Competing Against Integrators Statistics: Bosch, Convergint, Everon/ADT, G4S/Allied, JCI/Tyco, Pavion, Securitas

Published Jul 31, 2024 16:13 PM

*** ****** ** ****-*********** *** **** a *** ***** **** *** **** decade, *** *** ***** *** **** really ********* **** ******* ***** ***********, and ***** ** ***** ********* *** viewed **** *** ***** *********?

**********'* ********* ****** *** ****-*********** **** tended ** ******* *** ******* *** that **** ****** ** *********.

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** ***** *********** *** ***** **** competed **** ***** (********/*******), **********, ******, G4S, ******* ********, ****** (****), *** Securitas *** *** **** **** ***** them. ** **** ******, ** ********* responses *** *** ****** ****** ***** seven ****-***********.

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Most ******** ***********: ***, **********, *********

*** ***** ***** ********** *** ***** respondents ******** **** **** *******. ******* Controls/Tyco **** **** ***** ****, **** <30% ****** **** "*****" ******* **** them *** ****** **% ****** **** regularly ** ********* **.

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** ********, ****** *** *** ***** frequent **********, **** ** *********** ****** they ********* ******** **** **** *** nearly **% ********** "*****." *******, ****** is **** *** ****** ******* *** has **** ******** ******** ******* *********** (See****** *** *********).

**** ****** ******** *** ******** *********. For **** ******* ** **** **********, see ********** ******* ** **** ** these *********:

Convergint **** ********** ******

************* *** **** **********-******** ********** ***** respondents, **** **** **** ******** ******** than ***** ***********. ***** **** * positive **** ** ********** ****** **** good *********** *** ******* ***** ********** and ******** ******. ******* *********** ******** to **** ** "************."

  • "********** ** *** **** ********** ***********. They **** * **** ******** ** our ****, **** ** *** **** products **** ** **, *** *********** on *** ********* **** ** *********** on."
  • "**** **********, * ****** *** **** for * ****** ** *****. **** promote * **** *********** ** **** in *** *** ** ***** *** aspects ** ***********. ** **** ****, I ***** **** *** **********."
  • "********** *** *** * *** ********* from ** *** ** *** **** and *********. **** **** * **** understanding ** *********' ***** *** ************."
  • "**** **** *******, ********** ** ******** infrastructure. **** ** *** **** ********* will ******* **** *** ** *** out."
  • "********** *** * ***** ********** *** is ****** ** ** *** ******* integrator **** ***** ****."
  • "* **** **** **** *** ***** work **** **** *** **** ******* to **** **** ***** ****** *****."
  • "**** ******* **** ****** ** **** a *** ***** ***** ********** **** them ** **** ********."
  • "**** **** *******. ************, ***** ************* and ******* ** ********* ********."
  • "* **** ******* **** ********** ***** and **** **** *********."
  • "***** ******* ***** ******* ******* *** to *** ***** ****."

***** *** ***** ********* *** ******** in *** *************** ******* **********.

Securitas *********: **** ******, **** ****

************ **** ****-********, **** *********** **** commonly ********** ***** ***** *** *************** as ***** ******* *********.

  • "**** *** * ****** ********** ** ours. **** **** * ***** ******* management ***** *** ******** **** ** be ********* **** ***** *******."
  • "**** ** **** ****. * **** seen **** ** *** ******** *** I ***'* **** ****** **** *** way **** **** ********** *** *********."
  • "**** **** * **** ******** *********** highly ******* *** ** ******. **, we ** *** **** ********* ******* them..."
  • "**** **** ** **** * **** balance ** ***** ******** **. ******** equipment *********. **** ********* ** *** have ****."
  • "**** ****** *** *********"

************ ******* ************ **** *******.

Everon/ADT ********** ***** **********

******/*** ************* *** ***** ******* ********** **********, with **** *** ******** ********. *** most ****** ********** **** ***** **** installation ******* *** **** *******:

  • "**'** ***** **** *** ** *** East ***** ** *** ****. ***** that **** ******* *** ********* ** with **** ******* **** **** * "big ****" ** ********. ***, **** were ***** *** **** ***** **** them *** ** ******* ** ******* and ******* ****** *** **** ***** companies **** **** * ***** ********** (us) ** *** ***."
  • "**** * ***** ** **** * think ** * *****, ******** ********* giant **** *** *** **** ******, too **** *****, ** ********* * marketing ******* *** ** ***** *******, and ** ********* *** **** ******** service *** *****-***** ********* *******."
  • "*** **** ***** **** ** ** very ***-********. * **** *** ****** who *** **** ******** ****** ** "get ****" **** **** *** * few ***** *** *** ** * very ****** ******** ******* ** *** last *** ******** **** ******."
  • "**** *** * *********** ** **** of ***** *** ****. ******** *** a ****** ****** **** **** **** paying ********* ***** ******** ******* *** system ***** **** ******** *** ****** non-functional."
  • "* *** ****** **** ** *** dont **** ********* **** ** ***, dont *** ******** ** ***. * just **** ** *** ******** **** taking **** *** ** ***** ******** from *** ***** ******."

*********** **** **** ******/***'* ******* *** poor:

  • "**** *** * *********** ** **** of ***** *** ****. ******** *** a ****** ****** **** **** **** paying ********* ***** ******** ******* *** system ***** **** ******** *** ****** non-functional."
  • "******* *** *** **********. **** ****** due ** *** ********. * **** target *********** ***** ** ** ***** business (*.*. *** ***** **********)"
  • "**** **** ** ** **** *** us ** ****. *** ********** **** horrible *******. **'** ***** **** ** them *** ** **** ***** **** several ** ***** ************ *********."
  • "**********, **** ********, **’* **** ******* with **&*. ****** ****** ***** **** they’re ***** **** *****."
  • "***, *********"

************ ******* ******/*** ************* **** ******* ** ***** ******.

JCI/Tyco ** ******** **********

******** ********** ******* ** ******/*** *** lower *******,***/**** ********** *********** *** *********** ** ***** **** most ********** ****/******** *******, ** **** as **** *** **********.

  • "** **** **** **** ******** **** from ***** ****. **** ** ** as ** *** ******* *** *** P2000 ****** ******. ** **** **** from *** ********* **** ***** **** are **** ** *** * **** of *** **** **** ** *** back *** ** *** ********. * like ****** **** **** *** *** same ******* ** ** ****** ** we *** ****** ****** *****."
  • "*** * ***. **** ** **** past *********** ** ******** *********. **** did * *** ** **** **** and ** *** ** ***** ** the ****."
  • "** ******* ** **** ** **** they *** ********* *** **** ** buy ******** ** **** *** **** their ***** ** *** ******** **** service."

*********** **** ********** **** **** ***/****'* customer ******* *** ****, *** **** were ************.

  • "*** **** **, **** ****'* **** good. ***** ***** * *** * few ***** ** ***** **** ********* would *** ******** ** ** *** of ****.* ** **** **** ** the ***** ****** *** ***** *** good ** **** **** **, *** issue ** **** *** ** *** they ****** ** **** ********* *** provide **** ******** *******"
  • "**** *** **** **** ******* **** it's **** ** **** *** ******** of ***** * ***** **********."
  • "**** *** **** * ***** *********** who ***** ** *** ****** ** accounts **** *** *** *** ***'* maintain *** ** **** ***'* **** the ******** ******* ** ****** ** them."

*******, *********** ********** ********* ****** **** JCI *******, ***** *** *** ****** in ********* ***** *** ***** **********.

  • "*'* ******* ****** ** ** *** out ***** ********* ******* **** ****** handle ******** ******* ********. ** * wouldnt *** *'* ********* **** **** at **** *****, ****** *'* ******* rid ** ****. *** ** *** area *** *** *** **** ***** as **********, * ******** ** ******* labor..."
  • "**** ** ********* ******* ** ***** on ***** ******** *** ******** *** account **** ******* ** *** ******* component. **** ** ***** ** ****-**** servicing ** ** ******* ** *** been *** ********** **** ******* ** behind *** ** **** **** *** account **** *** ***** ******** *** complete."
  • "**** ** *** **** ****** ************ to ** ********** * *********** *******. I **** **** ***** *** ** them ** ****** **** *** ****** to ****** *** ****** **** **** created."

************ ******* *** / **** ********** Security*** **** *******.

*** *** ******* ******, *.*., ** faces ********* ******* **** *** ***********(********* **** ********) ******** **** *** reneged ** ****** ***********, ****** ******** ****,****** *** ******** **** **** ***** change ***** ** *** ****.
