Axon SkySwap Program Analyzed
**** *** ***** **** *** *** drones-as-first-responder ****** ** *** ** *** most ********* ******* ******* ** ******** security, **** **** ********* ************ ********* in ***. ***, **************'* ******** ***** ********* ******, **** ************* ******* *******. **** ** **, *** *** is ** ********* **** *****'*?
** **** ******, ** ******* *** newly ********* ******* *** *** ************ for *** ****** ***** ** ******** *** **** *****,****** *** **** ***, *** ******* ***** ****** **** employees ******.
Executive *******
****'* ******* *******, ********** ** ******* ******* ****'* DFR ******* *** *** *****-**** ******, is * **** ********** ****** ******** to *****'*. **** *** **** *** DFR ******** ***** *** ******** ** other ***** ********* ******* ** ***, while ***** **** ******* **** ** can **** *** *** ***** *** company ** ******* ******* *** ******.
**** ** ***** ******** **** ******* amidst *********** **** *** ** **********'* DJI ***, **** *** **** **** being **********, ********* * ********* **** allows *** ****** ** ** ***** to ***'* ******* **** ** ****, which ***** ************* ****** *** ******** in *** **.
***** ************* ** ******* **** *** have ************* ** ***** ******** **** Axon's *********, *** *** *******'* ***** integrations **** ***** *** ****'* ***** services ***** *** **** ************ *** increase *** ********** ** ***-***** ********* their **** ***. **** ** * positive *** ****, ****** *** ******* natural *****-******* *************.
*** ********** ** ****'* ******* ******* is *** **** ** * ************ available **** *** ******'* *** *** drone, ***** ******* "* ****** *******" between ****'* *** *** ******'* ***, according ** ****'* *** **** *****. With ***** ******** ** ** ******** in *** ***** ** ****, ****** agencies **** *** ** **** ** dock-based ********* *** ****** *****'* ** Brinc's ********* **** ****** ******* **** on ****-********* ****** ** ******* ** replace *** ** **** ********* ****** in *** ******.
DJI ***/**** **** **********
***********, ***** ****'* **** ***** **** that *** *** *** "*** ****** by ********," *** **** **** **** not *********** *** *** ******, ***** is * ******** *** ****.
*******,** ********** ****** "** *********** ******** ******** agency ***** *********" **** *** **** not "**** ** ************ **** ** the ******** ******** ** *** ****** States ** *** ******** *** ****** of ****** ****** *******," *** **** be ***** ** *** ***'* ******* list.
** ** *** **** *** ****** DJI ** ** ** ***** ** the ***'* ******* **** **** *** incoming ***** **************; *******, * ** government *** *** **** ******* **** the ******* *** ******* ***** *** and *** ******* *** *************** ********, ***** ***** ******* ** ** in *** *** *******.
US ***** ******** *** ***
****'* ******* ******* ** ** **** with *** ******* ***** ****** *** US ***** ******** ** ****** **** reliant ** *** ***** ****** - something **** ******* ************* ******** ** IPVM ** * **** ***** ********** - ****** *** ** ***** ******** ** Moving **** **** **************** *** **** **** ***** **** Report.
** *** *** *** ** ********, this **** ****** ******** ************* *** Axon, *****, *****, *** ***** ***** manufacturers, ** *** ****** *** ****** used (****** ** ** **** ******** in *** ********** ****** **** **** are ** *** ******** *****).
Axon's ************
** ******* **, ****,**** ********* *** ******* ************* "******* ************ ** *******-************ ******, agencies **** *********** ********** ** *********** operational **********."
** *** ******* *********, *** ******* allows *** ******** ** ******* ****** for ******* ****** ****'* ***** *********:
******* ********* ***** ********** ****-** ** offering ******** * *************** **** ** replace ***-********* ****** **** *******-**** **********. Starting ******* **, ****, ******** *** trade ** ******** ** ***-********* ****** for *********** ******* ****** ****’* ******** DFR *********. ******* **** ****** ******** single-drone *********** ** ******** *****-**** *******, Axon *** ******** *** ********* ** meet *** ****** ******* ** ****** safety.
*** ******* **** ** **** ** December **, ****, *** **** ** applied ******* * *-**** ******** *** Axon's ********, ** *** ******* ******:
Credits *********
*** ****** ** ******* **** **** is ***** ** ****** ******* *** DFR ******** ****** **** $*** ** $15,000 *** ***** ***** ** *** chart **** *** ******* ******, ***** below:
***** *** ******* *** ****** ******** to ****** **** *** **************, *** ******* **** **** **** end-users *** ***** **** ********* ****** (not **** ** *** ** *****), but ** ***** *****, *** ****** value **** ** ********** ** * case-by-case *****.
Claimed ***** **********
****** ***** ************ **** *****, ********.***, and ***** ****'* ********, **** ********** the *******, **** ********** **** ** offers * "************ **** ****-********* ********" compared ** ** ***** *** "*********" competitor, ** *** *** ****:
*** ** *** **** ********* *********** we've **** *** *****, ****'** ********* been ***** ******* ****** *** **** third ***** ****, *** *** *** up ****** ***** $***,*** * ****. Now ** **********, **** ****** *** you *** ** ** ***** $***,*** a ****, *** ****'* ** *** 3 ****** ******, * **** *** the ********. ** ****'* ****** ** apples [**********]. *** *** * **** from *** **********, * **** **** Skydio.So ** ** * ************ **** **** ********* ********. Now we also would recommend that you add Dedrone beyond and that adds another $250,000 a year [for]a radar, RF, radio tracking and visual tracking system [emphasis added]
***** **** *** *** **** *** competitor ** ******** ** ****, ********'* DFR ******** ** ****** ********* ** what **** *********, ***** ********** ********* *********, *** **** *** **** ******** shown ** **** (*** **** ******, O.W.L. ******).
Skydio **** ************
*** **** ** * ************ ********* dock *** **** **** *** ******** of ****'* *** ******** *** ******* program, ** ******-*** *** *********** *** generally ********** ** ** **** ********* than ****-*****. ** *** ***** ****, this ******* * "****** *******" ******* himself *** ******'* *** **** ***, with *** ****** ******* *** **** dock ***********:
*** *** *****, **** **** ** a *****, *******, *********** ***** ** equipment. ****'** ***** ** *** ****** of ****, *** ****,there's **** * ****** ******* ******* ** *** **** [***], ***** *'* ****, "**** *** *********, *** **** **** *** ***** *** *** **** *** *****." Their beta program is going to be running through May, and then full release around May or June. Now they've already tested the hell out of these docs, there's no safety issues at all to be worried about. But they're wisely adding a field beta program to make sure out in the field [there are no issues] [emphasis added]
Axon ***** **********
*** *******, **** **** **** ******* on *** ****** ** ********** *** DJI ***, ** *** *** ******:
************ ** ****, **'** **** ** the ***** ******** *** ***** ** eight *****, ***our ******* ******** *** [******** ******] *** [which] had a really clear market lead at very low price points. And so we started a software program called Axon Air that would, we believe, solve the security problem from a software perspective. And we ultimately found somebody who was doing it better than us, and that was DroneSense. And so we ******* ** ***** ********** ******** **** ***** **** ****** *** **** ** ******* ******. In this context, several states had started banning Chinese drones, and then there was federal legislation afoot. Roxanna Kennedy [Chief of Chula Vista PD, a prominent early adopted of DFR] actually called me and asked for my help, "Hey, look, we need to push back on this." And she had some impression that there might have been some US companies actually sort of pushing for this legislation. And so I engaged, we have a government affairs operation in Washington, DC ... And I *** ****** ** ** ** ***** ********'* ****** ... and they said, "Frankly, no, far more money is being spent by the Chinese companies lobbying this issue than even seen any of the US companies", and she explained to me that this was a true national security threat, and frankly, she asked for my support as an American citizen. She ****, **'* **** ** *** *** ********** ********'* ******** **** **** ** ******** ******** ******. [emphasis added]