Camera Video Analytics Rankings 2023 - 21 Manufacturers, 40 Analytics

Rob Kilpatrick
Published Apr 04, 2023 15:56 PM

IPVM has released brand new rankings of 21 manufacturers' analytics across 13 categories, watch the video below for an overview.

In this report, we rank these analytics in the following 13 categories:

  • Person detection
  • Vehicle detection
  • Rain/snow false alert resistance
  • Small/large animal false alert resistance
  • Parked vehicle false alert resistance
  • Bounding box tracking accuracy
  • Foliage/leaves false alert resistance
  • Shadows false alert resistance
  • Light changes false alert resistance
  • Vehicle headlights false alert resistance
  • Multiple person tracking
  • PPF needed for person and vehicle detection
  • VMS Integration

For each of these 13 categories, we rank from best to worst how each analytic performs.

Additionally, research subscribers gain access to rankings from each category, with an example redacted rankings chart (1 of 13) shown below:

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******** ** **** ********/******** *** ** different ****** ********* **** ** *************:

Rankings *******

*** ******* *********** ******** * ************* evaluation ** **** ********* ***********, **** the ****** ******** ***** ** ***** overall ************* *** ***** ***** **********, ranging **** **** ** ***** *** negligible (** ***** ******) ** ******** (constant ***** ******).

*** ******* ********** ******** *** ****** scores, ** **** ********* ******** ****** associated **** ***** ****** ********* ** missed *******.

********* **** ******** ***** ** **** stars **** ********** ******* ** ***** average, **** ***** ** ******** ****** found, **** ********** ** ********** ***** alerts/events.

*******, *** ********* **** ****** **** stars ************ *********** *********** ** ********* people ** ******** *** ************ ********** false ****** ** *** *******.

***** ** *** **** ******** *****, or ******* ******** ** *** ******** below:

** *** **** ******* ** ** released **** *****, ** **** **** this ***** *********** ** *** *** query/filter *** ********* *** ********** **** are **** ********* ** ***.

*** ******* ******** ******** *** ******** for ******* *** *****, *** ****** which ********* *** **** ****** ****** many *** ***** ** ******** ******.

*** *******, *** ****** *** ******* an ******** **** *** ********** ******** individuals ** * *****/****** ***** ********** by ******* *** ********* ********** ********** to ***** ****** ********* ** ******* or ******* *******.

***** ******* *** **** ***** ** a ******* ***, ********* ** ******** that ****** ** ********* ********* ********** individuals ** ****** ********, **** ****** false ***** ********** ** **********/****** ********.

Manufacturer *********** *********

***** *** ********* *** **** ** the ****** *********, ********* *** ********* and ********** ***** ** *** *******.

Avigilon *********** *******

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******** **/** *********

*** ******** ** *** ** ********* did *** ******* *** ********** ** our ******* ****** *** *****-***** *** integration.

******** ** *********

******** ** ********* ******** ***** ****** on *** ******* **** ** **** and ****, ****** ********, *******, *******, light *******, ******* **********, *** *******. The ****** ********* *** ******** *** tracking **** ********, ** ********* ********** people **** *** ******** ********, *** bounding ***** ** ****** **** *******.

3xLogic *********** *******

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******* ***** *** *** ***

******* ***** *** *** *** ** effective ** ********* *** ***** ****** triggered ** *******, ****** ********, *******, shadows, ***** *******, *** **********. *******, it *** ********** **** ****** ********* and ******** *** ********, ******* ** a ******** *********** ** ***** *****. Additionally, *** **** ******* ********* ********, and ***** ****** **** ** **** classification *** ***** ***** ********** ****** rain/snow.

Alta ***** *********** *******

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**** *****

**** ***** *** *********** ***** ***** resistance ****** *** ****** *******, ********* rain, *******, ****** ********, **********, ******* foliage, *******, *** ******. *******, ** had ******** ****** **** ****** ********* accuracy, ******** **** ********** ***** **********/*************** of ********* *******, ******* ******** *** accuracy, *** ******* ********-****** ********.

Axis *********** *******

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**** ****** ********* (****)

**** **** ********* ******** ****** ***** alert **********, *********** ********* *** ****, parked ********, **********, ******* *******, *** shadows. ********, ** ****** ** ****** detection **** **** ********, ***** ** various ******** ** ********* **********. *******, it *** ******* ******** *** ******** and ********* **** ********-****** ********, ************ with ****** ******* ****** *** ******. Additionally, ** ************ ******* ********** ******* as ******.

**** ****** ********* (****)

**** **** ******** ****** ***** ***** resistance ** ****** ********, *******, *******, and ***** *******. *******, ** ***** moderate ********** ** **** ****** *** vehicle *********, ******** **** ********** ***** classifications *** ****** ** ****/****. ***********, the **** ********* *** **** *********** in ****** **** *******, ***** ********** as ******.

**** ********* ********

**** ********* ******** ******** ****** ***** alert ********** ****** ******* *******, ********* parked ********, *******, *******, ***** *******, and ******* **********. ********, ** *** reliable ******* ********* ********. *******, ** faced ******** ********** **** ****** ********* and ****** ******** ********, ************ **** occasional ****** ** ******* ******** *** people ******* ****** *** ******. ***********, it ************ *** ***** ****** ********* by ******* *** ****/****.

**** ****** *****/***** *****

**** ****** ***** *********** ******* *** false ****** *********** **** ****** ******** and ***** *******. *******, ** ******** poor ****** *** ******* ********* ******** and ********* **** ***** ***** ********** on ****, *******, *******, ******* **********, and *******.

**** ****

**** *** * ******** ****** ***** alert ********** ****** ****** ********, *******, shadows, *** ***** *******. *******, ** had **** **** ******/******* ********* ********. Moreover, ** ********* ************* **** ***** alert ********** ** ****, *******, *** vehicle **********.

Bosch *********** *******

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***** *** ***

***** *** *** ******** ****** ***** alert ********** ****** *** ****** *******, including ******* *******, ****** ********, *******, foliage, *** *******. ********, ****** *** vehicle ********* ******** **** ******, **** very ******** ****** *** *****-****** ******** accuracy. *******, ** *** ******** ****** with ******* **** ******, ********** ** people.

***** ***

***** *** ******** ****** ***** ***** resistance ****** *** *******, ********* ******* foliage, ****** ********, *******, *******, *******, and **********. ********, ** ******** ****** person *** ******* ********* ********. *******, it *** ******** ****** **** **** single *** ********-****** ******** ********.

***** ***

***** *** ******** ****** ******* *********, and ****** ********** ** ***** ***** sources **** ** *******, *******, *******, and ***** *******. *******, *** *** moderate ****** **** ****** ********* *** tracking, ********** ** ****** **** ****** when ********* **********. ************, ** *** average ***** ***** ********** ** ****/**** and ****** ********.

Dahua *********** *******

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***** *********+

***** *********+ ******** ****** ***** ***** resistance ****** * ***** ** *******, including ****, *******, *******, ******* **********, and ***** *******. *******, ** *** moderate ****** **** ****** ********* ********, occasionally ******* *********** ********* **********. ********, it ******** ******** ** **** ***** alert ********** ** *** ******** ** animals *** ****** ********.

***** ********

***** ******** ******** ****** ******* ********* accuracy, *** ****** ********** ** ***** alerts ****** * ***** ** *******, including *******, *******, ***** *******, *** vehicle **********. *******, ** *** ******** challenges **** ****** ********* ********, ************ when *********** *** ********* **********. ************, occasional ***** ****** ***** ** ******* such ** ****/****, *******, *** ****** vehicles.

***** ***+

***** ***+ ******** ****** ********** ** false ****** ****** ******* **********, ********* parked ********, *******, *******, *** ***** changes. *******, ** *** ******** ****** with ****** *** ******* ********* ********, missed **********, *** ********* ********** ***********. Moreover, ** *** ****** **** ***** alerts ** ****/****, *******, *** ******* headlights. *******, ****** ******** *** ****, frequently ******** ******** *****.

***** *********

***** ********* ******** ****** ***** ***** resistance ** ****** ********, *******, *** light *******. *******, ** ********* **** person *** ******* ********* ********, ********** missing ****** *** ********. ************, *** false ***** ********** ** ****, *******, foliage, *** ********** ** ****.

Digital ******** *********** *******

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******* ******** ******* ***

******* ******** ******* *** ******** ****** false ***** ********** ** ******* **** as *******, ****** ********, ***** *******, and **********. *******, ** *** ******** false ***** ********** ** ******* *** average ****** ********. *******, *** ****** detection ******** *** ***** *******, ***** resulting ** ****** ********** ** ****** running, ************, *********** ** ****/**** *** shadows *** ****, ******* ** ******** false ******.

******* ******** ******* ** ******

******* ******** ****** ** ********* ******** false ****** **** ******* **** ** swaying *******, *******, ** ***** *******. However, ***** **** ***** ****** ** animals ** *** *****, ******** ****** on * ****** ****** ******* ******* the *****, *** ******* ********** ********* alerts ** ****** ********.

Eagle *** *********** *******

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Eagle *** *********

***** *** ********* ******** ****** ***** alert ********** ******* ******* *******, **** as *******, *******, *******, ***** *******, and ******* **********. *******, ** *** moderate ****** ********* ******, **** ********** misses **** ********* ********** ** ******* and ********** ***** ****** ** ****/****. Moreover, ** *** **** ****** ******** accuracy, *** ******** ***** **** *******.

Hanwha *********** *******

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****** ******* * ** *********

****** ******* * ** ********* ******** strong ****** *** ******* ********* ********, single/multiple ****** ********, *** **** ********** to ***** ****** **** ****** ******* such ** *******, ****** ********, *******, shadows, *** ***** *******. *******, ** has ******* ***** ***** ********** ** rain/snow, ********* ** ********** ***** ******.

****** ******* *

****** ******* * ******** ****** ***** alert ********** ** *******, ****** ********, light *******, *** **********. *******, *** person ********* *********** *** ********, ************ missing *********** ** *** *****. ************, it ****** ********** ***** ****** ********* by ****/**** *** *******, *** *****-******* performance ** ********* ***** ****** ****** by *******.

****** ******* * **

****** ******* * ** ******** ****** resistance ** ***** ****** **** ****** sources **** ** *******, ****** ********, foliage, *******, ***** *******, *** **********. Additionally, ** *** ***** ****** *** vehicle *********. *******, ** *** ********** performance ****** **** ****** *** ********-****** tracking *** ************ ******** ***** ****** on ****/****.

****** ******* * *********

****** ******** * ********* ******** ****** false ***** ********** ** ****** ********, it *** **** ****** *** ******* detection *** **** ***** ***** ********** to ******* **** ** ****, *******, foliage, *******, *** ***** *******.

Hikvision *********** *******

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********* ******** **

******** ******** ** ******** ****** ***** alert ********** ** ****, *******, *******, light *******, *** ******* **********. *******, it *** ******** ****** ********* ******** and ************ ********* ***** ****** ** animals. ******, ** *** **** ***** alert ********** ** ****** ********, ******* nuisance ******.

********* **********

******** ********** ******** ****** ***** ***** resistance ** ****, *******, *******, ***** changes, *******, *** ******* **********. *******, it *** ******** ****** ********* ******** and **** ***** ***** ********** ** parked ********, ******* ******** ******.

********* *********

********* ********* ******** ***-****** **** ***********, missing ****** *** ******** ** *** scene, ************, ***** ***** ********** *** poor ** *** ******* **** ** rain, *******, *******, ****** ********, *******, light *******, *** ******* **********.

iPRO *********** *******

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i-PRO ** *********

*-*** ********* ******** ****** ****** ********* accuracy, ********* ****** ** *** ******** and ********* ********** ** *******, ****** vehicle *********, *** ***** ***** ********** to *** ******* **** ** ****, animals, ****** ********, *******, *******, ***** changes, *** **********. *******, ** *** moderate *********** ***** ******** ******** ****** in * *****.

Lilin *********** *******

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***** ******** ****** *********

***** ***** ******** ****** ********* ******** strong ***** ***** ********** ****** ** swaying *******, *** *********** ** ********* individuals *** ******** **** *****. ***********, it *** ***** ****** ****** ** various *******, ********* ****, *******, ****** vehicles, *******, *******, ************ ** ********, and **********.

***** ****-***** *********

***** ****-***** ********* ******** *********** ******** in ********* ******** *** * ****** false ***** ********** ** ****, *******, changes ** ********, *** *******. ** performed ********** **** ******* ******* *** person ********, *** *** ***** ***** resistance ** ****** ******** *** ********* poor.

Meraki *********** *******

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****** ** ****** *********

****** ** ****** ********* ******** **** resistance ** *** ****** ******* ** false ****** **** ** *******, *******, headlights, ****, *** **** *** ** the ******* ******* ** *****, ******* in *** *****. *******, ****** ****** a ****** **** ******* *** ** detect ****** ** *** *****.

Mobotix *********** *******

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******* **-********* ***

******* **-********* *** ******** ****** ********** to ***** ****** ** *******, *******, changes ** ********, ****** ********, *** headlights. *******, *** *********** *** ********** impacted ** ********** ***** ****** ********* on ******* *** ****/****. ***********, ** struggled **** ******* **********, ******* ***** alerts. *******, **-********* *** **** *** include ******* ********* ************.

******* ****************

******* ***************** ******** ****** ********** ** false ****** ** ******* *** ***** changes, ** *** **** ****** *** vehicle ********* *** ******** ***** ****** on ****, *******, ****** ********, *******, and **********.

Pelco *********** *******

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***** ***** * ***

***** ***** * *** ******** ****** person *** ******* *********, ********* ****** partially ********** ** *******, *** ****** high ********** ** ***** ****** **** as ****, *******, *******, ***** *******, and ******* **********. *******, ** ********* moderately **** ****** ********, ************ ******** on **** ** *** *****, *** average ******** *** ********, ******** *** box *** ******* *** ****** **** up ******* ********** ****** ** *** same ******.

Rhombus *********** *******

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******* ** *********

******* ******** ****** ******* ********* *** resisted ****** **** *******, ******/*****, *******, light *******, *** ******* **********, ******* had **** ****** **** ****** *********, bounding *** ********, ******** ******** ******, and ******** **** ***** ****** ** rain/snow.

Turing *********** *******

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****** ****** *********

****** ****** ********* ******** ****** ****** and ******* ********* *** ******** ***** events ** ****, *******, *******, *******, light *******, *** ******* **********, ** had ******** ****** ********* ****** **** parked ******** *** ******** ****** *** multi-people.

Ubiquiti *********** *******

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******** ** ******

******** ** ****** ******** ***-****** ****** performance, ********* ****** ****** *** ******* detection *** ********* ***** ****** ** rain, *******, ****** ********, *******, ***** changes, *******, *** ******* **********. *******, it *** ******** *********** **** ******** people ** *** *****, ********* ******** multiple ***** ** * ****** ******.

Uniview *********** *******

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******* **** ********

******* ******** *********** ******* ********* ******** and ****** ********** ** ***** ****** caused ** *******, ******* ** ********, shadows, *** **********. *******, ** ********* with ********* *********** *** **** ********* obstructed *** ************ ****** ** ******** bounding ***** ** *********** ** ******. Moreover, ******* ********* **** ********** ** false ****** ** ******* *** ****** vehicles.

******* *********

******* ********* ******** **** *********** ** all *****, ********* **** ****** ********* capabilities *** * **** **** ** false ****** ********* ** ****, *******, foliage, ****** ********, *******, ******* ** lighting, *** **********.

Verkada *********** *******

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******* *********

*******'* ******* ********* *** ***** ***** resistance ** *******, *******, *******, *** fluctuations ** ******** **** ******. ** occasionally *** ****** **** ****** ********* accuracy, ************ **** *********** *** **** partially **********. ************, ** *** ********** false ****** ********* ** ****/**** *** average ****** ********.

Vivotek *********** *******

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******* ***** ****** *********

******* ***** ****** ********* ******** ****** vehicle ********* ******** *** * **** false ***** ********** ** *******, ********, foliage, *******, *** ************ ** ********. However, ********** ***** ****** **** ****** by ******* ********** *** ****/****. ***********, the ****** ********* ************ **** *******, and ** ********* ** ****** *********** who **** ******** ******** ** *** scene, ********* ** **** ******** *** tracking.

******* ******

******* ****** ******** ****** ****** *** vehicle *********, ***** ***** ********** ** animals, ****** ********, *******, *******, ***** changes, *** **********. ** *** ******** performance ********* ******** ****** ** *** scene *** ********** ***** ****** ** rain.

Biggest *************** ***** *** *********: ***** ****, *******, ****** ********, ******** *** ********

****** *******, ** ***** *** ******* to ****** ***** ****** ****** ** heavy ****, ******* (**** ***** *** large), ****** ********, *** ******** ********* obstructed *********** ******* ** *** *************** among *** ********* ******.

***** ****-********** ********* *** ******** ** constant ***** ******, **** ********, *** missed ********** ** ********* ********** ****** were ******, *** ***-********** ********* ******** in *** ***** *** *****, ********* false ****** *** ********** ******** ***********, even **** ********* **********.

** *** *******, ***** ******** ** the ***** ****** *********** *** **** average *** ***** **********, **** ***** events ******** ********* ** ********* ** the **** ** ***** ******* **** in *******.

************, **** ******* *** ***** ********** struggled **** ***** ****** ********* ** parked ********, ******* ********** ******** ******, which *** ***** ***** ** ****** valid ******, ** **** ** ******* with ********** ** ***-******.

*********, ***** ****** ********* ** ******* (small *** *****) ** *** ***** proved *********** *** **** ******* *** worst **********.

IPVM Image

***********, ****** ******** ****** ****** ***** all ********* ******, *** *******, ******* performers ***** ********* ****, *** **** up ******** ***** ** **** **** reliable ******** (***** *****) ** ****** walking ** ****** ** ****** *******, while *****-******* ** **** ***** ******* solid ******** *** ********, **** **** partially ********** ******.

Person ********* ********

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**** **********:*** **** ********** ** **** ******** all ********* ***** ****** ********* ********, with ********** ***** *************** ** ****** in *** *****. ************, ****** **** always ******* ** **** **********, ********, running, ** ******** ********.

***** *******/******* **********:*** *****-******* ** ******* ********** ** this ******** ***** ********* ******** ********* objects ** ****** ** ************ **** people **** **** *** ********* **********, walking, ********, ** *******.

IPVM Image

***** *******/***** **********:*** *****-******* ** ***** ********** ** this ******** *** *** **** ******** detection ** ******, ******* * ****** crawling, *******, **********, ** ******** ********.

Vehicle ********* ********

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**** **********:*** *** ********** ********* ******** *** vehicles ** *** ***** ***** ******* at * *** ***** ** ~** mph.

***** *******/******* **********:***** ******* ** ******* ********** ************ missed * ******* ******* ******* *** scene ** ********** * **** ** the ******* ** * ******.

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***** *******/***** **********:***** ******* ** ***** ********** ***** not ******** ******* ****** ** ******* vehicles.

Rain/Snow ***** ***** **********

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**** **********:*** **** ********** ** **** ******** had ********** ***** ****** ** ***** rain ** ****.

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*****-*******/******* **********:*** *****-******* ** ******* ********** *** infrequent ** ********** ***** ***** ****** caused ** ********* ** ***** **** and ****** ********** **** ** ****** or ******** ** * ***** *****, though **** ******** **** ************ ** some ********* (~* ***** * ****) while ********* ************ (~* ***** * day) ** ***** *********.

*****-*******/***** **********:*** *****-******* ** ***** ********** ********** alerted ** ****/****, ******* ******** ******, which *** **** ** ***** ******** alerts, ** ****** ** ******** ****** hundreds ** ******.

Animal ***** ***** **********

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**** **********:*** **** ********** ** **** ******** had ********** ***** ****** ** ******* in *** ***** ******* **** **** walking, *******, *******, ** ********* ** the *****.

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*****-*******/******* **********:*****-******* ** ******* ********** *** ********** or ********** ***** ****** ** *******, and ****** ********** **** ** ****** or ******** ** ** *****, ****** false ****** **** ****** ********* **** an ****** *** ********* ** ******** postures/running ** *** *****, ******* ** the ***** *****.

*****-*******/***** **********:*****-******* ** ***** ********** ** **** scenario ***** *** ****** *** ***** alerts ** ******* ** *** ******** causing ******** ***** ****** **** ******* in *** *****.

Foliage/Leaves/Wind ***** ***** **********

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**** **********:**** ********** *** ********** ***** ****** on ******* *****, *****, ** **** in *** ***** *** *** *** alert ** ******** *** **** ** the ******.

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*****-*******/******* **********:*****-******* ** ******* ********** *** ********** to ********** ***** ****** ****** ****** to ****** **** ***** ****** ***** swaying ******* *** ** *** *****.

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*****-*******/***** **********:*****-******* ** ***** ********** *** ******** alerts ** ******* ******* *** ******** many ***** ******, ********* **** ******** events.

Light ******* ***** ***** **********

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**** **********:**** ********** ** **** ******** *** negligible ***** ****** ** *********** ***** changes ** * ****, * ****** changing **** ***/***** *****, ** * cloud *******.

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*****-*******/******* **********:*****-******* ** ******* ********** *** ********** or ********** ***** ***** ****** ** clouds *******, ***** *******, ** ******* switching **** ***/***** *****, ******* ***** events ** ********** *******, ** *********** light ******* ** * ****.

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*****-*******/***** **********:*****-******* ** ***** ********** ** **** scenario ***** *** ****** ***** ****** on ***** *******, ******** **** ***/***** modes, ** ****** *******.

Shadows ***** ***** **********

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**************: **** ********** *** ********** ***** alerts ** ******* ******* ** ******* shaped **** ****** ****** ******* *** scene.

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*****-*******/******* **********:*****-******* ** ******* ********** *** ********** to ********** ***** ****** ** ******* or ******* *******.

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*****-*******/***** **********:***** ** ***** ********** *** ******** or ******** ***** ****** *** ***** not ****** ***** ****** ** ******* or ******* *******.

Parked ******* ***** ***** **********

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**** **********:**** ********** *** ********** ***** ****** on ****** ********.

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*****-*******/******* **********:*****-******* ** ******* ********** *** ********** to ********** ***** ****** ** * parked *******, ******* ******* ***** ******* or ********* * ******* ***** ******** the ********.

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*****-*******/***** **********:*****-******* ** ***** ********** *** ******** or ******** ***** ****** ** ****** vehicles.

Vehicle ********** ***** ***** **********

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**** **********:**** ********** *** ********** ***** ****** on *** ********** ** **** ****** of ******** ****** ******* *** *****.

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*****-*******/******* **********:*****-******* ** ******* ********** *** ********** or ********** ***** ****** ** ******* headlights ** **********.

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*****-*******/***** **********:*****-******* ** ***** ********** ** **** scenario *** ******** ** ******** ****** on ********** ** **********, **** **** events ********* ** ********** ** ********** in *** ******.

Person ******** *** ******** ********

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**** **********:*** **** ********** ** **** ******** exhibited ****** ******** ** ****** ** the ***** **** * ******** ***, and **** *** **** ******** ***** while ****** **** ******* ** ********** by ** ******.

***** *******/******* **********:*** *****-******* ** ******* ********** ** this ******** ********* ******** ********* ** a ****** ** *** ***** ****** tracking **** **** * ******** *** was ** *****, ********* ******** *** box **** * ****** *** ********** or **** ******* ** *** *****, which *** ** ********** ****** ** the **** ******.

***** *******/***** **********:*** ***** ******* ** ***** ********** in **** ******** ***** *** ******** track ******* *** ********** ******* *** bounding *****, **** ***** *** ****** was *** ********** ** *******.

Multiple ****** ******** ********

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**** **********:*** **** ********** ** **** ******** had ****** ********-****** ******** ** *** scene, ********* ******** ***** ** *** people ***** **** ************ ******** ****** on *** ******* ********.

*****-*******/******* **********:*** *****-******* ** ******* ********** ** this ******* ***** *** ******** ***** multiple ****** ** *** *****, ***** triggering ******** ****** ** ****** ******** or ******** ******** ***** ** ****.

*****-*******/***** **********:*** *****-******* ** *****-****** ********** *** not ******** ***** ******** ****** ** the ***** *** ***** ******* ******** events, *** **********.

PPF ******** *** *********

*** ********* ** *** ******** *** reliable ****** *********. **** **** **** analytics ******* ** * ******* ****** and ** *** ***** ** * higher/native **********. ** ******** *** ** the ****** **** ** ********.

IPVM Image

****: *** **** ********** ********* *** were ********* ****** ~** *** *** lower, ********* * ****** ********* ******** and **** *********** **** ****** ******** across *** *****.

*******: ******* ********** ******** ****** ** ~14 - ** ***, * ******* distance **** ****** ****** ***** ******** adequate *********.

*****: *** ***** ********** ******** ****** at ~**+ ***, ******* * *** detection ***** ** ****** ** *** scene.

VMS ***** ***********

*** *********** ****** **** ******* ***** Motion *********, **** ****/****/****, *** ****** Wisenet */*/* *********** ****** **** *** major ***** ***** ***** ****-***** *********, Digital ********, ******* **** ********, *** 3xLogic *********** **** *** ** ** Major *****.

IPVM Image

Versions ****

*** ********* ******** **** **** ****** testing.

  • ******** **: *.**.**
  • ******** **: *.**.*.**
  • ******** **: *.**.*.**
  • ***: ****************
  • **** **** ********: **.*.**
  • **** ******* ********: **.*.*
  • **** ****** *****: *.*.*
  • **** ********* ********: *.*
  • **** ****: *.**.*
  • ***** ***: *.**.****
  • ***** ***: *.**.****
  • ***** *** ***:*.**.****
  • ***** *********+: **.***.*******.*.*, ***** ****: ****-**-**
  • ***** *********: *.*.**.*******.**.*
  • ***** ***** ******+: **.***.*******.**.*
  • ***** ********: **.***.*******.**.*
  • ***** *******: **.***.*******.**.*
  • ****** ******* * **: *.**.**
  • ****** ******* * **: *.**.**
  • ****** ******* *: *.**.**
  • ********* **********: **.*.**
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Comments (6)
May 11, 2023


* ********** ** ******* ***** *** support ** ******** *** (******* **** report ********* **** ** **********), **** answer **** ** ** ***.

IPVM Image

Rob Kilpatrick
May 11, 2023
IPVM • IPVMU Certified


****** *** ******** **** ***, **** is ** ***** ** ** **** when ****** *** ***** (*** * just ****** ******* ***********). ***** ******** events ********* **** ********* *** *******, they ***** ** *** ********* **** Exacqvision *** ** *******. * ******* the ***** ** *******.

Raymond Shadman
Jun 28, 2023
IPVMU Certified

***** **** *** * **** ******* post, *** ****** ********** *** **** the **** "*****" ** ******** ********* making *** ******* ******** ** **** model **** *********.

Jason Brown
Jul 13, 2023

* ***** **********!

Rob Kilpatrick
Jul 13, 2023
IPVM • IPVMU Certified

****** *** ******** **** ***!

* ***** *** *** ********** *********** summaries *** ******* *** *** "*****".

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 05, 2024

* **** **** *** ******* ********* from * ******** ******* ** **** next ******.

*** * **** * ***’* **** the **** *******/******** *** ** ***** like *** **** "**********" ** ********* a *** ***** ** *** ******.