ASIS Board Politely Firing CEO Peter O'Neil

Published Aug 24, 2023 16:05 PM

*** ***** ** ********* ** **** is ******** ****** ******** *'****** *** ****** **-****-*** ************ ***** financial *** *********** **********.

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** **** ****, ** ******* *** move *** *** ********** *** ****.

*** **********, ******* *** ***** *'**** ***** $***,***,**** ******* ***** **%, *** ** COVID******* ***** **** ********* *********** *******.


**** ******** * *************** ******* *** *****'* ******** "*** to ***** *** ********** ******** ** ASIS ******** *'****" *** **** **** **** "*******" the "********* ********** ****":

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****'* ******* ****** *****,***, ** **** ***** ***** ****.

No **** *******

***** *** ********* ******* ** "***** of *** ***********", ** **** *** elaborate ** **** ***** ***** *** or *** **** ******* ** ******. Neither *'**** *** **** ********* ** IPVM ******** *** ******** ** ****.

Improving "**** ***********" *** "********** *******"

*******,****'* **** ****** ****** ********* ***** *** **** *** ********** costs *** ********** **** *******, **** the ********** *** **** ** ***** budget ******* ** **** ****:

*** ******** *** ********* ****deeper ******** *** *********** ** *** ************'* ******* *** **** *********** *** ********** *******. 2022 fiscal saw a substantial improvement over the prior year in terms of our financial performance due to the efforts of headquarters staff along with the oversight of our Global Board of Directors—and moved us closer to our goal ** ***** ** ***** ****** ******* ** *** *** ** ****. [emphasis added]

CEO *** **, *** ****** ****

**** *** ****** **** ****** ** more **** **%, ***** *'****'* ****** total ************ *** ***** ** **** $800,000, ** *** ***** ***** *****:

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**** *********** ** ******* **************'* ********* ** ****'* *** **** filings.

O'Neil ************

**********, **** ******** *****'**** **** $***,*** ** *** **** between **** **** ** **** ****. ** **** **** *** ********* year, ********* $***,*** ** *****. **** other ********** **** **** $***,*** ** reportable ************, * ******** **** * year *** **** *** ********** ******** this ****. **** ********** ******** $**,***+ in ********* ***** ************. *** ********, this ********* *** *** **** $* million.

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******* **** ********** ** ****, ********* now********************* ************ ******** ************** *******, **** ***** ********* ***** ** ASIS.

Cutting *&* ********

****** *** **********' ************, **** *** been ******** *** ******* & ************** spending. *** ****** ******** **** $*.** million ** **** ** $*.** ******* in ****, ********* ** *** ****** reports (*********** ** *** ***** *****):

IPVM Image

**** *** ********* ******* **** *** last *** *****, *** ** *** not ******* ** *** ***** **** of ***** ***** **** *** *** much **** **** ******** *** ************'* ability ** *******.

****, **** ********** ******* **** **** $3 ******* **** ** **********, ***** does *** ********* **** ****'* ***** to **** ***** $*.** ******* (*.*., 6% ** $**.* *******) ** *&*.

Financial ******** - ********* ****** *** *******

********* **, ** *******, ********* ** ******** *************, ** a ********, ** ***** ** * marketing ****** *** *******, ********* ******** technology *************, ** **** ** ***** practitioners.

*** ****** ******** ********* *** **** the *********** ** *** **** / now *** ****, ***** *** ********* with ********* ********** **** ****** ***** and **** ******** ** *****:**** ******* ***** **%, *** ** COVID

Hikvision **** **********

****'* ********* ************ **** ** *********** that ********* ********* *** ** ******* ** GSX ****, **** ****** ** ** ****-****** and *** ******** * ******** ******** threat. **** ******* ** ******* ** this ** **** **** ** *** time.

Education ******

****, * **** ***, ****** ******** ****** ** ** **** CPP ************* ******* ********** ** ****, **** 89% ** *** *********** ****** **** ASIS ** ******* ** ***** **** continuous ********. **** ******** **** ****** in ****** ** *** ******:**** ***** **** ********* *********** *******

No ******** **** ****, ******** ********* **** "*********** ***"

**** *** *** ******* ** ****'* requests *** ********. ***** **** ** its ********** ** **** ********** **** declined ** ******* ** *** *** respond, ****'* ********* ** ****,******** ********, **** **** **** *'**** "*** an ********** *********** *** ******* *** organization":

* *** **** ************* ****** ***** president ** **** *** ** ********* not ** * ****** ********* ********** position, ** * ****** [**** ******** comments]. *** **** ***** **** * can *** ** **** **. ***** O’Neil *** ** ********** *********** *** leading *** ************ *** *** **** 7 ***** *** ** *** *** much *********. **** *******, ******** ********

SIA ********

*** *** *** *************** *'**** ** * ******** ** IPVM:

***** ** ***** ******** *** ******** of *** ** ****, *** ************* did *** **** * ******** ******* relationship ** ***** **** ******** **** to *** ****** *******. ** *** credit, ***** *** ******* ** **** about ********* ************* **** *** ** the **** ***** ** *** ********** starting ** ****.

** ********* * ******** ************ **** was ****** ** ************* ** **** together. ***** *** * **** ****** been ****, ******, *** ****** **** each ***** **** ****** ***** **** instances **** ** *********. ** *** rewarding ** **** **** *** ** a ************* *** ** ******* *** initiatives ********* *********** ******** ********, ***/**** Career ******** ********, *** *** **-********** of *** *************** ********** ******** **** year.

SIA / **** ***********?

**** *** ***** ******* ** *** and **** ********** * ********* *********** that ***** **** *** ********** **** organization. *****, *** *** ******** **** he *** *** "**** *** ******* on ******* ** *** **** *** said ** ***."

*** *** ****, ** ***'* *** mentions, ** ******* ** ******* **********, though, ***********, **** ******* *** ********* dollars **** ******* ***, ** **********, for **** **********.


** ** *** **** ****** ***** ASIS ********* ** *********** ******* ****'* future, ** **** ********** ***** ** be **** ******** ***** *** ********. It ******* *** ********* ********* ***** who **** **** *** ************ *** how ** **** ***** ** *** challenges **** **** ***** *** ************ for **** **** * ******.

Comments (14)
Michael Henderson
Aug 24, 2023

*** * *** ** **** ******* of ***** ********* *** ****** *** money. ** ********** *** ** *** have ****** ***** ***, *** * really ***'* **** **.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 24, 2023

** *** ** *** *** ****, the **** ****** *** ****** *** by ***** *********.

****** ** ********* *** * **** been ***** ** **** *** *** West *** **** ***** **** **** in **** ********.

** *** *** **** ***** **** the *****.

********** **** ** * *** ****** than ******** ******** ********* ** ** computer ** *** ******** *** ****** limited ******* ** *** **** * want ** ***. ***, **** ****** get **** ******* *** *******, ******* and ******.

** * ********** ****. * *** get **** *** **** ** * product **** * **** ****** *** get ******* * ****. **** * am **** ******* **** **** *************.

Corey Keast
Aug 24, 2023

***** *** ********* ******* ** "***** of *** ***********", ** **** ********* on **** ***** ***** *** ** why **** ******* ** ******. ******* O'Neil *** **** ********* ** **** requests *** ******** ** ****.

****** *** "...** **** *** *********..."

John Honovich
Aug 24, 2023

******. *****.

Vince Regan
Aug 24, 2023

**** *** **** ********** "*** *****" for ** ***** * ******. ******* paid ********** *** ********* ** ** further ******* **** *** ***** ** connection ** *** ******** ********. **'* been *******.

***, ** ****'* **** ****** ** their ********** ********** ********* ***** ***** take *** ******* **** ********* ******* with ******** **********, **** **** **** council, ********, **********, ************* ****** *** speaking ***********--** *** **** **** ***** take ***** ******** *** *********** ** volunteers *** ******* *** **** ***** who ******* **** * ****. *****, largely ******.

**, **** **** *****, *** ********** has ****** **** ************** ** ***** they **** ******** ** *****. *********, more ********** *** ** ** *** ASIS ** **** * ****** ** becoming ******** *****.

** ***** *** ** *** ********* as "* **** *** **** *******," and ** ***. ***** ****'* *****, yet ** *** **** ** **** with *** ******** **** *****. ***, the ******** *** ***** ** *** polar ******** ***** **** ********** *** become *** ******. * ** *** sure **** **** ***** **** ***** "sweet ****."

Paul H Aube
Aug 24, 2023
Consultant PHA

****, ** ***** ** ********** (********) security, **** ** **** ********... *** up-dated. * **** ******* **** **** the ******. **** ****’* *** ******* are ******** ***-*****. ***** **** **** would ******* * ******** ******** ****** that *** ******** ** **** *** structure **** ****’*. **** ***** ***** to ******** ******** ********.

James Miller III
Aug 25, 2023
IPVMU Certified

**** ** ** **** ******, * always **** **** * *** ** the ******* ******* **. ******* * haven't ****** ** *** *** *** I **** ***** **** ******* ** become ******** **** ****. **** ***** change **** * *************, *** **** the ******* ** *** ***** *'* taking * **** *** *** ********.

John Honovich
Aug 25, 2023

** *** **** ** **** *** certification, ***** *** ************ *********** ***** you ** ** ** ***** ****** or ****** ******** **** *** **** for / ********* ** ***** ********* partners.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 25, 2023

- * ***'* ***** ****** **** IPVM ******* ***** **** *********** ***'* always *** ******* *** **** **** been *********** *** **-** **+ *****. Many ******* ** **********... **** ***** dues.

- * **** **** ***** **** ISC ****, ***, ** **** ******* I *** ******* *** *** ******* I **** *** ** *******. ******* answers ** ******** **** ******, ** not ******.

- ****. ***- * **** **** part ** **** ************ ***** ****. WIll ** ** *** *** **** in ****** ********* **-**

- ******* ****** **** ***** **** gone **, **** ****'*? **** ** not ** *********. ** *** **** reports ** ****** *** *******, *** had ** ******** **** ************ ****, what * ***** ***.

** *** ****'*, *** ***'* *** info ***** ****.

- ********** ** ****** ***** ******** unless *** *** *** ******* ** John * **** ** ****** *** a *****. **** ** ** ***** a *** ********. **** ** ** decides, * ***'* **** ** **** X ** *** ******* ******* *** flawed. ***** ** ***** ****** ********, he ****** ** **** *****, ***** it ***** ** ****** ** ** was ********.

*** ****** **** ** ***** ***, ASIS *** * **** *** *** network. *** ******** ** * ***** was * **** *** *** *******. Good *** *** ******* *** *** mean *** ****'* **** *** **** and **** *** ***** ** *** business. **** **** *** *** **** and ******** ***** ***** *** ***** people **** ** **** *****, **** solutions, *** *********, **** ******** *** make **** ********* *** *********, ** you **** ** *** **** *******, that ******** *** ****** **** ****** they ****** **** ********.

* ***** ****** **** ** **** certification, ** * ******* ************* **** Cisco, ****, ****, **, ******, *** others **** * ************* ***** * can *** *****, ** ***** ** home.

* **** ** ******* *******, **** checked ** *******, ** *****, ******* or ** * ******* ***** * took * **** ** ***** ** someone *** **** *** ** *** a **** ******* ******* ** *** equipment ** * *** ** ***. If * ******'* *** *** *******, I ******, *** *** ** **** to ******. *** ***** *** ** my **** *** *** ** ** desk ***** ****** * ****. *** customer **** ***** *** **** **** hired * ****, ** ****, **...**** could *** * ******* ** ***** a ******** **** ******.

John Honovich
Aug 25, 2023

**** ******* ** **********... **** ***** dues.

*********, *** **-******** ****, *** * Masters ** ********** **** ***.

** ** *****, ******, **** **** not **** ** *** ******** ** any ***********. *******, * ***'* ***** their *********, ******* ******** ** ********** as, ** *** ***** ***, ** helps ** ****** ******** *** ** the **** ***, ** ********** *** urgency ** *** ***** ********.

Lee Jones
Aug 26, 2023
Support Services Group

***** ****... !!

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 30, 2023

*'** **** * ********* ****** *** over * *******. *'** **** **** and *** ** **** ****** **** ASIS, ***** ** ********* ******, ***** all, ******* ** *******. **** ****** bothers ** ** **** ************* ********** don't *** *** ********* ******* **** for ********* ******. ** ** ************* board ****** ***** ** ****** * meeting ******, **** ****** **** **** all ****** ********. **** ***** ** ok *** ** *** ************ ** the ********** ***** *** ** **** as ** *** ** *** *******. If * **** ***** **** ******, I ***** **** ***** ****** ** be **** ** *** *****.

Undisclosed End User #3
Aug 31, 2023

* ***** ** **** **** ***** to ****** ** ****-****** *** ******. I ***** **** *** ****** *******, with ** ********, *** *** **** life *********, ** ** **** ** longer.

* ***** ****** ** ******** *** cert *** ****** **** ** **** my ***** *** * ***** *********. It ******* ** **** **'* *** an ****** ** ****** **** **'* not ** **-***** ******. ** ***** year **** ********** **** ****** ** an ****** *** ***** ******* *** those ********** **** ***** ****.

John Honovich
Feb 15, 2024

**** ****** * *** ********** * *** ***. *** *** desired ******* ** *:

********** ********* ** ***new ********* *** ******** (as determined by the ASIS Board of Directors) with enhanced organizational relevance to current and prospective members across all sectors of the security field. ASIS’ value proposition and mission are clarified; there is investment in core capabilities that define and distinguish ASIS from other specialty groups. [emphasis added]

***** *'**** *** ******* *** ************** ** ** **** ** ****:

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