ADT Misses on Revenue Q1 2023, Stock Falls

Published May 03, 2023 13:30 PM

In the past 3 years, ADT has been backed by two of the largest companies in the world. Despite this, investors were disappointed with ADT's most recent financial results.

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For background, see Google Invests in ADT, ADT Stock Soars and State Farm Invests $1.2 Billion, Acquires 15% of ADT as well as ADT 2022 Financials and 2023 Outlook Examined.

***'* ***** ******* ~**% ********* ***** releasing *** ** **** *******:

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**** *** **** ****, *** ***** was ******* **** ***** *** **** day:

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***** ** **** ****** *** *** most ****** ****, ** ** **** on *** ****** **% ****** ******** stock ***** ****** **** ************ **** met **** ******* ********:

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Solar ********

** ***'* * ******** *****, ***** showed *** **** *********** ********, **** revenue **** **% *** ******** **** 37%:

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*** ******** ***** ******** *** **** try ** ******* *********** *** ***** business:

*** ***** ******** *** *********** **** continued ******** ** ****. ** ** overall ******** *****, ****** ******** ***** are ********** ****** ** ********* *** residential ***** *** ****** **** ********* and **** *********, ***** ** ********** some ****** ********* **** *** ********* Reduction ***.

************, ** ***** **** **** ***** of ** *********** *** *****. **** quarter's ******* ** ******* ** *** the *********** ** ****** *** **'** executing * ****** ** ********* ******* to ******* **********, ******** ********** *** financial *******. ***** ******* ******* ******* or *****-*******, ********* * *** ****** program *** ************ *** ************ *** business ** ******* **** *** **********.

** ****** ** ****, *** ******** ****** Solar, **** *** ***** ******** **** year ********** *** **.*% ** ***** revenue:

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Commercial ******

***'* **** *********** *** ** **********, with *** ******* ********* ******* ** 15% *** ****** ********** ***** ** slightly ****, ********** **** ** **** driven ** ************* (**** ****** ** commercial):

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*** **********

** ******** ** ** **** ******* with *** ******** ** **** ** our ********** *******....

********** ** ******* ** **** ***** cylinder. **'** ***** **** ** *** day-to-day ******** *** ********. **'** ********** capabilities. *'** ********* **** ****** ** new ********* **** *** ******** ** show ***** ****** ** ****** *** education *** **********. ** *** **** solid, ******* ** **%, ******* * solid ******* **** ****. ****** *** up **** *************. *** *** ************* we ****'* ** -- ** ****'* grow **** *** ** *** ******* of ******* **** *** *******.

*** ******* **** ** ** *** RMR *** ***** ** ****** ******. This ** * ********, **'* ***** service. ** ******* ********* ***** ** our ********* *** *** ******** *** been ******** *** **. ** *** margin *****, ** ******** ** ******* productivity. *** **** *** **** * great *** **** * **** ********** perspective *** *** ****** ********* ** a ****** ** ****.

Residential / *** *****

***'* ******** *** ***** ******** (***, i.e. ****** *********** *** *****). ******* was ** *% *** *** ********** count *** **** **** **** ****:

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*** ** ********** ******* *** ******* for *** ****** **** ******** *****, emphasizing:

** *** ********** ** *** ****** demand *** ****** **** ********, ***** have *********** *** *** ********** *** are ******* * ****** ******* ******* of *.* ***** ****** ***, ** improvement **** *.* ***** **** * year ***.....

** *** ********* ******* ** *** CSB ******** ** *** ********** ** average **** ******** ***** ** ************* $3,000 *** **********, ** ***** $*** since ****. *** ***** ** ******** lifetime ***** ** *** *** *** subscriber ** ** ** *.* ***** versus *.* ***** ** ****. ** a ********, **** ******** ***** ****** the ********* ********* ******* ****** *** expected ********** **** **** *** *** and **** ******** ******* *****.

State ****

*** **** **** **** ******* ***** the ***** **** *********** ***********:

*** ****** **** **** ***** **** is ** ********* *** ********** -- homeowner ********* ******** **** ****** *********** to ******* ********** *** **********, ** essentially ***** ****** *** *** ******* is * **** ** **** ****** Protection *** ** *** ***** ****, intrusion, *** ***** ********* ******* ** help ******** ******.

** ****** *** ** ******* * few ***** ***. ** ****** *** in ******** *** ************ **** ********. We *** **** ***** ** ** the **********. *** ***** *** ******* well ********. * ***** ** **** something ** *** **** ** *** sales ** **, *** **'** ******* about **. **'** ** ** ** least ******* *** ****** ********** *** rest ** *** ****. *** ********, it's ***** ** *** ****, *** feels ****** ****. **'** ***** ******* on *** **** *** ******** ****** and *** ****** *******. *** **'** out ** *** ****

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*** ********** ********* *********:

**'* ********* ***** *** ***** *********.

*** **** **** ******* ** *********, the **** ******** ** ***** ** upsell *** ******** ** ***** ******* and ***** ********. *** *****, **** is **** *****. ** **'* *** soon... *** * ***** **** *** early ********** ******** **** *** ****** of ***** **** ** ****** ** real.

****** **** ***** **** ****** **** pitch *** ***** ******* *********

*** ***** **** ***** ****** *** process ** ******* ********* ********** *** customer ** *** *********** ** *** circle ** **********. *** ********* ** State **** **** **** ********* ***** fire *** ********* **** * ********. That ******** ****** ** *****, *** the ****** ** *** **** ******** to ******* ** ****** ** ***** to *** ********** *** **** *** customer ******.

*** ****, ****** *** ***** **** ******** ******** Discounts *** **** ********* **** *****.

Google *****

*** ******** ** ********* ** *** sales, ****** **** *** *** *********:

** ********, ** ******** *** ****-*****, the ***** ****** ** ********* *** internally ********* ***+ *** **** ******'* Nest ********. *** ****** ** ***** products *** ** **** * **% increase ** *** ***** **** ******* versus *** ***** ******* ** ****.

*** ** ***** * *** ****** song** *** **** ** ******* ****.

*** ************ **** *** *** ****** is ******* *** **** ** ***** the ****** *********** ** **** ** win ***** ****:

** **** ******** * ****** ** months *** *** *** *** ******* with ******. ** **** ** *** ADT ****-***** *******. ** *** **** as ** ********** *********** ** ****** some ** **** *** *** ****'* been ************ ** *** **** ****** of *****. *** **** ******* ** killer **** **'** ********, *********** **** Google *** *** ********. ** **** is **** *********** ***** ** *** market *** **'** ****** **** ****** nice ***** ** *** ******.
