**** *********** ** ****** ****** *** GDPR ** ****** ****?
Face Recognition And GDPR
**** ** ******** ** ** ***** FR ** ****** ***** ** **** compliant.
** **, ** ** ******* ** implement ** ** ****** *****.
*** **** **** ******* ********** ** people ********** ** *** ** (**** UK, ******, ***). ** *** ****** you're ****** ** *** ** ** in *** ****** ****, *** **** is *** ******* * *******.
** ***'** ****** ** ****** ** in ****** ***** ** *** **, then *** **** ** ********** * major *******.
**** *********, **** ******,********* *** ****** ************* ****** ***** ******* * ***** order. *********** *** ******* ************ ****** ***********.
***** *********, **** *** **,** ***** **** **** ***** ******* *******, *** **** *** specific *** ***** **** ** ******** shoplifters.
**** ** *** ***** ** **** country's ************** ** *** ****'******** *,***** ********* ********** (*.*. **** ***) with **** * *** **********, **** as "*********** ****** ********".
** ***'** ****** ** *** ** a **** *** ****** ** * public **** ** ******, **'* **** to ***** **** **** *******'* **** protection ****** (***) *****.
Ask questions and get answers to your physical security questions from IPVM team members and fellow subscribers.
**, *'* *** ***% **** **** question ***'** ******, *** * ***** you ***** ** ********* ***** ******* face *** ******** ** *** ****** East **** ** ****** **** *** GDPR.
*** ****** ** **. *** **** **** ******* ** ********** of ******* ********** ** *** **, which ** ** ********* (********** *). ** **** ******* ** * few ***-** ********* ***** ******* ** into ***** *** ***********: ******, *******, Liechtenstein, *** *** **.
**** ** **** *** ******* ** Egypt *** ******* ****** ** ****** tourists, *** **** **** *** *****; that's ******* *** ***** ** *** GDPR.
*** **** *** ******** *** **** asking? ** ***, **** *** ** know!