridge.
** *** **** *** *****, ***** have **** ******** *******, **** ******** indicating ********* **** **** **% *** numerous ********* ******* *********** ****:
** **** **** **** ** ******** to **********, *** *** ******** ******* on *** **** ***** ***** *** facilitate ****** *** ************ **** ********** needs **** *** **** *** *****.
******: *** ** **** *** ********* its ***** ** ~$*** *******, **** $1.5 ** *** $*.* *******, ***** another ******* ******* * "******** ********" during *** ** **** ******.
***/***, ***** ***** ** ***** ** track ** ******* **********, **** ************ getting ***** **% ****.