Why The Cloud Is Net Negative For Integrators

Published Aug 21, 2023 14:00 PM

The cloud will be a net negative for integrators as it transfers power to manufacturers that are becoming large cloud service providers while enabling new local, lower-price competitors.

IPVM Image

However, the cloud is inevitable and overall benefits security and surveillance users, so integrators must understand and adapt to these changes.

In this report, we will explain:

  • The Pro / positive case for how the cloud could benefit integrators
  • Four negative drivers of cloud against integrators
  • How demoing / trials change
  • How selling changes
  • How installation changes
  • How support changes
  • Understanding the impact of lowering barriers to entry and increasing disintermediation
  • Self-Integrators
  • Access Control Vs. Video Surveillance
  • What role drones and robots can play
  • Picking partners friendly to integrators / avoiding certain providers
  • How the process will take many years
  • Strategy for older integrator owners
  • How to be realistic and manage the change
  • 20-question quiz

This is the companion report to 2030: The Coming Dominance of Mega Cloud Physical Security Providers, and it should be read before reading this report.

Pro / ******** **** *** ***** ********* ***********

********** ***** **** ****** ** "*** negative", ** **** ***** **** *** pro ** ******** **** ** *** could ******* **** ***********. *** **** main ******* *** ***** *****:

IPVM Image

*** ** ****: *** **** ****** *** ******** pro ** **** ********* ******* ** beneficial, **** *** ******* **** **** and *** ****** ********** **** ** integrator ***** ** ****. *****, ***********, as * *****, ************** **** **** a ******** ** ***** ******* ** recurring (**** ********* *** ******* / maintenance *********). ** *** ****** **** cloud ********* ****, **** ** * positive.

*** ******* ** *** **** **** recurring ******* ***** *** ********** ****** the ***** ******* ********. ************, **** is *** **** ** **** ** churn *** *** ********** ****** *** cloud ********?

*** * ******* **** *******, ********* revenue ** ***** ********** ******** ** **** *******. ** ****** *** **** **** *** ***, ***** ***** *** ****** *** shut ***, **** ****** **** ******* to ***** ****** *******, *** *** end **** ***** **** ** ***** a ***** ******* ** *** *** equipment. ***** **** ** ********** ***, sub *%.

*** ** ********** ********** **** *******, recurring ******* ** * **** ****. For ****, *** *** **** ***** Verkada, *** *** ** **** **** integrator *** ******* ** *** ** any ********** ** ***? *** *** user ***** **** ** ****** *** for *** ******* *** ***, *** or ***** *-******. **** ** *** structural **** *** ***********. ******** **** needed *** ************ ** ******* ********** switching ** *****-**** ******.

**** ********* *********** ******: * ******** ** *********** *** been * ******* *** **** *****. Cloud ******* ***, *******, ****** *** integrators ** ******* *** *******. ** integrator *** ***** ** ***** *** only **** ********* *******, **** ***** reduce ***** ****** ** ********** ** costly *** ****-**-**** ********* ***********.

*** ******* ** **** **** ** equally **** *** *********** *** ***** entrants *** *** *** **** ****** compete **** ********* ***********.

****** ******* ***** *********** **** **-****: ************ ***** *** **** ******** is *** ********, ** ***** ***** simplifies ** ********** *** **-**** ****** side ** ******** ********, ****** ******* will ** **** ********* ** ***** commoditization **** ***** ************. *********** *** lean **** ******* ** ******** *** customers ***** ****** *******.

**** ** *** ********* *** **** for *********** ****** ** ***** (****** with ************ *** ***** *** **** historically *** **** ******* *** ******** House, ******** ******).

********** ** ***** **** *********: ***** ******* **** ********* ****** over **** *****, ** ********** ** an ********** ***** ** ***** ** retirement ** ******* ** *** ** the ******* ********* ***** ****-***, *** can ****** ******** ** ******* ****** with *** **** ******** ** ***** for **** *****.

Four **** ******** *******

***** ** ************* ******** *** ******* / ******, *******, ************, *** ******* are ****. *** ****** ***** ** that ***** ***** **** ****** ** do *** *** "************" / ***** service ******** *** *************** ***** *** integrator **** ********* *** *** ***** elements:

IPVM Image

How ******* / ****** ******

******* / ****** **** ***** **** a *********** *****-** ******* ** *********** plug *** ****, **** ******* ****** by*** ******** ** ******-**-***** *******.

IPVM Image

** *** ****** ***** ********* *** and ** **** * ****** **** can ** ******* ** *** ** instantly *****-*********, ********* *** ********* *****, this ***** *** ***** ******** *** less ********* ** *** ********** ** show *** *** **** **** **** can **.

How ******* *******

* ******* ****** ******, ***** *** already ************* ******* *** ******* ** done ** ******** "******" ***** ** be *** **** ********* ***** ***************** combined **** **** ***** *******:

IPVM Image

*********, ******** ********* ** **** **** is *** ***** ****, *** *** relative ********** **** ***** *********** ********* 20 ***** *** ** *****'* *****, where **** ************ *** ** **** on-line, ************* ******* *** ***** *******. In **********, ***** * **** ***** of *********** ************ *** **** ***** local ********, **** ******* *** ***** of ***********.

***********, *** ******* *** ***** ******* are *** *** ******* ***** ** see **** *** ***** ****** ******** security.

How ************ *******

************ ** ******* ******** ****** **** cloud. ******* ** *****, ********** *******, manually ******** "**********" ** **** ********** across *****, *** ******** ***-**** ****** access *** *** ******** **** ******* with *** *****.

IPVM Image

*** ******* *** *********** ** **** installation ** * **** **** ** their *****. ******* ************ ************ *** been *** ****-********* *** *********** *** end *****, **** ********** ****** *** specialists ** ** ** *** ****. As ************ ******* ******, ** ********* barriers ** ***** *** ********** ***************** (discussed *****).

How ******* *******

*******, *** ******** *** ***** ********** so *** ****** *** ********, ***** lets ************* / ******* ********* ******* better, *******, *** **** ********* ******* than *********** **** **** ************.

IPVM Image

************, *** ***** ***** **** ** call ***********, *** *********** ***** **** to ****** *** *** *******, ***** having ** ** **-**** ** *** problems.

**** ***** *******, *** ************ / cloud ******** *** ****** ** *********** themselves. *** *** **** ******** **** for **** **** *** *** ******, the ***** ******** *** ****** ** the ****** ****** ******, ***** *** system ****** **** **** ***********, *** can *************** *** *** ******* **** their ********. *** *******, ********** ********** ******** **** ****.

******* ** ******** ** *********** ******* connections ******* *********** *** *** *****. With ******* ************ ***** ****************, **** undermines * ****** ** *** **********'* value.

Lower ******** ** ***** / ********* *****************

******** ** ***** *** ** ********* factor *** *** ******** ** *** industry. *** ****** ** ** *** new ******** ** *******, *** **** profitable ** ******** **.

***** ******** *********** *** ***** **** an ********** **** ******** ** *****, the ***** ***** ** **** ******. By *********** *** ********** ** ******** servers, *********, ****** *********, ***., *** with ***** ********* **** ** ****** most *******, ** ** *** ****** for "***** *******" ** ***** ************ workers ** ***** *** ******.

IPVM Image

**** *** *** **** ****** **** because **** **** ***** ******, *********, and ********** ** ******* **** ****.

********, **** ** ** ******* ************************ *** ********* (** **** ****, manufacturer -> ********** -> *** ****) is ***** ********* ** *** ***. Importantly, **** ********** ************* ** **** ************ *** ******** *** *******.

IPVM Image

** *** ******** ***, *** ********** of *** ********** *** *** *** result ** ************* ****** ** ********** the ********** *** **** ************* ***** not ************* ****, ******, *** ******** systems ******* ***********.

** **** ***, ***** ******* ********* and *** ***** **** ************ *** integrators ** * ***, * ******** markup **** *** ** ******* ** eliminated ** ***** *** ***** ******* more ******* ********. ********** ******* **** been ********* *** *****, ********** **** ********** ******* * ****** of~**%. **** ** ***** * ******** amount *** ****** ***** ******* ********* to ******* ** ********** ******* ** end ***** ** ******* ** *********.


**** *** ***** **** ********** ** managing ***** *** ******** ******** ******* themselves (*.*., ****-********* ** *****-*********) ** they ****** ****** ** ******* *** manage. **** **** ****** ******* ** what *** **** **** ** *********** is ********** ** ***** *** ******** resources. **** *** ***** **** ** not, *** ****** ** ***-***** ******** this ***** ****** ******* *** *********** defending ******* **** ****.

Access ******* **** ***** ************

*** **** ****** ******** ******** **** we ****** ** ** **** ****** against ***** ******* **** ** ****** control. ***** *** *** ****** *** be ********** (** ***********), ***** **** too **** ******** ********** **** **** not ** **** ** *** *****.

****, ****** ******* ** ************ *********** growth **** *** **** ** ****** credentials ********* ** *********** ** ******* and *********** ****** ******* *** * new **********, ******* ** *** ** cameras ******* ***** ************ ** * prior ******.

***********, ****** ******* **** *** ** immune. ********** ****** ******* ******* **** as ***** *** ******** ***** **** been **** ********** *** *********** ** they ******* ****** *********** ****** ** manage ******* *** ********* **-****. *** example, ************* ******* ** **** ******* ******** House****** *******. **** ** ***** ** the *****. *** ******** *** *********** is **** **** *** **** * very **** **** *** **** ** do **, *** **********, **** ****, and **** **** ***********, *** ***** generation ** *********** ** ********** ******* with *****-******* ****** *******, *********** **** complexity *** **** (***** ** ****** for ************ ***********).

Drones *** ******

***** ****** *** ****** *** ********* all ***** ** ** ***** **********, the **** **** **** ****** ** so **** ****** ********** ***** ***** that ***** ******* **** ** ********, providing * *** *********** *** ***********. Think ** ****** *** ****** ** roving ****-********** ****.

IPVM Image

*** *********, ** ***** *** ***, is **** ****** *** ****** *** not ***** ** ** ********** ** physical ********, *** **** *** ******* closer.

Picking ********

******* **** ***** *********** *** **** themselves ** ** ******* ******** ***** business ****** *** **** ******* **** supporting ***********.

IPVM Image

** ****** ** ***** ******* ** a ******* *****, ********* **** ******, Rhombus, *** ******* **** ********* ****** the ***** ** ************ ******** ***********. By ********, ********* **** ***** ***, OpenEye, *******, *** *******, ** *** design ** ***** **** ****, **** better ******* ***********.

*******,***** ******** **** - *******, ********, Eagle ***, *******, ******, *******, *******, Rhombus, ******, *******, *******, *******

Process ****** *****

*** ***** ** ******** ********** ** the ***** **** **** **** *****, which **** ***** *** ********* ******** for **** ***********. *** ***** *** focus ** *** ********** **** ********* that ****** * ****** ** *******, the **** ** ***** ********** ** especially *****. *******, ** ***** ** prudent ** **** *********** ***** *** steps ** ***** ** ****** ******** a ****** **** ***** **** *** integrator ** *** ** ****** ** that ****** ********.

*** ***** ***** ** * ***** outline ** *** ******** ** ****** the **** ** ***** ******** ******** providers ** *****:

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Strategy *** ***** ******

******* *** ********** **** **** *****, many ***** ********** ****** *** ** fine ****** ******** ***** ******** ******** with ******** ********* *** ********.

*******, ********* ** **** *****, ** believe ** ** ******* ** ******** attractive ****** *** *********** ** ******* PE-backed ***** *** ******* ** *********** (from ********** ** *** *** ***** spun *** *** ********** ** *** newest *****,******). **** **** ********** ** * real ****** ** ****-***********, *** ******* for **** ********** **** *** ********** owners *** ******* *** ****-*********** ** assess **** ****** **** *****.

Realistic *** ****** ******

******** *** ***** ** ******** **** the ***** **** ** ******** ******* of *** ** *** ***********.

** *** ***** ****, **** **** not **** **** *** ****** **** be ******** *** *** ********** **********, as **** **** ****** ** ***** own ***** **********, ***********, *** ******.

*******, *********** ****** **** **** ********** as * **** ****** *** ********* consider **** *********, ********, *** ******* they *** ** ****** ** **** navigate **** *** ***.

Take ****

**** *** **-******** ****** **** **** ************* *** ********* lessons **** **** ******:

IPVM Image

Comments (43)
Jon Polly
Aug 21, 2023


*'* ********** *** **** *** **** to *** ********* ** *** **********.

* ******** ***** **** **** ******, specifically **** *** ***** ** **********.

- ***, *** ** ****

- ***, *** ***** ***** ************* to ******* ****** ** *****-****** (******** one ***** ***** **** ************* **** don't **** ***** *** **** ***** this *****).

- ***, ***** ******** ** *****, especially ** ****** ******* ******* ***** seem ** ** ** **** **** have ******* *** ******, *** **** of *** ****** ******* **** *** moved ***** ***. **** ** ** article * ***** *** ******** ******** Magazine ** **** ***** (**** ******: ******** ***** ** *** Chaos ** ****** ******* ******** | Security **** *****)

**** ** ***** * ***** ***.

- ** **** ******** ***** ** fully *****, *** ****'* ****.

- * ****** ** *********** *** still ****** ** ********** *** *****, and ****'* ****. **** ** * resource **** *** **** (**** ******: *** **********’* ***** ** Cloud ***** | ******** **** *****)

- *********** **** (*** ****, *** could) ** **** * ***** ***** or **** ***'* *** * **** at *** *****. **** **** **** for *************. **** ******* *** **** a ****, *****'* **** *** ***'* sell *** **-******* ********. ** ***********, some ********* **** *** ***** ***** they **** *** *** ********* *** tertiary ***** ** *********, ********* *****, compliance, ***.

- *** ******** ******** *** **** slow ** ***** ***** *** *** sensors, *** *** ** ******** *** been ***** **** *** **+ *****. They *** ***** *** ***, ** they *** ******* **** ***** ******** solutions **** *** ******** ********. * camera ** *** **** ** ******* IoT ******.

- ***** ******** ** ******* (**** ********** ** ********* *** ***** services? - ******), **% ** ********* ** *** world *** *****, *** *** **** 23% ** *** ******** ******** ***** cloud (******** ******** ******** ***** ** the ******** **** -***** ** *** ******** ******** **** - ** **********'* *********** | ******** Info *****.

- *********** ** *** *****, **** within *** **** ****** ** ***** have ****** ********* ******* ******* **** IP ******* **** ******.

- ***** *** ******* ***********, **** as ***** ********, ******* *** ** industry ****** ** *** ****** **** work. **** **** ******* ***** ***** compute / *****-********* *******, *** *** cloud ** ****. *** *** ************* who **** *****, **** ** *** next ********.

- **** **** ***** ** **** integrators ****** *** ****; *** *** reasons. *) **** **** **** **** are ****** **** (*** ******), *** 2) ** ***** ****** ** ** sell *** ******, ***** ********* **** be **** ******** ** ***** ******.

****'* *** * ***** *** **, I ***'* ******** **** *** ***** is *** *** ********. ** *** be * *** ******** *** ****, but *'* *** **** *********** *** afford ** **** ***** ** *** have ** ***** *** ***** ********, both ****** ******* *** ***** ************, as **** ** ***** **** ****.

***** ***,

*** *****

***** ********* *******

********* ********* ********

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2023

***, **** ********!

*'* *** **** *********** *** ****** at **** ***** ** *** **** at ***** *** ***** ********, **** access ******* *** ***** ************, ** part ** ***** **** ****.

* ***** **** ****. ********** *** inevitable ** *** *******. *** *********** question ** **** ********* **** ******, how **** **** ******* ***** ********* versus ***-***** ****, ***.

Jason Crist
Aug 21, 2023
IPVMU Certified

**** *** ***** * *** ****** here *** ****** *** ****** **, it’s ******* ******* ** *** ** the ********** ** ******* ******** ***** even ****** * ********* *** ************** of *** ****** *****.

* ****** **** *********** **** ***** products *** ***** **** **** **********. We ** ******* *** ******* *** in ** ***, ***** **** ** fashion, *** **** ******** *** *** user ************ ***** **** ********* ****** platforms. *** ****** ***** **** ** IPVM *** **** ** ****** ** imply **** ***** ******** **** **** to ******* *** ********** *** * just ***’* *** **.

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2023

** ** ******* *** ******* *** in ** ***, ***** **** ** fashion, *** **** ******** *** *** user ************ ***** **** ********* ****** platforms.

****'* ********** **** *** ******. ** case *** ****'* **** **** ****, e.g.:

******* **** ***** *********** *** **** themselves ** ** ******* ******** ***** business ****** *** **** ******* **** supporting ***********.

IPVM Image

* ***** **** ** * ****** strategy *** *** ******** **** **** from ***** ***** ********* *** **** from ***************** ***********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 21, 2023

** **** **** ******* ***** **** been:

"*** **** *** * *** ******** to *******"

- ******* ******* ** * ******** Horse

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2023

*** ****** ** ****** *** ********* collapsed ** **** ******** **** -*********** ** ****** ** **** ** the ****** ******

**** ****, **** ******* ** **** clear **** ***** ** ******** ** the ********, ** *** ****** ********* declares:

*******, *** ***** ** ********** *** overall ******** ******** *** ************ *****, so *********** **** ********** *** ***** to ***** *******.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 21, 2023


* ***** **** *** ** *** data, *** **** * **** **** context *** ******** *** **** ****** cannot ***** ** *** ***** ****, but ****** (*** ****, ***********) ****** can *****, ** **** **** **** drop **** *****.

************* ****'* ****** ** ***** *** responsibilities ************* **** ** *********** ******* they **** **, **** *** ****** on ***** ***** *** **************** ******* integrators **** ******* ****.

*********** **** *** **** *** ***** and ****************, ** **** **** ** the *** ****** *** ***** *** invention ** *** ***** *.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 21, 2023

* **** *** * *****...******, *** title ** **** ******* ** *** a **** *******. ** ****** ** "Why **** *** * *** ******** for ***** ******** *******"

Hans Kahler
Aug 21, 2023
Eagle Eye Networks

* ***** **** **** ******, *** I ***'* ***** **** ***** ** the *** ** *** **** *** the **********. ********* *'* ******, * work *** ***** *** ********. * appreciate *** ******* ** ** *** 'Pro' ********** ****** *****. * ***** with ****. * ***'* *** *** we ***** ** **** ******* *** Integrator ********.

* *** **** ********* (****** ***** in **** '****' ********** ****** *****) trying ** ** ****** *** *********** security *********. **** *** ****** ***** success. * ***** **** ********** *** handle ******* ***** *** ******* *** be ******** ********* ** **. *******, many **** *** ************ ***** ******** to ******* ****** ** ***** ***.

***** *** **** **** ** **** challenges *** **** ** *** *********** integrators, *** * ******* **** *** value * **** ********** **** ** more **** ***** **** ** **** a ****** **** * ****** *** have *** ***** ****** *** **** support. ****** ******, ****** *********, *********** with ***** ******** *** ****** *********** are **** * *** ** *** key ******** **** *********** ***** **** have ** ******* ** ** **'* a ***** ****** ** ***.

* ******* ***** ** **** ** stay, *** ** *** ***********.

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2023

*** * ***'* ***** **** ***** is *** *** ** *** **** for *** **********.

* ** *** **** ****** ****** "cloud ** *** *** ** *** line *** *** **********." ** ***** conditions ******* *******, **** **** ******* well *** ****** *** **** ****** will ** ********.

Rian Schermerhorn
Aug 21, 2023

****** ***** *******...******, ****. *'* **** like ** *** **** *** *** safely *** ******** **** ** *** "Partner ********" **** ** **** ***** for ***** ***** *********. ****** ***% dedicated ** *** *******.

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2023

** ********** ***** ** *** ******** and ******* *** ***** **** **** sell ****** (** ***** ********), ** was *** ** ***** ** ** where ** *** *** ***. **** noted, **** ********* **** **** ***** they **** ****** ****** ** ********** and ** **** *************.

Mike Maxsenti
Aug 21, 2023

* **** *******, *** * *** points *'* ***:

*. *** **** *********** ***'* ** disrupted, ** **** ****** *** *** not ****** ** **** ***** **** are ** **** ***** *** * huge ******* ** *** ****-**** ********* of ***** **********.

*. ****** *** ******* ******** **** Genea, ******** *** ******* ** ***** own *** ******* ** ***** *********** into *** ********** **** *** ****. The ***** ** ******* *** ******* completely **** ** ****** ** ****** existing. **'* *** *** ***** **** customers ******* ** *** **** ** do ***** *** ****. ** ****, we *** ******* **** ********* ***** to *** ******* **** **** ***** and ******* ******* *** ******** ** the ***** ******* **** ****** **** security *** ********** *******. ********* *** demanding *****, **** ***** **** **** security ******** ***** **** *********** ****'* equipped ** ******, ** ****** **** gap *** **** ** *** ***** process.

*. ***** ***** *********** ***** ****** products *** ******** **** ****** *** operating *******. **** ******** *** ******* revenue, **** **** ** ** ** the *****.

*. ***** ******** **** ******* *********** compete **** ****** *********** ******* **** don't **** ** ***** ** ****. Only ***** **** ** ****** ********* will ****** **** *** ***** ** global ***********. ********* ***'* ******* ** global ********** *********** ***, ***** ***'* really **** **** ****** **** **** to ****** ** ******* **** ***** regional *********** *** *** *****.

James Mifsud
Aug 21, 2023
Atlas Technologies Australia

*** ********** * ** **** **** cloud ********; **’* **** ** *********** integrations ******* **-***** *** *********.

* ** **** ***** ****** ******* than ** ****, ******* ** **** as **** **** ** ** ******** tricky.. **’* ** ** **** **********

Mike Maxsenti
Oct 05, 2023

*****, *'* **** ** ******* ***** use ***** **** ***. * ***** API ****** **** *** ************ ****** in **** *****. ****'* *** *** docs ** ***'** *******:***** ****** ******* *** - **.*.*

Jiri Myslin
Aug 29, 2023

** ***, **** ******** *** **** here .. * **** * ***'* represent *** **** ** ******* *** user ***********, **** ******** **** ** personal **********, * *** *** ***** to ***** **********, *** **** *** I *** *** ***** ** ******** licenses ** * ********. **** ** the *** .. * ***** *** a ******** *******, *** *!******* ****** and ******* **, **** ** "***" it (******* ** *** ****). *** I **** ** *** ** ****** fee, ***** ** ****** **** ********* than * ****** **** ******* *** the ********. **** *********** ********** *****, employers *** **** ** ****** *** this ********* ****** ****, ***** ***** to ********, ******** *** *** ***** users, *** * *** **** ** defend ** **** *** ***** *****@* about ***** * ****. **** * hate *** **** ** ****** ** data **** *** ******** ** **** random ****** ****, * ********** ***** prefer ** **** ** ** **** where * *** ******* ******** *** logical ****** ** ** ****.

Corbin Hambrick
Aug 31, 2023

* *****. *'* ***** ***** ********** Desktop ******* **** *** ****'* *** to ***** * ***** **** **** the ******** ***** *** * ***** now.

*'* *** ****** *** ********** **** the **** ***** *** **** ****** but **** ********** ** *** **'* benefits.

***** ****** * ***** ** ** becoming **********.

* ******** **** *** ************ ***** about "***" ** *** **** ****** selling ******* *********** *****'* ***** ***** job. ****'* *******. ***** *** ****** of *********** *** ***** **** ** great ******* ****.

...**** * ********'* *********** *'* *** for ****** ***** ** ******* *** the ******-***.

Mike Maxsenti
Oct 05, 2023

** ****, ***** * *** ********** your *** ******* ** ******** **** and *** ********* **** * *** of ********* ****'* ******** ** ****** infrastructure ********** ******** *** ******** ********. Some ***, *** ****'* *****. ****, on-prem ******** *** ** ********** ****** and ***** ******* *** ********** ******* to ****** **** ******* *** ********* unless ****'** ********** *** ****** **** the ********.

*** ***** ***** **** **** ******** is **** *** ******** ***** **** better. *** **** *** ** *** software's **** ** *** *** *** bought **. ***'** *** ** *** features ******* ****** *** ******** *** loading **** **** *** *******(*) ***'** running.

**'* *** * ****** ** *********** and *********. **** *** **********!

Jiri Myslin
Oct 05, 2023

***** ***** **** **** ******** ** that *** ******** ***** **** ******. The **** *** ** *** ********'* life ** *** *** *** ****** it. ***'** *** ** *** ********

*** ******** ****** ** **** **** better ******. ****** ** *** *** 2000's, ** ****** ********** ** ******** these ****. **** ***** **** ********** that "******" **** ** ***, **** down **** **** ***** ********** "******." there *** *** **** "********" ***** days. * ***'* **** * ******** or **** *** ***** ******* *********** "tool ****" *** ****** ****** ******* up *** **** *** ***** **** 90's *** ******** **'*. **** *** software ******* ******** *** *** ***** what ******** ***** ** *******? ** do **** **** **** ***** ** code ******'* ******** *** *** ******* to **** ****?

*** ***, * ***** *** * matter ** *********** *** *********, * don't ******** ****** *** ***** ********** preferences.

Mike Maxsenti
Oct 05, 2023

** ***** ******** ***** ** ******** feedback *** *** ****. *'** *** 3 ** *********** ***** ** ******** needs ***** ***.

******** *** (*****) *** ******* ***** live **** ****!

Jiri Myslin
Oct 05, 2023

****'* *****! *** * *** ***** security ****** ************* ** ** ****, my ******* ** ********* ******** *** the *********'* ** *** *****.

James Mifsud
Aug 21, 2023
Atlas Technologies Australia

***** ** ********* **** ***** **** to **** ***; ** **** **** a *** ** *** ******* **** “none ** *** *****”

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2023

*** ************ ******* *** ******* ***** *** the ********* **** ******** ***** ****.

James Mifsud
Aug 21, 2023
Atlas Technologies Australia

**** ***** **** *****, ****** ****

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Aug 22, 2023

* ***** **** *******(*) ******, **** release * *******(*) **** ****** * dealer(s) ** ***** ******* ***** ***** offering, **** *** ** ***** ******* Azure, *** *** ******.

* ******** **** ** ******** ** be ********* *** ******* ** * decent ********** ** ******** ******* ** all *** *** ******** *** ***** costs ********** **** **** *** ********** by *******.

James Mifsud
Aug 22, 2023
Atlas Technologies Australia

******** ***** **, ******* ****** *** a ***** ********, **’* ****** ****** but *** ***** **** *** ******* nxWitness ** ******* ******* ** **** product.

** **** ****** **** *** ********** in *** *** ******* ** *****.

** *** ******* ** * ********* Back ***** *** *** ******* *******.

** *** ** ****, ** *** potentially ******* ** ******** *** *** “cloud” ** * ******* **** ******

*** **** **** **, *** *** buy * ***** **** ******* ******** and **** **** ** * “******” like ***** ***.

** ****** ***, *** *** *** products **** ******* ***’* (** **** Verkada) ***** ** * ****** ** eh ******* **** ******, *** ******* brand ****’* **** ******* *** **** in *******. ** ***’** ********** * can ** ** ************…

John Honovich
Aug 22, 2023

#*, *********** *****. ***** ***, ***** were ***** * ****** ** *******, even, *.*. **** *** ***** ***** offering **** *** ***** ******* ******** but **** *** ***** **** ***** ago, * ***'* **** * **** to **** **** *** **** ** related*** ***** **** *****.

*** ******* ******** **** ** *********** to **** *** *********** ******** ******** ** *************** ******** ** *** ******.

*** * **** *** ***** ******* about ** *******, * *** *** thought ***** **** *** * ***** he's ***** ** **** ** * new ******** *** **** **** ** should *****.

James Mifsud
Aug 22, 2023
Atlas Technologies Australia

@****, *** ***** **’** ******* ** playing **** ********* ********** ** ***** (That *** ***** ** *** ****, fyi) ** **** ** ***** **** a ****** ******.

**** ** * **** ** ****,

- ***** ** ******* ******

- *********** ************** ******** ******** ************+

- *************, ** *** ***’* *** multiserver **************, ********* * ****** ** the ***** ** ********* *********

- ******** * ******** ****** ******* on **** ******** **** ********* ******* PCs/Servers ** ******* *** ***** ******* before ********* *** **** ** *** cloud.

Jon Polly
Aug 22, 2023

* ********* ***** **** ******** ********** manufacturers, **** ** ***** *** *****-*****. One ***** * **** ***** ** that **** ******** * ***** *** a ****** *** ***** *****; **** location, ****, **** ** *****, ** hopeful ***-****. **** *** ** *** looking ** ******* *****-***** ***************, ******* the ******* ********** ******* *** *** large ***-***** ***. ** * ***** technology *** ** ***-**** **** ** Amazon, **** ****** **** ** ******, Microsoft, *******, ***.; *** ****-*****. ***** these *** ** *** ***** ********** solutions, ** *** ****** *** **** go ** ****** *** ** * limiting ****** ** ***** *****(*) **** choose ** *******.

Undisclosed #4
Aug 22, 2023

*** *** **** ***** **** ** simply *** *** *** ******* *** CDW, *** ** ***** *-******.

****, *** **** **** ********** ** state ***** ********* ****** - *** rightfully **, ** **** **** ******* been ***** ****** **** ********* ** real ******** ** ********* ***** *** (some ***** *** *******) ******.

*** ***** *** *** ***** ** groups **** **** ** ****** ***** wagons **** *** ***** ******* ** inbound ****** ****** *** ******** ** ignore.

** *** ****** *** ***** ***** Licensing ****** ** ******** ** ****** license *********** ** *****-*********-*******-****** **** ********** pressure ** ************ *********** *** ******** possess ***** ***** ***** ********?

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Aug 22, 2023

******* * ******* *** * ***** or ***** ** ****** ** ****** won’t ******** *** **** ** ***** enough.

*** ***** ******** | ***** ***********

John Honovich
Aug 22, 2023

********** ** ***** ***** ********* ******

** ** *****, ** ***** ** that ********* ** *** * ********** barrier ** ****-****** *** ********. **** may ****** ** ****** ** ***** and **** ****** ****** *** *** and ** ** *** *** **** for **** ** ** ** **********.

Jon Polly
Aug 22, 2023

**** ****** *** ****** *********; ********* manufacturers *** ************ **** **** ******* with *** *******, ** ** **** move **** ***** ***** *** ************* will ****** ******* ** ********** **** a ******* ** *** *****(*) ******.

**** ****** ***'* **** ** ***'* care ***** *** ******* ***** ***** they *** * ****, ***** *** be *****.

Dallan Labrum
Aug 22, 2023

**** *** ********** ** ****. * think ** ** ********* ********* *** integrators ** ******* **** ************* ***'* core ****** ** ** ** ******* them. ** *** **** ** **** our ****** ******** *** ***** ********* and ** ******* **** ** ****. It ** *** ****** * **** value. ** ***** ***** ************* *** and ****** ****** *** ***** ****** and ********** *** ****** **** *** that ** ***** ***. ** *********** professional ******** *** **** ******* * professional ** *******. ** *** * lot ** *** ******** ****** ** us **** ***** ************* ******* **** will **** * ******** **** ****. PDK **** ***** ** ****. *** dealer ******* ** ***** ** *** health ** *** ********. ** **** to ******, ***** *** ******* *** partners.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Aug 22, 2023

***’* ****** * ***** *** **** buys ** ***** ******* *** **** PDK….going ** ****** *** * *** to ****** ****?

Lee Jones
Aug 24, 2023
Support Services Group

**** ******** **** ********** ******** ** excellent ******** ** ****-*** **********. ** I ** *** *********** ******** * would ** ********* **** ***** ******* of **********, *** ** ** **** of “********”.**** ** ****** *** ******** ** see *** ******* “********”. *** *** you ** ***** *** *** “********” provisions, **** **:

~ **** *** ***** ****** ****** give **** ******** ******** ** **/******** alarm *******?

~ **** ****** ******** ********. ** private ******; ** ********* *** ***-** signals **** *** *****-****?

~ **** ********** ******* **** ** monitoring ** *******, *** *** **** VR ********** **** *** ******** **********?

~ *** ******** ** *** *****-**** when ******* *** *** ** ********?

~ **** *** ********** **** *** the ***** ***** *****/****, ** *** caller/perpetrator?

*********, *** ********** ******* ******* *** compatible ******** ******* ** ** ****** value.

* ** ****-**** ***., **** **** ** ***** in *** ******** ********, ************* ** the **********. ***** * ****** ********* in **** **** **********. ****** ***** corrections *** ************ ***** ***********.

Chris Peterson
Aug 29, 2023
Vector Firm

**** *****, ****. ****** ******* ************ in *** ***** ****** **** **-******* is *** ******** *** ***** *********** vulnerable. *******, ** ****'** **** ** use ***** ******** ** ****** ** simplify ***** ******* ******** (*.*. ****** control *******, ***** **********, ********* ****** health **********, ***.), **** **** ****** more ******** ** ***** ***-**** ********* than **** **** ******.

Brian McCarrick
Sep 05, 2023

*** *** ****** **** *** ***** service? ** ******* ****** *****, *** in *** ********* ** ***** ********** Australia,with *** **** ** * *** software ********, **** *** *** ***** service. ** ******* ****** ***'* *** up ** ******* ******* ** *** tunnels **** ** *** **** ****** and ** *** ******** ****** ********. Using ** *******, ****** *** **** to *** ******** *** ******. ******** officers **** **** *** ***** *** can ******* **** *** ** *** cameras ** *** **** *** **** respond ** *********. *** *** ** entirely ***** - ****** *** *** data *** ** *** ***** - and ******** * ****** ******* * can *** * ****** ***. ** techs **** ****** ******* ********* ** the ******** *** *********** **** **** requirements.

*** ******** ***** *** ******* ** better ******** *** ******* ********* ** necessary ******. *** **** *** **** customer ******* ** ********* ********* ** videos ** *********. ******* ******* * better ********** ********** ** **** ****** / ********* / ********* *** **** smart ****** **** ******** *********.

******: **** ******* *** **** ***** to *** *** **********:***********, *** *** ****** / ***** Your *** ***** *******?

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Sep 09, 2023

****** ***** *******, *** **** * missed *** **** ****.

** *** **** ****** ** ****** I **** *** ******* ******* ***** of ******* (****), *******, *** ******** Alta. * **** ***** ****** ** next, *** * ***** ****** ** the ********** * ** **** ******* about.

**** *** ****** ***** ** ** in *** **** **** ******** *** security ******** ** **** ***** ** the *** *******, *** * ******* ai ****** *** ********* *** ******* a ***** ****** ** **** *****.

** *** ****** ***** ** ************ reduce *** ******** **** ******* ******* who **** ****** ******. * ** impressed **** *** **** ********, *** working ****** *** ****** **** ******** as * ******* *** **** ******** due ** ***** ********* ******* ****** (simple ******** ***** ****** *****).

** ***********, ** **** ****** ****** to ** **** *****. ** *** coming ***** * ***** ** *** don't **** ***** ** **** ******* that *** **** ****** ** ***** technology, ************* *** ********** *** **** be ** * ************.

** *** ***** ** ** ******** on ********* *** ********* *** ******* cloud ***** ******** *****, *** ****** on ******* ********* ** * ****** when ********** *********.

Undisclosed End User #6
Sep 09, 2023

** ***** * **** *** **** listed ** *** ** *** *** been ********** ** ********* *********** ** more ***** ***********, **** **** **********/********* plans ***** * ** ******* (*********) means **** **** ******* *** ***** are *******, *** **** * **** idea *** ******* ***** *** ** with ******* ** * *************.

*** ****** ** *** **** *** years **** ***** ** ***** **** time *** *** ******* ******* ********* to ****** ******* ***** *** ******** services, * ******** **** *** ******** and ******** ***** *** ************ ** throttled ** ******* ** *** ****** of *** *** ****** * ***** after *** *****. ***** *** ** supplemented ** ** **-**** ********* ***/** solar **** ***, *** ********* *** emergency ******** ************ *** **** **** expensive/specialized (** ********** *** **** ***** it ****** ** **** ******).

****** *** * ******** **** *** you ** ** **** ** ****** recordings, *** ********* *** *** ********** for ******** ******** (** ***** ***** and *****-*** ******** ***** * ***** storm **** ******* *********)

*** **** ** ****** ** ***** to ** **** **** ************ ************** states/locations ****** **** ** ***** **** cloud ********, *** **** ** ** obstacle ** *** ***** ********. ******* demand *** **** ***** **** **** for ****** *********** ** ******** ************** (which * ***** **** ** *** case).

Undisclosed Integrator #7
Apr 02, 2024

***** ******* ** ****, *** ** order ** ******* *** **********, **** have ****** ****** ********** **** *** ************* in ***** ** **** ***** ********. ***** ********** **** ** ** beyond *** ******* ***, **** **** include ******** ** ******* *** ******** of *** **********; *** * **** lawyer **** *********** ***** ***** ** negotiations. **** ***** ***, ** ******* a **** ******, **** ** *** we *** ****** ******* ** ***** manufacturer ** **** ****.

John Honovich
May 30, 2024

************** *****, "*** ****** ** *** ***** on ******** ********: ***-******** ** ***-********?" getting ********* **** * *************. *** of **** **** ** *** ******** for ***********, ****** ******* ********** ********.

***** * ****** ***** *** ********** benefits *** ***********, *******, ** ***** integrators ************* **** ******** **** *************, shifting **** ***** *** ****-**** ******* to ****.

John Honovich
Aug 10, 2024

* **** *****, * ***** **** is ***** *****, *** *** ********** to *** ***** *** ***********; ******** ***** ********** ** ***** ************.

*** **** **** *** ****** **** better *** *********** ** ******* ****** money ** ********** *********** ****** *** opportunities ** ** ********, *.*.******* ******* ****** ******** ** ******** Security *****, **** ********'* ************* ** ** ***** ** ****** One ** *** *****'* ******* ******** Integrators (**-**** *********).

******* ** ********** ** **** *** it ** ******* ** *** ******* of ************ ******** ***********, *.*. ********** ******** ********** $*.* ******* ****** End-User ********* **** ***** **** ****** ******** ******** ****** With *******.

****, *** * *** **** ** integrator ******** ** **** ******** *****, see**** **** ******* ********** *** ******* Out * *** ** **** ******** Profitable (**** *******)